MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1158 The End of Kung Fu (Part 2)

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"I'm not in my twenties, and I'm not practicing any kind of Tianlong Ba Yin. As for my teacher... No one in this world can teach me." He Xie responded lightly.

Of the three answers, one is more imaginative than the other. The expressions of the chartered husband and wife and Ah Gui are all changing, and they are extremely exciting.

"Why did you retire, Ah Xie, our husband and wife will not ask." The charter is fair, "But I guess the Axe Gang will not let it go. Besides, you are left with nothing, I guess you must have a plan."

"Those of us don't want to step into the martial arts anymore, so we live in this pig cage city, but we are left alive. Ah Xie, we don't want to toss. If you want to do something, I hope you don't do it here." Frowning, he pointed out the words directly.

"My wife speaks a bit straight, Ah Xie, don't bother with the female class." The charterer laughed and followed up.

As for the three Ah Gui, they all have different looks and have their own concerns.

One of the chartered husband and his wife sang the white face, the other sang the red face, and the other sang in harmony. They wanted to use their words to hold up He Xie. How could He Xie not understand?

He smiled slightly and said, "Everyone has their own aspirations, and I won't force it. But I do have some plans. You might as well listen to them. If you think it makes sense, you might as well do a business together. If you still don't change your original intentions. , then although we live under the same roof, we can go our separate ways without interfering with each other.”

The five looked bright and all looked at He Xie.

He Xie looked around for a week and said slowly: "The world is like grass, and the warriors are declining. Power is in power, and justice is no longer. Now, more foreign guns and foreign guns have opened the door of the country. Where should I go?"

"He is willing to turn the tide on his own, recreate the glory of martial arts, promote my martial arts style, and establish my country's prestige!"

"I intend to open a martial arts school in this pig cage city, recruiting famous martial arts legends, inviting scholars and scholars, and becoming professors, regardless of sect, without being trapped by status, and recruiting young people from all over China who are interested in learning literature and martial arts. Cultivate talents for the next generation of China."

"The chartered husband and wife, and the three of you are all once-renowned martial artists. If you give me a little guidance, you will definitely be able to help me. Just think about it. If you have the same interests with He, you might as well try it together. Let's see if we can stir up the situation and hold Tianqing!"

The eloquent remarks were not impassioned, as if they were just confiding a fact, calm and indifferent.

But it made the hearts of the five people in front of them speed up, their blood surged, and a strong sense of mission filled their bodies.

This is not because they have ideals and ambitions, but at the level of He Xie, it is very common for the listener to be influenced by He Xie's will as soon as the words are spoken.

Unconsciously, He Xie's thoughts became their thoughts, became deeply ingrained, and became the goals they also wanted to strive for.

"Okay!" The renter's temper was the most easily affected, and she took the lead in clapping her hands and shouting, "Aye, if you have such a great ambition, we will give up these two useless lives, so why not fight with you?"

"That's right!" The charterer responded immediately, "If we win, we will be remembered in our history, and we will live forever! If we lose, the big deal will be treated as if nothing happened, and the business is guaranteed to make a profit and not lose money. Our husband and wife have done it!"

"Count me in!" Ah Gui took a firm step forward, "Aye, you are the grass in spring and the birds in autumn, illuminating my heart and guiding me forward!"

He Xie couldn't help but glance at Ah Gui, feeling the urge to kill this person.

"And me!" The coolie said powerfully, "As long as you don't dislike my lack of culture, I am willing to sell my strength and let me do anything!"

"How can such a good thing be without me?" A Sheng put his orchid fingers over his mouth and smiled, "To be honest, if it wasn't for practicing martial arts, who would want to hide in a place like this and pretend to be a grandson? Isn't that the high-spirited young man?"

"We are both young men, but I think you were more like a beautiful girl when you were young!" Agui laughed.

"Hate!" Ah Sheng's face flushed, and he punched him with a small fist.

"Hahaha..." Several people laughed, feeling very happy!

"Aye, you said, what should we do next?" asked the charterer.

"Wait." He Xie smiled and said, "The Axe Gang is the largest gang in the foreign field, with more than 10,000 disciples. The first thing we have to do is to make this largest gang change their evil ways and become the best use of our early days. Then, we will integrate the underworld of the entire foreign farm, so that the social atmosphere of the entire foreign farm will take on a new look, so that everyone can see the determination and strength of our pig cage city, and make a good name!"

"Only in this way can we be qualified and attractive enough to start the second step, recruiting students and teachers!"

It's not the first time He Xie has done this kind of thing, and he has also done something bigger than this. Naturally, he is very familiar with it.

In many cases, whether it can be accomplished depends on the right place and man-made creation, but the weather requires a certain chance.

Fortunately, the opportunity He Xie was waiting for was already foreshadowed by him.

In the early morning of the third day, the densely packed steps made the ground of the entire pig cage city tremble slightly.

In the empty courtyard, He Xie, the chartered man and his wife, and A Gui smiled at each other, headed by He Xie, and walked out together.

Almost all the people from the Axe Gang came, and there were more than 10,000 people.

Brother Chen, Master Shi, and Axing Fat Zaicong walked out of the crowd. The four of them laughed and trembled, and the corners of their mouths twitched. They were very shy and exaggerated.

"Smelly haircut, do you still recognize me? Brother Chen!" Brother Chen, the axe gang leader, was very proud, smoking a cigar, "Last time you killed us directly, wouldn't it be okay? Haha! Do you regret it now? I I brought all my brothers! With more than 10,000 people, aren't you very good at fighting? Come on! One to ten thousand, how do you fight?"

"Wow, Brother Chen, it's hard for a strong man to say something like that. Let's drown him with one saliva, Brother Chen!" Ah Xing exclaimed proudly, causing Brother Chen to laugh wildly again.

"Who is that! Don't blame us for not giving you a chance!" The master laughed and stood up, "Hey, we pay attention to fairness the most. You let us go yesterday, and today we also give you a chance to live! We're here! A person, as long as you can beat him, we will spare your life!"

Saying that, the master took a step back and turned his body sideways: "Please - the ultimate murderer, the evil **** of fire clouds!"


The crowd is separated, wearing flip-flops and big shorts. The Huoyun evil spirit in the hurdle vest came out lazily and looked at He Xie.

"I heard that there are masters here, so I came here to take a look." His eyes swept across the faces of the six people in front of him with a smile.

"Is that you?" He looked at Agui.

"Or you?" followed by A Sheng.

'Or the two of you? ' When he looked at the renter and the couple, although he was still smiling, his smile was a little stiff.

"Or... you?" Finally, he looked at He Xie, his smile had completely subsided, and his tone became solemn.

"It's him, the most handsome one on the street!" Brother Chen didn't hear Huoyun Evil God's tone was wrong, he stood up and pointed at He Xie and scolded, "I hate two things in my life, first, looks He's more handsome than me, and second, hit me! This is a two-way attack, who will die if he doesn't die?"

"Kill him!" A Xing raised his arms and shouted.

Looking at the noisy opposite, He Xie smiled slightly and turned back: "Who is coming?"

No one looked at each other behind him.

"Forget it, I have self-knowledge, I'm definitely not an opponent of the Huoyun Evil God, so I won't go up and be ashamed." Coolie Qiang said in dejection.

"Me too." A Gui sighed, "Huoyun Evil God was known as the ultimate murderer back then, and he was invincible in the world. However, we were all pursued and killed by the second-rate forces in the rivers and lakes, and we had to retire. The superiority is self-evident. "

"Oh, it's really embarrassing, but we really can't do it." Ah Sheng also said with a smile.

The charter woman was eager to try, but the charter master stopped her and smiled at He Xie: "We are hopeful to fight, and we also really want to see the martial arts of the Huoyun Evil God. But once we fight, it's hard to tell the outcome. The main thing is important, Or Ah Xie, you can make a quick decision, anyway, if you make a move, you will definitely be sure."

"That's right, Ah Xie, it's up to you to come."

"Aye, don't be polite to us, come on!"

Everyone quickly reached an agreement and persuaded He Xie.

"Alright." He Xie nodded irrefutably. In fact, he also wanted to promote the development of this matter as soon as possible, and didn't want to get entangled in trivial matters.

Today, Brother Chen gathered the axe to help everyone gather, which just gave He Xie a chance to solve several problems at once, but it happened to save him a lot of trouble.

"You want to help the axe?" He Xie asked casually.

"No, no," Huoyun Evil God hurriedly denied, "I have nothing to do with them."

These words made Brother Chen and the Axe Gang's faces change.

But the next moment, Huoyun Evil God's face showed a strange smile: "I just want to kill you, or be killed by you."

The master gave a thumbs up: "Domineering! Brother Chen, right?"


Brother Chen slapped him on the head: "Can you not talk too much?"

"The evil **** will win! The evil **** will win!" Ah Xing suddenly raised his arms and shouted wildly.

The Axe Gang members were stunned for a moment, then followed him and shouted.

More than 10,000 people shouted in unison, the sound was like thunder and the momentum was huge.

"Want to be killed? That's what you want."

That's when He Xie made his move.

He replied lightly and pointed it out.


In an instant, Huoyun Evil God seemed to have only a fingertip that was constantly enlarged in front of him.

He didn't even have time to think, and he didn't have time to be afraid. The next moment, the whole person exploded into a cloud of blood with a "bang".

No bones left!

The sound of the whole scene suddenly stopped abruptly, and the transition from extremely noisy to extremely quiet took only one second.

Everyone was stunned, unable to react for a long time.

Especially the people from the Axe Gang, who saw with their own eyes the Fire Cloud Cthulhu shot at their temples, and then caught the bullet before it hit them.

Such a goddess was actually stabbed by He Xie with a finger, so that not even a root was left!

How can they trust their eyes?

Even the five people including the charterer who knew He Xie would be very strong didn't react for a long time at this moment.

The evil **** Huoyun, the ultimate murderer who made countless people feel terrified and suppressed the ultimate murderer of an era, just died like this?

It made them feel extremely unreal.

"Last time my proposal, it seems that the two of you rejected it." He Xie looked at Brother Chen and Master, and couldn't help sighing.

The two of them were clever, and their faces turned pale.

"No, listen to my explanation..." Brother Chen said in a trembling voice.

But he only said half of it, He Xie smiled and pointed at him lightly with his finger, Chen Ge froze all of a sudden, and then he bleeds from the seven orifices, and fell straight to the ground.

After three seconds, the master on the side let out a shrill scream like a pig, and while shrinking into the crowd behind him, he shouted frantically: "Come on together! Hack him! Whoever hacks him, I'll give him ten gold bars—no One hundred!"

The advantage of profit and the number of people gave these gangs the illusion. They all roared to increase their courage and swarmed up.

He Xie smiled and stomped.


A large piece of land in front of him collapsed.

All the gang members fell into a huge pit more than ten meters deep and fell into a ball, screaming and screaming one after another.

He Xie stretched out his hand and drew out of thin air.


The master immediately rose into the air.

"Forgive me! I was wrong! I don't dare any more!" The master cried and begged for mercy.

He Xie was unmoved, smiled and pointed.


Master's whole brain exploded.

Then He Xie stretched out his hand again, and Ah Xing struggled to rise into the air.

When he realized that he could not break free from this strange power no matter what, Ah Xing gave up the struggle.

He looked at He Xie: "Who has never died in life since ancient times, keep Dan Xin's heart in history!"

"Well, I like to kill people who are not afraid of death." He Xie smiled and stretched out his finger.

"Wait! Hero!" A Xing suddenly collapsed, "Forgive your life, brother! I was wrong! I'm not guilty of death, brother!"

"Where did you go wrong?" He Xie asked.

"I shouldn't want to get a haircut and don't want to give money, I shouldn't think that you are so stupid that you are easy to bully, I shouldn't think that you are frustrated and poor..." A Xing racked his brains and carefully observed He Xie's expression.

"..." He Xie was expressionless.

The chartered public and others scratched their heads, looked at the sky, and coughed.

Ash suddenly closed his mouth.

He Xie stretched out his hand.

"Don't..." Ah Xing yelled in horror.

But after he reacted, he realized that he was already standing on the ground, just in front of He Xie.

He was surprised and delighted, looking at his limbs and body: "Brother, won't you kill me?"

He Xie looked back at the five people behind him and asked with a smile, "How is it?"


Coolie Qiang stepped forward and punched Ah Xing into the sky.

Amidst Ah Xing's screams, Ah Sheng shot, and when he was about to land, he threw out both palms and knocked him out.

Then Ah Gui stepped forward, kicked Ah Xing and kicked Ah Xing in front of the charterer.

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