MTL - Hedonist Sovereign-Chapter 2093 Blasting

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The lie of the red sky successfully provoked the battle between the demons and the mysterious people.

Suddenly, more than a dozen figures flew out of the crowd. When the monks reacted, the void of the second mountain peak of No. 2 was surrounded by hundreds of people.

"Who are those people? What are they going to do?"

"Oh my God! These are the heads of the magical seven stars and even the eight-star big school and the great elders. They should want to break the No. 2 Devil Peak."

"There is an anti-defense array on the second peak, and these people are not necessarily attacked."

"Eight-star big school Leimen head Lei Wang, eight-star big school demon sent the head Nie Yuan, the magic first scattered the predecessor dark demon head gold monument, the seven-star Zongmen head north Ming demon statue ..."

When someone got out of the monk's status as a monk, the crowd exploded in the pot, which gathered almost the top of the magical powers.


The loud noise suddenly spread in the air.

The top 100 masters launched the offensive at the same time, and the swords and swords were covered in the void, covering the mountainside of No. 2 Magic Peak. The whole mountain seems to be shaking, and a layer of skylights emerges. When the real elements collide, they form a layer of ripples.

"Nie Yuan, brother, are you sure that the eye is on the mountainside?" Lei Wang asked through the voice of God.

"Thunder King is relieved, although I can't arrange the ancient array, but it is also the level of the king. It is no problem to find this ancient defensive array."

Several people know about the situation of the Devils. This is the most powerful martial art of the Magic, and the head of the Nie Yuan is comprehending the level of the Seventh King. It is the first person to claim the magic.

Nie Yuan’s words gave everyone a reassurance. Everyone spared no effort to attack the mountainside. The wave of fierce attacks was earth-shattering. The monks standing at the foot of the mountain felt the ground violently shaking and even cracked.

"Father, what is going on here? Is there an earthquake?"

In the No. 2 Devil Peak, the violent shaking is more intense, the red dust dance is even untenable, and the body has to be taken out.

The red eyes swept away in the sky, and the look suddenly changed: "Not good! The second magic peak's formation has been hit hard. It should be someone who attacks the eye outside the peak. If the eye is really broken, the second is The Magic Peak will become a site for other forces."

Qin Feng guessed this in front of him. He said that the biggest obstacle to the breakthrough of Hung Hom is not the cultivation of resources, but the interference of the outside world.

His two guesses have been verified. Not long ago, Red Order and Red Sky and others came to kill the Red Dragonfly. Now, the forces of the Magic are united to break the No. 2 Magic Peak.

"Father Wang! Is there no ancient defensive array left by the Red Devils on this magical peak? Can it be broken even in the ancient array?" The red dust dance is full of puzzles.

"I don't know too well. It may be that the forces that have joined forces this time are too much, and the time spent on the Red Devils has been too long, and the atmosphere of the formation has long been worse than before." Hung Ho added: "Qin Shaoxia, you first take Dust dance leaves the No. 2 Devil Peak and finds a safe place to hide. When I settle the things here, I will go to you."

Qin Feng knows the mind of Hung Hom. If the formation of the No. 2 Demon Peak is really broken, it will be reduced to hell. The people of the Devils will either choose to be slaves or wait for them to die.

As a demon king, the red dragon is naturally incapable of surrendering to outsiders. Most of his end is in the mountains of tragic death, and there is still a chance to go after him to find him and dance with red dust.

"Father! I don't want to leave you, I want to be with you." The red dust dance is smart, and I see the key to it.

"Stupid girl, quickly leave Qin Shaoxia here, even if you are not afraid of death, you can not even be tired of Qin Shaoxia?" Hung Hom clicked on the daughter's mind.

The red dust dance is difficult. Before she makes the final choice, Qin Feng jumps into the air and throws countless flags in her hands. Those flags are suspended from the mountainside and form a looming light door.

"Qin Shaoxia, what is this?" Red Dragonfly was shocked.

"This is the eye of those who attack outside. As long as the eye is broken, this defensive array will soon collapse." Qin Feng explained quickly.

The two look surprised, Qin Feng even can be found in the eyes of the ancient array, it can be seen that his identity is not virtual.

It was only two people who soon showed a very dignified look. If, as Qin Feng said, many outside forces have found this place, then the ancient defense of the No. 2 Devil Peak will be undoubtedly broken.

"Qin Shaoxia, let's go with the dust dance..." After seeing the seriousness of the situation, Hung Hom prayed for his eyes.

Qin Feng has set the Tianzhong in the air, and the bell is facing the floating gate: "The red dragon predecessors don't have to say much, you can safely rob, I will find a way to stop the outsiders."

Hung Hom was grateful in his heart. He saw a firm color from Qin Feng’s face and knew that even if he persuaded him, it would be meaningless.

After a scent.

There was a roar in the sky, but it was not the movement caused by Lei Wang and others attacking the array outside, but the new thunderbolt fell.


First, a blazing thunder ray tears the clouds, as if a dragon swooped down. Followed by the seven or eight Le Mans fall, no giving a breather.

Nine thunder arcs almost became a line of heaven, forming a magnificent spectacle outside the No. 2 Devil Peak. The onlookers at the foot of the mountain were stunned, and even the Thunder King who was on the mountainside attacked and stopped.

"This is a new thunder! The Red Devil is still robbing, he has not stepped into the real!"

"The spiritual rain has fallen, and this spiritual rain is even more fierce than before."

Le Mans evenly smashed the clouds into two pieces. There was a downpour in the clouds on both sides, but the empty space of the peak of No. 2 Mofeng was in the crack space of the rain, a sunny scene.

No one has the heart to appreciate the spectacular sight. Most of the monks have been sitting cross-legged and using the aura of spiritual rain to improve their cultivation.

Lei Wang and others were shocked by this spiritual rain. Many of them were really powerful, but the thunder that was triggered when they broke through the real time was not so exaggerated.

"Lee King Brother, is this a real thunder?" The devil's head Nie Yuan used the voice of God.

Lei Wang said indefinitely: "I don't know! In short, the real thunder that I triggered at the beginning was not so fierce, and the spiritual rain was not so rich."

"Do we want to suspend the attack, first absorb the rain and say it again?" Someone is eager to move.

The first demon in the darkness of the darkness, the golden monument, screamed coldly: "Hey! A splendid rain in the district, you will also be tempted? I am not afraid that other demons have seen the jokes... Don’t be stunned, the rain is repairing us. Breaking the eye, according to the speed of this repair, as long as a fragrant time, our previous attacks are all in vain."

When the Golden Monument was said, everyone discovered that the crack on the eye was healing quickly.

Lei Wang took the lead in making a palm. The huge real handprints descended from the sky, and the fingerprints were still entangled with fierce electric awns, which made people daunting.

The palm of the hand fell, the array of eyes uploaded a fierce explosion, the curtain began to turbulent, as if the sea was making waves.

"Everyone continues to attack the eye, since the red dragonfly has not yet entered the real, then killing him is a breeze." Lei Wang's voice is rippling in the minds of everyone.

A group of powerful people began to attack the eye, completely ignoring the pouring rain. On the outskirts of the No. 2 Devil Peak, countless monks sat cross-legged and madly absorbed the aura in the spirit rain.


Thunder and thunder in the Valley of the Magic Peak, deafening.

Qin Feng immediately threw out the flag and introduced lightning into the mine. When the lightning source in the mine-splitting array is full, he will throw the energy tank into it and turn the lightning source into the energy of the hundred miles.

A small energy tank was quickly filled, and the second wave of looting gradually subsided. Qin Feng looked at the thunderstorm array filled with Leiyuan, and his heart was uneasy. If these mine-clearing arrays were detonated, there would be no vitality in the valley of the No. 2 Devil Peak.

The red dust dance was once again shocked by the magical means of Qin Feng, and the devastating thunder could be resolved by his hands as if waving. Hung Hom was even more arrogant. He was ready to meet this thunder, but found that even a thunder and lightning did not fall on him.

After half an hour, the third wave and the fourth wave of robbery fell to the ground at the same time.

Qin Feng smashed the gap and arranged more than 30 mine-clearing arrays, barely blocking the power of these two waves of robbery.

After an hour, the fifth, sixth and seventh wave of thunder robbers came one after another. At this time, the thunder and lightning arrays had accumulated lightning. Qin Feng could only use the array to be included in the space of the astrology. If it was detonated in the valley, the row of mines was detonated. Array, even if the gods of the great gods can not save them.

"Lee King Brother! The eyes have been loose, if my budget is not bad, then a fragrant time will be able to break the eye."

Nie Yuan shouted with a voice of God, and the news immediately made everyone cheer.

On the second half of the Devil's Peak, hundreds of great powers launched a series of attacks without stopping, but don't underestimate the two-time attack, the real yuan horrible.

Some of the strong respects in the realm of Ding are exhausted, and even the great power of the robbery feels that the real yuan is weak. However, the thundering kings do not change their colors, but only they know that the real yuan in the body consumes a small half. .

Such a fierce offensive finally saw the effect. I don’t know how long it took. There was a loud noise in the middle of the mountain. The sound even covered the thunderous thunder, and the thousands of monks who were retreating at the foot of the magic peak looked up. .

"What happened?"

"I rely on! The ancient array on the second peak was broken?"

"The formation is really broken, and these top-notch strengths are terrible!"


The rain is falling.

However, few people have been able to calm down and practice retreat.

Many people rushed toward the No. 2 Mofeng, and wanted to enter the inside of the Magic Peak to find out. This is the most famous magic peak outside the No. 1 Demon Peak. There is no temptation to resist the disciples.

Read The Duke's Passion