MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2115 Looking for a new singular array

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The old man paused for a moment, his eyes were fine, and he looked back and forth on Qin Feng. This continued: "Of course, the reason why I don't kill you is because you are the person who should be robbed."

Qin Feng looked shocked: "Predecessors can see that I am a robbery person?"

The old man smiled and said: "Oh! But all the monks who caused the killing of the robbers were the ones who were chosen by the heavens. Most of these people were directly killed by the thunder, but as long as they survived the robbery. The monks who come down must be a generation of gods."

Qin Feng initially learned from the barefoot real people that he was a robbery. He didn't believe it at first, but after years of experience, he has begun to accept it.

"I don't know the name of the predecessor's surname?" Qin Feng asked.

"Hey! No one has asked the name of the old man for many years, even I have forgotten it myself..." The old man sighed in the sky and thought for a long time and said with uncertainty: "It should be called hate."

Qin Feng was speechless for a while, and even his own name was forgotten. How old did this old guy live for hundreds of years?

"Where predecessors, I also heard a predecessor talk about the millennium catastrophe. According to him, every time a robbery arrives, there are people who should be robbed, and there should be more than one person who should be robbed. Are these not? Really?" Qin Feng wants to make sure.

Why do you have to hate and nod your head: "Yes! That's what the ancient books say."

"How do I find other people who should be robbed?"

Since the encounter with what hate, Qin Feng feels very incomparably small, he believes that the millennium catastrophe must be devastating, let him alone to confront, Qin Feng feels weak.

"This matter has its own arrangements." Why the hateful answer makes Qin Feng have the urge to bite.

"Can the predecessors help me to rob together? After all, this is the catastrophe of the entire human monk in the mainland. Once the failure is over, the predecessors will fall." Qin Feng deliberately put the seriousness of the problem out.

Why do you hate a chuckle: "Oh! You don't have to play tricks in front of the old man. The old man has eaten more dandruff than you eat... The millennium catastrophe can only be dealt with by the people you should rob, others involved It doesn't have any effect, let alone the old man has no big hatred, but no time to accompany you."

Qin Feng knows that this big backer can't catch it. In front of this top god, he has no right to speak.

"Since the predecessors of the predecessors have respected the lives of hundreds of thousands of monks on the mainland, I can only respect the personal choices of the predecessors, but you have to give me some treasure, so that I can protect myself. "?" Qin Feng said in a serious way.

Why do you hate being amused: "You ants, the skill is flat, the effort of the mouth is invincible, who said that the old man did not send you something? The chapter of the heaven and earth will not need me to emphasize its preciousness?"

"What is the use of the light method? Without the help of Xianshi, how can we break through the realm?" Qin Feng muttered to himself.

Why do you have to hate and say: "You grandson is also very embarrassed to say that the 108 sacred stones on the singular squad are used by you 20, and you are a scorpion ant who uses the sacred stone to break through the catastrophe. You are simply violent. ""

Qin Feng is now stepping into the catastrophe, repairing the power of the early stage of the realization, and in the recent slashing of Ouyang Tian, ​​how strong the power. At this point, I heard that I had to hate a cockerel to call him, so that he was very upset.

"I used twenty celestial stones to step into the hijacking layer on the first floor. Is this also a violent thing?" Qin Feng complained.

"Hey! How rare is the fairy stone on the mainland, only used to fly the fairy is worth the money, other usages are wasted."

Why do you have to stop and pause for a while and continue to say: "You don't want to remember Xianshi now, I will not give you anything, not to mention that now is not the time to remember other things, you still have to find a way to resolve the crisis in Xihaizhou."

Qin Feng's look changed: "The crisis in Xihaizhou? What is the predecessor's words?"

"Xianshi Dazheng is the ancient array of seals in the world. Once it is formed, it will gradually interfere with the change of the magnetic field in the plane. If the array is destroyed, the magnetic field on the plane will be chaotic and form a chaotic space." Why do you hate? Said.

Qin Feng immediately thought of the collapse space that appeared in the Zixia Mountains in Beishazhou. Why do he hate to see through his mind and continue to say: "The sky over the Zixia Mountains is an example. Moreover, the large stone array of Bailing Mountain Cave House is only damaged by the compass. There was a big crack, and now you have destroyed the entire singular squad in the No. 1 Demon Peak. It is conceivable that the outer sky is now afraid of a hole in the sky."

Qin Feng did not dare to think, if you really hate to say that, Xihaizhou is not for hell?

Who dares to stay here, accidentally stepping on the sword will be sucked away by the black hole. Aura does not have to think about it anymore, it will be slowly absorbed by the black hole, and the aura will be completely absorbed in Xihaizhou after being absorbed.

“How was the situation outside when the seniors came?” Qin Feng immediately asked.

Why do you hate the look of indifference: "Now it's okay, there is a crack in the sky of about ten miles, and the crack is not big, only a few tens of meters in diameter."

"..." Qin Feng rolled his eyes.

"Why didn't I take Xianshi when I left Bailing Mountain? The reason is here. Even if I am greedy and ignorant, I will not harm a monk on a continent because of my own interests. If I look at you again, I am really sad!" .


Qin Feng can't wait to rush to kill and why he hate. He knew where the consequences were so strict, otherwise he wouldn't ruin the singularity. Besides, now that Xianshi has gone to the need to hate, this old man is really standing and talking without backache.

"Do not talk nonsense, is there a way to resolve the crack?" Qin Feng came to temper.

Why do you have to hate and not be angry, and look calmly: "There is only one way to find the next place in the Xianshi big array."

Qin Feng did not understand: "Next location?"

"Yes." Why do you hate and say: "You may not have figured out the big stone, there is only one in this array."

Qin Feng immediately interrupted him: "How is this possible? I obviously found a large array of Xianshi in Beishazhou and Xihaizhou."

"The singular squad you see here is the one you saw in the Bailingshan cave house." Why do you hate to explain: "In fact, there is only one singular squad, but every time the array is attacked or damaged, The position will be shifted, and the position of the array is regular. As long as you master the master of the array, you can calculate the place of the next array."

Qin Feng feels incredible. He is now an eight-level squad, but it is the first time that he heard that the formation can be transferred by himself, and the distance can be transferred across Beishazhou and Xihaizhou.

But after thinking about it for a moment, Qin Feng found that the statement of why he should hate was established in time. When the crack appeared in the Zixia Mountains, the cracks disappeared. This should be the reason why Xianshi’s large array was transferred to Xihaizhou.

In this case, Qin Feng can't figure out some more. Since Xianshi's large array will be transferred automatically after the damage, and can be repaired after the transfer, why is there a spiritual pool and phoenix flower in each place after the transfer? Since the array method can be repaired by itself, can the crack in the void disappear as long as it takes a while?

These questions are not asked by Qin Feng. Why do you have to start to answer: "According to my personal guess, the forces that have arranged the Sinshi Array have long thought about the follow-up. They have set up multiple array bases on the Shenzun continent. One of the bases is damaged, and the Sengshi Grand Array will automatically transfer to the new base..."

"As for the cracks in the void, as long as the Sinshi large array resumes operation, it will slowly disappear, but this time you destroyed the Xianshi compass, it will take a long time to recover, so you should find the next base of the Xianshi big array as soon as possible. , proactively repair the array."

Qin Feng had a new understanding of the Xianshi Grand Array, and he learned the secret of the Dongyezhou Kobe Gate from Chu Fan's letter. He believed that the Xianshi Grand Array was probably the Kobe Gate layout.

Regardless of the facts, it is not important now. At present, the main thing for Qin Feng is to seize the time to find a new base for Xianshi Dazhen and to resolve the crisis of Xihai Chau.

"He predecessors, with my current level of law, I am afraid that it is difficult to calculate the next base of Xianshi Dazheng, and also ask the seniors to help."

Qin Feng knows why he should hate the secret of Xianshi Dazheng, and certainly there is a way to find a new base.

Why do you have to sigh and sigh: "Hey! It’s the old man who owes you, even if it is difficult for me to find the next base, but I can try my best."

Qin Feng said with a fist: "Thank you for your help from the predecessors. When I fix the Xianshi Dazheng, you are the great benefactor of the entire Xihaizhou monk."

"Oh! It’s useless to talk to the old man, even if I became a savior, what use is it? Do you think that my ancestors worship the awe? Those who use nothing to me." Why do you hate it?

Qin Feng knows that he is not arrogant, but a kind of pride from the heart. This pride comes from his inscrutable realm. It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Xihaizhou monk is indeed like an ant in his eyes. .

"You help me to protect the law, and it is very difficult to push the big stone. I can't be distracted."

Having a few words, why do you have to sit down and sit down. In his hand, he found a few flags and threw them in front of him, and sprinkled a few celestial stones. The arrangement of the flags was very strange. Even Qin Feng could not understand.

Although there are only eighteen flags, they are not fixed. The eighteen flags are constantly changing their orientations. They form a variety of formations in the void. Qin Feng just stands by and watches, but he does not know. There are many new insights into the law.

Time flies.

After a month, why do you hate to suddenly shoot your palms, and Yang Tian Gao said: "The new base was found, just near the Liusha River."

Read The Duke's Passion