MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 128 Auction (4)

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If it really was as Dumbledore said, the wizards who had been surrounding the booth were scattered, and the auction began.

The wizards sat down below. Auston watched Mr. LeMay take a seat in the second row below the booth.

Auston said goodbye to the man beside him, then mixed in with the crowd and sneaked towards Mr. LeMay.

He sat down behind M. Lemay. No one noticed that a little black-haired boy mingled with M. Lemay.

Sitting around Mr. Lemay were a man and a woman. As soon as Auston approached them, they felt an unusual aura, which was very similar to the two people who had just met in the forest.

As he expected, Voldemort guarded Mr. LeMay closely, and even surrounded him with Death Eaters.

He stared at the two people carefully, preparing to make a move as soon as they made a move. Dumbledore is also by his side, and it should be smooth.

The auction started, and a person swaggered out from behind the booth. Auston was impressed by him, it was Case Sandy, who looked flushed. Even the greasy dreadlocks of hair from before have been taken care of.

Seeing him, Auston made his teeth itch with hatred.

Case Sandy stood in front of the booth and spoke a string of French, and the wizards around him applauded.

Auston also wondered whether it was time to learn French, otherwise he would not be able to hear any useful information from his words.

After Case Sandy finished speaking, he walked behind the booth, picked up the hammer on the table, and the auction started.

Auston could probably see from his actions that the head of the giant lion was auctioned first, and a group of wizards followed to bid, and finally a tall French wizard took it.

After that, they auctioned off the giant lion's fur, the big bone stick, and the limbs in turn. During this period, LeMay never raised his placard, as if he had to fight the giant lion spar to the end.

Finally, everything on the booth was almost sold out, and only the huge urn of blood of the giant lion remained unsold.

After the blood was sold, it should be the spar. Auston was a little nervous. He didn't know how Case Sandy and the others would deceive everyone, and he didn't know how Mr. Lemay had figured out how to deal with it.

Auston looked at Mr. Lemay who was still sitting firmly, frowning slightly, a little doubt in his heart, is it too quiet?

Although the other wizards didn't photograph anything, they would discuss something in a low voice every time a new auction item came out. M. Lemay remained motionless.

"Everyone! Next is our main event!" Case Sandy on the stage looked very excited, and Auston knew that he must not be flushed because the previous auctions sold for good prices.

During the conversation, a young man took out an exquisite small wooden box from the backstage and handed it to Case Sandy.

Sandy took the box and laughed, "It's him."

Saying that, he fixed his eyes on Mr. Lemay who was sitting firmly under the stage, "It's the giant lion spar that our dear Mr. Lemay must get."

"By the way, I invite you to come to the backstage in advance to appreciate this spar. You didn't come. I have some doubts if you really want this stone."

This time, Case Sandy unexpectedly spoke in broken English, glancing at the urn with the blood of the giant lion on the side.

Auston stared at the small box in his hand, guessing what was inside, looking forward to the scene when he opened it.

Not as he wished, Case Sandy directly put the small box on the table:

"Okay, this is the giant lion spar that everyone wants to see and have."

He didn't mean to open it at all, just pointed to the box with his finger and gave a starting price.

Perhaps it is because Mr. Lemay is very virtuous, and he has preached in the crowd that he is bound to win the spar.

For the previous auctions, the wizards who were present were eager to compete, but when the spar was auctioned, no wizards raised their cards to bid.

"Aiya! Aiya! Mr. Lemay, you can't ruin the market like this. I originally planned to sell the spar at a good price."

Case Sandy said this, his eagle-like eyes fixed on Mr. LeMay. Auston could not see the slightest sign of regret on his face.

Case Sandy put his hand on the box:

"Sir, since no one bids, you won't and don't want this thing."

But Mr. Lemay didn't make a sound for a long time, and Auston wondered why he was so quiet.

He was going to see Mr. LeMay's situation. Just as he was about to get up, M. Lemay suddenly moved.

He stood up tremblingly, his voice trembling:

"Case, you..."

Then, before Auston could react, Mr. Lemay slumped back onto his chair.

The other wizards sitting around also jumped and came to help him.

Auston stepped forward and supported Mr. Lemay's arm from behind:

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Mr. Lemay looked very weak, breathing hard with his mouth open.

He was not surprised to see Auston:

" come."

Just after saying such a sentence, Mr. Lemay closed his eyes and dropped his outstretched hand in front of and there was no more movement.

Auston was startled and patted his cheek anxiously:

"Wake up, Mr. Lemay, wake up."

Everyone panicked when they saw that Mr. Lemay suddenly fainted.

A young wizard walked quickly to Auston, took Mr. Lemay's hand from his hand, and wrapped him around his neck to hold him. Then he said to a group of sorcerers surrounding M. LeMay:

"Mr. Lemay suddenly passed out, and we need to take him to the hospital for a doctor's treatment."

Others also agreed, and several other young wizards also helped to hold up LeMay.

"I counted one, two, three, and we apparated together for the purpose of Bertrand Sixth Wizarding Hospital." The young wizard said to the person who helped.

"no need!"

Auston suddenly interrupted, and all the wizards looked at the black-haired boy.

Auston stared straight at Case Sandy on stage. He was looking at this with a playful smile.

"Apparition has been disabled in this place, and we're probably stuck here."

As soon as his words came out, the group of wizards was in a frenzy in an instant.

"How is that possible, what nonsense you kid is talking about. This is just an auction venue, not the Ministry of Magic. Who would be so bored that Apparition is banned."

The speaker was an old wizard who was a little bit old, and his words revealed full of distrust of Auston.

Auston didn't argue with him, just said lightly, "If you don't believe me, try it."

The old wizard really tried it according to his words, but his figure just shook a little, and there was no sign of any movement.

Seeing the old wizard's attempt, all the wizards panicked for a moment.