MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 116 Tentative

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After eating and drinking, Auston burped a little.

The house elf Dolly snapped her fingers lightly, and the mess of cups and plates on the table disappeared instantly, and then everyone had a cup of steaming black tea in front of them.

Auston took a sip of the black tea, and the Lemays also took the teacups in front of them.

"Can you tell me about your experience in the past few days?" Mr. Lemay took a sip of the black tea, then put down the teacup in his hand and looked at Auston.

Although he had already prepared the draft in his heart, Auston was still at a loss.

He pursed his lips soaked with tea, then put the teacup back on the table. The hand under the table gently rubbed his pants, wiping the sweat from his hands.

Then he began to talk about his experiences in the past few days...

He deliberately concealed the fact that he fell into Death Valley, and only said that Case Sandy knocked him unconscious when he was exhausted after his fight with the giant lion, and then woke up and strayed into the Meiwa tribe to rest for a while. sky.

"Then can I know how you defeated a Death Eater by the Danube?" Mr. Lemay stared at Auston with his bright eyes as he asked, his flustered face reflected in his pupils.

"Well, I was with the Magic Babies, and they helped catch two Death Eaters."

After speaking, Auston kept nodding his head, "Yeah, that's it."

"What about the magic in the letter? Albus said that the magic in the letter seems to be ancient magic that has been lost for a long time. How can you have that kind of magic in your letter?"

No matter how well Auston's story is made up, he still misses the letter with the dragon's magic on it.

He dared to lie, "Isn't Meiwa also an ancient race? It means that the wizarding world has not thoroughly studied how the magic and charm of Meiwa work."

"The magic on the envelope was also set up by Meiwa."

Auston bit his head and babbled, and Mr. Lemay looked at him meaningfully.

"Okay, Nico, don't let the dinner finish, just like the Aurors interrogating the prisoners of Azkaban." Madame Lemay interjected suddenly, then turned to Auston and took the teapot on the table. He filled the cup that was already somewhat empty with black tea.

Madame Lemay asked while pouring tea, "Then what about the rest, where have you been staying these days? Is it okay to rest?"

Auston hurriedly took the refilled cup of black tea, nodded and smiled, "Don't worry about Madame Lemay, I have prepared a tent for camping before departure, and I've had a good rest these days."

"That's good," Mrs. Namo said while rubbing his head with a smile, "you know what? Niko and I have been worried for the past few days. We are afraid that you will encounter any danger. You are still so young. children."

"Don't worry ma'am, I have returned safely." Allston responded.

"In addition," he turned to look at Mr. May again, "Mr. Lemay, have those two Death Eaters been caught?"

Mr. Lemay nodded, "Successfully caught, but their memory has been erased. This kind of magic is an ancient spell that is exactly the same as the envelope. For the time being, the Ministry of Magic has not been able to solve it, so they are imprisoned in Azkaban. already."

After hearing his words, Auston breathed a sigh of relief. The dragon not only cast magic on the envelope, but also used magic to help him erase the memory of the two Death Eaters. There are too many talented people in the Ministry of Magic. A little afraid that the curse will be unlocked, then his secrets will probably be revealed to the world.

"That's it," In order to avoid being questioned again, Auston simply opened his mouth to explain in advance,

"I'm afraid the Ministry of Magic won't be able to find them for a while, maybe even other Death Eaters catch them before the Ministry of Magic, and they won't say anything to the Dark Lord until I ask Micah to help me erase their memories out everything."

Read The Duke's Passion