MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 7 Examination method for the same death (1)

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After Joyce turned his head away, Chi Lang still felt very sorry. He looked at Sheffield and said, "Sheffield, why did you say that?" They clearly didn't say anything about "all excellent".

Sheffield: "You must let me tell you the reason...because I want you to get 'all excellent'." When he said this, his tone and demeanor were very relaxed, but his eyes were heavy, making it difficult to see his heart thought.

Sheffield looked downstairs, where a little rose was planted.

"This year's assessment is different from usual. In addition to the scholarship, there is a special reward for those who get all the best." Sheffield whispered, "Money and knowledge are regarded as two indispensable things for practicing magic, so the academy will Reward what is called 'knowledge'."

Rewarding knowledge, is it possible to send a bunch of books... Chi Lang is very suspicious of this reward.

"Margaret the Great Sorcerer lives in the magic tower on the outskirts of Zefnar City. If you can get all the best this time, you can ask her a question."

Chi Lang has also made up for basic common sense these days. Margaret, a magician of the prophecy department, has always been called an "all-knowing and omnipotent" magician, who knows the past and the future. Margaret has long been out of the worldly disputes. She stands on the top of magic and looks down on all the magicians with a loner attitude.

Such a character who was written into magic textbooks actually lived outside Zevernar.

"Does she live outside Zefnar?" Chi Lang asked.

"She only recently arrived in Zevernar City, because her prophecy magic sensed something." Sheffield said with a smile, "She thinks, maybe those things that were once sealed have escaped again."

"The thing that was sealed?" Chi Lang thought about the novels he had read, "like the holy sword or something?"

"No, it's the Demon King of the Abyss."

Chi Lang nodded. Although he had heard of the term "Demon King", he subconsciously felt that it was something far away from him. So he asked, "Does this have anything to do with me getting all the best?"

"I want you to help me with a question."

This logic is even more strange. Since Sheffield has the ability to get "all excellent", why not ask Margaret herself. Chi Lang implicitly expressed his doubts to Sheffield.

It would be boring to meet Marigot so early.

Sheffield: "Because the rule is to ask only one question, if I ask you to help me, I can ask her two questions."

Chi Lang was very puzzled by such a rule: "Can only ask one? Can she really answer everything?"

"Yes, as long as you can ask and she is willing to answer."

A thought flashed in Chi Lang's mind - if Margaret can answer everything, can it be answered... Is there any way to cross the plane and bring him back to the modern age.

However, the thought only flashed by.

After listening to Sheffield's explanation, Chi Lang immediately agreed to his request: "So what do you want me to ask?"

The expression on Sheffield's face was gentle.

"How do I unlock the seal of the Demon King?"

Chi Lang was one of those who handed in the papers earlier. At this time, most of them were still answering in the classroom, and there was no one else in the corridor except the two of them.

Chi Lang heard his own voice: "Why... why do you want to ask this?"

Today he asked "why" too many times.

Sheffield approached him, and Chi Lang always felt that Sheffield should have picked roses again. There was a faint scent of roses on his clothes. He said in Chi Lang's ear, "Because I am one of those demon kings who were sealed."

Chi Lang's heart skipped a beat, and even for a moment his brain was blank, he was unconsciously watching the powder fluttering in the sun.

Sheffield straightened up, looked at Chi Lang's expression, and smiled easily: "Just kidding... I'm just interested in the seal."

Chi Lang breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

"Micah, aren't you interested in this, don't you think that breaking the seal sounds exciting?"

Chi Lang shook his head firmly: "The blood boils only in legends. What happens to the protagonist is called a legend, and what happens to ordinary people like me is called an episode in a legend."

In the written test in the next few days, some Chi Lang relied on his own rote to complete the test paper, and some also relied on Sheffield's help to complete the test well. There is a three-day break between the end of the written test and the actual combat assessment.

Only then did Chi Lang understand the rules of the actual combat assessment. Students from one faction "send questions" and students from other factions complete their challenges. There are many magic factions in Saints Academy, and you can choose the direction of study on the way of magic. Even if you are the only one in this faction, you can claim that you belong to this faction.

The actual problem-setters only take turns in the main factions with a large number of people, and this year it happened to be the turn of the element system.

If students from other departments pass the challenge, this item will be recorded as passing, and the top ten percent will be recorded as excellent, and the grades of the element department will be calculated by the percentage of the total number of students who have passed.

Chi Lang still took advantage of the three-day break to arrive at the "House of Hope" tavern. He has only a few silver coins on his body now, so it is better to make more money while he is free.

Mrs. White noticed him coming in and ignored him, but counted the coins on the table, muttering as she counted.

"Micah, why are you here again? Isn't the exam over yet?"

"There will be actual combat in three days, and the exam will be over after the actual combat."

As Mrs. White put the coins in the cabinet, she instructed Chi Lang: "You remember to come to the tavern early after the exam. There must be many guests that day, so I can pay you a little more."

Chi Lang nodded, and Mrs. White seemed to remember something and asked, "Which department are you playing at this year?"

"Elemental system."

Mrs. White nodded first, then shook her head: "Not very good, but it's better than the change department, the **** change department exam."

Chi Lang: "What happened to the actual combat test of the Change Department?"

Mrs. White: "They took the exam that year. It was overkill. Let other people turn dirt into silver coins and come to the pub to buy wine, and if I didn't identify it, they passed the exam."

Mrs. White said more and more angrily: "It's unreasonable, I have lost a lot of wine for nothing. The group of change-type boys also dislikes me for being old-fashioned and forgetting magic knowledge, and they can't even recognize it."

Chi Lang also felt that the exam rules were a bit excessive. Mrs. White gave Chi Lang a sideways look: "What's your department?"

Chi Lang pondered for a while: "I... learn everything..." I don't understand anything.

"So from then on, if I found out who was a changer, I would sell him wine for ten times the price." Mrs. White began to wipe the counter.

She hesitated for a while, and said to Chi Lang, "I made some roast goose today. You can bring some back later. I wish you good luck in your exam."

Chi Lang was a little surprised. Mrs. White was usually very stingy, reluctant to buy meat, reluctant to buy new clothes, and was keen to count her coins every day, squeezing Chi Lang's labor force to the extreme.

"I met the home field of the elemental department once before. Many years ago, when students in the tavern discussed the exam, they said that it was more difficult to take the home field of the elemental department. You will suffer some sins. You can take the test well..." White The wife went into ramble mode.

This is not the first person to say that the home field of the element system is difficult. Sheffield also said that if it is the home field of the element system, the actual combat assessment is often rough, and it does not require much use of brains, but the requirements for mastery of magic are high.

The people Chi Lang met on the road recently also discussed that the home field of the element system was difficult.

The more this is, the more uneasy Chi Lang feels. He still thinks of Joyce from time to time, and always feels that he will fail the exam.

Generally speaking, bad hunch always come true.

For example, on the day before the exam, Chi Lang was walking on the campus and felt that the eyes of the people around him were a bit strange.

He finally couldn't help telling Sheffield about it before going to bed: "It's so strange today, I feel like I'm walking on the road, others are looking at me intentionally or not..."

He had just told Sheffield as a school anecdote.

Sheffield: "Not surprising."

Chi Lang's heart "squeaked".

Sheffield looked at him with a smile: "Joyce said, as long as they can let the two of us fail the test, he will let all the others pass."


Chi Lang was stunned and frightened: "Impossible, Joyce can ignore his own grades, and other people in the element department will accompany him?"

"If I guess, there are two possibilities. First, Joyce should be responsible for part of the assessment, just let them pass the part he is responsible for. Second, Joyce has a high reputation in the element department. In addition, the Elemental Department is a group of energetic magicians, and I might be willing to accompany him to make trouble."

"That's just the first possibility." Chi Lang began to pray, and apologized to Sheffield again, "I'm sorry, if I hadn't made a mistake in the paper for Joyce, there would be no such thing."

"It's okay." Sheffield's voice was very soft, but his words somehow made Chi Lang feel calm.

"It will pass, you just need to trust me."

Read The Duke's Passion