MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2112 Mysterious come

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Breaking through the layer of catastrophe, Qin Feng felt that the real yuan in the body skyrocketed, as if the body had to be exploded.

His words are a knife.

Under the squat, the sky cut through a crack, and the crack was filled with purple awns, and it looked like a beautiful galaxy in the darkness of the sky.

The million monks on the magic peak collapsed instantly, and some of the magical repairs that were fleeing in the sky also stopped. The black mist instantly engulfed the sluggish monks, and their bodies quickly disappeared without any notice.

The time seemed to stop the half-shooting. When Ouyang Tian woke up, the knife gas had already burst on him. The real element was like a sea, and the armor on his body was suddenly blown up, and eventually the flesh was blurred with flesh and blood.


Just a knife, Ouyang Tian fell from the sky into a huge pit.

Millions of demons wake up and instantly fall into deeper shocks. But the devils have a handful of real powers, but they are as weak as the ants in Qin Feng.

Even Lei Wang’s several realities were shocked, and my heart could not help but gladly, but fortunately, I did not start with Qin Feng.

"Qin Shaoxia, what should I do now?"

Hung Hom has already rushed out of No. 2 Devil Peak. He realized that Ouyang Tian was going to help Qin Feng when he started to work. After the results came out, he found that the battle was over.

"Predecessors are taking everyone out of here, these swallowing spirits have matured and can't be killed." Qin Feng said quickly.

"How could this be? I just saw that Qin Shaoxia’s thunder has killed countless fairy worms." Hung Hom did not understand the situation.

"Those who are just larvae, devour the fairy worms by the gods to split and multiply, can break up countless new individuals every moment." Qin Feng had to tell the most real situation of Hung Hom.

Red stunned, even can rely on the gods to split new individuals, this breeding method is too horrible.

Many demons have heard the dialogue between the two people. The last meaning in the bottom of my heart is completely shattered. A large number of monks have begun to escape. Even if they know that they may die faster, they have at least a chance to live. And staying in the Magic Peak really can only wait for death.

The situation has reached a point where it cannot be reversed. The whole demon is covered with black fog and fog, as if it were hell.

Lei Wang and Nie Yuan’s several real powers also began to escape. In the face of these horrible fairy worms, their fierce and true Yuan offensives did not work at all.

However, he saw that Jinbei did not flee in the direction of the crowd. He even rushed to Qin Feng. He had enough hands to carry the real yuan, and he could bring out the momentum of the earth at any time.

In the chaos, no one found the behavior of the Golden Monument. Even Qin Feng did not notice his approach. Under the catastrophe of the Magic Capital, only the Golden Monument knew that it was useless to escape. Even if it escaped. Magic Capital, these fairy worms will also be swallowed up to other sections, and the real way to survive is to steal the genus of Qin Feng.


But before the golden monument was completely close, a hurricane hit from the far air.

The hurricane was like a dragon, and the magnetic field changed when it went. The airflow stirred the shape of the vortex in the sky, and the wind solidified, as if the void was frozen.

Some people have discovered the change in the far air, exclaiming the ups and downs, and the hurricane seems to be in an extremely distant place, but only after a few breaths, is already close at hand.

"What is that?"

"There seems to be a person in the hurricane. Who is this? Can the speed be so fast?"

When everyone started talking, the figure had already flashed over the Devil Peak, and there was a low-pitched voice: "Don't stop the road, or die!"

This sentence is said to the gold monument, because the gold monument is just in the line of the speed of the person. The first thought of Jinbei is that this person also saw the fairy armor of Qin Feng, which came for the sage.

"Dare to scatter in front of the old man, find death!" Jinbei does not give up, because Qin Feng's body is the only chance to survive.

His voice just fell, the figure has approached, it seems that just raising his hand, rolling up a momentum of destruction of suffocation.


The body of the golden monument burst in the sky, flesh and blood flew, and the baby body that fled and fled was instantly blown up.

The violent explosion continues.

There was a strange atmosphere in the magical peak.

Millions of demons are stunned, but they have just been destroyed. However, the devils are the first masters of the masters of gold monuments. Before the red dragonfly stepped into the real world, he was the highest power.

But this is the only way to look at the strong respect of the back of the item, being directly killed by a sudden one, the strength of this person is even above Qin Feng.

However, the next scene was even more shocking, and even forgotten the death of the Golden Monument.

When the mysterious man extinguished the golden monument, he continued to move forward without stopping. Finally, he flew to the top of the highest peak of the magic peak, holding a small gourd in his hand, and was sucking the celestial insects.

The little gourd didn't know what the magic weapon was. The suction was amazing. He formed a whirlwind hurricane in the air, but all the floating insects that swallowed nearby were instantly inhaled.

Above the foothills, one person smashed, sucking through the sky.

However, after a fragrant incense, the dark fog over the magical capital faded, and there was a feeling of reappearing the day, and the mysterious man stood under the light, like a salvation god.

"Oh my God! Who is this in the end? Can you even take away the insects?"

"There is no such **** in the entire Xihaizhou."

"Is it from the top of Dongyezhou to help the top of the magical demon? This can not be said."

The identity of the incoming person became a mystery, and his body was covered with a dazzling golden awn. After so long, no one could see through the face of Jin Mang.

Even Qin Feng was shocked. He had already tried to sweep away with the gods, but when the gods reached the place where the mysterious person was hundreds of meters away, they could no longer sweep in.

"Hung Hom seniors, do you know this person?" Qin Feng used the knowledge of God to convey to Hung Hom.

Hung Hom suddenly woke up and shook his head subconsciously: "I don't know! This is definitely not a monk of the magical capital. It should not be a Xihaizhou monk. Although he can't see his realm, this person has at least surpassed the realm of realism. ""

“Beyond the truth?” Qin Feng’s heart burst into a stormy wave. At present, the realm he knows is real. Is the other party flying?

"Hung Hom seniors, you mean that the person is from the fairy world?" Qin Feng immediately asked.

Red 茗 茗 茗 : : : : : : “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞

Qin Feng was shocked. It seems that he is still far away from Feixian.

“Predecessors guess that the person is the realm of truth?”

"This is not easy to say. In short, you and I are not his opponents. No one can stop him. I only hope that he is here to help, otherwise the devil is still in distress." Red Dragonfly sighed.

Read The Duke's Passion