MTL - He Has To Be Human, Right? !-Chapter 51 If you want to fart, victory will be like a beast, so where do you run? ...

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Many years later, Ye Ying learned that there is a word called "PUA". She was startled—isn't this what Sun Xiuhong did to her? !

During the fourth year she was with Zhou Zhirui, Sun Xiuhong often called her. The tone of voice is still spring breeze and rain, but the words can be said to be a needle hidden in the cotton, an old hermaphrodite.

It is nothing more than the connotation that Ye Ying's family conditions are not good enough for her elder son, but seeing that Zhou Zhirui likes it, she reluctantly accepts it.

I hope Ye Ying knows how to be grateful and content, and don't be ignorant of flattery.

Ye Ying was originally quite confident and sunny, and never felt that there was any problem with her family background. But Sun Xiuhong is eloquent, and under long-term suppression, she gradually became inferior and sensitive.

Half a year before the breakup, Zhou Zhirui's whereabouts became more and more erratic, and he was often unable to be contacted. Even if I got in touch after a few hours, it was not lukewarm and very perfunctory.

The friction between the two became more and more, and Sun Xiuhong also got involved, forming a vicious circle.

The last straw that crushed Ye Ying was that after a certain quarrel, Sun Xiuhong "pretended to be inadvertent" and revealed that the daughter of an old friend of Zhou's father was also in LA and was "getting to know each other" with Zhou Zhirui.

In her words, this is the "right match": "Our Xiaorui is quite popular outside... I heard that his boss' daughter is also chasing him. The two of them went to the movies yesterday."

Sun Xiuhong's tone was still gentle: "Ye Ying, it's not Auntie who is talking about you. You don't even have a house. This kind of condition... Since you are lucky enough to associate with excellent people, you should cherish it."

"You don't cherish him, but some people do."

Ye Ying collapsed.

She was so distraught that she didn't even know when Sun Xiuhong hung up the phone.

She didn't question him this time, nor did she look for him again. By the time Zhou Zhirui realized that Ye Ying hadn't contacted him as usual, the two had been disconnected for three days.

On that day, Los Angeles was sunny and sunny, but the other side of the ocean was thunderstorm. He called, and there was a long silence. Zhou Zhirui thought about it for a long time, and could only say sorry, but hung up the phone.

Later, they seemed to have reached some kind of consensus and never contacted each other again.

It looked calm and breezy, but at that time Ye Ying fell into deep pain. The impact of the breakup on her was not only a broken relationship, but also aroused deep self-doubt and self-loathing.

Am I not good enough? What am I doing wrong? this happening?

She took leave of absence and lay in bed like a dead body for three days. No appetite, no sleepiness, just staring blankly at the ceiling.

In three days, she lost ten catties. On the fourth day, she got up, silently cleaned up the house, packed up all the things related to Zhou Zhirui and threw them out.

She became silent and worked hard every day. After a long time, she got to know Tao Zi, and then she slowly became cheerful.

Taozi always couldn't understand why she worked so hard and took buying a house as her only life task. She is like a taut string, always in a state of ready to go, making people feel nervous when they look at it.

But Ye Ying knew that all of this probably stemmed from Sun Xiuhong's contempt at the beginning. She held back her energy and desperately wanted to prove herself, even though no one had come to "accept" her success.

Taozi looked at Zhou Zhirui's face, her eyes were about to burst into flames.

She just said that Ye Ying is a good person, why is she worrying about gains and losses when falling in love, and looking forward and backward!

The culprit turned out to be you bastard!

Her mouth was covered by Ye Ying, unable to break free, she muttered angrily. Hands and feet are still crazily pulling Wang Baquan, trying to attack Zhou Zhirui.

From the syllables she accidentally leaked, it is not difficult to tell that these are some rough words that cannot be written in the green river.

But Zhou Zhirui didn't have time to talk to her right now, he just looked at Ye Ying with a pale face: "No, it's all arranged by the family... I'm just going through the motions, I only have you in my heart..."

Taozi rolled her eyes.

Uncle, are you thinking of farting?

Ye Ying looked at Zhou Zhirui, the hope that he could understand people's words was wrong after all.

She didn't bother to pierce through his feeble explanation - she really liked her, and it was really just a formality with someone else, why didn't she see him looking for her after breaking up?

Ye Ying didn't believe even a single punctuation mark in his words.

Ye Ying stared fixedly at Zhou Zhirui, and then laughed at herself after a while.

Her voice was very indifferent: "I once thought that when I see you again, I must scold you severely. Or be darker and give back all the pain you have brought me."

She really thought about it.

Those grievances and anger that had no chance to vent in person found an outlet in imagination.

"But now that I see you, I feel that there is nothing to say, and everything is not important."

Zhou Zhirui's heart skipped a beat.

These words are actually a hundred times more uncomfortable than being scolded by her.

Ye Ying lowered her eyes slightly, touched the necklace around her neck lightly with her fingers, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Because I... have found my destiny."

Zhou Zhirui's eyes moved involuntarily with her movements, only then did he realize that there was a small golden pendant in the middle of the sapphire necklace.

This match looks a bit nondescript, but the expression on Ye Ying's face is gentle, as if she has some kind of rare treasure.

Zhou Zhirui's eyes were stung.

In fact, after the reunion, he had thought of getting back together with Ye Ying. But when facing the slightly haggard Ye Ying with this kind of mind, there is a certain sense of superiority, more like a kind of pity.

So he never took action. On the one hand, this kind of thinking is more of a temporary idea, on the other hand, he is determined to win, so he is very leisurely and has no sense of urgency.

but now…

He suddenly looked at the woman in front of him—she was like a rose blooming among thorns, and she was so beautiful.

But this kind of beauty, eternal and thorough, has nothing to do with him anymore.

Zhou Zhirui felt a great panic in his heart, he opened his mouth, and called her regardless: "Yingying—"

But a strange look suddenly appeared on Ye Ying's face.

She seemed to hear something, or sense something. I was stunned for a few seconds, and my eyes widened suddenly!

Taozi, who was caught by her and struggling all the time, suddenly lost her confinement and rushed forward, hitting Zhou Zhirui's chest with the iron head, almost pushing his lungs out.

Really top your lungs.

She turned back in a panic: "Brother Ying! What's the matter?"

Ye Ying turned a deaf ear, bit her lip, turned around and ran away.

A tall, tall man is walking on a cruise ship.

He seemed to be looking for someone, with long legs moving, big steps, and walking in a hurry.

Even so, the demeanor was graceful. His short hair was combed back, exposing his full forehead, and his well-tailored suit matched a dignified and handsome face, which attracted countless eyes.

It's just that he is very imposing, coupled with his haste, those who want to strike up a conversation are afraid of disturbing him. After a moment of hesitation, his figure disappeared into the dimly lit place.

The light in the cabin was covered by the hull, and his shadow melted into the darkness. Human voices gradually appeared in the silence, and he kept walking towards the direction of the voice without stopping.

At this moment, he heard a female voice saying, "He and I are in harmony at the right time and place."

His steps stopped abruptly.

Without saying a few words, another female voice also appeared. The voices of the three became louder and louder, and finally they quarreled.

The man couldn't bear it anymore and was about to walk over.

But a surprise voice suddenly sounded from behind: "Boss Huang?"

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

Regina caught a glimpse of him just now and trotted along to follow. But the man walked too fast, she was wearing high heels, and lost after a few steps.

Fortunately, she was found after all.

Regina was out of breath, her little face was stained with a blush. Just as she was about to speak, she saw three people entangled in the distance.

A tall man, a woman with a beautiful figure but baring her teeth, and a...

Her pupils shrank—she had seen this figure as early as boarding the boat. Although it was far away, she still recognized the special blue-gray evening dress.

Isn't this the silly Mrs. Huang? !

What's the situation? Extramarital entanglements?

Is this here... to catch rape?

Regina suddenly became excited—I'm not sleepy if you want to talk about this!

She pretended to be surprised and exclaimed: "Is your wife? That gentleman is..."

The white space is left very poorly, but the effect has always been good.

She was gloating when the man in front of her turned her head.

His black eyes were dark and emotionless, but for some reason, Regina froze all of a sudden.

As long as he is not blind, he can tell that he is in a bad mood. The dangerous aura emanating from her whole body made Regina almost tremble.

She lost all thoughts of hooking up in an instant, and opened her mouth tremblingly, stuttering: "Huang, Mr. Huang, Mr. Zhang is...looking for you..."

After the voice fell, a figure rushed out from the corner.

Ye Ying was looking at Zhou Zhiruixiu's lower limit just now, and a strange feeling suddenly surged in her heart.

The heartbeat is surging, beating in the chest cavity.

Ye Ying didn't know the reason, but the instinct of her body manipulated her to turn around and run in one direction.

Turning the corner, a tall figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Ye Ying's pupils shrank.

Almost subconsciously, she reached out and grabbed the man's arm.

The figure paused and turned around.

Ye Ying's breathing stagnated for a moment.

In fact, the two people haven't seen each other for less than a month, but it seems like several years have passed. Under the night sky, Huang Xize's face looked like a god, so beautiful that it made the beautiful night scene pale.

Ye Ying stared at him blankly.

A few seconds ago, he still had a cold and murderous aura, but now he restrained himself completely. He lowered his eyelashes, his eyes seemed to be soaked in the vast galaxy, and he was looking at her without blinking.

Ye Ying suddenly tightened her fingers slightly, as if she had caught a gorgeous butterfly and hurriedly held it in her palm, but she had to be careful not to hurt it even the slightest bit.

She stared blankly at him, bit her lip, and suddenly plunged her head into his arms.

Almost at the same time, Huang Xize stretched out his arms and hugged her tightly.

His embrace was warm, as if it had been a lifetime away. His slender hands stroked her hair lightly, with a slight itch.

Ye Ying's voice was muffled, and came from his arms: "You beast, where are you going?"

Read The Duke's Passion