MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1125 various means

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"It's Ah Xiao!" Guohua's face changed, he thought about it, and answered the phone in front of everyone.

"How is it, Xiao?" Guohua had a playful smile on his face.

"Guohua, I know you're talking about the Lisboa casino business recently. I've already agreed with the government. Are you interested in doing it together?" Ni Youxiao's voice came clearly from the other end of the phone.

Guohua sneered: "Uncle Kun is dead, I have no interest at all."

After he finished speaking, he had to raise his chin at the other four big men, his eyes full of teasing.

"That's true." Ni Youxiao's voice on the other end of the phone was still calm and gentle, "You went to Lisboa not only to talk business, but also to have fun with Gandhi's wife."

Guohua's face froze immediately, and his hands tightened.

In Lisboa, he did hook up with Gandhi's wife. Although the girl was almost forty, her figure was not out of shape and she was very moist.

He glanced at Gandhi subconsciously, and Gandhi gave him a thumbs up, indicating that he refused Ah Xiao well.

Guohua reluctantly smiled, his heart was chaotic.

But at this moment, he didn't say anything, just hung up the phone.

On a big day like today, it is naturally impossible for the police to be absent.

In the place where the five big bosses gathered, the police had already completed the control, and on the other side, Lu Qichang, Huang Zhicheng and He Xie were driving a car to follow Ni Youxiao.

"This guy knows that someone is following him, and he is taking us around in circles." Huang Zhicheng was the first to see that something was wrong and couldn't help but said in a deep voice.

"As long as he doesn't do anything tonight, it doesn't matter how far he takes us around." Lu Qichang said, "I'm afraid he's just hanging us on purpose, but secretly doing things."

"Xiao He, what do you think?" Huang Zhicheng looked at He Xie.

The two of them now know that He Xie has a very unique perspective on problems and accurate judgments, so they habitually ask He Xie about everything.

"Now that the information is so developed, many things can be explained clearly on the phone, is it so troublesome to meet?" He Xie smiled, "I think we'd better not follow Ni Youxiao stupidly, except to let him see jokes, It doesn't make any sense."

Just as Lu Qichang was about to refute, a text message came to his phone.

Picking it up and looking at it, Lu Qichang suddenly slapped his thigh: "Damn! Guohua paid the Ni family! How is this possible?"

Huang Zhicheng was also taken aback, and his brows furrowed deeply: "How long has it been? It's less than ten minutes, right? He actually already got Guohua?"

"I told you a long time ago that this kid Axiao has two strokes!" Lu Qichang's face was very ugly, "Little He guessed right, Guohua was settled in one call! He must have a handle to be held by Axiao. inside."

What the police hope most is that the forces of the Ni family will maintain the status quo and not be unified again. So they are more inclined to see the five bosses and Ni Youxiao live in peace.

"We have to do something," Huang Zhicheng's face was very ugly, "I can't leave Ni Kun, and come to a more shrewd Ni Youxiao, when will it be a leader?"

"What are you doing?" Lu Qichang spread his hands, "Xiao is a gentle guy. He wears a suit and tie when he walks the streets. There is no excuse for wanting to arrest him."

"If you can't catch Ni Youxiao, just catch those four big bosses." Huang Zhicheng said, "In short, we have to disrupt them, and we can't be led by their noses."

Huang Zhicheng is concerned about chaos, he is the mastermind behind the killing of Ni Kun, and he is the one who least expects to see Ni Youxiao in power.

"Bad idea!" Lu Qichang shook his head and looked at He Xie, "Xiao He, do you have an idea?"

"That depends on what your purpose is." He Xie said lightly, "You just don't want Ni Youxiao to take the top position, or do you want to muddy the water and wipe out these big guys in one go."

Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng couldn't help but looked at each other in surprise.

"As long as Ah Xiao doesn't take the top position, it's fine." Lu Qichang pondered, "As for killing these big guys in one go... What's the use? After arresting them, some newcomers want to take the top position, and it will inevitably be another fight. Xiao He You have to remember that things like anti-gangsterism have never been a security issue, but a social issue."

"Old Lu is right," Huang Zhicheng also said, "As long as you get Ni Youxiao, Guohua and the others will fight for that position. At least we are all familiar with these bigwigs. Big mess."

"If you just deal with Ni Youxiao, then the problem will be simple." He Xie smiled and said, "Find a car to hit him, then hide a bag of white powder in his car, sue him for dangerous driving and possession of drugs, and detain him for forty-eight years. Hours. After two days, Gandhi and the **** have already reacted, and it's no wonder they can give him money!"

"Shit!" Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng both widened their eyes and looked at each other.

They saw more in each other's eyes - heartbeat.

"What's wrong with learning at a young age?" Lu Qichang was the first to react and scolded him directly, "This is framed! Believe it or not, I can just sack you based on what you just said?"

"That's right, O Kee's ethos is all ruined by people like you!" Huang Zhicheng also said sharply, "What is the most important thing about being a police officer? You just have to be upright! What a mess..."


The car stopped.

Five minutes later, He Xie, who was severely scolded, was driven out of the car.

But with a smile on his face, he didn't care at all.

Ten minutes later, Ni Youxiao's car had a "traffic accident", and then happened to remember that the two officers passed by, so he got out of the car to deal with the traffic accident, but found a package of unique products in Ni Youxiao's car.

"What is this?" Huang Zhicheng stared at Ni Youxiao with a bag of white powder and asked in a deep voice.

"Framed me?" Ni Youxiao said in surprise, he shook his head, "Huang sir, don't you feel a little shameless using this method?"

"What's so shameless?" Lu Qichang approached with a serious face, "Ni Youxiao, the police are now officially arresting you on suspicion of dangerous driving and illegal possession of unique products. You can keep silent, but every time you say anything. Every word will be used as evidence in court..."

Ni Youxiao looked at them quietly, and suddenly sighed: "It turns out that the police can do things without a bottom line. Thank you for teaching me such an important lesson."

Ni Youxiao had nothing to say, and stretched out his hands, indicating that he could be taken away.

He behaved like this, but Lu Qichang and Huang Zhicheng sank in their hearts.

Because they couldn't see the slightest panic from Ni Youxiao's face.


Soon, a car stopped in front of him, and a young man in a suit got out of the car and walked straight to Lu Qichang and the two.

With a smile on his face, the man introduced himself in front of Lu Qichang and said, "Hello, I'm Mr. Ni's lawyer, my surname is Feng..."

Not far away, He Xie, who had walked several miles away, sensed this scene from a distance, and not only shook his head. micro fiction

I didn't expect that Ni Youxiao even brought a lawyer with him at all times to prepare for the unexpected, this guy is really too cautious...

Looks like I have to do it again...

The fact of framing Ni Youxiao could not stand up to scrutiny in the first place, but the timing is disgusting, and this statement is barely self-justifying. Even if it is to be pierced, it will take time. As long as the police are intentional, they can definitely deduct Ni Youxiao forty-eight times. Hour.

And Ni Youxiao, the most lacking thing is time, so He Xie's method is not a solution, it can be regarded as a coup.

And Ni Youxiao's lawyer appeared in such a timely manner. Although Ni Youxiao's fate of being detained for 48 hours cannot be changed, the condition he can win is that Ni Youxiao can go to the police station in his own car now, and before he arrives at the police station, will not be subject to any restrictions.

This road is not long, but it is enough for Ni Youxiao to arrange some things.

Soon, among the four big men who ate there, Gandhi also received a call from Ni Youxiao.

"Mr. Ni, I don't know why Guohua is going to pay. In short, I don't have to discuss it."

He has tough qualifications. Among the bigwigs, Gandhi has the most younger brothers, the largest territory, and the richest and richest. Even Ni Kun had to give Gandhi a little bit of noodles before his death.

"I didn't intend to tell you, you told the **** to answer the phone." Ni Youxiao was disgusted by the police, and her mood was also very bad, and her tone was very cold.

Gandhi, though puzzled, gave his phone to the nigger.

"Nigger, I don't know why he called my number for you to answer." Gandhi said impatiently, "Tell him!"

The **** smiled casually, took the phone and said lazily: "How about Ah Xiao? What Gandhi said means what I want to say. If he doesn't pay, I won't pay either."

"I don't want to talk nonsense with you." Ni Youxiao said coldly, "You and Gandhi shipped a batch of white powder from South America, but they were robbed and lost several million dollars each, right?"

The smile on the nigger's face was starting to look a little unnatural.

Ni Youxiao continued: "Fortunately, I picked up this batch of goods from your warehouse. Do you want me to give the goods to Gandhi and tell him that you are actually cheating him and playing tricks with him?"

After Ni Youxiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone without waiting for the **** to react.

Then, without stopping, he called Han Chen again.

This time he didn't talk nonsense or threaten, but asked directly, "Are you going to pay?"

"Yes, why not?" Han Chen laughed.

"That's good." Ni Youxiao's tone softened slightly, "I'll stay at the police station for two days and watch them for me."

Han Chen's tone on the other end of the phone became tense: "Do you want to help?"

"No, it's just a little trick that can't get on the table." Ni Youxiao said lightly, and then hung up the phone.

He rubbed his forehead with a headache and let out a long breath.

Then picked up the phone again.

"Hey, third uncle." He said to the phone, "I have already dealt with Guohua and the nigger, and Han Chen has also agreed to pay... Yes, Wen Zheng is just a piece of shit, five people, three of whom have paid, He must not dare to hold on, so he will also pay. In the end, there is one Gandhi left. If he does not pay, he has made it clear that he will be a second or fifth child, and wants to bully our orphans and widowed mothers while my father is dead. He doesn't dare to bear this notoriety, so he will definitely pay..."

"If there is no accident, we should pass the border this time." Ni Youxiao continued, "But just in case, you still have to watch the four of them carefully these days... Han Chen? He doesn't have to stare, but he also Don't use him, understand?"

At the dinner of the five bosses, as expected by Ni Youxiao, after the **** also compromised, Han Chen also received a call. In front of everyone, he expressed his attitude that he wanted to pay.

After hanging up the phone, Han Chen smiled and shrugged: "Even Guohua and the **** paid money. I was picked up by Uncle Kun. There's no reason to be inferior to them, right?"

Wen Zheng sighed and said, "Three to two... I'm the youngest here, I'm sorry Brother Gandhi, I can't do it if I don't pay."


Gan Tieqing slapped the table with a blushing face: "Damn, what is this? You agreed not to pay together, but all of you bowed your heads? Are you an idiot?"

"Who dares to be a fool of your brother Gandhi, he must think he is tired of living!" Han Chen smiled and poured a glass of beer for Gandhi, "Okay, Brother Gandhi, calm down, forget it, just treat Uncle Kun's face, okay? "

Gandhi's face is full of unwillingness. This is not a matter of shame. Today, when the money is paid, it means that he has to admit that the Ni family is still recognized as a big boss in Tsim Sha Tsui, and he is Gandhi's eldest brother. The boy continues to ride on his head?

But as Ni Youxiao guessed, now everyone has paid the money, and he didn't pay it, obviously he had a different opinion on the Ni family, and the reputation of these two or five boys is not good.

"Brother Gandhi? Don't hesitate any longer!" Wen Zheng also persuaded.

Gandhi shook his head and sighed, picked up his mobile phone, and prepared to call his subordinates to notify him to pay.

But just then-


With the sound of a gunshot, Gandhi's eyebrows suddenly opened a big hole, and the entire back of his head flew out, and his brain was mixed with blood and sprayed to the ground.

After being stunned for two seconds, the bigwigs present hid under the table almost at the same time.

Outside the window, He Xie smiled and put away the gun.

He knew that Ni Youxiao's approach was nothing more than taking advantage of Gandhi to give a thousand pounds.

If there is no accident, this trick is naturally so clever that it makes people applaud.

But now that Gandhi has been killed, is it still useful for him to use Gandhi to threaten Guohua and niggas?

"Axiao, Axiao, are you satisfied with the two surprises I gave you?" He Xie turned away without looking at the chaos in the house.

"Come on! Come on!"

"What! What is he! Who is it!"

Several bosses in the room were terrified and shouted hysterically.

After a period of confusion, no one found the shooter in the end.

Under the protection of their younger brothers, they looked at Gandhi's body with horror and anger, and their hearts were full of fear and anger.

"It's Ah Xiao, it must be that wolf cub!" Guohua said first, he gritted his teeth, "Gandhi is the most powerful and most powerful among us, he killed Gandhi just to deter us, let us continue with our tails between our heads. Be a dog for the Ni family!"

"Gandhi worked hard for the Ni family for most of his life. If he said he would kill him, he would kill him? What is this? Kill the donkey?" The **** said bitterly. "He can kill Gandhi today, and he can kill you and me tomorrow!"

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