MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 131 Auction (End)

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The knife came close to Auston's cheek, and the sharp blade shone with a cold light.

Dumbledore was still leading the wizards and Death Eaters to fight in the distance, and he had no time to take care of his side for the time being.

Auston sneaked his hand into the dragonskin bag at his waist, and clenched the bottle containing the dragon in his hand. As long as he flicked his thumb, he could release the dragon.

While hesitating, the blade was getting closer and closer, and the blood of the giant lion on Voldemort's body was gradually inhaled into his skin, and the pale skin was revealed piece by piece with blood-colored lines.

He looked at Auston's face, with an almost crazy smile on his pale face.

Auston closed his eyes, his fingers just about to open the lid.

Suddenly, there was a great disturbance among the wizards who were still fighting.

The knife that was about to touch Auston's cheek suddenly stopped, and he opened it.

Voldemort was looking at the group of wizards, and Auston followed his gaze.

It turned out that a group of Aurors in tight black wizard robes appeared, and they walked over in groups.

Every time a Death Eater passed by, a spell went up, and the Death Eaters were bounced off one by one. A string with red light trapped them.

The leader was a young wizard with a small flat head. He led a group of Aurors towards Auston, who was bound here.

He pointed his wand at Voldemort as he walked:

"We are French Aurors, Voldemort, if you know the truth, let go of the hostages, and we will capture them!"

Voldemort was stunned for a while, the Floo network was cut off, Apparition was restricted, and even the door keys were destroyed one by one by his servants. How could there be so many Aurors all at once.

But then he thought of something. Auston seemed to have said when he was trapped in his cage, "I'm afraid it's not Mr. Lemay who is waiting".

Auston's flat face seemed to be still in front of him when he said this. He could not wait to grit his teeth.

When the Aurors came, Auston breathed a sigh of relief. He covered the cork of the bottle with his thumb again. At this time, the dragon had better not be seen by others.

Seeing Auston's smug look, Voldemort simply did not do it again and again, the knife in front of him changed direction with a swipe and stabbed straight into Auston's heart.

It was too late and the time was too fast. The leader of the Auror was about to walk up to them, and his sharp eyes saw the knife that was about to stab Auston's heart.

He stretched out his wand and chanted a spell in his mouth. Suddenly, a spell with white light flew out from the tip of his wand, knocking off the knife that had just been inserted into Auston's clothes.

Then he hurried to Auston's side to protect him, and pointed his wand at Voldemort and the two Death Eaters who had just plotted against Auston.

Seeing that he could not kill Auston, Voldemort didn't intend to fight them for a long time. Suddenly, a black smoke rose around him, filling the large area with a stench.

Auston held his breath, and the young Auror in front of him also covered his mouth and nose with a robe. With a twist of the wand in his hand, a magic spell scattered the smoke.

When the smoke cleared, Voldemort himself had disappeared, leaving only two Death Eaters looking at each other.

Auston was also very shocked when he saw this scene. Is this... an apparition?

The Auror didn't say a word, and before the two Death Eaters could react, two magic spells concocted them to control them.

Then he turned around again, touched the two ropes tied to Auston, and used an unlocking spell. The spell hit the ropes, but it didn't work.

Auston struggled a bit, feeling that the rope seemed to be tied even tighter.

It happened that Dumbledore's side also ended the battle, and he slowly walked towards Auston.

"Hello, Professor Dumbledore." The French Auror greeted Dumbledore.

"I don't know what kind of rope it is made of, I can't untie it."

He pointed to the rope on Auston's body. As an Auror, he didn't feel ashamed that he didn't know a certain spell, and asked Dumbledore directly.

Dumbledore also checked Auston's rope a little:

"Let me do it."

Then, he cast a spell on the rope, and in an instant, the rope that tightly bound Auston to the post fell off.

Dumbledore bent over to pick up the rope, smiled and said:

"It's just some hunting gadgets, made by Nicole. Voldemort strengthened it with black magic, so it wasn't easy to break free. The more you struggled, the tighter it became."

Being tied for a long time, coupled with the threat of Voldemort, Auston's legs were weak. As soon as he left the pillar, he almost didn't stop, but luckily the Auror supported him.

"You're that kid named Auston Brown, right?" Auror asked, holding his shoulder.

Auston nodded: "Thank you for arriving in time."

Dumbledore was also very surprised by the arrival of the Auror. In fact, he had already seen that Auston was being threatened by Voldemort at that time, because there were so many Death Eaters that they couldn't escape, and he was secretly anxious.

I didn't expect this large group of Aurors to arrive just in time.

"Isn't the Floo network and Apparition not available here?"

Just after the battle, a wizard with a bruise on his face asked, it was the wizard who just stood up for the first time to defend against the Death Eaters.

The young French Auror captain smiled and reached out to pat Auston's head, who was rubbing his wrist.

"Because of this smart We received a letter not long ago, which explained the conspiracy that was about to unfold here, and also marked the key position of the only remaining one."

"We led the team here. We just followed the key and saw two Death Eaters tied up. It's your masterpiece." Auror winked at Auston.

Auston smiled embarrassedly.

"Didn't you say the keys were broken?" the wizard continued to ask.

Auror patted Auston on the shoulder with a question on his face, motioning him to explain to everyone.

"Because I'm lucky, I heard that they were destroying the keys when I first got here. I think it might be some kind of conspiracy." Auston deliberately concealed his knowledge of Voldemort's conspiracy in advance.

"I happened to bump into it, so I left a key and wrote a letter to the Ministry of Magic. It can also be regarded as a way out." Auston said with a smile.

After hearing his words, the faces of all the wizards burst into smiles, and they all praised the boy for being smart.

Auston was embarrassed to thank him.

Afterwards, the Aurors repaired the Floo network here, pressing the Death Eaters who had no time to escape and left from the fireplace.

After they left, the wizards also said goodbye to them and left.

Only Dumbledore and Auston were left on the huge field.

"It's time for us to go too," Dumbledore said. "Smart boy, where did you let the house-elves take Nico?"

But Auston was still looking for the figure of Delphi. When the Aurors left, they even took the attendants with them, because they were hired by the host, Case Sandy, and most likely knew about the conspiracy. Auston watched them leave one by one without seeing Delphi.

This made him wonder if he was wrong.

Read The Duke's Passion