MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 157

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Taking advantage of their free time, Lin Hai and Jing Zhao went to the furniture mall again, added several big items to the house, bought a complete set of kitchen utensils, refrigerator, oven, microwave oven, and placed a fabric sofa in the living room. Plush carpets, wooden coffee tables, TV Internet and air conditioning are also installed.

They are all delivered to the door, and the house is full in a day, and these things are also provided for the convenience of Jing Zhao when he comes to live in the future.

They are all big items, and although they can be delivered to your door, Lin Hai is worried about letting Jing Zhao handle them all by himself. Strangers will be brought into the house. He is afraid that the little girl will be scared, so he will try his best to give the things that he can fix before he leaves. People are fully equipped.

The remaining corners and bits and pieces she likes, such as curtains, flowers, hanging decorations, tablecloths, can be added slowly without any effort.

The next day after finishing these, Lin Hai went back.

Before leaving, Jing Zhao **** the access control card of the gate of the yard and put it on her mobile phone, so that she can come back to live whenever she wants.

When they left, they were reluctant to part, and the two entangled each other for a long time.

Lin Hai originally wanted to leave while he was asleep, but he was reluctant after all. The little girl was also very sad, with tears in her eyes, and her hands and feet were wrapped around his body, like a ball growing on his body, making it difficult for him to move even a step. Disaster.

He couldn't bear to remove her hand from his body, so he could only kiss her. The two kissed from the bedroom to the cabinet at the door, their lips were flushed red, and Lin Hai didn't want to leave even more when he saw it.

But what if you don't leave? The work over there is not finished yet, and he needs to go back.

So he had no choice but to take the barefooted girl back to the bedroom. After coaxing her for a long time, she was let go. Hearing the soft sobbing, Lin Hai felt that his heart was being torn into two. Half.

But he still put the little girl back to sleep, endured the pain of separation and got into the car.

Because he is a man, he cannot be irresponsible, whether it is to her or to work.

The reason for the separation now is that they can end the work there as soon as possible, and then move to City A. After that, his job will also change. He doesn't have to run around the construction site often, and he can guard his baby.

What Jing Zhao felt when she woke up from the bed was the emptiness in the room, and the man who would hug her up and coax her like a child when she woke up left.

She walked to the living room and looked at the home the two of them had furnished together yesterday. She couldn't help it, her eyes were red again. Feelings are mutual, as long as you give, you will have feelings, who said that only he likes her and can't bear her.

She didn't want to be separated from him either.

But no matter how unhappy, life still has to go on.

Installed something yesterday and made the house a bit dirty and didn't have time to clean it.

I went to the small balcony in the kitchen to get the cleaning tools, and planned to scrub the house again. The floor had to be mopped, the cabinets had to be wiped, and the kitchen utensils had to be washed before they could be used again.

After tidying up, Jing Zhao was out of breath, and her sad mood subsided, and she felt a little hungry.

I didn't buy any vegetables yesterday, so the refrigerator was empty, and I didn't want to go out, so I could only order a takeaway. Jing Zhao didn't want to eat anything else, and wanted something spicy, so I ordered Mala Tang for myself.

This kind of Malatang does not come with soup, and it is served with a dipping plate, peanut noodles with chili powder, it is fragrant and spicy, and Jing Zhao's mouth is red when he eats it.

After I was full, I threw away the garbage, went to the bathroom to take a shower, changed into clean clothes, and threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine.

When combing his long hair in front of the mirror, Jing Zhao felt that his hair seemed to be getting smoother and smoother, and it felt like he couldn't grasp it even if he combed it with five fingers.

Moreover, she had never cut her hair, and her hair was already very long. Jing Zhao held her hair and looked at herself in the mirror, and suddenly had the urge to get a perm.

Now that she's in college, it's time to change her style. She's kept black, long and straight for a long time. After making up her mind, Jing Zhao decided to find a barbershop to have her hair done the next time she goes to the city, but not today, because there is not enough time today, she wants to go back to school first.

After packing up and closing the windows of the house, Jing Zhao picked up his small luggage and left.

Although it is not far from the school, there is still time to go back before class tomorrow, but Jing Zhao didn't think it was so early, and he hadn't been back to the dormitory for a long time, so he better go back and have a look.

It only took a small section of the mountain road to go down the mountain, and each house was far apart, with excellent privacy. When Jing Zhao walked down, he saw someone holding a white parasol in the yard, and there were tables and chairs on the lawn. Sipping afternoon tea leisurely, I also met people in sportswear running along the mountain trails, and some people were walking their dogs. In short, the occupancy rate is not low, not lively but not deserted, just a good feeling.

After going down the mountain, it is the intersection. There is a bus station where you can take a car or take a taxi, which is more convenient.

It was also a coincidence that when Jing Zhao was going down, the bus stop just enough to go to the school came, and she went on it. There were only four bus stops to the school, and it took only ten minutes to get there, which was very close.

In the car, Jing Zhao found a seat by the window and sat down, looking out of the car window, unaware that there were many people in the car looking at her.

Because the bus passed through the university town, many of them were young students, and it was the time when they were easily attracted by the opposite sex. When Jing Zhao got on the bus, someone noticed her.

The seaweed-like long hair is casually scattered, the exquisite facial features, the snow-white skin, the milky white cashmere sweater and the long red dress, the feeling of innocence and charm.

When I looked out the window quietly, I looked like the heroine in the plot of an idol drama. There seemed to be a halo covering her body, which made people amazing but did not dare to approach. I took a sneak peek, and then discussed with my companions in a low voice, and I could faintly hear the sound of teasing.

Jing Zhao didn't know it at all until the bus stopped at a stop, and several people got on the bus. Because there were people sitting next to him, Jing Zhao looked up and saw Lin Xin and her roommate carrying a few shopping bags. The car looks like it just came back from a shopping mall.

The beauty, even in the sea of ​​people, is the one who is extremely conspicuous. Lin Xin also saw Jing Zhao at a glance, and was taken aback for a moment, and then his face darkened.

Jing Zhao just felt baffled, and pretended not to know the person, turned his head and looked out the window, seeing nothing.

Seeing that Lin Xin had been staring in one direction, Zhou Ke also looked there, only to see the side profile of a stunning girl. She let out a surprised "Hey" and said, "Isn't that a tie flower? met."

In a word, I don't know what provoked Lin Xin again, making her face stinky.

This has been the case since she was a child, every time she stood with Jing Zhao, the adults only saw Jing Zhao in their eyes, praising her was just a few perfunctory words, and praising Jing Zhao was like not asking for money. She earns more New Year's money.

As long as she is around, she is rendered dispensable. Lin Xin regretted making her father marry Jing Zhao's mother countless times.

Even now, Lin Xin couldn't help turning her head to look at Jing Zhao who was sitting by the window. After entering university, she tried her best to change herself and finally got rid of a little bit of rusticity. But Jing Zhao looks like a rich man in casual clothes. Jiaohua, who was raised warmly at home, even made a boyfriend like Lin Haige.

Thinking of Lin Hai, Lin Xin thought of his generosity. He transferred so much money to her just by asking himself to go and see Jing Zhao, so he could only give Jing Zhao more.

Lin Xin's eyes darkened, she looked down at the few shopping bags in her hand, and buried her head, wondering what she was thinking.

The car has arrived.

Lin Xin and the others got out of the car first, and Jing Zhao followed behind slowly, keeping a distance from the two of them.

After entering the school gate and walking for a while, I don't know what Lin Xin said to her roommate. The roommate left first, and then Lin Xin stayed where she was and turned around, as if waiting for Jing Zhao.

Of course, Jing Zhao hopes that this is just an illusion, and she doesn't really want to communicate with her.

So when passing by people, he walked over without squinting.

Lin Xin had been waiting for her, but when she saw that she was ignoring him, his expression turned ugly, and he shouted angrily, "Jing Zhao, didn't you see me?"

Jing Zhao stopped, looked back at her, nodded and said, "I see." So what?

Lin Xin was choked up for a moment, and his chest heaved with anger, as if thinking of something again, trying to keep himself rational, looking at Jing Zhao, with a look of reluctance and compulsion, "I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter?" If you have something to say, just say it, what do you mean looking for her? Jing Zhao looked at her impatiently.

"Lend me some money." Lin Xin seemed to have done a lot of mental preparation for himself. After the words came out, his expression became natural, "Not much, three thousand is enough."

Jing Zhao opened her mouth slightly. To be honest, she was really surprised by Lin Xin's shameless appearance.

As for Lin Xin herself, she didn't seem to realize it at all. She felt that Jing Zhao should have a lot of money in his hand, and three thousand was a small amount to her.

The reason why she dared to borrow money was also because, it was like this many times when she was a child. Jing Zhao got more good things than her, and she would throw them to her sometimes.

A barrette she doesn't like, or a piece of clothing.

Although Lin Xin accepted it every time, she felt that Jing Zhao was just throwing what she didn't like as garbage to her. This was an insult to Lin Xin, and it always stuck in her heart like a thorn.

Lin Xin still feels this way now. She has always had a feeling that Jing Zhao doesn't like Brother Lin Hai. Although Brother Lin Hai is rich, his family members are dead, he hasn't gone to college, and his reputation is not good. Like Jing Zhao How could someone so arrogant like Lin Hai?

So Lin Xin thinks that Jing Zhao treats Lin Hai just as a springboard, not sincerely, but just loves his money, since it is not sincere, she has already got so much money, why can't she give some to herself?

Just like when I was a child, it doesn't matter if you give alms, as long as you give money.

If Jing Zhao knew about Lin Xin's psychological process, he would definitely tell her to seek treatment as soon as she was sick, but even if she didn't know, she still felt that Lin Xin was really sick.

"Lin Xin, why do you think I will borrow money from someone who wants to break up my boyfriend and me?" Jing Zhao said angrily, she really thought it was a little funny.

Lin Xin almost forgot what she did impulsively before, and was suddenly brought up by Jing Zhao, her face changed, her lips twitched and said, "If it wasn't for your misbehavior, how could I have photographed you?" That photo? Besides, didn’t you break up as well?”

It makes sense.

"I misbehaved? It's obvious that you have a dirty mind, right? Why, are you jealous of me? You are jealous of me and borrow money from me? Lin Xin, you didn't learn anything in college, and you have no shame or skin after all you have learned? You Are you not afraid that I will tell my parents?"

Jing Zhao thought of another thing while talking, and his face turned cold, "By the way, you asked your family for a few hundred yuan a while ago? What kind of exam, it's a lie, we are all professional, did you pay the money?" It's clear when you ask."

Lin Xin was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Jing Zhao to know about her begging for money from her family so quickly, and when she mentioned her parents, she felt a little guilty, so she immediately changed her mind and said, "If you don't want to borrow money, don't borrow it, what are you talking about? Look. Are you proud of relying on men? If there is no brother Lin Hai, Jing Zhao, do you think you can have a good life now?"

It was also on the head, Lin Xin told the truth in his heart at once, thinking that Jing Zhao would be angry after hearing this, but she just smiled and looked at her contemptuously.

"That's right, it depends on a man. If you have the ability, you can find a man and ask him to give you money willingly. I won't say anything, instead of borrowing money from me and looking down on my money here, Lin Xin, do you know what your name is?"

Jing Zhao looked at Lin Xin's face that was gradually turning pale, and said a few words lightly, "I want to set up a memorial archway after doing it, shameless."

Lin Xin clenched her hands suddenly, looked at Jing Zhao's expression full of resentment, and wanted to say something, and then heard Jing Zhao say: "Don't let me hear that you lied to the family's money again, or I will definitely tell my parents, and I will tell you the truth." It will make you spit out all the money you used before."

Lin Xin was completely speechless at this moment, his face turned blue and pale. Spit it out? Where could she find so much money? And tell your parents? No, if dad finds out that she is messing around in school, he will teach her even if she is not allowed to study. No, they must not let them know.

After Jing Zhao finished speaking, she left. She really didn't know how Lin Xin became like this? Obviously, this kind of thing never happened in the original plot, is it because I didn't see her unlucky and miserable end, so my mind was distorted?

It can only be said that people's minds are really hard to guess.

As for telling his parents, Jing Zhao is only warning and threatening now, because Lin's father is actually not in good health, he is getting old, and he is prone to cerebral infarction when he is angry, so don't be angry if you can't.

But if Lin Xin insists on not changing, she will still tell her family.

After being **** off on the way, when he returned to the dormitory, Jing Zhao's face was still a little gloomy.

As soon as the door of the dormitory was opened, unexpectedly, Yu Shiyue was the only one there.

Lying on the bed, with two pairs of slender white legs crossed, playing with the mobile phone, his eyes lit up when he looked up and saw Jing Zhao, a carp straightened up and sat up on his knees.

"I thought it was Yanran who came back, but it was you, Zhaozhao? Has your boyfriend left?"

Jing Zhao was still a little melancholy at the mention of Lin Hai, and replied feebly, then walked to his seat and sat down.

Seeing Jing Zhao's appearance, Yu Shiyue, who has been here, immediately understood her mood, got out of bed in her pajamas, pulled her chair and sat next to Jing Zhao, and comforted her, "Okay, be happy, separation is like this Yes, but as long as I think that we will meet again soon, the sadness turns into anticipation."

Jing Zhao smiled, looked at her and said, "Well, I feel that what you said is quite educated, it seems that it is still very good to have a boyfriend from the history department!"

Yu Shiyue smiled shyly at first, then yelled again, laughing and shaking Jing Zhao's shoulder, "Wow, you actually said I'm uneducated!"

After a fight, the mood suddenly dissipated. Jing Zhao glanced at the dormitory and asked, "Are they all out?"

"Well, Wenwen is in the library. Yanran went out yesterday, saying she was going to meet her boyfriend, but she hasn't come back yet!"

"Live outside? Have you called?" Although the relationship is not very good, but after all, they are in the same dormitory, and they are girls. It would be bad if something happened to me outside alone.

Yu Shiyue took a small snack from the table and handed it to Jing Zhao, "I've beaten her, and she said she won't come back, and said that if there is a bed check, let us cover for her!"

Yu Shiyue really felt that this matter was unreliable. Li Yanran's boyfriend heard from her that she met on the Internet, and in less than a month, he went out to sleep with someone. No matter how you look at it, the risk is a bit greater.

But they are neither her parents nor very good friends, so it is difficult to say anything, even if they are said, people may not listen to them, and according to Li Yanran's temperament, maybe they will hold grudges against them.

So Yu Shiyue didn't say anything, and after hanging up the phone yesterday, she didn't care anymore.

"Hey, let me tell you, Yanran recently..." Yu Shiyue remembered something and was about to tell Jing Zhao when the door of the dormitory was opened.

It was Li Yanran, wearing a red long-sleeved velvet dress, flesh-colored silk stockings on her feet, and holding a white sweater jacket in her hand. At first glance, it looked like that.

Li Yanran is actually not bad looking, Xiaojiabiyu's type may not be as eye-catching as Yu Shiyue and Jing Zhao at first glance, but she definitely cannot be said to be ugly, even because her face is relatively small, she looks more delicate than ordinary girls.

Dressing up carefully is also a beauty.

As soon as Li Yanran opened the door and saw Jing Zhao and Yu Shiyue were there, the corner of her mouth subconsciously hooked, and then she put her satchel in a conspicuous position in front of her on purpose and said, "Hey, are you all here? It just so happens that Zhao Zhao is back, my boyfriend If you want to invite everyone to dinner, how about just tonight?"

Yu Shiyue subconsciously replied, "But I'm going to eat with Zhenzhen tonight." Zhenzhen is Qin Zhen, Yu Shiyue's boyfriend from the history department.

Li Yanran glanced at her and said indifferently, "Then you and your boyfriend come together, it's just an extra pair of chopsticks."

After speaking, he looked at Jing Zhao again, hooked his lips and said, "By the way, Zhao Zhao, is your boyfriend still in City A? How about going to have dinner together?"

Jing Zhao shook his head, "He's not here."

A trace of pity flashed in Li Yanran's eyes, "Oh, that's a pity."

Li Yanran walked to her seat and sat down, and put her bag on the table. It was a black handbag, from the C family, and it looked pretty.

Yu Shiyue took a second look, Li Yanran saw her look again, the corners of her mouth curled up, she got up and put the bag in her closet, then looked at the several C family bags hanging in the closet, and complained: " Really, with so many bags, I can’t finish them all.”

After speaking, he glanced at Yu Shiyue and the others again, then turned and went to the bathroom.

Yu Shiyue touched her arm, turned to look at Jing Zhao, and whispered in her ear, "Zhao Zhao, I think Yan Ran's bags seem to be fake, and they were all given by her boyfriend these days. Did my friend do it on purpose or didn't know?"

Jing Zhao blinked, she didn't look at Li Yanran's bag much just now, but noticed that she seemed to have hurt her leg or something? Why do you feel that your walking posture is a bit awkward.

As Yu Shiyue said, she glanced towards the toilet. Her eyes were poisonous, and she herself liked the bags of the C family very much. They were all luxury brands, ranging from a few thousand yuan to tens of thousands.

In the past few days, they had gotten to know Li Yanran's boyfriend a little bit, he seemed to be very rich, otherwise they wouldn't have given him a bag of this brand, but Yu Shiyue felt that it didn't look real.

But she didn't have the nerve to say it. If she did, she might have to quarrel with someone again.

"Whether it's true or not, don't you know if you take a look?" Jing Zhao's eyebrows and eyes darkened. She didn't care about the authenticity of the bag, but she was a little worried that Li Yanran would be cheated.

Bao Jingzhao also bought a few of this brand, and she is actually quite sensitive to these things, so she can tell if it is true or not, as long as the fake is not particularly good, she can basically tell it.

The two talked a few words and made up their minds. When Li Yanran came out, Yu Shiyue took a look at her bag under the pretext that she was very interested.

Li Yanran originally had the purpose of showing off, so she didn't refuse, she just told them not to show off.

Yu Shiyue and Jing Zhao got the bag, and Yu Shiyue handled it first, but when she took it, she felt something was wrong. The bag was very light, and the texture was not good.

Brands like C's are very particular about the materials used, and the leather used for different grades will be very different.

Yu Shiyue shook her head at Jing Zhao as soon as she got it in her hand, she had concluded that the bag was fake, and Jing Zhao carefully inspected the bag's handle and buckle, which were very different from the real one.

None of them can be called A goods. Basically, except for a logo and shape, nothing is real, so it can only deceive girls who have never known these brands.

Jing Zhao put the bag back, and exchanged glances with Yu Shiyue.

The two decided together that the bag was fake.

Seeing that they didn't look at them, Li Yanran walked over with distressed expression and said, "Okay, give it back to me when you're done."

Yu Shiyue handed her the bag, pretending to be right, walked over and said, "Show me the other ones, these styles seem to be very new, I haven't seen them much before!"

Li Yanran was a little proud, and said, "Of course, my boyfriend said that these are limited editions, and they can't be bought in China."

When Yu Shiyue looked back, she was numb, none of the five bags was real.

There are also limited editions, and indeed, none of the fakes are the same.

Yu Shiyue asked Jing Zhao with her eyes, asking her what to do.

Jing Zhao picked up his phone and sent her a message.

【It's hard for us to say anything about it. We have to meet her boyfriend to see the situation. Isn't her boyfriend going to invite us to dinner tonight? You call Qin Zhen and let him go with you. Men know men best, so let's get to the bottom of that man first. 】

Yu Shiyue: [Yeah, I'll talk to Zhenzhen later. 】

After Yu Shiyue finished typing, she thought of something again, and typed hesitantly, [By the way, when I went to look at the bag just now, I saw several deep marks on Yanran's chest... Hickey marks, and Zhaozhao, do you think Yanran just When she came back, her walking posture was a bit strange, do you think she will be...]

It's hard for Yu Shiyue to say the latter. Although they usually don't deal with Li Yanran very much, it's just a small fight. If a roommate is cheated by a boyfriend outside, they should still fight against each other and not see each other. People are bullied.

But the premise is that Li Yanran has a clear mind until he can distinguish between friend and foe.

When Li Yanran came in just now, Jing Zhao also saw it. After thinking about it, she typed: [Everyone is an adult. If you like me, we have no right to say anything about this kind of thing. Yanran should also know What are you doing. For the rest, let's wait until night to see what happens to that person! 】

After agreeing on a plan, Yu Shiyue went to inform Qin Zhen. She didn't tell him what they found out, but said that it was not easy for the three girls to chat with their boyfriends, so she asked him to help them chat and learn more about her. Of course, Qin Zhen would not refuse the request to kiss his girlfriend.

The two chatted and went to other places, and Yu Shiyue's unconcealable laughter came from the upper bunk from time to time.

Jing Zhao listened and glanced at the phone, opened the WeChat interface, and was thinking of sending a message to ask, when a message came in.

It was Lin Hai, who asked her if she had gone to school and what she was doing now.

Jing Zhao pursed his lips and smiled, and told him what happened after he came back. He didn't say anything else, just said that his roommate's boyfriend would invite them to dinner tonight.

Then he asked Lin Hai: [Everyone else's boyfriends have already been treated, when can my boyfriend come over and take an oath of sovereignty? 】

Jing Zhao was originally joking, but Lin Hai on the opposite side replied very seriously after reading it: [Is there no class on Wednesday afternoon, baby? 】

Jing Zhao said yes.

Lin Hai said that he came back on Wednesday afternoon, and then invited her roommates to have a light meal in the evening.

Jing Zhao didn't see the meal, but saw him saying that he would be back on Wednesday afternoon.

Holding the phone, he said happily, "Are you really coming back on Wednesday? Why didn't you tell me today?"

Lin Hai said that he was still not sure this morning, and he can settle down after finishing the matter in hand today.

Jing Zhao was happy, holding his mobile phone and talking sweet words to people for a while.

The man on the other end had never stopped smiling, and his eyes were full of satisfied warmth.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-1821:53:27~2022-07-1922:08:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 snail powder;

Thanks to the little angels who threw mines: slightly slightly 1;

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 70 bottles of screw powder powder powder powder; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?