MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 569 Attack on the dark jungle

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Millions of undead, this calamity is not a problem that can be solved by preparation.

Imagine what millions of undead rushed out of the dark jungle?

If he rushed out from the Broken Dragon Peak, with the help of the terrain, Dyne led the 50,000-strong army he is currently leading. It may be possible to block for a while but not for a long time.

And if those undead are pouring out from the forest of Shino, from the flat terrain of Florence and Pudri, then they are unstoppable.

The Iron Horse Grip line of defense is operating very well. Under the hostile force of thirty to forty times, there is only one end to collapse.

Millions of undead raged past swept across Florence, eastward, and beyond the boundless wilderness, how to stop it? What block? The population of Hindler is less than three million. Does the old, the weak, the women and children all count one million undead with one weapon?

And how could the Kingdom of Hindler have such a strong ability to mobilize war? Dane ’s government officials have n’t calculated it. With the war mobilization capacity of the kingdom, they can conquer 500,000 troops. It is an absolute limit. Even this limit itself is a theoretical limit. Can it actually be achieved? It's all the same thing.

Even if it can be done, a month is impossible.

What's more, after the army of undead swept through Florence and Pudri, the number will stop at one million? What a joke! Without limits of the undead, the extent of the expansion of the army is infinite! At that time, the army of undead rushing into Hindrell and into the Holy Empire is likely to be two million or three million!

No human nation can stop it, unless all the living kingdoms are united in this month, and an army can compete with the undead.

But that's also heaven and earth.

It seems that such a devastating disaster cannot be stopped.

At least, Dane felt that there was no conventional way to solve it.

However, unconventional methods, he feels, there is still one.

"I decided to go into the dark jungle, Capnos, you have to help me."

"What? Are you crazy!" Capunos froze and said, "It's been a few days now, and no one knows how many dead souls have risen in the dark jungle. And, you have to take When the army goes, it takes at least half a month on the road to be able to leave Broken Dragon Peak and reach the dark jungle. In that long time, everything is late and nothing can be recovered! "

Capnus calmed his emotions and continued: "Now, Dane, the most important thing you need to do is to leave the troops. With the terrain of Broken Dragon Peak, at least the path of the undead's attack from here At the same time, you must contact all kingdoms, not just humans, including orcs, including elves, and dwarves. This is a calamity of all creatures, and all creatures need to contribute at the same time. Dane, you must build up An alliance, no matter how long it takes, and how difficult it is, this must be done. This is the only way we can overcome the cursed church! "

Dane nodded and said, "My meeting will do this, but I will go to the dark jungle."

Capnos said, "You ... what are you going to do in the dark jungle?"

"I may have a more direct solution, but that's just an idea. I don't need to bring too many troops, I just need a team that is sharp enough and mobile enough. Kapunos , I helped you and your father to guard the Dragon Soul Temple, and you will help me too. "

"Since you've said that, I have no choice but to help you."

"You won't regret it. I have a lot of confidence to be able to prevent this calamity in advance. I did not expect that I also have the day to save the world."

He was still joking.


Time is very short. After one day, the team that Dane needs is already formed.

All are air forces.

The nine-headed dragon from Orineldo, together with the six-headed dragon dispatched by Dragon Soul Temple, including Kapnos, became the core of this team.

In addition, the four sacred angels of White Wolf Castle are also listed.

Five hundred troops consisting of Griffon Cavalry, Griffon Cavalry, and Horned Eagle Cavalry ensured the mobility of this small unit.

In addition to these air cavalry, there are two hundred champion knights riding various flying mounts. Although they are very elite warriors, they have not received combat training in riding flying mounts. But that doesn't matter, they ride flying mounts, the main purpose is to travel.

In addition to this, there will be two or three hundred druids, which will become falcons. There are also the same number of middle-level or higher mages who have mastered flying spells.

Dane will lead the team in person, and the legends of Muken and Grom will of course come together.

The entire team has just added up to just 1,500 people, but it has four legends, plus 20 top-level troops with a combat power of sixteen, and a personal career level of about fifteen or so Strong. The careers of these powerful men are more complicated, including knights, druids, and mages.

This kind of combat power, a team of 1,500 people, is enough to crush the enemy more than ten times, whether in the air or on the ground.

No bullshit, no pre-war mobilization, Dane rode on Capnos's back, and took these 1,500 people from the sky and flew towards the dark jungle.

Of course, the Air Force ’s degree is much faster than that of the Sixth Army, not to mention that in this mountainous area with complicated terrain, there is no terrain limitation, and the degree is faster.

The 6th Army had to run on the ground for half a month before it could run out of the mountains and into the forest, but flew in the sky for a day before arriving.

The place where Dane was going was the Nancy Elf Court.

Capnos knew the road. Under his leadership, the Air Corps flew straight to the destination.

But on the way, it was actually not peaceful.

The even worse than Dane and Kapnos had expected in advance. They were attacked the first day they entered the dark jungle.

That was a lot of gargoyles and ghosts.

It's hard to imagine that when the main force of the Undead Legion that cursed the church had been annihilated before the Dragon Soul Hall, it could still encounter such a large number of undead air forces when entering the dark jungle. This must be the result of the temporary inability of the guardian heart.

However, in any case, Dean and their team are strong enough, and soon broke through the air intercept and came to the sky above the elven king city. At the same time, the air force of the undead gathered here.

A fierce air battle started.

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