MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 66 arrest plan

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By the moonlight, the fishing net in Auston's hands shone brightly. Obviously, the dark figure didn't expect Auston to run towards him.

He stepped back hastily.

When Auston saw that he was about to run, he took a stride and leaped forward, knocking the man down.

A huge net covered the hooded shadow and the dead unicorn.

The fishing net shrank sharply, and the shadow's hood fell off, revealing a snake-like face.

Delphi gasped sharply when she saw that face. He was baring his teeth, his red eyes staring viciously at Auston.

Auston looked excited. He didn't expect to catch this guy so easily. He tightened the net a little more.

Then stood up and shouted to Harry and the others

"I caught him! Come on, send a signal, let Hagrid pass by..."

Before he could finish speaking, bang! With a bang, the back of his head was hit hard! He fell directly to Delphi.


Before he fainted, he heard Delphi calling his name.


After a long time, Auston woke up leisurely, facing the face of a man with white hair, he was startled.

"He's awake!" The man withdrew his head and shouted to Hagrid and the others.

Only then did Auston see clearly that this was in Hagrid's hut. Not far away, Fang Ya was drooling in the corner, and Neville sat beside him in shock. And he also saw the man just now, it was a centaurus with white hair and a white horse body.

"Oh, Auston, you're finally awake, and if you don't wake up again, I'm going to take you all to Madam Pomfrey." Hagrid came over, handed him a large jug, and said, "Drink some. Well, after drinking it, you will feel refreshed."

"All?" Auston took the kettle and looked suspiciously at Hagrid's big bearded face.

Hagrid's eyes flicked to Auston's side.

Auston turned around suspiciously and saw that Harry was also lying beside him.

"He also fainted?" he asked with a frown.

"Well," Hagrid nodded, "you were both on the ground when I passed, and Spender was shaking you hard. At first I thought she put a stun spell on you two or something. Until I saw She burst into tears when she realized you were attacked."

"Then how did I faint?" he asked anxiously.

"Spender said you were knocked unconscious, and I touched the back of your head, which was a big bag," Hagrid said.

Auston also reached out and touched the back of his head.

"Hey—" He gasped, there was really a big bag on it.

Suddenly he remembered something, raised his head and swept around anxiously

"I got it! I got Voldemort! Where did he go!"

Hagrid shuddered violently when he heard the name.

"Please, please...don't say that name."

Neville on the side said timidly. There were tears on his face too.

"Sorry, Neville," he apologized hastily, then turned to Hagrid again, "I said I caught that mysterious man, Hagrid, tell me where he is?"

"I didn't see You-Know-Who when I went by," Hagrid said, "but Spender said you caught the unicorn killer."

"Yes! Yes! That's him, he killed the unicorn, where did he go?" Auston's eyes were full of hope.

"This... I don't know very well. When I saw you and Harry both fainted, I was so anxious that I didn't have time to look around."

"I saw it," the white centaur stepped forward and said, "a man with a hood covering his face hit you, and after you fainted, he took the fishing net away."


"Well," the centaurs nodded, "the little black-haired girl fired a spark as soon as he was gone and drew Hagrid over. It took us a lot of effort to pull the two of you out of the woods. "

Auston felt a loss in his heart. After planning for so long, he finally caught it and escaped.

He picked up the water bottle suddenly, raised his neck and took a big mouthful.

"Ahem!" It turned out to be wine! The hot wine burned his esophagus and choked into his windpipe.

Auston spit out the remaining wine in his mouth and coughed hard.

His movement woke Harry next to him.

Harry sat up with difficulty, took the glasses from Hagrid and put them on.

He looked up and looked around, "Where is this?" Then he turned to Auston and asked, "Where's the man in the black robe? Didn't you catch him with a fishing net?"

"This is Hagrid's hut, we're out. The guy in the black robe escaped." Allston handed him the jug. "Have a drink," he said pretendingly, "you'll be refreshed. point."

When Harry poured it in, Auston covered his mouth and snickered.

Sure enough, Harry also choked, he coughed violently, and Auston patted him on the shoulder and laughed

"How about it, feel good."

Harry blushed, raised his head and looked at him resentfully, speechless.

Auston got up and turned over the cups on the coffee table, picked up the copper pot in the middle and poured a large cup of tea into it, diluting the taste of wine in his mouth. Then he poured another glass for Harry.

He sat down on Hagrid's newly made wooden, looked at the white-haired centaurus, and said

"Thank you for bringing us out, may I ask who you are?"

"Firenze," the centaur stretched out his hand to shake his hand, "I'm a centaur living in the Forbidden Forest."

Harry put down the teacup and walked over to shake his hand.

Suddenly the centaur's hand stopped, and his big blue eyes stared at Harry's forehead,

"You are Harry Potter!" the centaurs said in surprise.

Harry nodded.

"Finally see you!" He shook Harry's hand vigorously, just about to open his mouth to ask something else.

Boom! Boom! There was a knock at the door.

Hagrid hurried to open the door. Malfoy entered, with Delphi and Hermione pointing their wands at him.

"I must tell my dad!" Malfoy was still threatening them with similar words.

As soon as Hermione saw Auston, she rushed over and hugged him.

"Auston, you're awake!" she shouted in surprise, "We're all worried to death!"

Auston also patted her on the back to reassure her, "I'm fine, don't you think I'm fine now!"

His eyes swept over Delphi, she still looked at him indifferently, but Auston noticed the red circles around her eyes, obviously she had just cried. This insincere guy.

After a long time, Hermione finally let go of Auston and hugged Harry again.

"Harry, did that thing hurt you?" she asked.

Harry was a little embarrassed. After all, Auston fainted after suffering a serious injury. He touched the scar on his forehead.

"No... I wasn't injured, just after seeing the man in the black robe, my scar started to hurt violently. I don't know why. But it's better now."
