MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 172

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Jing Zhaosheng followed Qin Si back to the Emperor Garden without love, mainly because she dared to resist, but Luo Yu didn't. Luo Yu said that for the sake of her husband's career, she reluctantly sent Jing Zhao out.

shame! What a shame! Even though Qin Si was driving a luxury car, Jing Zhao felt extremely ashamed, wondering what else this dog man couldn't do.

Angrily returned to the Emperor Garden, before Jing Zhao could think of any other way to avoid sharing a room with the dog man, Qin Si went out on something.

Before leaving, he told her to go to bed early at night, don't wait for him, he may not come back.

Cheers, louder!

The dog man didn't have any self-knowledge in a daze. She wanted to wait for him to come back because her mind was trapped by the door.

Enjoyed a dinner alone, without Qin Si, the food became more delicious, and the violin music was played with different scores, I really felt at ease.

After eating and taking a bath, she went back to the bedroom and closed the door. Jing Zhao jumped onto the big five-meter-wide bed, and she wouldn't fall even if she turned somersaults on it.

But why is she doing somersaults?

Forget it and don't bother to think about it, she wants to enjoy the night when Qin Si is not around, lying on the bed and taking out her mobile phone, she received Luo Yu's conscientious message of condolence.

【Well, are you okay? Qin Si, what did he do to you? 】

Jing Zhao pursed his lips, turned over and lay down on the cushion, and replied: [Qin Si is not here, he went out on business, and won't come back tonight. Hi skyrocketing jpg. 】

It seems that it should be all right, Luo Yu heaved a sigh of relief.

The two chatted happily for a while, and played games together for a while. After the game, Jing Zhao started to read all kinds of gossip. Sleep comfortably.

Qin Si really didn't come back all night, not only that, he didn't see him the next night, and there was no news at all.

He was happy not to send himself a message, Jing Zhao, he walked around the Emperor Garden, and found out the specifics of his current living environment.

When the dog man didn't come back on the third day, Jing Zhao suddenly felt a little bored.

Everyone in the Emperor Garden treated her respectfully, like a robot with a fixed program installed, no one would argue with her when Qin Si was away.

But why would she miss Qin Si? She should wish that he would stay away from her.

In order to stop this terrible thought, she asked the chef of the Emperor Garden to make a lobster feast for herself, spicy crayfish, and Boston lobsters brought in by air. Sitting alone at a long dining table, it is not too pleasant to eat .

Lobster meat paired with wine really has a special taste.

But halfway through the meal, Qin Si came back.

This time, a commercial cooperation in the company suddenly went wrong, and the people below had no way to solve it. Qin Si had to act personally, rushed to country M overnight, activated the emergency plan, and held a three-day meeting before the case was considered settled.

In the past three days, he was so busy that his feet never touched the ground, and he only slept for a few hours. The case was one aspect, and the other aspect was Jing Zhao.

Thinking that she was not here, she must have had fun, and no one would dare to take care of her if she didn't return home at night.

When Qin Si rushed back overnight, he thought that Jing Zhao would not be at home, but he didn't expect him to stay at home and eat supper.

Qin Si looked at a pile of lobsters and a pile of lobster shells on the dining table, and stopped in his tracks.

Jing Zhao didn't expect Qin Si to come back suddenly, he raised his head from the pile of lobster shells, opened his small red mouth slightly, and stared at Qin Si with big eyes.

Qin Si glanced at her, did not speak, handed the luggage in his hand to the servant, then went to wash his hands and sat down on Jing Zhao's right hand—Jing Zhao is now sitting in the main seat.

As soon as Qin Si sat down, the chef waiting beside him spontaneously stepped forward to prepare tableware for Qin Si and peeled the lobster shells.

Jing Zhao couldn't help laughing as he watched Qin Si pick up the chef's peeled crayfish with a fork and put it in his mouth.

Qin Si looked at her in confusion, Jing Zhao held up the shrimp shell he had just pulled out and said, "Crayfish are only interesting if you peel them yourself, you have to take a bite like this, it's the most delicious."

Qin Si frowned as he watched her move, and her gloved hands clearly showed an expression of disapproval. He still gracefully put the lobster meat into his mouth with a fork. In the next second, the man's expression changed. It changed in an instant, and the back of the hand holding the fork burst out with blue veins.

After taking a sip of the water at hand, Qin Si's expression became better. He raised his eyes and looked aside, Jing Zhao, who was so delicious with the lobster, said in a deep voice, "Don't you think it's spicy?"

Jing Zhao looked up at him suspiciously, "I don't think so." She didn't think it was spicy enough!

"If you can't handle spicy food, don't eat this one. Eat the big one. This one is not spicy." Jing Zhao pointed to the steamed prawn.

Hearing this, Qin Si's eyes fell on Jing Zhao's face, and he smiled suddenly, then changed his tableware and continued eating with his lips hooked.

The two had a lobster feast without incident.

After the meal, after resting for a while, Jing Zhao went to the room to take a bath to wash off the smell of lobster.

When she came out, Qin Si was already sitting on the bed.

The man looked down at the book in his hand, without glasses, slightly wet black hair hanging over his forehead.

Jing Zhao stood aside and looked at him and then at the bed. The five-meter bed would no longer belong to her alone tonight.

When Qin Si saw her coming in, he put down the book in his hand, stared at her and pointed out: "It seems that I'm not here for the past three days, and you have a very happy time."

Only then did Jing Zhao realize that what he was holding in his hand was a book, which was obviously a schedule stuck in a book.

"Are you spying on me?" Jing Zhao was very angry, remembering that it was the same last time, the dog man always knew her whereabouts like the back of his hand.

"It's not surveillance, it's protection. As the wife of the heir of the Qin family, your safety is as important as mine." Qin Si said confidently.

It's nice to say, but it's still surveillance.

Jing Zhao didn't want to talk to him, so he climbed straight to the other side of the bed, turned his back to him, and there was a distance of four meters between them.

Seeing this, Qin Si also lay down, and after a while he said: "Zhao Zhao, tomorrow is grandpa's birthday, I hope you will go back to Qin's house with me."

Jing Zhao opened his closed eyes, thinking that the old man of the Qin family seemed to be ninety years old, so such a big birthday would naturally be celebrated.

As for the Qin family, if there is anyone who has always been sincere to Qin Si, there is no one other than Mr. Qin.

Jing Zhao thought, at the wedding, the other Qin family members didn't have a good look at her, only Mr. Qin called her grandson-in-law with a smile.

Rarely did he not refuse, Jing Zhao said, "Got it."

Qin Si pursed his lips, folded his hands on his abdomen, and silently said good night in his heart, then closed his eyes, and after working for three full days, he was really sleepy.

Qin Si, who was very sleepy, was woken up in the middle of the night by an arm. He opened his eyes for some unknown reason, and saw a soft female body next to his hand, and the other's arm was lying across his chest.

Qin Si frowned and looked at the distance of four meters behind them, how did she roll so far to his side.

But since you've rolled over, don't go back.

Qin Si gave up the correct sleeping posture, turned sideways and locked the man firmly in his arms, lowered his head, his deep black eyes fell on the curly eyelashes of the man, and there was a hint of favor in his voice, " Be good, be good, and I won't lock you up."

Jing Zhao didn't hear it, but she really calmed down overnight, found a comfortable position in Qin Si's arms, and fell asleep peacefully.


The next day, the Qin family had a birthday banquet. The previous patriarch of the Qin family, Mr. Qin, was already an octogenarian this year. The Qin family held a big banquet, and all the people who came to celebrate the birthday were the upper-class figures of A's family.

Jing Zhao followed Qin Si and arrived early to greet the guests together as the host family.

The Qin family has a total of four houses. Qin Si's father is Qin's patriarch. Originally, the current heir of the Qin family should be Qin Si's father, Qin Tong. It's a pity that Qin Tong is weak at best. .

Even if the Qin family is given to him, he can't support it. The other three families are all daughters, two of them are married far away, and only the last one. Qin Shufen, Qin Si's fourth aunt, is also the person who has the biggest opinion of Qin Si in charge of the Qin family newspaper .

Although Jing Zhao lives in seclusion, she is familiar with the relationship between the several rooms of the Qin family. Anyway, she would not go up to join in the fun, and Qin Si didn't ask her anything. Even Qin Si's mother, Jing Zhao only met a few times. People don't get in touch.

Coming to the banquet is just a formality. After congratulating the old man on his birthday, Qin Si will be responsible for the entertainment.

It is rare for Qin Si to appear at a party. Whenever he appears, he will be surrounded by people, all of whom want to do business with him, and many of them have distant relatives. With a ruthless face, there is basically no such thing as going through the back door with him.

When Qin Si was socializing, Jing Zhao was lazy and wandered around the venue, tasting various collections of champagne.

These are all high-end private possessions, if it wasn't for the old man's birthday banquet, they would never have brought them out.

Jing Zhao's wine taste is not very good, but he just likes to drink some, and he has a special liking for champagne.

After tasting several cups, he was about to change the venue when someone bumped him from behind.

A moist feeling immediately passed through the fabric of the skirt to the skin of the legs.

With a clear "bad woman" behind her, Jing Zhao turned around and saw a little boy wearing a children's suit up to her thigh, looking up at her with a smug smile on his face, It was an overturned cake pan.

Jing Zhao knew him, the youngest son of Qin Shufen, the fourth roommate of the Qin family, who was seven years old this year.

Jing Zhao looked down at her skirt, she was wearing a white off-the-shoulder evening dress today, so there was a large piece of dirt on the skirt that was particularly obvious.

After watching Jing Zhao, he raised his head and scanned the venue, and sure enough, he saw Qin Si's fourth aunt on the sofa not far away, smiling at the corner of her mouth, and raised her wine glass to nod to her.


Jing Zhao squatted down with a smile, looked at the child in front of him, and asked him, "Bad woman, do you know what a bad woman is?"

The little boy pointed at her with his hips on his hips and said, "The bad woman is you."

Jing Zhao raised his eyebrows, with an expression of praise, "Yes, that's right, the bad woman is me, so do you know what the bad woman's methods are?"

The little boy looked at her suspiciously, "What is it?"

"A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye." Jing Zhao said, grabbing the piece of cake that slipped off her skirt from the ground, and wiped it on the little boy's face without hesitation.

The little boy was so frightened that he burst into tears immediately, which attracted many people's attention. Qin Shufen didn't expect that Jing Zhao would attack her child, so her expression changed immediately, and she stood up from the sofa and walked over quickly.

"What are you doing? He's still an ignorant child." Qin Shufen hugged her son and said to Jing Zhao with an angry face.

Jing Zhao folded his hands on his chest, and said with a sneer, "I'm already seven years old, and I'm still not sensible, so I suggest that my fourth aunt take her to the hospital to see if there is something wrong."

Qin Shufen was gagged again, she paused and pretended to be pitiful, hugged her son and said, "Even if he accidentally gets the cake on your skirt, you can't bully him, he's still a child, and not on purpose."

"Oh, so he is a child, just now he pointed at me inexplicably and called me a bad woman, he really looks like an adult!" Jing Zhao stretched out his hand and covered his mouth exaggeratedly.

"I'm really sorry, Fourth Aunt. Since I can't bully him, can I bully you? The skirt on me can't be worn after washing. Why don't you pay me instead? It's not expensive, and it's not expensive. It's only five million, remember to call me."

Jing Zhao said a lot, but Qin Shufen didn't react, but the people around did. They had no position to comment on the internal affairs of the Qin family, but they also understood that it was the four daughters of the Qin family who wanted to find the eldest daughter-in-law. trouble.

As a result, his nose was pointed at this moment, so blocked that he couldn't lift his head up.

The movement here naturally also attracted the attention of the venue on the other side. Qin Si quickly rushed over, stretched out his hand to support Jing Zhao and said, "How is it? Is there anything wrong?"

It was rare for Jing Zhao not to resist him, and leaned on him, saying, "It's okay, just a little dizzy."

Qin Si frowned upon hearing this, and looked at the fourth aunt of the Qin family.

Seeing Qin Si coming over, Qin Shufen was a little scared, but said with a straight face: "Qin Si, don't you hurry up and educate your wife, is there a junior like her who has no respect for elders?"

"I don't know if she has disrespectful elders, but I'm sure she will be disrespectful." Qin Si said in a cold voice with no expression on his face.

Qin Shufen was stunned, looked at Qin Si, suppressed her anger and said, "Qin Si, what do you mean, you are Xiao Ming's big cousin, look at how Xiao Ming painted her face."

Qin Si didn't even look at it, and said directly: "I may not be his big cousin."

Now Qin Shufen was completely stunned, and after taking a few breaths, she pointed at Qin Si and said, "You, your husband and wife are really deceiving people!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jing Zhao's body softened, showing an unsteady posture.

Qin Shufen's eyes widened. What the hell, this woman dared to pretend to be dizzy? ?

Qin Si looked down at the abnormal flush on Jing Zhao's face, and immediately bent down and hugged him horizontally, ignoring the fourth aunt of the Qin family who was still clamoring, and went straight to the VIP lounge on the second floor with him in his arms.

Carrying her to the sofa in the house and putting her down, Qin Si knelt down and reached out to touch her face, finding it was very hot, he frowned and said, "Why is your face so hot?"

I was talking to myself, but I didn't expect to close my eyes like a person who fell asleep, but I muttered back, "Drink too much..."

Qin Si: ...

There are spare ladies' clothes in the guest lounge. Qin Si picked one out and wanted someone to change it, so he pulled down the zipper. The other party opened his eyes and looked straight at him. After watching for a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand. He hooked his neck and said, "You are Qin Si."

Qin Si: "Yes."

"Dog man."


"Champagne can also get drunk, how much did you drink?"

Qin Si pulled the zipper on her side to the end, but the other party suddenly pulled his head down, reached out and patted his face and said, "Qin Si, I can you let me do whatever I want?"

"Luo Yu said kiss... Is it okay to kiss?"

Jing Zhao spoke drunkenly, his chin slightly lifted, and his red lips, smelling of alcohol, directly touched the man's chin.

Qin Si's whole body froze, his eyes looking at the person became dark and deep in an instant, at the moment Jing Zhao lost his strength and fell, he stretched out his hand to lift the back of the person's head, and then pressed it down suddenly.

The man's posture was ferocious, like a wild beast invading the forest, plundering the fragrance of wine with madness and recklessness, Jing Zhao couldn't help crying, feeling as sad as if he had been bitten by a dog.

Pushing her small hand against the man's chest, Qin Siwei straightened up and held her hand, panting, "If you touch her again, believe it or not, I'll kill you right here?"

Jing Zhao closed his eyes, pouted his lips slightly, as if he heard it, but also didn’t seem to hear it, and said, "Mix? What are you mixing, add more...spicy, I like it..."


The author has something to say:

There is a power outage today, so there will be no updates tonight. Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-08-03 21:52:31~2022-08-04 13:14:44~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Zanran; 5 bottles of Exploding Poached Eggs; 3 bottles of Slowly; 2 bottles of Yiguang; 1 bottle of Guagua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?