MTL - Heart of Empire-Chapter 518 Holy Alliance

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The city of Bauhinia, the main hall of the Grand Ducal Castle.

This was originally the Grand Duke of Florence and summoned his vassals to discuss the state of affairs, but now it has become a place for diplomatic negotiations between the Holy Alliance and Hindler.

Over the past six months, diplomats from the Foreign Affairs Department of the Kingdom of Hindler have been arguing with the Ambassador of the Holy Alliance here. Some things are more important, but in fact they are not many. They quarrel with each other, often because of trivial matters.

But this time it's different. They talked about Count Ekla and the fir collar.

Putri ’s diplomatic ambassador, Simpson, was over. "Did you Hindrells have no other reason? Don't you think this excuse is ridiculous?"

A young man sitting opposite him was Allan, the ambassador for the Foreign Ministry of the Kingdom of Hindler.

At first, after persuading Earl Waterman to surrender and splitting the bull leader from the Principality of Florence, he became an independent Hou country. Later, when the war subsided, he became the ambassador of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Bauhinia City, responsible for communicating with the diplomats of the Holy Alliance.

In the past six months, he has not dealt with the guy named Simpson in front of him and knows what he is like. Therefore, it is not a surprise to get such an answer.

Keeping a smile on his face, Allen said, "This is by no means an excuse, Ambassador Simpson. We have conclusive evidence that Earl Akra was indeed in collusion with the Church of the Cursed, and it is because of this evidence that we have He refused to support him as Grand Prince Florence, and when he prepared a series of sabotage plans, he took the lead and wanted to arrest him, but in the end, he was rescued by his associates in the cursed church. "

Allen's words promised. Of course, some of this is true, and the other is completely nonsense.

Schindler now indeed has evidence of Akra's collusion with the cursed church-the demon encountered in the fir collar, and the black wizards and warlocks detected by Firmino are proof. However, if they knew this before, they would not allow Akra to inherit the Duke and arrest him, it would be a complete nonsense.

But that's okay. After all, it's a fact that the guy is mingling with the Church of the Cursed. Allen doesn't mind, and puts this hat on Akra's head a little earlier.

There's nothing wrong with this button, but Simpson wouldn't believe it. He said: "You used the cursed church as an excuse for intimidation when you negotiated in the Silver and White Capitals half a year ago. Now, you have linked Count Ekla to the cursed church again. Huh, are we all fools? Who can't see the plan of your Hindler? You are not allowed to sing against you Akkala to get the inheritance he deserves and turn to support a 14-year-old girl. You want to support you Obviously, what else is cursing the church? "

Allen said: "We do have evidence in this matter. General Paran's army has been at the fir-tree border and once against Akra's cursed army. There are traces of the devil in the enemy's army, and now, The fir collar is being corrupted by the cursed church, where a powerful black wizard is poisoning the people of Florence. And your sacred alliance not only does not agree with the silver and white agreement to maintain peace and peace in Florence with us. Stability, but help to abuse! "

Simpson was furious: "It's ridiculous! What demon, what black wizard, are pure nonsense! Violations of the peace agreement and plotting are clearly yours Hindrell! We have reached an agreement with the Kingdom of Victoria, 15 thousand The warrior is ready to go and will soon arrive at the fir collar. I advise you, it is best to take back your careful thinking, the seat of the Grand Duke of Florence, whether it is reasonable or reasonable, should be the eldest son of the Grand Duke, Akra Earl's! "

"You are sending your soldiers to death!"

"Ambassador Ellen, you are wrong. You Hindrell are on the road of no return!"


A 'communication', which broke up.

The Pudris, as well as the Holy Alliance, apparently have no confidence in Schindler's words. They determined that the Hindlers were lying-in fact, if they changed their angles, Allen himself would think he was bullshit.

But ... hell, although there are some lies in his remarks, Fir collar's situation has been basically informed to the other party.

However, he still underestimated Simpson's stubbornness.

Leaving Bauhinia Castle, Allen immediately found the mage of the Hindrell in the city.

"Immediately send a message to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom. Communication with the Holy Alliance was unsuccessful. They are determined to continue sending troops."

"At the same time, he immediately sent a message to Lieutenant General Paran, and it was unavoidable that the troops of the Holy Alliance were stationed in the fir tree collar. Let him be careful."

After arranging these, he found Brigadier Chandler.

This Brigadier General Chandler is a general under Palan's men. He has good personal strength and has fourteen fighter levels. At the same time, he was also the general of Palan who stayed in the Bauhinia City and led the remaining 20,000 garrison.

After communicating with Chandler, he took hundreds of soldiers and received Count Parrot.

So, the next day, June 27, Pallott officially took over the title of Grand Duchess of Florence in Bauhinia Castle, becoming the first Grand Duchess of this country.

For the first time, Palette—or Ellen behind her—published the news in the name of the Duke of Florence ~ ~, announcing the news of Pallot ’s succession, And he will fight Acla as a renegade in Florence, a demon collaborating with the cursed church, and call on the nobles, knights and people of Florence to gather to defeat the rebel Akra and the rebel fir collar.

Allen played political cards. Of course, he wouldn't be naive to think that as soon as Parrot succeeded, he would have the national appeal. However, the seat of the Grand Duke and the nominal leadership power must be held in his hands.

Aikla has claimed to have inherited the position of the Grand Duke from Earl Firth. On the side of Hindler, he must also take action to launch a genuine Grand Duke to compete with Aikla politically.

It is okay not to get the support of the Florensa, but at least not let too many people fall to the side of Acla.

As for the future situation of Florence, the most important thing is the outcome of the war.

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