MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 102 bob's mission

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Like the long sword before, the battle axe flew towards Auston and stopped in front of him.

Auston carefully looked at the axe, which was glowing with cold light. The handle of the axe was a dead wood that looked some years old. It supported the huge axe.

He held the handle of the axe. The strange thing was that it was not as strong as he thought.

As soon as Auston grabbed the handle of the axe, in an instant, the entire axe head was covered with golden light, making the axe blade extremely sharp, and he could even feel an incredible warm current flowing from the palm of his hand to the battle axe.

Auston was overjoyed. He had a feeling that this was it.

"Try it," the dragon encouraged earnestly.

Auston held the handle of the axe tightly, and similarly swung hard toward the opposite rock wall. The weight of the axe brought his center of gravity downward, and he had to kneel on one knee and be half short to stabilize himself.

The sound of an axe cutting through the air screeched in the valley.

Unfortunately, there was still no response from the rock wall opposite.

It shouldn't be! Auston stood up disheartened, feeling a little discouraged, as if he had returned to the Ollivander's wand shop a year ago. After choosing and choosing, there is no magic wand that I can use.

"Oh, this axe is not good."

Saying that, the giant dragon tapped lightly, and the battle axe came out of Auston's hands again.

Auston watched helplessly as it tied itself to the vine like the sword before.

The dragon seemed to see that Auston was a little discouraged.

"Don't worry young man, you should understand that it is the weapon that is looking for its owner, not you choosing the weapon. Just like just now, the axe has clearly recognized you. You can also feel it."

Auston nodded lightly, that strange feeling, as if it belonged to him.

"But," the dragon said again, "your ability is not enough to control it. Of course, it does not mean that your strength is not enough. Although it likes you very much when you touch it, it is the moment you wave it out. When you use it, it also feels that you can't even control your own power at that time, so it is not enough to make it surrender."


Auston looked at his hands and muttered to himself.

"Don't worry, my child," the dragon walked up to him with his flippers, "you just accepted my bloodline, and your own strength has only been released a little. You have to learn how to control slowly, so that you can exert your power. Your ability. As for now, just pick a weapon that really belongs to you."

Auston tasted his words carefully in his heart.

"Okay, next, let's do it..."

Said, the dragon waved his finger, and another dagger floated towards them.

Later, in addition to the short sword, Auston tried the spears, bows and arrows commonly used in Europe, and a crystal ball that would explode on its own.

After trying all the weapons floating on the net for one round, the confidence that he had gained after being comforted by the giant dragon was also exhausted.

The dragon is also a little puzzled. There are a total of 86 weapons tied to the net, of which there are various attributes, and there are even more than a dozen weapons with dragon nerves, which are almost the same as the dragon power on Auston. The compatibility and compatibility, and the magic power are also different from shallow to deep.

Auston let go of the last crutch with the dragon's head engraved on it, and the crutch, which was plated with golden flying dragons, floated gently back to the net and was tied by the vines. It's the last weapon that goes well with Auston, and he feels even more in control with his cane than with that battle axe. But disappointingly, this crutch is still as useless to him as the dozens of previous ones.

Auston was silent, and the giant dragon was lost in thought. For a time, only the mountain wind whistled in the valley.

"I said..." Big Tree Bob, who had been silently watching all this, said.

"Your Highness, you forgot something." Bob said tentatively.

The giant dragon turned his head, his big golden eyes full of doubts,

"What are you talking about?"

"The key, my Highness." Bob said, "Since this kid is not an ordinary wizard, he must not be able to use the weapons of ordinary wizards. Since it is destined, that thing will be given to him sooner or later."

Auston sounded a little confused. He never knew that in the magic world, keys could also be weapons. He looked at the dragon suspiciously.

The giant dragon seemed to suddenly realize, but it was only for a moment, and he hesitated again.

"but you……"

"Don't worry about me, my highness, this is my mission."

"Wait, what are you talking about?"

Seeing One Tree and One Dragon playing a riddle, Auston became even more puzzled, so he simply stepped forward to ask.

The dragon turned around, with a little sadness in his golden eyes,

"There's another thing that might be your weapon. This thing has always been guarded by Bob. Although we should give it to you, it is hidden in the roots of Bob's feet. Once it is dug out..." The dragon hesitated.

"Will it hurt Bob?" Auston also somewhat understood why the dragon was so hesitant.

"Yes," the dragon nodded, "When we were sent here more than a thousand years ago, on the one hand, it was to lead the way forward for the missionaries, and on the other hand, it was to guard something. As a guide, I was in the valley. Down Bob exists to guard that thing."

The giant dragon turned around and looked at the tall ancient tree, his golden pupils were full of reluctance.

"Once that thing is taken out, Bob's mission as a guardian is over, and he will cease to exist."

Auston was silent, and he was very reluctant if a friend he just met disappeared as a result of getting a weapon.

"Don't be sad, Your Highness," said a smile on Bob's old face. "This is our mission. We shouldn't disobey the master's orders because of a little sadness. It is my honor to dedicate myself to the master!"

The righteousness that the big tree said, the dragon pondered for a moment, and no longer hesitated. With a wave of his fingertips, a circle of golden runes instantly floated around Auston's body. The runes spun rapidly and gradually formed a golden light ball. Auston was caged in the middle, and Auston felt that he was gently lifted off the ground by the aperture.

The giant dragon also spread its wings and flew with Auston into the air dozens of meters away.

Then the dragon grew rapidly, almost as high as Auston had just seen him before it stopped.

The enlarged dragon began to wave its wings slowly. Under the dragon's wide wings, the air continued to form vortices, and the vortices rapidly expanded with the airflow brought by the wings, ignoring downwards.

Auston, whose eyesight had doubled because he received the blood of the giant dragon, clearly saw that some hurricanes that had gone in the wrong direction broke through the big hole leading to the bottom of the valley, carrying magma several hundred meters down, rolling and surging.

And most of the whirlwind hurricanes omit toward where they just flew.

Boom! With a loud bang, the platform on the side of the rock wall they had just stayed on no longer existed, followed by a blast of flying sand and rocks, swept towards the tree Bob, wrapping him in the center, and Auston could not see the tree at all. figure.

Read The Duke's Passion