MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 124 Dumbledore's thoughts

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"Okay." Lemay took a sip from the teacup and said with a smile, "Take it back and see, now it's yours."

Auston listened, and silently picked up the book and the pamphlet he got from LeMay.

He didn't leave right away, but walked to Lemay with the book in his arms, looked up at him, and hesitated.

"Huh?" Mr. Lemay bowed his head slightly.

"Sir..." Auston pursed his lips and looked at LeMay seriously: "You have to protect yourself and come back safely."

I didn't expect Auston to have such a relationship with him. Mr. Lemay smiled, stretched out his big old hand and patted the boy on the head gently: "Don't worry, child, I will try my best to ensure my own safety."

"Go back, go to bed early, good night." Mr. Lemay said goodbye to Auston.

Auston also dawdled out of Mr. LeMay's study, walking back and forth, and when he was about to go downstairs through the corridor, he encountered someone he didn't expect - Dumbledore.

Saying it was unexpected, but in fact it was reasonable. Auston knew that he would definitely come and have a good talk with him.

Seeing Dumbledore, Auston stopped at the corner of the stairs. Dumbledore was looking at the moon through the small window by the stairs. The clothes on his body were changed to a thick red cotton nightgown with a golden phoenix woven with golden tail feathers on top of the nightgown, and a pointed hat of the same style on his head.

"The moon is so charming tonight, isn't it, Mr. Brown."

He turned his head and looked at Auston with his azure blue eyes without blinking.

Auston smiled and walked down the stairs:

"I'm sorry, Professor Dumbledore, I'm really busy these days, and I don't have the time or mood to admire the moon."

He stood in front of Dumbledore:

"Let's get to the point, you must have something to talk about while you are here."

He didn't continue with Dumbledore's talk about the moon. It was because he had guessed Dumbledore's thoughts that he had a strong sense of vigilance against this old man. Even the tone of speech is a bit more blunt.

Dumbledore was not angry, and his face still had a calm smile: "Of course, Mr. Brown is smarter than I thought, and you must know what I want to talk to you about. But this is not a suitable place to talk, let's go to How's the garden going?"

Auston didn't speak, just nodded. Follow Dumbledore downstairs and through the wide hall. into the silent garden.

The temperature in Paris at night is very different from that in the daytime, and the wind is blowing in my ears.

It was still at the table where Mr. Lemay often drank tea and admired flowers. Dumbledore sat down first, then pointed to the seat next to him: "Please take a seat, Mr. Brown."

Auston sat down according to his words, and was about to open his mouth to say something, but was stopped by Dumbledore's hand.

He took out a slender wand from the pocket of his nightgown, which Auston recognized was the elder wand known as the strongest wand in the wizarding world.

Dumbledore waved his wand a few times, and a few red spells surrounded the small wooden table in the garden.

Immediately, the gust of wind that was roaring in Auston's ears disappeared.

"You know, when you're old, you can't help worrying about this and that." Dumbledore blinked at Auston and smiled and said: "The Lemay family has two clever house-elves, who are now in the vegetable garden not far away. Get rid of the goblins. I'm afraid they won't know what we're going to talk about next."

Auston also understood and did not say anything.

Dumbledore looked at the big book and a pamphlet that Auston was holding in his hand, and said, "Niko and I are going to the auction tomorrow."

"Huh?" Auston nodded.

Dumbledore approached: "But I'm not going to let Nico come back safely."

He said while observing the expression on Auston's face: "You don't seem surprised?"

Auston laughed suddenly, he spread his hands and said with a smile: "What's so surprising, isn't that what you planned from the beginning."

"Mr. Lemay must have gone back and forth this time, right? Even if he is safe, you will hide him." Auston asked calmly.

Dumbledore also smiled: "Mr. Brown, sometimes your intelligence really makes me wonder if you're just a twelve-year-old."

"I'd rather not be this smart, I don't think I'd be included in your plan if I wasn't so smart." Auston said with a smile, "Let me guess, since I ate the Philosopher's Stone. Did you decide to make me a shield for Mr. Lemay? Or earlier? Perhaps you had this plan since you knew I was a magic immune."

This time, Dumbledore didn't care about him. He nodded and admitted: "Yes, I've been planning since I knew you were immune to magic. I have a friend who worked in the Death Eaters, and I was early too. I got the news from him. Voldemort is going to use the Philosopher's Stone to resurrect. That's why I brought Nico's Philosopher's Stone to Hogwarts for safekeeping, so it's better to use it to its fullest effect than to destroy it."

Dumbledore stood up and took two steps, UU reading continued: "When I knew you were a magic immune person, I wrote to Nico and asked him for the right to use this magic stone, Your magical immunity combined with the effect of the Philosopher's Stone will give you a great chance of winning against Voldemort. Of course, what you didn't expect in the end was being eaten directly by you."

Auston understood. Dumbledore's purpose was to use the Philosopher's Stone and his magical immunity to create a powerful shield to protect the wizarding world against Voldemort. So Auston was in his plan from the start.

Dumbledore continued: "Eating it is actually no different from using it normally. What I didn't expect was that Voldemort couldn't **** the Philosopher's Stone and set his sights directly on Nico. You know, Nico is not only my friend, but also Countless wizards in the wizarding world rely on for survival. He can't do anything. So I have to use your powerful shield in advance."

Dumbledore was honest, probably he also understood that Auston was not as easy to deceive as Harry Potter, he could follow the steps he designed, and in the end he could have no complaints against him.

Auston pursed his lips: "Are you so sure that I will obediently become Voldemort's target?"

His tone was a little unkind, and Dumbledore didn't care, he said with a smile:

"Actually, after the sorting ceremony, I discussed with the deans of several colleges whether your affiliation is correct. Except for your dean, Professor Sprout, who is very supportive of your joining Hufflepuff, other professors have different opinions. Some professors even feel that the recorder is wrong and should send you back to the Muggle world."

The corner of Auston's mouth twitched, and it was self-evident who the professor was.

"Of course, I didn't express my opinion at the time." Dumbledore continued: "But now I'm sure, you must be Hufflepuff!"

Read The Duke's Passion