MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 96

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Lin Xiu's recording studio is on the nineteenth floor. Jing Zhao is here for the first time, but Bai Ze is not.

In addition to Lin Xiu, there are several other staff members in the recording studio, including several musicians in Lin Xiu's studio, and George, who is also a recording engineer and chief director.

Several musicians are boys, some are drummers and some are guitarists. Lin Xiu has relatively strict requirements in the arrangement and production, and most of the arrangements and recordings are made of real music.

George is a middle-aged man with blond curly hair and gold-rimmed glasses. He is slender, wearing a short T and jeans, and his figure looks too thin.

Like Bai Ze, he is also one of Lin Xiu's earliest collaborators, and Lin Xiu's first few albums all have his handwriting.

When George was still wondering how the person who was recording had left, he saw Lin Xiu who came back again brought Bai Ze and a girl who was as beautiful as a sea elf.

She is a girl who can be liked just by her appearance, but when she saw Lin Xiu holding the girl's shoulder tightly, George instantly understood the relationship between the two.

Putting down the equipment in his hand, George stood up and greeted someone. Bai Ze was an acquaintance, so he just nodded his head. In contrast, George was more curious about Jing Zhao. When did I have such a beautiful girlfriend by my side?

Lin Xiu lowered his head and took Jing Zhao to recognize him. Except for George, he greeted the musicians one by one.

The girl's exquisite appearance coupled with an overly sweet smile is simply the dream girl of several senior homeboys, but they did not look at Jing Zhao with any offense, they just admired her beauty.

After saying hello, Lin Xiu took him to the side and sat down on the soft sofa, and said to Jing Zhao, "Sit here and wait for me for a while? Do you want to hear me sing?"

"Yes!" Jing Zhao nodded eagerly. She was curious about everything when she came here for the first time, but she also knew that the things here should not be moved around, otherwise it would cause trouble for Xiu Xiu. But it is still very happy to listen to Xiuxiu sing.

Lin Xiu was amused by her straightforward reaction, and asked someone to bring her a monitor earphone.

After arranging Jing Zhao, Lin Xiu entered the inner booth of the recording studio. The man was wearing a simple black denim jacket and casual trousers. Some black hair was casually laid on his forehead. When he put on the monitor headphones, he looked Cool and trendy.

After Lin Xiu adjusted the earphones, he lifted his amber eyes lightly, and fixedly glanced at his little mermaid in the corner before signaling George to start.

The earphone on Jing Zhao's head is a black head-mounted cute cat version wireless earphone, with two small pointed ears on the top of his head. This earphone is actually a private product, and its owner is still Bai Ze.

Just now when Lin Xiu asked for earphones, George handed over the earphones next to him casually, and finally remembered that the earphones belonged to Bai Ze, and Bai Ze was a clean freak and never let others touch his private property.

George handed out the earphones, thinking that Bai Ze was about to get angry, and the other party's face was indeed ugly for a moment, but he didn't know if it was because of the face of Lin Xiu's girlfriend, so he endured it and didn't embarrass others on the spot. George also breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing someone else taking his earphones, George squinted his eyes. He wanted to stop it, but after seeing Jing Zhao put it on, it unexpectedly fit, which was so cute.

If the earphones were pink, they would be cuter, Bai Ze thought inexplicably.

But after thinking about what happened just now, his face darkened again, and he sat down next to Jing Zhao calmly. The sofa was very long, Jing Zhao sat in the middle, Bai Ze leaned on the armrest of the sofa, and there was a wide gap between them. the distance.

Sensing someone sitting down beside him, Jing Zhao turned his head subconsciously, and saw...a vixen.

Eyes uncontrollably glanced behind Bai Ze, Jing Zhao blinked quickly, the tail, the tail was suppressed, it looked so soft, I really wanted to touch it.

Seeing Jing Zhao looking in the direction of his body, Bai Ze felt a little restless for the first time, and also clearly realized that the other party could indeed see his tail. How is this possible? An ordinary human being able to see his tail?

It's ridiculous enough, but that's the way it is.

There was a flash of thought in Bai Ze's eyes, and he couldn't help but look at the other party seriously. His hair was well dyed, the color was very natural, his skin was breakable, it didn't even have pores, and it was even more delicate than a baby's skin. His eyes... This woman even dyed her eyelashes blue?

The color of Jing Zhao's eyelashes needs to be looked closely to be able to discern a hint of smoggy blue. At first, it was backlit, but Bai Ze didn't notice it, but now he has seen it thoroughly.

Bai Ze frowned, not to say that the eyelashes are not good-looking, but that it is rare to meet people who would dye their own eyelashes, this must be how much they like blue.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiu likes this one, what should be done with the person Lin Xiu likes! Bai Ze couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

Jing Zhao didn't expect that she would attract the other party's unabashed scrutiny just by looking at the other party's tail. Except for Lin Xiu, she rarely communicated with outsiders, so she didn't know what to say for a while.

Staring at her all the time, is he afraid that he will reveal his identity as a vixen? Xiuxiu and the others definitely don't know, just like Joke and the others don't know that she is a mermaid. Xiuxiu said that if her identity is known to outsiders, it will be dangerous, so she must not reveal her identity in front of outsiders.

Come to think of it, this Bai Ze should be the same as her, he doesn't want others to know his secret.

Thinking of this, Jing Zhao figured it out a bit. Seeing that Bai Ze had been staring at her without speaking, she took the initiative to get closer to him and whispered, "Don't worry, I will keep the secret for you."

After saying this, Jing Zhao nodded at Bai Ze, then moved away from his seat, supported the earphones on his head, and carefully savored Lin Xiu's voice from the earphones.

Bai Ze thought she was trying to do something by approaching suddenly, but he didn't expect that the other party would not call himself.

How about keeping secrets for him, oh, what keeping secrets, even the mouths of dead people may not be strict, let alone living people.

But, no, since she knew he was not human, how could she be so calm?

Before he could figure out how to solve the problem of being seen through by the other party, Bai Ze fell into another doubt. You must know his previous one... the first time he knew it, he was so scared that he screamed! Why is this woman's reaction so flat?

Inexplicably, Bai Ze felt a little annoyed, because he seemed unable to see through the person in front of him, and always felt that the person in front of him was very dangerous and had nothing to fear.

In fact, Jing Zhao didn't think much about it at all, the mermaid's mind can't hold such complicated things, if she didn't see Bai Ze's fox tail, she might forget that there was such a person beside her at any time.

Although Bai Ze's tail looks easy to touch, but it is a private property, just like a mermaid's tail, and outsiders are not allowed to touch it except close ones. Jing Zhao puts himself in the same place, so even if he is very coveted, he doesn't make excessive demands on him .

What seems strange to Bai Ze is nothing more than because Jing Zhao himself is also a non-human with a long fish tail, so when he saw Bai Ze, apart from being surprised at the beginning, he could treat it with a normal heart after accepting it. up.

The two parties couldn't communicate and their minds were not on the same line. The only reason was that Bai Ze couldn't see Jing Zhao's identity and regarded her as an ordinary human being.

This is the first time Bai Ze has encountered this kind of thing. Since he has been in the human living area, unless he reveals his identity, it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to see through his essence.

When Bai Ze was thinking, the tail behind him swayed unconsciously, and it happened to be one palm away from Jing Zhao's knees and legs.

Jing Zhao glanced down, feeling as if he was being scratched by the tip of the fluffy tail, itchy, woo, why does his tail look so easy to touch! No, you can't touch other people's tails.

The villain in his heart clenched his fists, and Jing Zhao tried his best to look away.

If Bai Ze sensed it, the person on the opposite side looked tense all over, and his eyes still glanced down from time to time, Bai Ze followed suit, and then saw his own tail hanging beside Jing Zhao's leg, he frowned subconsciously , and then quickly retracted his tail.

At the same time, his mind fell into deeper doubts, why did his tail fall next to that woman? Is it because the tail feels that the other party is not a threat?

Like felines, a fox's tail is somewhat independent of its owner's brain.

Bai Ze hugged his arms, his face became more and more ugly.

No, this woman must be dealt with! She is too dangerous!

How to solve it? Illusion? Make her forget what she just saw? Bai Ze shook his head violently after thinking about it, no, even if she forgets it, she will still see it, so it's just forgetting for nothing!

Yes, as long as I don't appear in front of her, it's fine! No, why do you want to disappear by yourself? Let her disappear from Lin Xiu's side!

With a thought in his mind, Bai Ze's expression instantly became relaxed.

Still don't know how the people around him are going to deal with him, Jing Zhao is already completely immersed in Lin Xiu's singing voice, the evaluation of outsiders, Lin Xiu's voice is the kind of youthful uncle's voice that is supple and lustful, coupled with a beautiful voice can People will not feel bored after repeating it hundreds of times.

Let Jing Zhao describe it, she felt that Lin Xiu was like the sound she heard in the conch, and it felt like it was coming from afar, but when she turned her head, the sound was right next to her ears, and it was like the sound of rain falling into the sea. Gentle and powerful feeling.

George over there was also a little surprised when he finished recording a song. This time the song was still Lin Xiu's original. He felt that Lin Xiu was like a treasure, the kind that he couldn't dig out no matter how hard he dug.

Every time an album is released, the repertoire he submits is amazing. I thought it was the pinnacle, but next time Lin Xiu can still compose a more beautiful piece of music than the last time.

It has been three years since Lin Xiu last released an album, and his level is still only increasing. When he got a short demo before, George could already foresee that this album will be a big hit after it is released, but still It is not as shocking as hearing Lin Xiu audition with his own ears.

To sum it up in one sentence, this person sings like God chasing after him to feed him.

However, apart from being surprised by Lin Xiu's lyrics, music and singing skills, what surprised George this time was that Lin Xiu actually wrote the lyrics and composed a love song by himself this time.

It's hard to identify just by the song, but the word is obvious when it comes out, especially when Lin Xiu sings this song, it is different from the coldness of singing other songs or reciting rap, and it has a more lingering taste.

Lin Xiu released six albums in seven years, and each album contains 12 songs in every style, but he has never sung a love song. One can imagine how big this love song will be when it goes online. It's a sensation. By that time, the news that Lin Xiu has a girlfriend will be known to everyone.

But George didn't think much about it. If he had such a beautiful girlfriend instead, he would like to announce it to the world.

When Lin Xiu came out of the recording studio, George stood up and raised his eyebrows at him and said, "That's right, it's different when you're in love."

Knowing what George was referring to, Lin Xiu just smiled, then patted him on the shoulder and said, "Thanks for your hard work, I'll be here today first, and if you have time, you can also solve your personal problems, don't be an **** anymore." Old bachelor."

George, who was stabbed inexplicably, suddenly showed "resentment" in his eyes. What an old bachelor, he is obviously only in his thirties, and he is handsome and unrestrained!

Lin Xiu walked to the edge of the sofa, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and took a sip, looked at Jing Zhao who was obediently sitting on the sofa waiting for him, his eyes softened, put down the water bottle, sat next to her, and took off her ears with his own hands The earphone said: "Thirsty? Are you bored?"

Jing Zhao shook his head, "I'm not thirsty, I just drank water, staying with Xiuxiu, I won't be bored."

Lin Xiu's eyes became softer when he heard the words, the corners of his mouth curled up in a happy arc, his eyes glanced down at Jing Zhao, and he coughed lightly, "Is that song good?"

"It sounds good! It just feels different from Xiuxiu's other songs." Jing Zhao sincerely expressed her feelings, but she didn't say a word. When listening to the song just now, for some reason, she felt her heart beating. It was so fast, bang bang bang, as if it was about to pop out, a bit strange.

"That was the first love song this guy sang just now, of course it's different." Suddenly, Bai Ze's voice interrupted the two.

"A love song? What song is it?" Jing Zhao's little head was full of doubts, and he looked at Lin Xiu with puzzled eyes.

Lin Xiu glanced at Bai Ze, then reached out and touched Jing Zhao's head affectionately: "A love song is a song written for you alone."

Writing a song for her alone is equivalent to giving her a gift. Jing Zhao suddenly remembered that when Xiuxiu gave him a gift before, he would ask her if she liked it. It must be the same this time. Asked, Jing Zhao smiled and said, "Thank you Xiuxiu, I like this song very much."

No matter what the girl said, she always looked very sincere. With this look, even if what she said was a lie, he would probably believe it without hesitation, but Lin Xiu knew that the girl would not lie, and her words were all true. of.

"Well, as long as you like it." Lin Xiu suppressed the turbulent emotions in his eyes, and then gently held the girl's hand in his hand to play with.

The intimacy of the two made Bai Ze beside them feel extremely uncomfortable, his eyes fell on his own pair of earphones on the table which Lin Xiu had taken off, just as Bai Ze was about to say something, the door outside the house was suddenly knocked.

Guitarist Zhouzhou went to open the door, and there was a girl with a musical instrument bag standing outside the door. The other person's face was a little red because of walking a long way, and then became even redder after seeing so many people in the room.

She flicked her hair and said in a panic, "Excuse me, may I ask if this is room 1901? Because there is no sign outside, so I..."

The girl was interrupted by Zhou Zhou before she finished speaking: "No, 1901 is opposite, you went wrong."

It was even more embarrassing now, the girl's face was already red like a red apple, as if she wanted to find a hole to bury herself in, after a hasty apology, the girl wanted to leave, but when she raised her head, Zhou Zhou let her in from the door. Open, she saw the person sitting on the sofa in the middle at once.

Immediately, the shyness seemed to be dead, she couldn't help but widen her eyes and exclaimed: "Lin Xiu!"

What kind of luck did she have? After going to the wrong recording studio, she actually saw a cultivator who had disappeared in the entertainment circle for three years! God!

Lin Xiu is actually in the recording studio. Is he preparing to release a new song?

A series of surprises made the girl forget her purpose, and she entered the room spontaneously without being invited, and said excitedly to the people inside: "Well, Lin Xiu, I am your fan, can you sign it for me? ?”

Originally, Zhou Zhou was a little impatient when he saw the girl enter the door without his permission, but he didn't say anything after hearing what the other party said.

Seeing an idol, I'm excited, understandable.

Covering the door casually to prevent more people from seeing it, Zhou Zhou returned to his seat.

Hearing the voice, Lin Xiu raised his head, his expression was the indifference when facing a stranger. After hearing the other party's request, he nodded and agreed without saying anything. He has always been gentle with fans. He casually asked where the sign was, and the girl said He took off his piano bag and said, "Just sign here."

When Lin Xiu was signing, the girl subconsciously raised her eyes and saw behind him. She was shocked for a moment by the man in heaven, especially when the other party had a pair of sea-blue eyes and stared at her curiously. The exquisite and glamorous feeling that comes directly hits the heart.

The girl was dumbfounded for a moment, but she came back to her senses when she felt a displeased look in her eyes, and she met her idol's somewhat dissatisfied eyes, and the gesture of the other party blocking her from seeing her.

It was also at this time that the girl noticed that the girl who was so beautiful that she was not like a real person just now had too close contact with her idol, almost her whole body leaned on her idol, and she did not repel her idol at all, but intimately protected her She immediately realized that this person was most likely the girlfriend of her idol.

God, Lin Xiu is in a relationship, what kind of shocking secret has she broken!

If this is said, it must not set off a stormy wave on the Internet!

The girl originally wanted to take a second look, but she was frightened by the imposing stare of the idol, so she didn't dare to look more. After getting her autograph, she put on her piano bag and went out.

Bai Ze looked at the back of the girl leaving, raised his eyebrows at Lin Xiu and said, "Are you planning to make it public?"

Lin Xiu glanced at him, then lay back on the sofa, hugged his little mermaid, and said in a calm tone: "I didn't intend to hide it, and falling in love is my own business. It doesn't matter whether they know it or not."

Unlike those artists who depend on their fans for food, Lin Xiu’s singing is just a hobby, so naturally he doesn’t care too much about fans’ appeals. It can be said that if the existence of fans threatens his Little Mermaid, Lin Xiu will give up without hesitation development in the entertainment industry.

Bai Ze knew that Lin Xiu's identity was not simple, so he didn't say much, nodded, then got up and said, "I still have something to do, let's go first."

"Oh, by the way, remember to send me a copy of today's demo." After walking a few steps and returning, Bai Ze looked at Lin Xiu and said.

The moment he looked at Lin Xiu, his eyes looked extremely serious, as if he was particularly concerned about this matter.

Lin Xiu paused, then nodded, "Well, I'll let George fix it and send it to you."

Bai Ze has always taken a very serious and responsible attitude towards work, and everyone present is used to it, except Jing Zhao.

Because the moment Bai Ze and Lin Xiu looked at each other just now, she saw this vixen's eyes turned red, but Lin Xiu didn't seem to notice, this person won't do anything bad to Lin Xiu, right?

The moment Bai Ze withdrew his gaze, he met Shang Jingzhao's slightly puzzled expression, pretended not to see it, looked away, turned and walked out the door.

In fact, Bai Ze felt a little uncomfortable, thinking about Jing Zhao's eyes just now, could it be...that guy saw him just hinting to Lin Xiu?

If this is really the case, then it is even more impossible to keep her by Lin Xiu's side. She must be taken away first, and then let her forget her secret.

After Bai Ze walked out the door, he looked down at the tail behind him, and was determined to drive Jing Zhao away from Lin Xiu.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-05-15 20:59:08~2022-05-16 16:46:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: Jiang Yinghan empty 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 7 bottles of Achua; 3 bottles of Serein;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

Read The Duke's Passion