MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 8

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Xiao Ran quickly wrote down the problem-solving process of the three methods on the blackboard.

The first is a more conventional problem-solving method. Some students may not have thought of the second method at first, but they will understand it after reading the first few key steps. Only the third method is not very clear after reading it.

Teacher He rubbed his chin, glanced thoughtfully at the third problem-solving method, and said, "Your third method is the simplest, but it's a bit out of line."

Xiao Ran: "Well, I used the Olympiad to solve the problem."

Teacher He nodded and said, "Yes, let's go."

Xiao Ran put the chalk back, turned around and got off the podium.

The students below were all discussing Xiao Ran's third problem-solving method of calculus. From time to time, some people sighed that the gods of learning are worthy of being gods of learning, and what they learned was far ahead of them.

Only Jing Zhao rested his chin in one hand, secretly surprised, and took the initiative to do the questions on the stage. When did Xiao Ran become so showy?

When Xiao Ran returned to his seat and sat down, Jing Zhao leaned forward and applauded like a sea otter, "You are so good at learning! You know three ways!"

Xiao Ran glanced at her, "Do you understand everything?"

Jing Zhao: ...

"I praise you if you don't understand and don't delay."

Xiao Ran looked away, noncommittal.

Jing Zhao: "Why don't you believe me, he is sincere!"

Sincerely... Xiao Ran lowered his eyes, as if a layer of mist had gathered in his eyes, making it difficult to distinguish emotions.

Seeing his appearance, Jing Zhao didn't say much, Xiao Ran didn't trust her now, no matter how much she said, it would be more useful than doing it directly.

Teacher He went over the three problem-solving ideas on the blackboard for everyone. Lin Luoluo looked at the writing on the blackboard and lowered her head slowly, not knowing what she was thinking.

The sun slowly climbed through the windows, covering the teaching building under the brilliance.

During the lunch break, everyone went to the cafeteria, Xiao Ran packed his textbooks and got up, Jing Zhao grabbed his clothes, with a rare gentle look: "I asked my aunt to prepare lunch, let's eat together."

Xiao Ran pushed her hand away and said softly, "No need."

The living assistant who came to deliver the food looked at Jing Zhao, "Miss, do you want to eat in the lounge?"

Jing Zhao didn't show any sadness of being rejected, he reached out to take the bag in her hand, and walked out while saying, "Give this to me, you go back first."

Xiao Ran didn't walk fast, but Jing Zhao caught up within a few steps.

The other party frowned when he saw her following, and then quickened his pace.

Jing Zhao: ...

"Don't go so fast! The lunch box is heavy!" Jing Zhao complained softly, and changed the bag in his hand to a hand.

"I didn't ask you to follow." Xiao Ran didn't stop walking, and went straight to the cafeteria.

After climbing up a long stone ladder, the sound from behind gradually disappeared, Xiao Ran paused, and when he turned his head, there was no figure as expected.

Jing Zhao, is this your sincerity?

Xiao Ran turned around with a calm expression, and when he was about to enter the entrance of the cafeteria, two boys in school uniforms walked by him, and asked as he walked, "Who is that girl who spilled all the food on the stone ladder just now? Do you know me? Why do you think she looks familiar?"

Another boy who was traveling with him shook his head: "I don't know, alas, why don't we just eat in the cafeteria! I'm too lazy to run away."

"Well, okay."


The chef at home prepared a lot of dishes, and they were for two people. Jing Zhao’s body was pampered again, especially when he went to the cafeteria and had to go up the stairs. After lifting it for a while, Jing Zhao couldn’t lift it. Standing panting, watching Xiao Ran's back going further and further away.

There are a lot of people going to the cafeteria at this time, and some boarding students will take their meals back to the dormitory to eat, but the lunch break is relatively tight, and a lot of time will be wasted going back and forth.

Standing on the stairs, Jing Zhao saw a girl rushing towards her with a lunch box in her arms. Unfortunately, she fell down and spilled the food all over the floor.

The other party was very annoyed, while looking at the rice she had knocked over, while shaking her oil-stained skirt, the eyes of the people around her swept over her as if they were watching the excitement.

Picking up the dropped lunch box, the girl was hesitating whether to go back and make another order or just stop eating, when a bag and a hand wearing a colored crystal bracelet suddenly appeared in front of her.

"This is for you, you can take it back to the dormitory and eat!" Jing Zhao looked at the girl and said.

The girl was a little surprised, and hurriedly waved her hand: "Thank you, no need, I'll just make another copy."

"It's not convenient for you to go like this!" Jing Zhao pointed to her dirty skirt, and put the bag directly into the girl's hand, "It's okay, take it!"

Holding the bag, the girl looked at Jing Zhao who was about to turn around and leave, and hurriedly asked, "What about you?"

Jing Zhao smiled, then reached out to take out a lunch box and a set of tableware from the bag, and said, "This is enough for two people, I'll just take one."

Seeing the back of Jing Zhao leaving, the girl looked down at the bag in her hand again, not knowing why her eyes were hot.

With less burden, Jing Zhao climbed the stone ladder much faster, but before he finished climbing the stone ladder, he saw a person standing in front of him, who was staring at her deeply.

Seeing the man, Jing Zhao immediately showed a smile, took three steps and two steps, and walked up to him, "Are you waiting for me?"

Xiao Ran didn't answer, and didn't ask where the bag containing the lunch box in her hand was. He glanced at her and turned around as if nothing had happened.

Jing Zhao doesn't mind either, Xiao Ran is that kind of person, you can't look at what he says, but what he does.

With the weight in his hand lightened, Xiao Ran didn't walk fast, Jing Zhao followed him briskly, whispering, "I haven't been to the cafeteria for a long time, and I don't know what's delicious in the cafeteria today."

When Jing Zhao used to chase people, he would accompany Xiao Ran to the cafeteria for meals. At that time, Xiao Ran didn't know that Jing Zhao was allergic to many ingredients, but every time Jing Zhao followed him to the cafeteria, he would always pick and choose the food. That one doesn't eat, thinking that she really has a temperament of a young lady and is hard to serve.

It wasn't until Jing Zhao ate prickly ash by mistake that her whole body developed a rash and edema, that Xiao Ran knew that it wasn't that she didn't want to eat it, but that she couldn't eat it.

Later, when the two dated, Jing Zhao wanted to have dinner with Xiao Ran, so he would ask someone to prepare two lunches. In order to accommodate her, Xiao Ran went to eat with her in her lounge until Xiao Ran's birthday.

It's just that now, Xiao Ran will no longer accommodate her like before.

The canteen of Shenghui High School is very big, with three floors. The first floor is the cheapest, but the food tastes bad. The second floor has all kinds of fried, stewed and local specialties, and the most people come to eat.

The third floor takes the self-service route. After-dinner desserts, snacks, French and Western food, you can eat as you go.

Xiao Ran went to the second floor, because he came late, most of the dishes had already been finished, he looked at the remaining dishes, ordered a sweet and sour pork ribs and tomato scrambled eggs, and left with the plate.

Jing Zhao found a seat outside the window and sat down. Seeing Xiao Ran coming out of the crowd, he waved at him.

They all came together, and Xiao Ran didn't turn a blind eye. He went over with a plate and sat down next to Jing Zhao.


Jing Zhao pursed his lips, and without thinking about moving himself, he directly opened his lunch box and started to enjoy his lunch. The box contained some low-fat and low-calorie light food such as pan-fried chicken breast and broccoli.

In fact, compared to these, Jing Zhao prefers fresh, spicy and spicy food, but it's a pity that she can't eat most of them.

As soon as he took a bite of the chicken breast, there was a voice above his head. A tall boy in a basketball uniform held a plate and asked, "Student, is there anyone sitting here?"

Jing Zhao: "...No."

After receiving the answer, the other party sat down, probably because he had just played, the basketball uniform on his body had obvious wet marks, and a thick smell of hot sweat after exercise came to his face.

Jing Zhao couldn't take it any longer and held his breath, he picked up the lunch box and sat opposite Li Ran after it was unbearable.

Xiao Ran raised his eyes and saw that she didn't speak, but only reached out to move his dinner plate.

Jing Zhao left suddenly, and the basketball man seemed to realize something, smiled awkwardly, and quickly picked up his meal.

Jing Zhao picked up another piece of broccoli, chewed it slowly, and fixed his eyes on the sweet and sour pork ribs on Xiao Ran's dinner plate.

Stealthily stretched out the chopsticks, but before reaching the target, the last piece of rib was also caught.

Jing Zhao raised his head and met someone's eyes. The other person's expression was serious, and his tone was rare, "Don't you know that there are peppercorns in sweet and sour pork ribs?"?

Read The Duke's Passion