MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1150 The end of the dragon (middle)

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Wang Chongyang is definitely the most amazing and brilliant figure in the post-tianlong era.

When he was born and grew up, it coincided with the process of the world's prosperity and decline. He witnessed with his own eyes how the world would return to its heart from the original peak period, and now it is difficult for the people to live. So he founded the **** Quanzhen Sect, and from the beginning he planned to replace it with the World Association.

"Although He Xie's style is prosperous, Chongyang's life is not weaker than others!"

He was arrogant and arrogant, shouting such a slogan, wanting to be on par with He Xie, the founder of the World Association.

Even the latecomers Huang Chang, Duan Yu, Jiu Mozhi and others were not in his eyes, let alone Quan Guanqing?

The war between the Quanzhen Sect and the Tianxia Association came to a stalemate because of Hong Qi's participation in the war, and the Tianxia Association suffered heavy losses.

Within three days, Quanguanqing issued a series of summoning orders for the Seven World Associations, calling on the heroes to attack the Quanzhen Sect, but none of them responded.

But on the fourth day, Duan Zhixing, a descendant of the Duan family, and the Tubo Jinlun Fa King marched into the south of the Yangtze River.

Apart from Wang Chongyang, they were the forces that had the most reason to overthrow the rule of the Underworld.

Dharma King Jinlun has always taken Kumozhi as an example, and has long had ambitions to rebuild Dalun Temple in Daxue Mountain, but because of the rules of the World Association, he has never dared to take the lead.

On Duan Zhixing's side, he also shoulders the mission of restoring the Duan clan in Dali and the Tianlong Temple.

In the past, He Xie Bing subdued the Dali Duan clan without blood, and the whole country of Dali was merged into the World Association, but the Tianlong Temple remained.

Later, Huang Chang succeeded to the second venerable lord and began to suppress the world's sects. Although Tianlong Temple was located in a remote location, it also suffered from all kinds of hardships. In the end, it was only because of Duan Yu's face that he retained the Taoism.

After Huang Chang and Qiao Feng ascended successively, Duan Yu succeeded as the third venerable lord, and Tianlong Temple was thus relaxed, attracting Buddhist disciples from all over the world to join, and the momentum was huge.

But Duan Yu had no intention of power at all, and after only one year in office, he passed on to Jiu Mozhi. Soon after, Duan Yu also shattered the void and flew away.

Although Kumozhi was born in Buddhism, he belonged to Tantric Buddhism. After he ascended the throne, the power of Tianlong Temple has already swept over Yunnan and Yunnan. In addition, the contemporary Duan clan's master often speaks wildly, saying, "If the Duan clan did not invest in the whole country, how could the child of He Xie be able to do anything?"

Such remarks can be said to have violated the taboo of the World Association.

The world will be from top to bottom, who does not worship He Xie as a god?

Jiu Mozhi did not open up to Tianlong Temple, but destroyed Tianlong Temple with iron and blood, killing people.

But looking at the face of the Duan family, he retained the Duan family's direct lineage.

It can be said that Duan Zhixing and the world will have a hatred of genocide.

It's just that this person is very good at forbearance, and has always managed a face of indifference, even Quan Guanqing is confused by him.

Wang Chongyang, King Jinlun, and Duan Zhixing joined forces to attack Jiangnan. Quanguanqing and Hong Qidun were defeated every day, and they were in danger.

At this moment, the blue waves of the East China Sea were born, and one person came from the waves.

Yellow pharmacist!

This man has one flute, causing tens of thousands of Taoist soldiers and monk soldiers to be mentally deranged and kill each other.

Wang Chongyang, Falun Dafa King Jinlun and Duan Zhixing couldn't sit still, and Qi Qi personally took action.

But I don't want to, the three Huang Yaoshi here will not be defeated at all!

The final result of this battle is-

Wang Chongyang VS Huang Yaoshi, Huang Yaoshi was defeated with minor injuries!

Falun Gong Jinlun VS Hong Qi, Hong Qi is slightly better!

Quanguanqing VS Duan Zhixing, Duan Zhixing was seriously injured!

However, due to Huang Yaoshi's large-scale sonic attack, the Quanzhen and Fomen allied forces suffered heavy losses.

After the war, Quanguanqing was very happy!

He visited Huang Yaoshi that day but didn't meet him. He thought that Huang Yaoshi was avoiding him on purpose, but unexpectedly, this person came to the door today.

However, when he respectfully thanked him, Huang Yaoshi did not appreciate it at all.

"The reason why I help you is because my martial arts skills are all bestowed by the World Association! If there were no World Association to accept martial arts from all over the world and be open to the world, Huang would never have achieved today's achievements!" Huang Yaoshi said coldly. , "Today's battle is a repayment of the kindness of the World Association. From now on, I and the World Association will not owe each other!"

Quan Guanqing was in a hurry and hurriedly persuaded: "Brother Huang, today's big victory, the world will be hopeful for ZTE, it's time for you and me to show off! …”

"Quan Guanqing, you are doing the wrong thing, I don't believe you will wake up!" Huang Yaoshi interrupted him unceremoniously, "That is, the seventh brother will be fooled by you, if you want to lie to me, it's not that easy! "

Hong Qi hurriedly said good things for Quan Guanqing, and Quan Guanqing also lowered his posture and begged bitterly.

But a person like Huang Yaoshi would not be easily shaken when he recognized the reason for death. Ren Quanguanqing and Hong Qi were unimpressed when they talked about the sky, and he was even annoyed and left on the spot.

Quan Guanqing's heart is very anxious. In fact, by now, he has already started to retire, and he has long made up his mind that once the Quanzhen Sect is established and the world is unified, he will immediately abdicate and let the worthy, and then concentrate on practicing, waiting for the broken void, to reunite with the old brothers .

And Hong Qi and Huang Yaoshi are his most optimistic successors.

Compared with Hong Qi, he valued Huang Yaoshi more, because Hong Qi was too informal, unrestrained, very lazy, and was not a suitable candidate for a leader.

On the other hand, Huang Yaoshi is a rare genius in the world. He can master anything and everything.

Today, he is not the same as before. When he encounters such talents, he will try his best to suppress them. Now he just wants to retain talents, complete the tasks that He Xie entrusted to him, and seize his last chance to save his dignity and life.

If kneeling was useful, he even wanted to kneel for Huang Yaoshi.

However, Huang Yaoshi has a very weird temper, and he doesn't eat hard or soft. Quan Guanqing's all-round communication skills have hit a wall and it doesn't work at all.

Seeing that Huang Yaoshi was about to leave, Quan Guanqing was anxious, and finally gritted his teeth and shouted, "Brother Huang, if you insist on leaving, Quan is inconvenient to stop him, but there is one person you must meet!"

"Honored Master Quan doesn't need to say more, Huang will not meet anyone." Huang Yaoshi said lightly.

"Oh, is that right?" Quan Guanqing deliberately used a dismissive tone, "I'm just afraid that if you don't see this person, not only will you regret it for the rest of your life, but if it spreads out in the future, you will be ridiculed by the world!"

Huang Yaoshi raised his eyebrows and said with a sneer, "In order to keep me, why did the Master Quan make a fool of himself? Let's be honest, today is where the King of Heaven is here, and Huang is determined not to stay!"

"What if the first one is here?" Quan Guanqing stared at Huang Yaoshi's eyes, word for word.

"The first one?" Huang Yaoshi was stunned, then his expression changed greatly, "Which one is the first one?"

Even Hong Qi couldn't help but be moved.

Quan Guanqing sighed: "The esteemed master of the World Association has been passed down to my generation, and it is already the fifth generation. But there is only one who can be honored as the first."

"He Shouzun?" Huang Yaoshi's eyes shone brightly, "Impossible! Fifty years ago, Mrs. Wang (Wang Yuyan) created the divine art of the beginning of time, and He Shouzun created the divine art of foundation building. A well-known story! He Shouzun has already ascended to the upper realm and is no longer in the world! Why does Lord Quanzun take this to make fun of me?"

"Not bad!" Hong Qi was also a little displeased at the moment, "Master Quan, I know that you want to keep Brother Yao, but it's too much to joke with He Shouzun."

"Brother Hong, you also misunderstood me..." Quan Guanqing couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Forget it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, even I would not have believed it. After wasting my whole life, it is difficult to enter the realm of a master, and when all thoughts are in despair, this is how I indulge my sensuality and make a big mistake. But why did I become a great master in just a few days, and I am only one step away from the broken void?"

Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qi changed color at the same time, they looked at each other and took a deep breath.

"There are rumors in the world that it was the Lord Quan who had an epiphany overnight and accumulated a lot of money..." Hong Qi said hesitantly.

"It's enough to deceive mortals, Brother Hong." Quan Guanqing spread his hands, "Like you and me, you should know the martial arts bit by bit, is it because of hard training, the so-called epiphany is just seeing the way forward. , how could it be possible to make great progress in martial arts immediately?"

"Master Quan means that the reason why you have advanced in martial arts is because of who is the first one?" Huang Yaoshi asked in surprise.

"Of course," Quan Guanqing nodded and sighed, "He Shouzun pointed to the sky with one finger, and he made me just one step away from shattering the void. Such means are definitely the flow of immortals and gods!"

"And the reason why his old man made me is because of the affection of the year, and he allowed me to make meritorious deeds and atone for my sins." Quan Guanqing bowed respectfully in the direction of the ancestral temple.

Then he got up, took a deep breath, and said to Huang Yaoshi seriously: "Brother Huang, if Quan Mou really valued you and couldn't bear you to abandon the world like this, I definitely won't reveal this secret, even so, I also want to plead guilty to the first one. Brother Huang, there is a certain sincerity, and the world can learn from it!"

Hong Qi excitedly looked at Huang Yaoshi and said, "Brother Yao, you and I met in Jiang Zuodao three years ago. We used to cook wine and talk about heroes. When we talked about Senior He, you and I both highly respected him. I wish I could live in the same era as him. Take a look at its peerless demeanor! I listened to what the Lord Quan said is true, if you and I can get what I want today, I will have no regrets in this life!"

Huang Yaoshi also felt his chest rise and fall. He nodded slowly and said, "Since that's the case, I would like to ask the Venerable Master to lead the way."

"Okay, you come with me!" Quan Guanqing began to feel uneasy at this moment.

At this time, He Xie was not in the ancestral temple where he saw Quan Guanqing before.

After he bid farewell to Quanguanqing, he began to travel around the world.

At that time, he tried to establish the world by force and created a new political system. At the beginning, everything was thriving. But now that the world has passed on for fifty years since he left, and even encountering a "dizzy monarch" like Quan Guanqing, there are still too many problems exposed.

The four halls of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the seven halls of the elders' home, and the two deputy lords, Zuo Fu and Right Bi, have long been ineffective due to the serious ranking of seniority, the difficulty of promotion, and the deliberate intention of Quan Guan Qing, which has led to the exclusive control of the lord. There is also a lack of direct connection with the twelve altars and the three hundred and sixty-five rudders below, and the decree has a fault, thus creating the current bad situation.

Along the way, he saw the warriors doing evil and disregarding the law, which was more unbearable than the feudal dynasty, and was very sad.

On the contrary, on the grasslands that were originally unified by him, he still followed the rules of the World Association, and was in good order.

Especially under the rule of Murong Qiufeng, there is quite a sign of prosperity.

He went deep into the grassland and found Guo Jing under the rule of Temujin, the son of luck in the new era, who was now bending his bow and shooting eagles on the grassland, accumulating his strength and luck.

He Xie pinched his fingers and immediately learned that if according to the predetermined fate, Quan Guanqing would die in three years, Qiu Qianren usurped the throne, and then Wang Chongyang sent troops and the world was in chaos.

Guo Jing went east with Temujin, but seeing the brutality of the Mongolian tribes slaughtering the city at every turn, he left angrily. After living in the Central Plains for several years, he finally joined Huang Yaoshi and joined with Huang Rong.

In the end, the world is divided into sixteen kingdoms, north and south, which will fight all year round, and the world will become a short-lived short-lived history.

It was not until fifty years later that the alien Zhang Sanfeng obtained the foundation-building manuscripts left by He Xie in the past.

Since then, the world will be passed down for seven hundred years before it falls apart again.

"The reason why the World Association can be passed down after this disaster is the cause and effect that I planted when I spread martial arts..."

He Xie quickly realized everything and couldn't help but smile.

Although the current situation is very bad, he really spent a lot of effort in the Tianlong world back then. All kinds of cause and effect in this world can be said to have started from him, so his cause and effect will continue to be passed down even after ten thousand years, and he is very strong. .

"If this is the case, it will be much easier to handle." He Xie felt a lot more relaxed.

Although he left Quan Guan Qing a test, in fact, he figured out that Quan Guan Qing could not have the slightest chance of winning.

Originally, he planned to let the Quanguan Qing toss first, and finally come out to turn the tide, but now it seems that he doesn't have to end the game himself and compete with a group of juniors.

Soon, He Xie found Guo Jing in a yurt who was serving his mother to take medicine.

"Who are you!" Guo Jing was startled when he saw He Xie who suddenly appeared in the, hurriedly pulled out the knife beside the bed and held it in his hand, guarding him in front of his mother.

Guo Jing's mother was originally a wealthy lady who was knowledgeable and sensible. Seeing He Xie's extraordinary skills and the dress of the Central Plains, her eyes lit up and she immediately shouted, "Jing'er, you must not be rude when you come to the door!"

Guo Jing scratched his head, "Ow", and clenched his fists at He Xie with a knife in his backhand: "I have seen Zunke, but I don't know Zunke Gao's name?"

This man is a straight man, at least for now, with a look of vigilance and reluctance written on his face.

Behind him, Guo's mother Li Shi struggled to stand up and saluted He Xie: "I am very ill, I am not able to do the full ceremony, it is really indecent."

"Mother, hey, why are you doing this?" Guo Jing hurried to help.

He Xie smiled and nodded and said, "It's me who is rude when I come to the door rashly. I'm empty-handed, I'm not a guest. I see that my wife is ill, and now I have a wisp of infuriating qi, which can be regarded as a gift.

As he said that, he flicked his fingers, and a ray of infuriating energy disappeared into Li Shi's body.

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