MTL - Heavenly Calamity-v6 Chapter 143 go away

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As soon as Chen Tingting stepped into the chaotic world, she couldn't even find Zhang Mu's back, and was instantly sent elsewhere by the chaotic space-time energy, and she could not feel the existence of other people at all.

She was very surprised.

The first reaction was to fall into the illusion.

Chen Tingting was originally a master of using mental energy, and vetoed her opinion as soon as she recognized it. This is obviously not an illusion.

In the endless and complicated time and space, Chen Tingting was constantly transferred and passed through hundreds of places every second, and at the same time pulled into various weird shapes, even the head, hands, feet, and body were all located in different time and space at the same time inside.

Chen Tingting understood it.

This is a chaotic world.

A place that cannot be explained by common sense.

The situation will become more and more severe, Chen Tingting becomes dizzy and can't figure out where he is.

Chen Tingting tried all means to get out of trouble. As a result, it failed. The chaotic world is simply unreasonable. Skills and spells cannot play a role here. People are trapped in it, their bodies are distorted into a mess, as if embedded in countless chaotic time and space, unable to extricate themselves.

She found in horror that as time went on, the situation worsened and the situation became more severe. At the same time, the body is also being assimilated by the strange world rules.

God can't save it!

When Chen Tingting began to despair.

Suddenly, the ever-changing scene freezes.

A figure appeared to his face.

Shake your hand and let out a wave of energy.

The chaotic power on Chen Tingting was instantly dissipated, and the body originally embedded in different chaotic time and space was suddenly pulled out and returned to a stable and constant environment.

"what happened?"

Chen Tingting had a lot of hands, and was surprised to find that she had changed back to the original. She wanted to look around, and she was in an absolute vacuum. There is no light, no darkness, no matter, no energy, but there is constant space and time.

This space was conceived when chaos was newly opened.

Chen Tingting couldn't make a voice, and couldn't communicate with the outside world with spirit. Because there was nothing in the absolute vacuum environment, not only the sound could not be transmitted, but also the spirit and thought could not be transmitted.

This kind of environmental creature is difficult to survive.

Chen Tingting is half-immortal, so she can bear it.

"Tingting, it's me!"

"Brother!" Chen Tingting's head echoed a voice, "Is it you?"

"Well, it's okay, you are safe now." Zhang Mu rescued Chen Tingting and opened up a miniature world with chaos so that she will no longer be affected by the chaotic world. Save others! "


Chen Tingting breathed a sigh of relief!

Finally saved!

This world is terrible!

Although the tomb worlds passing by each have their own dangers, even if they will die, they can struggle to some extent. Once this world falls in, there is not even room for struggle!

Zhang Mu rescued Chen Tingting and then went on to others.

The chaotic world is sprawling in time and space.

I am afraid that only Zhang Mu can walk in this space-time structure.

Others are deeply trapped in the chaotic space-time, sometimes their heads are in one place, their feet are hundreds of thousands of meters away, or one head is divided into hundreds and thousands of parts, appearing in different space-times, and stuck in the chaotic space-times.

The method of Zhang Mu's rescue is very simple. As long as he finds a part, he uses the power of chaos, forcibly breaks through the chaotic time and space, breaks the barriers of chaotic time and space, and pulls out people who are inlaid in different time and space.

The process is not difficult.

One after another was saved.

Among them are the fairy strong men of different races. Only one of the forty people is missing.

Zhang Mu couldn't find him anyway, and no dregs could feel it.

This guy probably collided with the material of the chaotic world. The whole person was broken into pieces and fell into the imperceptible time and space. Never want to find it again.

That's it!

Encountered in such a dangerous environment, the loss of one person was a blessing.

Leng Yun couldn't help but be surprised when he saw Zhang Mu's rescue. Zhang Mu's strength should not be so strong. Could it be said that it has entered the 3000th floor and completed the task of absorbing the Titan King?

This is too fast!

Zhang Mu beckoned gently.

The Chaos Stele ignores time and space and returns directly to the spiritual world. Zhang Mu exhibited with both hands, and the vast chaotic energy returned to the body like a sea of ​​rivers and rivers. The chaotic world lost its repression and became strange again. All kinds of energy, matter, time and space were chaotic.

Although not visible to the naked eye, everyone can feel it.

"This power is ..."

The alien suddenly changed his face.

Zhang Mu used chaos energy to hold up a protective cover for everyone.

This is the power of primitive, esoteric, rich and infinite creation, exposed without any pretense ... Fairies have lived for thousands of years, have not seen chaotic energy, and should have heard of chaotic energy.

According to legend, this is the power of miracles for the protoss!

The protoss is powerful and omnipotent. It is the gods who are uniquely endowed by nature. It is the only person in the world who can control and possess chaotic power. No rule can restrain them.

Recently, the world has been circulating, and there is some unknown turmoil in the divine realm.

This man has the power of chaos.

Does it matter too?

That stele.

Could it be the Divine Treasure—Chaos Stele?

The Chaos Stele is the treasure of the Divine Realm and at the same time is the source of the power of the Protoss. If the Chaos Stele leaves the Realm for a long time, the Protoss will shrink, and there is even the danger of collapse, and the Protoss will gradually weaken. But how could the omnipotent protoss deliver such an important chaotic monument to a small mortal?

It's no wonder Zhang Muxu is brazen.

Thousands of pupils are not in their eyes.

This person, and even the entire race, has some kind of relationship with the divine realm!

"Everything is done, we should go back!"

Zhang Mu said to everyone.

As soon as this sentence comes out, everyone will understand.

Zhang Mu must have completed his mission. No wonder the power has soared and suddenly became so powerful. Now he undoubtedly gets all the chaos inscriptions, so he breaks through the bottleneck and becomes a more powerful fairy.

Zhang Mu is different.

It cannot be measured by common sense, especially after having the full power of chaos.

At this moment, Zhang Mu was enough to sweep through all the immortals, and powerful enough to protect himself. No wonder he dared to show the power of chaos brightly.

After Zhang Mu's chaotic power has been strengthened a hundredfold, it will undoubtedly become an invincible existence in the Pure Land world!

Lei Ming read this, and felt that it was a pity to leave directly. He suggested: "The Pure Land world only opened once for tens of thousands of years. Once we leave the eternal tomb, it may be difficult to have a chance to come again. It is better to seize the opportunity and harvest some more treasures."

Zhang Mu is invincible in the pure land.

No one can stop him.

Why not seize the opportunity and search for it?

Zhang Mu can completely play all the tombs from the 1st to the 2998th floor. All the immortals, immortals, and treasures are taken away!

This will be a huge sum of money, enough to pile up thousands of thousands of immortals!

Mass production of people fairy strong!

Zhang Mu shook his head, and said with regret: "I also want to empty the eternal tomb, but it seems to be impossible now, because the eternal tomb will be closed and the Pure Land world will be closed. We have no time to go."

Due to the disappearance of the 3000th level of the eternal mausoleum, the world structure of the eternal mausoleum has changed, the eternal mausoleum has changed, and the entire Pure Land world will be affected. This Pure Land world will soon be closed.

Zhang Mu also had no way to stop it. He had to leave as soon as possible, and hurried away before the Pure Land was closed.

Everyone heard.

Shows regret.

Zhang Mu took no delay and immediately took everyone away from the chaotic world.

The crowd left the eternal mausoleum layer by layer through the teleportation tablet.

When halfway through.

The entire eternal tomb suddenly shakes violently, and the teleportation monuments on each floor are all disappearing a little. This is a precursor to the eternal tomb being closed. At this moment, the challengers of all levels of the world began to find ways to escape from the eternal tomb.

Zhang Mu calmly took everyone away. After passing a teleportation stele that returned directly to the Pure Land, a group of people returned directly to the Underworld.

Right now.

Outside the eternal tomb, the sky is full of dazzling beams, densely packed, all strong, at least a thousand. There are both intelligent races and beasts. The eternal tomb is about to be closed, and the closure of the Pure Land world is not long.

These people are outside the eternal mausoleum.

As usual.

After the eternal tomb is over, everyone will return to the map, and at this time there will be a war. It is impossible for any strong person who enters the eternal mausoleum to gain nothing at all, and some people with bad intentions will definitely set up an ambush to kill the treasure.

"let's go!"

Zhang Mu didn't want to stay. In order to be unobtrusive, the others packed into Kun Peng's bag, left the Underworld, and walked away in an instant. As a result, he did not leave for ten minutes. Suddenly, a dozen lightning bolts fell from the sky, and Zhang Mu was intercepted head-on.

"Hey Hey……"

A cold laugh sounded.

Zhang Mu looked up, and six or seven demons stood in the air, staring at Zhang Mu with greedy eyes.

One of them stood up and looked at him, and said with a smile, "Friend, the route you chose is not very good."

Zhang Mu looked at several people with strange expressions.

A few guys didn't know the difficulty was reduced, threatened Zhang Mulai, "It's not easy for you to cultivate yourself, we won't embarrass you, obediently hand over the baby, and if we are satisfied, we will let you die."

These road robbers did not show kindness, but there will be a more chaotic situation later. A few guys want to leave some strength to fish in muddy water.

Zhang Mu stood up in the air with his hands around his chest, smiling, and said, "How many of you little fish can dare to dominate the pure land?"

Little fish?


These people are indeed average in the Pure Land world, but if they are released to the outside world, who is not a strong one? It is actually called a small miscellaneous fish. It is simply unforgivable. I ca n’t let go of this guy today.

"Since you choose to die, then it's no wonder we are."

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