MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 78 The scene in the cave, back to the past

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Ye Ying looked suspiciously at the entrance of the cave, and then at Hui San: "Are you sure? The Immortal Temple used to be in the cave?"

What about the many believers who agreed? Are they all drilled?

Hui San shook his head: "I was not born at that time, but I heard from my brother when I was a child. It is said that when the mountain gods collapsed, the mountain boundary collapsed, and it was the Dharma protectors who worked together to move the fairy temple away."

I see…

Ye Ying nodded, it seems that this is the ruins of the collapsed fairy temple.

She raised her foot and was about to go in dragging the shovel, when Hui San hesitated behind her and said, "Grandma Six, do you really want to go in?"

Ye Ying turned her head and raised her eyebrows: "I've come here, now you ask me if I want to go in?"

Hui San had a hesitant look on his face. He glanced at the dark hole: "'s just that I have a bad feeling."

Gray Immortal preoccupied him, although he didn't study this way much, his hunch was an instinct, and he was very keen.

Ye Ying smiled and shook her head: "This is Pi's lair, it's no wonder you feel better."

As she said that, she looked back at Zuo Huai: "You stay."

"I'll stay?" Zuo Huai's eyes widened: "Then why am I here? I want to go in too. Multiple people have multiple strengths."

"You're a human being, and you have the power to fart." Ye Ying was annoyed, and pouted at the side after speaking: "You are outside to meet them, have to take care of them."

Zuo Huai just wanted to be unconvinced and said that you are also a human being, and after hearing what she said, he followed Ye Ying's eyes.

There was an empty space beside him, he realized that he hurriedly lifted up the dark glasses that never left his body.

The light dimmed instantly through the sunglasses, and Zuo Huai also saw Zuo Yu and Gouzi beside him.

Gouzi was obviously terrified, trembling all over with his tail between his legs, but his eyes were fierce, his whole mouth was wrinkled, and he whined threateningly at the hole that exuded an ominous atmosphere.

And Zuo Yu... the edges of his body collapsed like water vapor, his state was very unstable, and his eyes were fixed on the hole.

Zuo Huai hurried forward and hugged Zuo Yu's body.

The tentacles were cool, as if hugging a mist. Zuo Huai comforted: "It's alright, it's alright."

Ye Ying took one last look at the two brothers, one person and one ghost, and then went into the cave.

After entering, she realized that although the cave was dark, it was not as dark as imagined, and it was even brighter than yesterday in the haunted house.

The huge rocks piled up above the head, and thick tree vines or coiled roots formed a stable structure instead.

Ye Ying's feet were one deep and one shallow, and there were still fragments of sunlight falling vaguely on the ground. Weeds paved the way with gravel, stretching forward into the darkness.

She had an illusion, as if she was walking among the fossilized bones of giant beasts.

Hui San in front condensed into a dark gray silhouette, only the occasional splash of sunlight could barely illuminate his outline.

He stretched out his hand to Ye Ying: "Grandma Six, I'll hold you."

Ye Ying waved her hand, indicating that she didn't need it. The last time I was in a haunted house, I was pulled out of PTSD.

Even if she was going to **** again, she didn't want to have intimate contact with the other party, such as holding hands.

Eight hundred miles away, Huang Xize was still by his side, and she was no longer the soft persimmon she was before, so he dared to appear blatantly.

I don't know if I knew their plan, and jumped around before dying.

Ye Ying was thinking in a mess, and found that the road was getting darker and darker.

Finally, the dimly lit cave turned into complete darkness.

Ye Ying called tentatively: "Little Hui?"

No response.

Ye Ying sighed, not surprised at all—it was just a conventional method.

No... Or, is it Huang Yu's method?

Ye Ying recalled what Huang Yu's phantom said yesterday when she mocked him.

She said she was Huang Yu...

What does it mean?

Could it be that Huang Yu, who is a ghost, has his own consciousness?

But what was full of hatred, resentment and fury... Was it her original consciousness?

Ye Ying was thinking about it, and suddenly heard the familiar sound of a bell.

She stopped immediately, took out the flashlight she had prepared and turned it on.

The sound of the bell was not frightened by the cold white beam of light, but accompanied by the sound of sudden footsteps lingering in my ears.

The footsteps... like the sound of a naughty child running.

For some reason, Ye Ying suddenly remembered the night in 2202, when she was almost hanged to death. At that time, she also heard the footsteps of children running around, and when she looked up, she saw that...

A monster with eight legs that seems to hold a human body together like plasticine.

Thinking of this, Ye Ying immediately raised the flashlight and looked up—but only saw the whitened rocks, and there was no trace of the monster.

She breathed a sigh of relief, following the beam of light from the flashlight, she lowered her gaze from the top of her head—

— Then, she saw a child standing in front of the rock wall with her back to her.

Judging from his height, the child was less than ten years old. He was wearing an old vest and shorts, standing very close to the rock wall.

The child lowered his head, and the light from the flashlight made his skin pale and black, and his black hair was wet, as if soaked in sweat.

Ye Ying frowned, picked up the shovel, and took a step forward carefully.

This light step woke the child up, and he ran towards the cave beside him.

"Hey—" Ye Ying called him reflexively, and shut up again.

This place is inaccessible, this child probably...

not human.

Her voice reflected back and forth in the cave, empty and layered, like the tide. Ye Ying bit her lip and finally decided to follow.

...There is only one way anyway.

She walked forward, this time she didn't deliberately lower the sound of her footsteps, just to reduce the noise, the shovel was kept off the ground.

But after walking for more than a minute, she realized that something was not quite right.

What's the sound... Following her footsteps, walking forward together.

Ye Ying immediately stepped lightly, carefully identified, and found the clue.

The voice was that of a soft-footed child who is afraid of being discovered, trying to blend his steps into hers.

In addition to this, there was a very light sound, like a small stone - not falling on the ground, but as if being gently knocked on the ground and then lifted.

so familiar voice...

Ye Ying thought for a long time, and finally came to her senses. This is the sound of animals walking on the ground and the nails on their paws touching the ground!

She turned around sharply, the flashlight piercing the darkness like a sharp knife.

At this moment, she saw two shadows as light as smoke passing by her.

Ye Ying paused, feeling a strange feeling in her heart.

It was as if the three of them were walking side by side, and only she stopped.

Ye Ying frowned to look at the two faint shadows. After she stopped, the sound of their light footsteps clearly appeared in the air.

Just then, a shadow spoke.

Judging by his stature, this is the child she saw just now. His voice trembled: "Scattered...where did they go?"

Ye Ying froze for a moment, then raised her head, and found that there was a fork in the road in front of her.

It was too dark, and she was concentrating on distinguishing their footsteps just now, but she didn't realize that another hole appeared on the rock wall!

After the taller shadow finished speaking, the half-shorter shadow beside him also whimpered in fear.

Ye Ying heard the sound and carefully distinguished the fuzzy shadow, and found that it was a shivering…


Ye Ying's eyes widened, could this be...

Just as he was thinking about it, the child trembled and walked into the fork in the road.

Ye Ying followed, looking at the two shadows, one person and one dog, with complicated emotions.

She has almost understood now that this is the replay of the deaths of Zuo Yu and Dahei.

The dog was more frightened than the child, and all four legs were shaking. The child paused, and then comforted him: " have been cowardly since you were young, every time I fight with someone, you run faster than me..."

He talked to Gouzi softly, as if this would relieve some inner uneasiness.

Ye Ying followed behind silently, not knowing what it was like.

After walking for an indeterminate amount of time, the figure trembled, "Dahei, did you... hear anything?"


Ye Ying frowned suspiciously, she didn't hear anything.

But obviously, the child seemed to have heard some terrible voice, and he yelled: "Dahei, run!"

Following the voice, he also turned and ran. But turning too quickly, his left foot tripped on the ground and fell hard to the ground.

Seeing the child's thin body collapsed, Ye Ying's heart suddenly rose.

She shone the flashlight behind him in panic, trying to find what was attacking him—even though she knew it was a repeat of the past, she couldn't change anything at all.

But there is nothing, this play only retains the images and voices of Zuo Yu and Dahei, making them seem like actors performing without physical objects.

"Zuo Yu" screamed heart-piercingly, lifted one leg abnormally, as if being bitten by something invisible, and dragged him to the depths of the cave.

At this moment, a loud and shrill dog bark sounded, and the dragging trend of "Zuo Yu" suddenly stopped, and his legs loosened suddenly.

And in the distance behind him, "Da Hei"'s hair stood up all over, as if he had something in his mouth, and pulled back with all his strength.

Its whole body was shaking like a wobble, and instead of a threatening growl in its throat, it was a frightened whimper, as if it was crying.

Even if it is a language barrier, it can be heard that it is terrified. But it never let go, but struggled, exhausted all its strength, and dragged the invisible thing to the opposite direction of its owner.

The desperation in this picture made Ye Ying's throat choke. She saw "Zuo Yu" get up from the ground and rush to rescue his dog.

It's hard to say whether it's worth it or not. Some people may say from God's perspective that this is a kind of stupidity, a wasted opportunity - this is a chance for Zuo Yu that Dahei sacrificed his life for Zuo Yu.

But Ye Ying guessed that at that moment, in the eyes of the child, Dahei was not a dog, but a partner who was willing to sacrifice his life to save him.

And the child made the same choice.

Ye Ying slowly covered her face, and the two shadows in front of her eyes dissipated like light smoke.

She stood silently in the darkness for a long time, with a hint of smoldering anger in her eyes, and continued walking along the cave.

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