MTL - He Holds a Rose from the Abyss-Chapter 34 rose dream

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Hubert stood in the hall.

This fact made Chi Lang feel horrified.

It was very quiet outside, like dark clouds gathered quietly, just waiting for the last flash of lightning.

Hubert straightened his back and smiled: "It's quite emotional to come back to the Magic Research Society after so long."

The long beard stood out, and he bowed slightly: "May I ask if you want to..."

Hubert scratched his head, this action slightly reduced the sharp feeling on his body, he nodded with a smile: "I just remembered that I was in a hurry before, and the research on magic was not written down."

"Can you give me some pen and paper?" Hubert asked.

The long beard stretched out his hand: "Please come with me." He gave him a look like the others, and everyone dispersed as if nothing had happened, but from time to time they still glanced at Hubert.

Chi Lang turned his head, Sheffield was still standing there, motionless.

He ran over and held Sheffield's hand, Sheffield's hand was as cold as ever, and Chi Lang tried hard to warm him up.

Gradually, Sheffield used fire magic, and his fingers slowly warmed, which made him appear softer again.

Sheffield said softly, "It's all right."

"Who is he? Hubert shouldn't have..."

Sheffield said quietly: "Necromancy."

Chi Lang: "No way... Then what is his purpose? Also, the necromancer from before..."

Sheffield: "Nine times out of ten it was resurrected by that one."

Chi Lang felt terrified, so he simply pulled Sheffield to the corner, kissed Sheffield's lips again, and said, "Otherwise, you can leave now while he's not in the hall."

Sheffield: "It's useless, so close, he's already found it."

"Actually, I want to go and meet him."

Chi Lang couldn't say anything to stop him. He knew that Sheffield was brooding about the name Hubert, so he just said sullenly: "Then you, be careful."

Sheffield raised Chi Lang's hand, kissed his palm, and his eyes softened again: "I'll be fine, I won't let Hubert hurt me anymore."

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Chi Lang asked.

"Stay here and wait for me to come back." Sheffield kissed his forehead.

Hubert was sitting at the table, writing something on the paper. His memory was vague, but his memory of magic was very clear. It's always a pity to leave things behind."

Longbeard stood aside, looking at what Hubert wrote, hesitating for a moment: "What you wrote has actually been researched."

The implication is that this is not worth writing down by Hubert, this magical knowledge is not new knowledge.

Hubert was a little dazed and murmured, "How long has it been?"

Beard: "What do you mean?"

Hubert: "How long has it been since I died?"

Longbeard is rarely nervous anymore. After he learned magic so-so, he began to manage things in the Magic Research Association. He has always been calm and unhurried.

Hubert seemed to realize that this was a bit unacceptable for a long beard, and he explained it very understandingly.

"As you can see, I have been resurrected by a necromancer."

"I know that necromantic magic is not allowed to appear with great fanfare in the magic field. I killed the necromancer during the resurrection, but I couldn't kill myself. Thinking of the magic research club, I came here."

"In that case, can you help me find a man named Sheffield."

When Longbeard was stunned, the door was knocked again.

The knocker knocked five times, all sounding about the same time interval.

Sheffield pushed the door into the bearded room and looked at Hubert.

Hubert said to Longbeard, "Bring me a copy of Hubert Biography again."

After Hubert let Longbeard out of the room, he opened the biography describing himself. He turned the pages quickly until he reached the place where he entered the abyss and sealed the Demon King.

"This seal can't beat you."

"It's not difficult, it just took a lot of time."

But this made him stay in his time forever. When he solved the magic circle in the abyss, almost all his parents and friends passed away.

Hubert tore off the page and murmured: "This page has beautified me too much. In fact, I deliberately made you do the last blow to the previous Demon King."

Sheffield smiled: "I don't need to mention it in the past, what are you doing now, expose me? If you can shut up, I can tell you some information about necromancy, you killed the caster, now I can't stand it anymore."

Hubert shook his head: "No, I didn't want to live like this. I didn't know I would be resurrected by this method, I just wanted to do my last bit for magic. Now, I should find a place to slowly Die again."

Sheffield suddenly felt that this Hubert was too different from the person he remembered. The Hubert in his memory was once his friend. They made an appointment to go to the abyss together, but in the end, he became the devil and was sealed in the abyss by his friends.

He once hated this man and swore he wanted revenge. After he desperately came out of the abyss, he was the one left behind by time.

And this Hubert, struggling to get into the Magic Research Society, was just to explain his previous knowledge.

Sheffield nodded: "Then I have nothing to say, I wish you... a happy death."

Hubert stopped him: "I'm sorry."

It was as if light had passed through a long time and penetrated into his heart. Time has blurred his hatred, and he can be at peace when he sees Hubert again.

"Someone has to kill the Demon King, and if we swap identities, I might do the same," Sheffield said. "Farewell."

Sheffield went back to the logistics department, Chi Lang was still talking with the dough, and he kept talking. After Sheffield got close, he heard Chi Lang say repeatedly: "God bless, bless, don't have any trouble, otherwise I have to sacrifice myself heroically, ah no, a hero saves beauty."

Sheffield clasped his fingers on the table.

Chi Lang looked at him immediately, his eyes suddenly brightened.

When he saw Chi Lang running over, he seemed to want to reach out and hug him. But Chi Lang stopped halfway through, and he hesitated to look at the flour in his hands.

Sheffield smiled: "It's okay."

Chi Lang almost threw himself into his arms and asked repeatedly, "Why so fast? Did he not recognize you? I just said, great, great, let's go back first, I'm still worried. "

Sheffield originally wanted to kiss Chi Lang's forehead and comfort him gently for a while.

Then, Chi Lang was very unpleasant, rubbed his hand on his back, and smeared all the flour on his clothes.


"After all, you can also cleanse, so be it." Chi Lang took a few steps back.

Sheffield narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Come here."

Chi Lang shook his head.

Sheffield said helplessly: "I'll give you a cleansing technique."

Hubert's arrival did not seem to have caused any ripples. Chi Lang asked about the long beard, and according to him, Hubert left alone again.

His ability to survive came from the necromancer, and that necromancer was dead, so Hubert wouldn't live much longer.

Chi Lang met Song Southwest when he was going back to bed that day.

Song Southwest stood beside the sculpture, as if blending into the night.

"Why are you staying here? It's scary at night." Chi Lang walked over.

"The magic circle is ready to use, back to the modern one," Song Southwest said.

Chi Lang: "Did it go so well? But why don't you look so good?"

Song Southwest: "Only one person can go back."

Chi Lang was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while: "Then you, go back, after all, you found it... and I can't go back alone like this."

Song Nanxin clenched his fist: "Actually, I hope you can go back."

Chi Lang felt a little strange, he asked: ""Why? "

Song Nanxin lowered her head, her voice a little dry: "In modern times, I'm not a very good person, every day is repeating the previous day, and here I am, because of that special magical power, I have also become a very important person. characters."

Chi Lang didn't know how to answer. He thought for a while: "It's up to you to decide whether to go back or not. If you don't want to, just stay here."

Chi Lang thought of something very happy, smiled and said, "I won't leave until I find a way to go back together. If you don't leave, we can study Chinese food together."

Song Nanxi closed her eyes and said, "But I'm afraid again. If I don't go back, I'll become someone I hate."

Chi Lang: ?

Song Southwest: "The reason why the Necromancer can resurrect Hubert and not be discovered by the Magic Association is that the church is covering it up."

"What's in it for you to resurrect Hubert? He's a magician."

"Of course, if he stays in the Magic Association, one day people will know that the Magic Association allows the existence of necromantic magic, and they are willing to live with the undead, they will be afraid, this is the time to attack the prestige of the Magic Association.

"And that necromancer, in theory, can manipulate Hubert's actions, so that it will not increase the power of the Magic Association, or even enhance the power of the church."

"Finally, I can also let Hubert repair that magic circle."

Chi Lang reluctantly understood what Song Nanxin meant, and then said, "The church and the Magic Association are already in a competitive relationship, so it's understandable for you to do so. However, it's not right to revive the dead, and I didn't ask him if he wanted to. Come back to life, and he has to accept a second death... Besides that, I don't know what to say."

"However, since you choose to stay here, as you are in the church, accept these... But I hope you don't accept it. I don't want to part ways with you one day."

Chi Lang patted Song Southwest on the shoulder: "Thank you very much for telling me about the magic circle."

"No, there won't be a day when we part ways." Song Xinnan's voice trembled, "I promise."

After Chi Lang said goodbye to Song Southwest, he returned to the dormitory.

There was no light in the room, the curtains blocked the windows, and only the scent of roses could be smelled.

Just as Chi Lang took a step in, he felt someone hold his hand.

- It's Sheffield.

Chi Lang let Sheffield pull him to the window, and Sheffield didn't say a word during the process. Chi Lang was a little confused: "What is this doing?"

Sheffield kissed him and put his right hand on the back of his head. In this darkness, Chi Lang could only vaguely see the outline of Sheffield.

After Sheffield let him go, Chi Lang said almost immediately, "You will finally use an illumination technique on your face in the future. I will look at your face, and I will be in a good mood."

Sheffield's light laughter came from the darkness, and he opened his mouth with a hoarse voice: "Do you just want to look at my face?"

Chi Lang felt that this sentence had the same meaning as "Do you only like my face?" He felt that answering "yes" was a bit sloppy, and answering "no" seemed a bit too law-abiding.

He thought for a while dizzy, and then said, "No no no... I still like... I like..."

say what?

I like that you are gentle with me? Ah, this is too mushy.

I like your cooking? Ah, it goes against my heart, is it a cooking skill that always burns bread?

I like your mind? It's a bit fake, it's not impressive enough.

Chi Lang closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I still like your body."

What a great answer, both vulgar and elegant.

Chi Lang was complacent when he heard Sheffield reply: "It's a coincidence, so do I." Chi Lang couldn't find anything to say at this time.

Sheffield suddenly reached out and opened the curtains. It was late at night. Looking up at the sky, he could see stars strung together, spreading all the way to the end of the sky.

Chi Lang: "Wow, I didn't find it when I just went back to bed, it's so beautiful."

Sheffield didn't speak, he took his shoulders, and they leaned together, looking at the starry sky outside the window together.

Chi Lang began to talk about today's events, which were nothing more than trivial matters, such as how Berg lost his temper today, and how the long beard stole food.

"...I heard that Hubert left."

"Yes, he won't live much longer."

"Do you still hate him?"

"...I don't know, after so long, I can't remember the hatred clearly."

Chi Lang looked into Sheffield's eyes, and he felt that the starlight fell into Sheffield's eyes by the window where the stars were broken.

"What do you remember about the past?"

Sheffield kissed the corner of his eyes and said softly, "I don't remember, even if I do, it's just some vague fragments."

"But I remember now, since I met you, the memory has never been so clear."

"If I still think about magic," Sheffield looked out the window, "I hope I can walk with you under the stars every day."

Chi Lang also looked out the window: "It doesn't matter, even if there are no stars, even if it is raining, even if there is fog, there are stars in your eyes."

He heard the sound of a bell ringing. It was the big clock in the academy. The history of this clock is very old. At this time, like an old man, it was making a trembling sound.

The bell rang in Chi Lang's heart one after another. He counted the bells silently in his heart, but inevitably felt a slight loss. When the bell rang, he would always feel a little lost, as if he was completely lost. Say goodbye to yesterday.

Sheffield: "It's day two."

Chi Lang: "It's good, today is also a good day."

Sheffield kissed him again. In fact, Chi Lang has always had no willpower, and it is easy to be confused by the kiss, unable to distinguish east, west, north and south.

He sat dazedly on the bed and reached out to touch the rose petals on the sheets.

Under him, there is a layer of rose petals. This realization made his heart tremble, and even the place where Sheffield had kissed became like a flame.

Sheffield suddenly stopped, and Chi Lang muttered a few words: "Why did you stop?"

"It might be painful."

Chi Lang: …

He didn't know how to reply, this question really made him feel hard to say, but he was a little uncomfortable.

"I really really like you. If it really hurts, can you... kiss me more? When I was kissed by you, I hardly knew who I was... It would be better..."

The clock rang every hour, and Sheffield listened to the bell and felt that the hatreds of the past seemed to be getting further and further away from him, as if separated by more and more fog.

Losing these pasts did not make him feel panic.

In his new dream, he forgot all the things that had brought him unpleasantness.

All of him, accepted by another person, including his false appearance and rotten heart.

Sheffield could feel that Chi Lang was too sleepy to open his eyes, and his consciousness was a little blurry.

At the end, he said something in Chi Lang's ear.

Chi Lang couldn't tell what he meant and couldn't give a response. He just used the last strength to kiss Sheffield's lips, and then smiled - "Good night."

Sheffield seemed to hear the bell again, "clicking", and his heart became very peaceful.

He couldn't suppress the reverie in his heart - he would always cut through thorns and thorns for his rose until the end of his life.

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