MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2118 Convergence

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In fact, the most shocked are Wang Liuzhongming and Xie Wanshi.

They were all involved in the nine-day snowy expedition, and it was clear what stage Qin Feng was at. It was such a cockroach ant, who returned strongly after a few months, and killed the two powers of Gao Jingchao and Silent.

Even Qin Feng is somewhat unexpected. In fact, he is very clear about his current strength, and he is invincible, but it is still challenging to kill. Just as he seriously injured Ouyang Tian in the Magic Peak a month ago, but he did not destroy the other side.

As for the silence that can kill the real layer in one fell swoop, there are also many lucky elements. First of all, the silent spirit did not expect that when Feng Zhongtian came out to save the scene, Qin Feng dared to do it, and took a shot. It’s all killing, and it doesn’t give him any room to fight back or even resist.

Now that Qiangwei has been established, Qin Feng puts on the gesture of a worldly high-ranking person: "Is there anyone else who is not convinced of me? You can stand up."

The peaks of the mountains are silent, and the strength of the spirit is already the top of the crowd. I am afraid that only Shengzhongtian can compete with it.

While Sheng Zhongtian himself and Qin Feng are innocent and innocent, he will have some dissatisfaction because of Qin Feng’s arrogance, but he will not tear the skin with Qin Feng because of this matter, not to mention the current snowy city. The survival is pinned on Qin Feng.

"Qin Shaoxia, you said that you found the position of Fengtian Dazheng?" Sheng Zhongtian wisely shifted the topic.

Qin Feng put away the real momentum of his body and said: "The big array of squad called Xianshi Dazheng, it should be arranged by the people of Dongyezhou Kobe Gate. Once the Sinshi Array is functioning properly, the aura of the whole Shenzun continent will gradually Thin, and eventually become a wasteland for cultivation."

Several people have changed dramatically. They are the first to hear about the big stone.

“Where did Qin Shaoxia’s news come from? The Dongyezhou Kobe Gate is not one of the top sects in the mainland. Why is it that the layout of the sky will hinder the monks from flying?” Sheng Zhongtian is unbelievable.

Even Qin Feng did not want to understand the reasons for this. He thought that the top of the Kobe Gate had entered the fairyland, so he arranged a large array of obstacles to hinder other sects and monks from flying, in order to control the entire Shenzun continent...

But this kind of speculation has many places that can't be said. If the top of the Kobe gate is soaring, how can it return to the Shenzun mainland? And they can't ignore the other disciples of the entire Kobe gate? As a result, even the disciples of Kobe Gate are difficult to fly.

"This is what I found in the nine-day snowy cave house. You can see it when you look at it." Qin Feng threw a jade slip, which is Chu Fan's pen.

More than a dozen powerful gods swept over the jade, and after a while, they screamed.

"This is the first person of the snow city in the year, Chu Fan's predecessors!"

"I didn't expect the Kobe door to be one of the top forces in the mainland, but it was such a maddening thing in the back."

"It seems that Qin Shaoxia is all true. Let's go to the Xianshi big array and then completely destroy the battle."

There is something that Qin Feng did not explain. In fact, it was not necessary to destroy the foundry of Xianshi. It would not be able to resolve the situation. However, if the Sengshi Grand Array has always existed, the monks on the mainland will not want to fly the immortals. This is obviously a means of deliberation after the people who arranged the array...

The destruction of the formation is the end of the day, and it is difficult to make a decision without destroying it.

"Qin Shaoxia, where are you found in Xianshi?" Sheng Zhongtian has completely believed Qin Feng.

"The Dead Sea, the area of ​​the Liusha River." Qin Feng said truthfully.

Wang Liu Zhongming looked shocked: "What? The formation is in the Liusha River? How is this good?"

The rest of the power is a look of bitterness. As a real and robbing power, there are very few things that can stump them. This scene must be difficult to understand if it is seen by the hundreds of thousands of monks in the Snowy City.

"Can't the Liusha River go?" Qin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Sheng Zhongtian sighed and said: "Hey! It is not impossible to go, but the land of nine deaths... Maybe Qin Shaoxia is not clear about the Dead Sea. It is a ghost repairing place. It is covered in a strong yin all year round. It is totally unsuitable for human monks. survive."

"And there is a desperate place in the Dead Sea, which is the Liusha River. It is said that there is a ridiculous sandland. There is no living aura. Even the ghosts will not go in easily, even if some daring monks go in for exploration, but I haven't seen it alive."

At that time, the situation was urgent. Qin Feng did not listen to the red dragonfly to introduce the Liusha River in detail. Now, after understanding the depths from the Shengzhong Tiankou, Qin Feng understands why these powers are so jealous of the land of the Liusha River.

"In any case, the Liusha River must go. I have promised that the power of the magical capital can meet at the entrance of the Liusha River." Qin Feng's tone is unquestionable.

The situation is in front of you. Sheng Zhongtian and others also know that there is no retreat. When they learned that the power of the magical capital also joined the Liusha River, everyone was calm. Nowadays, the strong esteems of the two major sections are all assembled. Less than 20 of them are true. I believe that even if the Liusha River is horrible, there is hope for survival.

Seven days later.

The teams from both sides have successfully merged.

When Qin Feng led Sheng Zhongtian and others to the entrance of the Liusha River, the red dragon and other demons were already waiting in advance.

"Qin Shaoxia, everyone on my side is all together." Hung Hom immediately went up to meet.

Qin Feng's eyes swept away. In the team of the magic capital, they saw Lei Wang and Nie Yuan and others. These people have contradictions with him, but nowadays they are in a difficult position, and Qin Feng has no intention to find them trouble.

However, I did not see Ouyang Tian in the crowd. When Qin Feng was wondering, Hung Hom said: "Qin Shaoxia, Ouyang Tian was seriously injured by you, and I will kill him."

Qin Feng’s heart was left a burden. Although he had conflicts with Lei Wang and others, he was not a big enemy of life and death. Before that, he entered the No. 1 Demon Peak. Qin Feng killed Ouyang Tian’s youngest son, Ouyang Jun. With Ouyang Tian, ​​he formed a **** sea.

Today, Qin Feng has left a deep impression on the minds of the monks of the Modu. On that day, he broke through the robbery and bombarded the real power with thunder and robbery. Originally, Lei Wang and others thought that Qin Feng was taken away by the mysterious person. At this time, Qin Feng was seen again, and each one showed a shocked look.

"The demon king of Leidumen has seen Qin predecessors!"

"The devil sent Nie Yuan to see the predecessors of Qin!"

"Northern Mingshan North Ming Mo Zun swears to obey the instructions of Qin's predecessors, only hope that the seniors can lead everyone to resolve this destruction and catastrophe."


When the magical people were able to return to God, they took the initiative to say hello to Qin Feng.

This scene was stunned by Sheng Zhongtian and others. Although they saw Qin Feng’s powerful strength not long ago, they would not think that Qin Feng’s identity would be so noble. The top of the entire magical capital showed a humble attitude. Also called him a predecessor.

"This time everyone will work together to resolve the crisis." Before the departure, Qin Feng encouraged everyone's morale.

The original orthodox Taoist repairs of the Snowy City and the magical repairs of the Magical Capital are not in contact. Even when they met, they were fighting. Now, under the leadership of Qin Feng, the two major sections of the top ranks are strong and temporary alliances. No one will believe it.

Qin Feng was not familiar with the Dead Sea, but he soon realized that Hung Hom and Sheng Zhongtian had not been here. This is originally the site of ghost repair, with their tall identity on their respective sites, if they easily enter the Dead Sea, they will even lead to war between the two major monks.

Like the devil, the entrance to the Dead Sea also has a large stone with the words 'Dead Sea'. In fact, the stone is the gate of the Dead Sea. With Qin Feng’s level of eight-level sect, he quickly saw this secret array.

When he slammed into the boulder, everyone was unclear, but when he passed through the boulders and disappeared into the deserted sand, everyone immediately understood.

"The original stone monument is the entrance gate of the Dead Sea. It is really unexpected." Sheng Zhongtian sighed and jumped into the stone.

The power of Snowy City has kept up, and after they all entered the Dead Sea, Hung Hom led the strong deity of the Magic City and followed.

Through the front door, the foreground of the eye changed dramatically.

Although still in the endless desert sand, but the sky is gray, it seems to be a cloud-covered scene, making people feel heavy and heavy.

"The yin is heavy here, everyone is careful." Sheng Zhongtian brows close.

When Hung Hom came in, he was ready to explore the road ahead, but was stopped by Qin Feng.

"What happened to Qin Shaoxia?"

"Predecessors don't worry, the gods in the Dead Sea are hard to find out, some crises are simply unpredictable, or I am going to use Tianhuo to explore the road."

Qin Feng’s words fell, and a group of blue fires were shot in the hands. The flames burning in the fire were in the shape of two-flowered sunflowers, which looked fascinating under the dark fog.

"Is this the twentieth day of the fire of the fire? Or the spirit of the spirit of the second level!"

"What kind of person is Qin Shaoxia in the end? At a young age, he stepped into the hijacking layer. He was able to kill the real and strong, and there were two kinds of fires in the hands of Ice Heart Flame and Lingkui. This is too shocking to people..."

"Everyone is careful, there is a ghost in front."

When the spirit of the sunflower fires out, it seems that the dark world is lit up by a bright light. There are dozens of ghosts floating in the black fog, and the ghosts here are so powerful that they all form a god.

Hung Hom took the lead in discovering the crisis and immediately took a shot.

The loud noise suddenly exploded, but the real yuan shot on the ghouls had no effect, and it felt like a fierce punch on the cotton.

"The ghosts of the ghost cultivation system are all based on a trace of residual thoughts. The ordinary real yuan offensive has no effect on them. You can use the heavens and the earth to fire or the gods to attack the ghosts." Sheng Zhongtian said.

Hung Hom took up the real offensive and shot a black flame.

Qin Feng recognized that it was the 58th place in Shenzun’s mainland, but after the emergence of Black Lotus, other people did not react much. Qin Feng quickly understood that the presence of the robbery peaks and the real power, collecting the ranks of the ground fire is not a rare thing.