MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 559 Broken Dragon Peak Battle (11)

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The so-called wait for a while, Dian really is just a short while.

The reinforcements arrived.

Coming to the battlefield, in addition to Muken's army, which has been in place and has now reached the battlefield, has stabilized the situation somewhat, and delayed the time when Grom and Pearl's troops were defeated, there is still a real solution. The team that is currently in dire straits is the one led by Dane himself.

Dane arrived one step ahead of himself, but the soldiers who followed him did not arrive too late.

Soon, after the death knights were forced by the two legends to fight for defense, and not long after they dared not to take the initiative, a horseshoe sounded.

At the end of the mountain road, a group of cavalry appeared.

This group of cavalry knew nothing extraordinary at first glance. The group of knights rushing in front was wearing a golden armor, and the war horses were also fully armed and completely dressed as elite cavalry. The red capes of the knights fluttered in the wind, and the same bright red feathers stood proudly on the full-cover helmet. In their hands, they held a sturdy, several-meter-long lance. The gun handle was clamped under the armpit, and the sharp, gold-shimmering gun head was aimed forward.

This is the sixth unit of the Templar Force-the champion knight!

All the rangers who kept firing in the rear scattered to both sides, making way for these knights.

The knights, who had not stopped for a while, rushed down the road, pointing their guns at the death knights who were standing in defense.

However, before the champion's charge arrived, it was a dragon's breath to step into the death knight's defense formation.

Seven green dragons appeared in the sky on the battlefield. Three of them were entangled by the five-skull dragon hovering in the sky. However, there were still four heads, and a green flame was breathed out on the head of the death knight who had formed defenses.

The attack range is very wide, and no concentrated attack is carried out. The death knights are not particularly serious. However, under the impact of Dragon's Breath, some defensive formations composed of these death knights inevitably appeared some looseness.

This looseness gave Dion a chance.

With a greeting, he and Mulken rushed into the formation of the death knights. The blood-red flames blew up with the Thunder, and the two started working together to instantly kill the two death knights.

And along with Dion rushed in, in addition to Muken, there were four figures.

These four people who don't know where they came from, with hoods as tall as giants, fully showed their glory at this moment!

I saw, behind these four men, a pair of golden glittering wings came out, and each of them held a sword longer than a lance.

This is the Heavenly Sword composed entirely of light!

As long as your eyes are not blind, you can recognize it. This is clearly the image of an angel in myth!

The tight formation of the death knights was cut out of a big hole due to the two legendary rushes. The four angels who came down, holding the holy sword of heaven, protected themselves around Dion, preventing the death knights from trying to close the formation.

The shocking champions are here!

The formation of hundreds of death knights, even if they were killed by Dane and Mulken with four angels, the cut out was actually a small piece. However, after the charge of the champion knights arrived , This small gap has become a fatal injury!

In an instant, the gap was widened and the formation of the death knight was dispersed. Each of the powerful undead warriors in black armor was stabbed under the Holy Lance, and then died under the powerful power of the champion knights. The remaining Holy Power even purifies the filthy body of the Undead Knight on the spot!

The death knights are still struggling to resist, but such resistance seems so futile.

The champion knight and the death knight are the same level of arms. In terms of true strength, they are almost the same. However, one side is in a defensive posture and the formation is disrupted, while the other side has a high morale, rushing from a distance, and cut into the formation gap of the other side. Need to say more.

What's more, for the Cavaliers, charge is definitely a powerful weapon. Of course, the death knights' magic swords are very powerful. However, they are still unable to resist the stun guns that are coming straight at a fast speed.

Furthermore, the number of champion knights is much more than the death knights!

There are two hundred death knights brought by Thurfield this time. Up to now, before the charge of the champion knights arrives, they have at least 150 or 60 people left.

However, the number of champion knights brought by Dane is more than three hundred!

With twice the number of advantages, plus the formation advantage and the power bonus brought by the group charge, the destructive power of the champion knights on the formation of the death knight defense line can be described as devastating.

The Death Knights, who have completely lost their formation, are no longer opponents in the next battle.

After completing the charge, the champion knight dropped his lance and waved his sword to fight with his opponent. Then, after these champion knights, another group of knights rushed over.

That was a Templar knight made of elves and humans!

The Templar's combat power may be slightly weaker than the Champion Knight and the Death Knight ~ ~ but their number is even more!

A steel torrent of seven hundred Templar knights followed the champion knights, rolling in mightily. Among them, one hundred elite temples that have received blessings in the temples of Comilla, have the same combat power as champion knights and death knights.

Hundreds of death knights were scattered and besieged in a blink of an eye. Within minutes, this seemingly invincible ultra-elite unit that had been raging in Hindler's army. It has been wiped out.

Along with these death knights, there are also a large number of vampire and ghost troops.

These medium undead, who had followed behind the death knight, did not lose a lot of money, and did not kill Hindrell's army. But now, under the attack of angels, champion knights, and templar knights, they quickly collapsed and were quickly destroyed, just like the cockroaches.

After solving the death knights, vampires, and ghosts that rushed into the army, the knights did not rush to continue their attacks. They were reorganized under the orders of the high-ranking officers, and they found an array of Dane behind a war horse.

And then, their target is the black warriors and flesh and blood warriors who are fighting endlessly!

. . . . . .

Break out today, fight for five more

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