MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 535 Queen's Hear

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The rapidly deteriorating situation in the Kingdom of Putri exceeds everyone's imagination. No one can predict that the invasion of three or four thousand undead will eventually evolve into such a result.

The human world cannot accept a big country like Putri, which was completely captured by the undead. Even less than a year ago, Dane, who was hostile to the Kingdom of Putri, was unwilling to see this, let alone the Holy Alliance.

The new sacred Promi Empire, who always liked to stay away from regional conflicts, but rarely picked up in person, panicked. His Majesty finally realized that the situation could no longer be allowed to continue for Pudri. The sacred army stationed on the southeast border dispatched urgently. More than 20,000 imperial fighters, led by a general named Whiter, quickly entered the territory of Pudri, ready to settle the unrest of the undead.

At the same time, another country bordering the Kingdom of Putri, that is, the Kingdom of Victoria, could not bear the result of the complete capture of Putry by the undead. They also sent 20,000 people to prepare to enter the Kingdom of Putri to solve this problem.

The troops of the two countries came from the west and north.

The army of the Holy Empire rushed directly to the Silver and White Capitals. They did not encounter any trouble along the way. After all, the Silver and White Capitals were still there.

As for the Victorian army, it's not so good.

Duke Vassared is the commander of this Victorian army, and he has two other identities, one is the chief of the Victorian Knights, and the other is the eldest son of King Victoria, the first heir to the kingdom.

At the same time, he is also a legendary paladin. The 34-year-old legend who was once known as the youngest legendary power in the mainland of Orodick is indeed very talented and extremely rare. Of course, this name has now been stolen by Dane.

Although Vassared had two younger brothers and four younger sisters, no one felt that there was any doubt about the next candidate for King Victoria. It is no exaggeration to say that, just now, Vassared's reputation in Victoria is more than three points higher than his father, His Majesty Highman.

Vashaled has been fighting in the East for the first time in the war with the Orc Horde. The reason why the Victorians hurriedly sent the Victoria's first commander, the first knight, the crown prince, and led an army of 20,000 into Pudri. In addition to the covenant of the Holy Alliance, the main reason is that the undead have been practical Threatened the security of the kingdom.

Pudri is just south of the Kingdom of Victoria, and the two countries border. Moreover, just looking at the area under the cursed church's control, in fact, some of the borders between Pudri and Victoria have been included. Even the Victorian Border Guards have noticed a small stock of undead infiltrating into the kingdom.

This is something Victorians must not allow.

Defending the enemy from abroad is a Victorian strategy. This is how they deal with orcs, and when the undead appears south of the kingdom, they plan to do so.

In fact, for the Kingdom of Victoria, they were the least able to accept Putri's full fall into the hands of the undead. In itself, they have been fighting the Orcs of the East all the year round. It is already a very hard work. If the south of the kingdom is restless, the trouble will be big.

Although the Kingdom of Victoria is a traditional military power, after all, they do not have the heritage of the Holy Empire and cannot withstand high-intensity battles in both directions, which will bring down their national strength. Although the Victorians can fight more than Pudri and Florensa, but if military forces are excluded, they may not be as powerful as Pudri Kingdom in pure national strength, and they are almost as good as Florenza when they die.

So, after the Holy Empire planned to end in person, the Victorians finally couldn't help it, and they had to take the initiative to wipe out the spread of the cursed church in their south.

Most of the forces deployed by the undead in the territory of Pudri are on the west side, which is near the silver and white capital, and the defense on the north side is not very tight. Duke Vassared's troops made rapid progress.

Looking at the current situation, it seems that everything is going well. In the silver and white capital, there are still 20,000 regular troops. Twenty thousand people are coming from the Holy Empire in a hurry; Vashaled's army is preparing to directly copy the path of the Undead Army. As long as the three forces join forces to wipe out this undead army that broke into the Kingdom of Pudri, it should be just around the corner.

The news even made Dean sitting in White Wolf Fortress feel a little easier. There is no need to worry that after Pudri's death, under the situation that the defense of the Iron Horse's grip will be under too much pressure, he only needs to find a way to fight back the cursed church.

However, it hasn't made people more happy for two days, and a terrible news came—the silver and white capital, was breached!


New Caesar's calendar. On August 16, 222, the Undead Army broke through the gates of the Silver and White Capitals.

The next day, the undead broke through the multiple lines of defense that Putri's army had laid in the city, and killed the silver and white hall, which was the palace of Kings of the past.

Queen Susan Bella is standing on top of her palace. She often looks at the terrace on the scenery, watching the soldiers of his Queen's Guard Corps in the silver-white garden below the castle. The undead are fighting endlessly.

Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming from behind her.

"Sir, we can't stop the enemy."

The speaker sounded a little weak.

Without looking back, Susan Bella could recognize that this was her husband talking.

She didn't look back, still looking at the battlefield below, listening to the horrible misery that came from her ears, and that was her people's final cry of despair.

After a long while, she finally spoke: "I shouldn't believe you, Eastman."

"Your Majesty ..." Prince Eastman didn't know what to say. His pale face, which had not been seriously injured, was already very ugly.

Susan Bella turned slowly, her eyes were dull, and she stared at her husband in such a stun.

Eastman was so uncomfortable to her that he couldn't help but walk up two steps, as if trying to hug and comfort his wife-the most important thing was to urge her to leave. In the palace, there is an elite Wangting guard on standby, and there may be a chance to break out from the silver and white capital that is doomed to fall.

Even, Eastman had already figured out the direction of the breakout. Going west, in less than two days, we will be able to join forces from General Wymir from the Holy Empire, and wait for Vasared's army to arrive, and everything may not have a chance of recovery. No matter how much it will cost, they will eventually be able to regain the silver and white.

However, the next moment, Prince Eastman's open hands were settled.

His pale face looked at his wife with an incredible look. And in his abdomen, a very finely crafted dagger passed through his stomach.

"Do you remember? This is a gift you gave me ten years ago. That was my birthday. In this palace, a grand banquet, you gave it to me by yourself."

"At that time I thought you were changing your mind, but did you know that when I found out that even this birthday gift was picked by Clarice's bitch, how desperate would I be?"

By the time she said this, Queen Susan Bella's look had become extremely shy!

She drew the dagger, put it into Eastman's chest again, and spit out a few words: "Now I give it back to you!"

Eastman with a dagger in his chest fell slowly, and soon blood ran down the floor.

Her Majesty the Queen, who was full of blood, shouted in the empty palace, "You buried our marriage, and now our kingdom! Go to death! Go to hell!"

She growled wildly, like a dying beast. Gorgeous clothing is messy after blood staining, which is absolutely impossible to see on Her Majesty's body, who always pays attention to appearance.

but now? She's crazy!

After yelling for a while, Susan Bella's voice was hoarse, and she slumped on the ground, tears burst out, but she no longer had the strength to cry.

"It was a wonderful scene."

A cold, unpleasant voice sounded from behind Susan Bella.

"Who?" Susan Bella's voice was hoarse, and she turned sharply, holding a **** dagger in her hand, and saw the person coming.

It was a guy who was all wrapped in a black robe. He was tall and almost two meters tall. However, the whole person is not fat, and it may even seem that he is very thin, as if a gust of wind can blow him away.

Inside the black hood, there was a dark piece of black, nothing could be seen, only a faint red dot.

"Hello, Queen Susan Bella, I am a member of the Six-member Council of the Cursed Church and the fourth mentor, Misha."

Susan Bella is very familiar with the name.

In fact, after the outbreak of the cursed church invasion, as a queen of a country, of course, she could not fail to understand her enemies. The so-called six-member parliament is a tradition of cursing the church since its past history. The six-member parliament is, in essence, the highest level of cursing the church. For every six-seat parliamentary mentor, the minimum strength requirements are ...


Of course, except for the first time that the cursed church broke out and spread its name all over the continent for the first time, the six-seat parliament was full. Later, they have set off chaos all the time, and have never really made up six Legendary mage.

Where is the legendary mage so easy to find? At present, all the continents, the mages who can truly reach the legendary level, count over with one hand. Three of them are in the magical kingdom of the Everett Federation.

So now the identity of this person is very clear. Mi Xiao, who claims to be the fourth mentor, is a true legendary mage.

The name Misha is also familiar to Susan Bella.

She quickly recalled that three hundred years ago, the calamity of the second Caesar Empire was not yet established.

It was also a turmoil caused by the cursed church, which broke out on the border between the Holy Empire and the Second Caesar Empire. That turmoil directly led to a truce between the two great empires that were competing with each other at the time, and they had to deal with them together. It was also the turmoil that terminated the second westward Caesar Empire ’s road to the west, leaving Emperor Caesar to have no strength to continue the westward expedition until the empire died.

Originally, Florence, Pudri, and Hindler were the territories of the Second Caesar Empire of the year-in fact, Prince Pudri, the Duke of Florence, and the Governor of Hindler were themselves It is the official office of the Second Caesar Empire. So far, by name, her Susan Bella, and the Grand Duke Florence, are also vassals of the Caesar Empire. But, no Emperor Caesar could be found anymore.

Not only these three places, but even one third of the territory to the east of the Holy Empire, was also the Caesar Empire.

Of course, there are many reasons for the demise of the Caesar Empire, but the outbreak of the cursed church that year must be an inevitable factor. Otherwise, no one knows what would happen to the history of the second Caesar Empire.

Far away, three hundred years ago, this man called Misha was a famous master. He was once a member of the Second Caesar Empire Mage, but in the battle against the Church of the Cursed, he chose to betray the Empire. After the turmoil that cursed the church was suppressed, Misha disappeared with it.

Unexpectedly, after a lapse of 300 years, even the glorious Second Caesar Empire has been extinct for a long time. Misha was not dead yet, but also became a legendary mage and a member of the six-seat parliament of the Cursed Church. .

Now, Susan Bella knows why her silver and white will fall so fast. An offensive led by a legendary mage is indeed not blocked by the silver and white capital.

There is no way even if General Proudmoore has been released from prison-because the enemy is likely to be more than a legendary mage.

Soon, another black figure appeared on the terrace. This person is even taller than Misha, and he is also very strong.

The newly appeared strong man who is also wrapped in a black robe ~ ~ didn't even look at Susan Bella and asked directly to Misha next to him: What are you doing here? "

"Second Cle Ostra, I just saw something interesting."

The man, known as Cleostritz, turned his head and said, "Susan Bella, the queen of this fragile human nation, let me give her a death!"

"No." Misha stopped the strong man and said, "I feel a lot of potential in this woman. I think she can become a very interesting toy."


My bad taste ~ I buried an egg in my name ~

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