MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 73 Take charge of ridicule, carry all

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Well, what a sister and sister, it turned out to be such a sister and sister.

Ye Ying was so angry that her eyebrows were raised up. Was this a demonstration with her all day long?

What do you mean - elder sister can, younger sister can too?

The more Ye Ying thought about it, the more angry she was, and she squeezed out of the seat belt: "You tell me clearly—uh—"

Seat belt strangled my neck.

Huang Xize recovered from the excitement just now, watched Ye Ying writhing like a maggot, and wordlessly pushed down the seat belt to save her.

Ye Ying looked at his face, feeling sad.

She cried: "Damn it, I'll tell you when it's my turn to do good things! I finally got a good-looking pig, and I turned around and went to get other cabbages! My life is so miserable, wow—"

Huang Xize's face was full of black lines, where is this going?

He loosened his seat belt angrily, hugged him in his arms, and coaxed him in a childlike tone: "What are you thinking, I only like you."

"Really? I don't believe it." Ye Ying questioned: "Even if she is younger than me and has better hair than me, do you still like me?"

Huang Xize had a good attitude: "You are as thin as a female corpse unearthed at Mawangdui, why don't I marry you?"

Ye Ying: "...Are you praising me or scolding me?"

Huang Xize was made to laugh: "She's just mine..."

"Ah! You are not allowed to say the word 'sister'!" Ye Ying covered her ears, and Wang Ba shook her head.


Ye Ying stopped talking and looked at Huang Xize.

Huang Xize looked helpless: "She is my disciple."

As he spoke, he sighed: "I didn't actually saw her."

More than just seeing it, she almost killed me. Ye Ying looked suspicious: "Is there really nothing between you two?"

Then why did she feel that the girl was so hostile to her...or was it just because she was being manipulated by the cock?

Ye Ying asked warily, "What's her name?"

Huang Xize was silent for a second. After hundreds of years, the name became unfamiliar, and it was bitter on the tip of his tongue: "Her name is..."

"Huang Yu."

Ye Ying: "..."

She pondered for a moment, then said with difficulty: "This chose it?"

The name is too casual!

It sounds like I want to fry her up, the kind where the kids next door are crying...

"No, the point is..."

Ye Ying angrily reprimanded Huang Xize: "You actually accept young and beautiful female disciples, I misread you! You pervert! I am so disappointed in you!"

Well, actually engage in cultivation? !

Huang Xize: "..."

He was even more wronged than Dou E: "She was an orphan. There was a famine at that time, and her parents were gone. I picked her up and then..."

Then people become small yellow croakers.

Ye Ying wiped her face: "I probably know why she wants to kill me so much."

...Maybe he was angry with this master who named him so casually.

When Huang Xize asked her to interrupt, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, but he still lowered his eyes heavily: "In the end, I couldn't protect her well."

Ye Ying patted him on the back, but her mind was full of doubts.

She always felt that Huang Yu was different from the ghosts sent by Zhuo before, and would trick her into 2202, as if...

She still has the same mind.

But if so, why did she hunt herself? Obviously, the brand mark of Chi is gone.

Could it be her own wish?

Ye Ying shook her head, she was unwilling to speculate on a young girl who died prematurely with such malice.

No matter what, Pi is no longer the monster that preyed on instinct and confused prey. The scariest possibility is - it has given birth to intelligence.

More cunning and more vicious.

And probably because of Huang Yu's existence, he was able to bypass Huang Xize and attack Ye Ying...

This is troublesome.

Unconsciously, Ye Ying's expression became serious: "It seems that we have to seal it quickly."

Huang Xize looked at her serious profile, and nodded in silence after a while.

Ye Ying was a little puzzled by his reaction, and reached out to touch his forehead: "Are you sick? Since this morning, I have felt that things are clear, but you are depressed instead."

Huang Xize raised his hand, took her hand off, and held it in his hand.

He lowered his eyelashes and smiled self-deprecatingly for a long time: "Maybe I'm afraid."

afraid of what?

Ye Ying looked into his eyes and realized that losing his disciples and close friends one after another might have planted a nightmare in his heart.

Not to mention Zuo Yu's death twenty years ago made him blame himself.

This made him hate the mountain god, but at the same time... hated his powerless self even more.

Ye Ying was silent, and looked at him sincerely: "Now, you are not alone."

Huang Xize looked back into her eyes, the eyes flickered, and replied after a while: "... But I'm not human in the first place."

Ye Ying: "..."

It's annoying, this wolf is really annoying.

"So...the auspicious day will be in four days? Are you sure?"

Ye Ying looked suspiciously at Qiao Er who was sitting at the table.

"Don't worry about one hundred and twenty. Although my cultivation is not good, divination is engraved into my DNA."

Qiao Er nodded impatiently.

But as soon as he saw the phantom of Lin Wangsuo on the opposite side of the table, the usually bold and unrestrained Huixian showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, and hid behind Zuo Huai.

Ye Ying looked at him suspiciously: "Why haven't you seen your little daughter-in-law for a few days?"

As she spoke, she looked at Zuo Huai: "Why are you two so gay?"

Zuo Huai was criticized by her, even in front of Huang Xize, he still rolled his eyes: "My old aunt, please clean up the yellow waste in your mind. I have a pure man-male relationship with Qiao Erye .”

It's a male-male relationship, and it's pure. Ye Ying put on an evil smile: "But I think you can give it a try."

Zuo Huai: ...Although there is nothing wrong with it, I always feel that there is something in your words.

Ye Ying stood up and stretched her waist: "Okay, we will go to outwit Tiger Mountain in four days."

"You are not allowed to go."

Huang Xize's voice was light, but Ye Ying stopped all of a sudden.

She blinked, and looked at him suspiciously for a while: "Why? Speaking of which, in terms of combat power..."

Ye Ying looked around, her eyes flicked across Lin Wangshuo, Zuo Huai, and Qiao Er one by one, and said modestly: "I am not targeting anyone, everyone here is hot chicken."

Lin Wangshuo and the others: "..."

Although, there seems to be nothing to refute.

Even Zuo Yu, who was leading the dog in the corner, was hesitant to speak, hesitant to speak, and finally chose to shut up obediently.

Lin Wangsuo also said hesitantly: "Mr. Huang, Ye Ying...your wife is indeed special."

Huang Xize's eyes turned to him, inexplicably unkind. Lin Wangshuo flinched, but continued on.

"The day I met her for the first time,'s not accurate to say that I saved her."

"Actually, she saved herself and her friends."

Lin Wangshuo's eyes were slightly empty, and he entered the memory: "Cao is an evil spirit that is transformed into rage and can disturb people's hearts. For example, my brother..."

He paused, as if even mentioning the name made him uncomfortable.

After adjusting for a few seconds, he continued: " brother Jin Nan and my sister-in-law Yin Ping, after they moved in, they were first affected by that kind of rage, which caused a big change in their temperament, and finally they were killed."

At the beginning, his words flowed smoothly in the end: "That is to say, 魙 destroys people by influencing their minds. The simplest thing is that people who are branded by it will gradually develop rage and tyrannical impulses. "

He looked at Ye Ying: "At that time...she was like this too."

Ye Ying thought about it for a while, and it seemed that it was really... that day she and Tao Zi were pulled into 2202, and she was really scared at first. But later, there was a kind of entangled rage.

At that time, she thought it was the effect of alcohol, but she didn't expect it to be the relationship between 魙.

Lin Wangsuo continued: "Different from everyone else, her anger was not assimilated, nor did it erode her heart, but became a force against it."

He looked at Ye Ying with a hint of admiration and admiration: "This is a power that I have never seen in all the files and my own personal experience. So I think she should also participate in the seal."

Ye Ying was ashamed by him, she wanted to applaud Lin Wangshuo's rainbow fart.

Low EQ: Incompetent and furious, a lot of recklessness.

High emotional intelligence: Anger turned into power.

She met everyone's eyes, scratched her chin embarrassingly, and said modestly, "...not anymore, don't be 6."

Everyone: "..."

Zuo Huai calmly turned his head and looked at Lin Wangsuo: "You are wrong, she is just reckless."

Ye Ying twisted his arm, and looked at Huang Xize expectantly amidst Zuo Huai's wailing: "Look, everyone's Taoism has been certified."

"If I say no, I just can't." Huang Xize was unmoved: "You all stay, no matter how powerful you are, you are still ordinary human beings, so don't meddle with you."

Ye Ying pouted her mouth high, and pointed at Qiao Er angrily: "He is a fairy, but he is more salty than me!"

Joe Two: "..."

Just talk, did I provoke you? !

"So he can't go either." Huang Xize said calmly, "It's enough for me to go with Lin Wangshuo."

Ye Ying quit: "Is he not an ordinary person? I can break that little arm with one hand."

"He's a Taoist disciple." Huang Xize glanced at her without giving in, "And it's just his phantom body going to form an formation, not to mention tearing off his arms, even if he is made into a human pig, he himself won't be harmed."

Lin Wangsuo weakly raised his hand: "That... can you stop using me as an analogy."

It does sound painful though...

Seeing Huang Xize's reluctance, Ye Ying burst into anger: "I'm so stupid, really. I just know that you don't take me as a dish; I didn't know that you looked down on my ability so much!"

"Cos Sister Xianglin is useless." Huang Xize said coldly, "If you say no, then stop struggling."

Ye Ying was so angry that she gritted her teeth but could do nothing, and finally grabbed Zuo Huai's hair angrily, trying to make him grab the ground with his head, and said sharply, "If you don't agree, I will kill your only nephew!"

Zuo Huai:? ? ?

Do you want me to hate you outright? !

Read The Duke's Passion