MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1127 the beginning of chaos

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Not long after Ni Youxiao left the police station, Lu Qichang came to ask Huang Zhicheng to question him.

"Huang, what are you doing? Compromise with a club leader? Do you lose the dignity of the police force?" Lu Qichang was very emotional, "Didn't you always want to kill the Ni family? Why did you compromise with him?"

"I won't compromise, what if there is another explosion? It will really kill people!" Huang Zhicheng said.

"He scare you! Do you think he dares? He dare not!" Lu Qichang waved his arms.

"What guarantee do you take? In case of an accident, can you afford it?" Huang Zhicheng raised his voice.

"There must be no emergency!" Lu Qichang said angrily, "I know Ni Youxiao very well, but you were frightened by him!"

"I've let it go, what do you think? Are you going to use an official position to press me now?" Huang Zhicheng said impatiently.

Lu Qichang's eyes widened, and after a while he said in disbelief, "We've been brothers for so many years, how do you see me like that?"

Huang Zhicheng's eyes dodged a little, and he remained silent.

Lu Qichang didn't speak any more, he pushed open the door and walked out, only to meet He Xie at the door.

He Xie is here to hand over a previous job.

"Follow me!" Lu Qichang pulled He Xie directly and left. Go downstairs and drive straight away.

Lu Qichang drove the car very fast, and he said angrily on the road: "I'm not a person who doesn't understand the past. I know that dealing with young and dangerous boys is sometimes more ruthless and treacherous than them. But the police always have some bottom line to guard, right? Otherwise, how can you be worthy of this police uniform?"

"Huang Sir didn't do anything, did he?" He Xie smiled and explained Huang Zhicheng.

"I'm very suspicious of what he has done right now. Otherwise, with his character, how could he be frightened by a person like Ah Xiao?" Lu Qichang looked back at He Xie, "You know? The friendship of the past 20 years has always been that he is daring and likes to take a slanted sword. Every time I am scared to death. But in the matter of Ni Youxiao, he obviously has a lot of scruples and hides a lot of things. I know too well. How could he hide his changes from me?"

"Lu sir, you really know Huang sir." He Xie couldn't help but sigh.

Lu Qichang glanced at He Xie: "Do you also know something?"

The corners of He Xie's mouth twitched: "I propose a hypothesis, Sir Lu, see if it is possible."


"Do you think Huang Sir has something to do with Ni Kun's death?"


Lu Qichang suddenly slammed on the brakes.

He held the steering wheel for a long time, and suddenly said in a low voice: "This kind of unfounded thing, don't mention it in the future."

He Xie smiled slightly: "Okay."

After He Xie and Lu Qichang separated, they immediately went to see Mary.

The woman looked worried and was smoking a cigarette by the window.

When He Xie arrived, she didn't even look back.

"Aye, how important is the status?" This was Mary's first sentence.

"Actually, this thing is worthless." He Xie said, "Some people value it, maybe they just think it's useful."

Mary turned around in confusion.

He Xie just poured himself a glass of wine at this time, he raised the glass to Mary, and continued with a smile: "For example, you are my boss in name, this is the status. With this status, Sister Mary You can order me to do some things at will, and when I encounter some problems, I will habitually come to you for help, who made you my boss?"

"So what's the use of it?" Mary asked.

"It's a responsibility and obligation." He Xie said, "Except for ambitious people who will challenge the status, ordinary people will protect it."

Mary was shocked, and her face showed a sudden look,

"I see..." She slumped on the chair and smiled miserably.

It turned out that what she secretly did for Han Chen was just her own wishful thinking.

She thought that Han Chen worked hard for the Ni family because Han Chen had his own ambitions and wanted to be in the top position.

But after He Xie said this, she realized that Han Chen was just doing things responsibly, and he had no ambition at all.

Han Chen didn't want to replace Ni Kun, he just wanted to be the dog of the Ni family.

If that's the case, what's the point of her doing so many things by killing Ni Kun, managing business for Han Chen, and making connections with all kinds of people?

Hadn't she been making love to herself for so many years?

He Xie's simple words made Mary feel that her faith had collapsed.

After a long time, she regained her spirits.

She looked at He Xie and said, "Aye, you have indeed changed. You have never used such a tone to tell me such words before."

He Xie smiled and said, "Maybe it's not me, but Sister Mary's eyesight."

Mary stared at He Xie thoughtfully, before speaking again for a long time.

She said slowly: "No matter what, I can't ignore Achen this time. He doesn't listen to me. I have to do it myself... I believe he will understand my pains one day."

He Xie had actually guessed what she wanted to say.

Sure enough, Mary's next words confirmed his suspicions.

"I want you to kill Ni Youxiao!"

Mary stared at He Xie's eyes: "I've made arrangements. I'll call Brother Chen and everyone else away when you start. All you have to do is shoot him to death!"

He Xie sighed and said, "Sister Mary, is it worth it?"

"It's worth it." Sister Mary lowered her eyes slightly, "As long as a man is good, everything is worth it."

"Brother Chen..." He Xie shook his head with a smile, "Sister Mary, have you considered changing to another man?"

As soon as Mary's face changed, she raised her hand and slapped He Xie's face.

But her wrist was caught by He Xie, and Mary struggled for several times without breaking free.

"You go!" Mary said suddenly, "I don't need you to do anything."

He Xie looked into Mary's eyes and said, "Remember what I told you the day I killed Ni Kun?"

Mary stared at He Xie coldly.

He Xie continued: "I said, if killing Ni Kun is not just your own opinion, it will prove that you have done a stupid thing."

"Aye, you shouldn't be so arrogant to me!" The anger in Mary's eyes could no longer be contained, and she said word by word.

"If it wasn't to keep you, do you think I would tell you so much?" He Xie sighed, "Do you know that Sister Mary, Han Chen, is dead tonight."

Mary's face changed greatly, and he grabbed He Xie's arm: "What do you know?"

"I know no one can save Han Chen." He Xie said, "But it wasn't Ni Youxiao who killed Han Chen. Sister Mary, if that's the case, do you still decide to let me kill Ni Youxiao?"

"Axie, tell me what you know!" Mary suddenly stretched out her hands, grabbing He Xie's arms and begging, with tears in her eyes, "I will satisfy you with whatever you want, please tell me! Yes! Who is going to kill your brother Chen?"

"It doesn't matter who it is." He Xie looked into her eyes. "Sister Mary, we ran out, and we are natural enemies of the police. If you cooperate with them, don't blame them for killing the donkey."

"You mean Huang Zhicheng?" Mary's eyes widened, "It's impossible! How dare he?"

"Even if it's not him, there are others." He Xie said, "Sister Mary, this is the price of killing Ni Kun."

"No, it shouldn't be like this..." Mary didn't believe it at all. She suddenly took out her phone and called Han Chen like crazy.

The phone kept ringing, but no one answered.

Mary turned her begging eyes to He Xie again: "Aye, save your brother Chen, count me begging you..."

He Xie shook his head and sighed deeply, "Han Chen will definitely die tonight. But Sister Mary, I said I would cover you, so you will be fine."

"If you don't save me, I'll save it myself!" Mary suddenly grabbed her handbag and rushed out like crazy.

He Xie smiled and watched Mary leave, but did not stop her.

the other side.

Ni Youxiao asked Han Chen to ask Guohua and the **** to come out to meet in the name of him and Wen Zheng.

There was a joint invitation from Han Chen and Wen Zheng, Guohua and the **** didn't think much about it at all, and they happily agreed.

This is the reason why Ni Youxiao knew that Wen Zheng danced the best before, but he still tactfully agreed with Han Chen for Wen Zheng's proposal.

With Wen Zheng there, they would trust Han Chen without hesitation, and at this turbulent time, they dared to come alone to the appointment.

Seeing that Han Chen didn't answer the phone, Ni Youxiao asked with a smile, "Why didn't you answer?"

Han Chen shrugged: "It's my wife. I made an appointment to have dinner together at night, but I let her pigeons go... Alas, women are the most unreasonable at times like this, so I just ignore her."

Ni Youxiao smiled: "Mrs. sister-in-law cares about you Achen, it's your blessing."

After a pause, Ni Youxiao said, "Achen, thank you."

Han Chen waved his hand: "Yes, why say thank you?"

"That's right." Ni Youxiao smiled, "Achen, I think in the future, the business of the nigger's stall will be handed over to you."

Han Chenming knew that Ni Youxiao was drawing cakes in advance, but he was still very excited by this news.

In fact, many times, it is the times that create heroes. It's true that Han Chen has a heroic appearance, but now Han Chen is very timid and only wants to do business in an orderly manner. It is best not to offend anyone. If he hadn't been baptized out in a **** and cruel slaughter, how could there be Boss Han in the future?

"Ah Xiao, then I'll make arrangements first?" Han Chen said to He Xie with a smile on his face.

"Okay, hard work." Ni Youxiao nodded slowly.

However, just as Han Chen walked out the door, the accident happened without warning.


With the sudden sound of a gunshot, Han Chen's brows twitched and he fell into a pool of blood.

This big man who will be all-powerful in the future, just died like this.

Ni Youxiao, who heard the gunshots inside, changed his face wildly and rushed out the door. At the same time, Ni Youxiao's bodyguard rushed over from not far away. The two stared blankly at Han Chen's body and said no after a while. Say a word.

Suddenly, Ni Youxiao grabbed the bodyguard's collar and gritted his teeth: "Why did Han Chen die here? Where did you go just now? Ah? Talk!"

Han Chen died at her door, this is a big trouble!

He could still shirk Gandhi's death, but he was not to blame for Han Chen's death, and he had to give an explanation to outsiders.

"I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes..." the bodyguard said slowly.


Ni Youxiao slapped him furiously.

If the bodyguard hadn't gone to buy the pack of cigarettes, then the murderer probably wouldn't have dared to shoot Han Chen as soon as he went out, but rather walked away. In that case, if Han Chen didn't die at Ni's house, Ni Youxiao's situation would be much better.

But now, it's too late to say anything.

"Did you see the shooter?" Ni Youxiao forced himself to calm down.

The bodyguard shook his head.

"Then what are you waiting for here? Go check it out!" He was angry again, waving his arms and yelling.

The bodyguard hurriedly turned and left.

What Ni Youxiao didn't notice was the sarcasm that flashed in the bodyguard's eyes.

Bodyguards quickly found where the gunman had fired.

However, what surprised him was that the gunman had not left yet, and he was so familiar with the gunman.

"Lu sir, I didn't expect you to do it yourself?" the bodyguard said in surprise, "This is too dangerous, you should find someone else."

"I don't worry about killing Han Chen for such a big thing." Lu Qichang said, "Besides, you must cooperate with this operation. I don't want others to know your identity. This is also for your protection."

This bodyguard was Lu Qichang's undercover agent who had been in Ni's house seven years ago. He had been with Ni Kun before, and now he was with Ni Youxiao.

This bodyguard has been collecting evidence of the Ni family's crime all the time. If Ni Kun hadn't died suddenly, he would have been in prison at this moment.

Unfortunately, Ni Kun was killed, and his years of hard work were all in vain, so he had to continue to go undercover.

"I don't understand Sir Lu, why did you want to kill Han Chen?" the bodyguard asked because Han Chen was probably related to Ni Kun's death. "Lu Qichang said solemnly.

This is his inference, and he feels that this possibility is inseparable.

After He Xie said that Huang Zhicheng was related to Ni Kun's death, Lu Qichang immediately launched various investigations. In the end, he found many clues, all of which confirmed that He Xie's "guessing" was correct. Huang Zhicheng was indeed the murderer who killed Ni Kun.

He also obtained the most direct evidence - Huang Zhicheng's call recording.

Just five hours ago, Huang Zhicheng called a woman called "Mary". On the phone, the woman said that he wanted to get rid of Ni Youxiao, saying that he would kill Brother Chen, and threatened Huang Zhicheng, "You have a share in Ni Kun's death. ".

This is already stated.

Lu Qichang knew that this Mary was Han Chen's woman, and he knew better that Huang Zhicheng and Han Chen were friends, and the two had a close personal relationship for many years.

And he found out that on the day Ni Kun was killed, Huang Zhicheng and Han Chen were eating together at the police station.

Linked to Huang Zhicheng's long-standing hatred of the Ni family, Lu Qichang dared to conclude that Huang Zhicheng and Han Chen killed Ni Kun together, just to help the latter rise to power.

And this time Ni Youxiao asked Han Chen for help, it was tantamount to seeking skin with a tiger. Han Chen just thought and hooked his fingers, and Ni Youxiao was dead.

However, the undercover agent he installed was Ni Youxiao's bodyguard. Once Han Chen decided to kill Ni Youxiao, his undercover agent would inevitably die.

So whether it's to pull Huang Zhicheng out of this quagmire, or to save his bodyguard, or to make this mess come to an early end, Han Chen must die!

Read The Duke's Passion