MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 154

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Shen Zongwei left, leaving Jing Zhao to take care of Lin Hai in the hospital.

The man was hard-spoken and soft-hearted, saying that he didn't want Jing Zhao to come over, and when he saw her, he would know how much he missed her.

Lin Hai didn't expect Jing Zhao to run over like this. Seeing the messy hair of the little girl, he knew that she must have never stopped all the way.

"Are you tired? Come and sit down." Lin Hai still couldn't move his half body, so he wanted to stand up and move the chair for Jing Zhao.

Where did Jing Zhao let him move, he bent down and put his small hand on the man's chest to prevent him from moving, "Don't move, I will do it myself."

There was only one chair in the room, Shen Zongwei sat on it just now, Jing Zhao moved it over and put it beside the bed, the distance was very close, and then sat down.

As soon as Jing Zhao sat down, Lin Hai stretched out his big palm to grab her hand, stared straight at her, and refused to look away at all, as if someone who had been wandering for a long time had finally found the place where he belonged. own home.

How should I put it, seeing Jing Zhao really hurts, especially when he is still injured so badly.

I have already learned about the situation with Shen Zongwei on the phone. I had a knife and stitches on my head, and the bone on my left shoulder needs to be taken care of. If the situation is good, it will take about ten days before I can be discharged from the hospital. Lived here for a month and a half.

That's a steel bar, and it fell from such a high place, hitting his head and shoulders, it hurt so much, Jing Zhao just didn't dare to think about it just hearing it.

But what about this person? I didn't think about anything, and blocked it for someone without saying a word.

Listening to the phone, I felt terrified and lingering in my heart. When I saw the tightly bandaged head and left shoulder, Jing Zhao couldn't stop crying.

"Are you a fool? How dare you push up such a heavy steel bar? You said, what should I do if something happens to you? Are you not going to want me? If you don't plan to take it, then I will Tell my mother, don't plan to get engaged during Chinese New Year, just let it be!"

Jing Zhao wiped away tears with the back of his hand as he spoke, pouted and reprimanded, "You still lied to me, thinking that it is for my own good that you don't let me know? Let me tell you, this matter is endless! When you recover from your injury, I will follow you again." You settle the score!"

"Yes, I want!" Hearing what she said, Lin Hai panicked and held Jing Zhao's hand tightly. After holding it, he wanted to reach out to wipe her tears, "Baby, don't get angry, okay? It's all mine. Wrong, when I get well, you can punish me however you want, stop crying?"

Looking at the man's complicated and distressed expression, she knew that his wound was still hurting, and Jing Zhao didn't want to continue to make trouble with him. She just thought about a lot of possibilities when she came all the way, and she was afraid of herself. Hold back.

But she just said these two sentences, and then her heart ached. There was blood on Lin Hai's head bandage, his face was white and his lips were white, and he looked extremely weak. He was such a strong person before, but now It was difficult to even get up.

Jing Zhao pursed his lips, his expression softened, and his voice softened, as if coaxing a child, "Does the wound still hurt? Is there any other injuries besides the head and shoulders? Let me see."

"It doesn't hurt anymore, there is no other injury." The corners of Lin Hai's mouth curled up, and he wrapped his big hand around her small hand, feeling the soft touch of the palm, and felt ironed in his heart.

In fact, Lin Hai is also afraid, he is no longer a carefree person, he has her.

When the steel bars fell, Lin Hai really didn't think much about it. Shen Zongwei was his brother, and he had no relatives. After he came out to hang out, he was treated well by just this one person. Although it didn't appear on the surface, Lin Hai actually remembered it in his heart.

In this case, it is impossible for him to refuse to save him, and he does not regret saving Shen Zongwei. What he regretted was that he hadn't been more careful when inspecting the construction site, otherwise there wouldn't have been such an accident, and his baby wouldn't have been so tired to run so far to see him alone.

"Are you tired after driving for so long? Is the road safe? Has anyone bullied you, huh? Tell me?" As long as Lin Hai thought of letting Jing Zhao take such a long car alone, and had to change cars halfway, he would I feel very worried.

As a man, he naturally knows the bad nature of men. There are so many young girls being victimized in the news, each of which is frightening. His baby is still so beautiful. Lin Hai can't imagine that if Jing Zhao also encountered such a thing What should I do? As long as he thought of someone bullying her like this, he would be so angry that he wanted to kill him.

I am already like this, and I still come to worry about her. She is such an adult, what can happen?

Jing Zhao shot him a look, but said back, "No one bullies me, the road is very safe."

Jing Zhao held his hand, feeling some grains of sand. When he lowered his head, he found that there were traces of dried mud on Lin Hai's hand. He frowned, "Why are your hands so dirty? No one washed them for you?"

Lin Hai also took a look at his hands, he was still busy grabbing materials on the construction site before being hit by the steel bars, and it was raining and muddy, so his hands would naturally be somewhat stained.

When they were sent to the hospital, the doctors were only in charge of the operation, and the fact that their right hand was not injured was naturally out of their scope of care.

In the morning, Lin Hai ate breakfast with his dirty hands. Although Shen Zongwei had a heart, he was a man after all. No woman was careful enough to notice the mud on her hands.

Jing Zhao raised his eyes and glanced at the ward. This is a single ward, equivalent to a VIP. There are only two beds in the room, one hospital bed, one accompanying bed, and a wooden bedside table. The food that Shen Zongwei called didn't even have a tissue wrapped in it, and he opened the lower drawer, but there was nothing.

"Why is there nothing? Forget it, I'll go shopping later, let's eat first!" Jing Zhao said in a low voice, thinking that it was already noon, so let's get someone to eat first.

She didn't enter the door when she first arrived. Shen Zongwei knew that Jing Zhao would take care of Lin Hai next, so he took her around the hospital first. In order to provide convenience for patients, the hospital has a small cafeteria in the ward building. Shen Zongwei gave Lin Hai breakfast. Lunch is bought there.

Not far away, turn left when you exit the ward building. Most of the patients have to eat a light meal, and their lunch is simple, just a big stewed bone soup, a plate of fried pork with cucumber, a stir-fried cabbage, and a bowl of rice.

The dishes and rice are served on the dinner plate, a soup bowl is added, chopsticks and spoons are taken, and there is no need to wash them after eating, just return the tableware.

Jing Zhao got up and walked around the room, and finally found a pack of used paper towels in the bathroom, he didn't care about it now, just dipped some water in the paper towel and brought it to the man to wipe his hands.

As she walked around the house, Lin Hai's eyes followed her all the time. When he wiped his hands, he stretched out his hand as soon as he asked, and opened his fingers as soon as he asked. His eyes were shining, and the thickness almost melted.

Jing Zhao looked at the way he looked at himself, a little pitiful, but also very well-behaved, a big man, so strong outside, but looking at his woman like this in his own place, even a woman would feel soft-hearted, Jing Zhao also No exception.

He wiped off the mud on his hands, and even wiped the other injured left hand. When it was over, seeing that he was still looking at him, he leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Maybe it's been a long time without water, the man's lips are a bit dry, like gravel when kissed, not soft anymore.

Jing Zhao touched it distressedly, looked around and said, "Why is there not even a water glass in the room? Did you not drink water all morning?"

Lin Hai was kissed by her soothingly, and he felt a warm current like a hot spring gliding through his heart. He was not thirsty at all. If he was thirsty, he would stare at her pink lips with fiery eyes and want to One more kiss, one more kiss.

Looking at him with such eyes, Jing Zhao didn't know what he was thinking, but she wouldn't let him kiss now.

Throwing the hand towels into the trash can, Jing Zhao got up and set up the small table for eating on the hospital bed, then shook the man's upper body so that he could eat on it, and brought over the plate with the food.

"Did you not eat when you came here? You are hungry, you eat."

Lin Hai picked up the chopsticks with his right hand and handed them to Jing Zhao, wanting him to eat. Jing Zhao glanced at him, took the chopsticks in his hand, put them aside, then directly picked up the soup bowl and sat next to him, and fed him the soup, " I'm not hungry, just wait until you finish eating and I'll go down for a while, don't talk back, or I'm going to get angry. Quick, open your mouth and drink some soup to moisten your throat."

After she said this, Lin Hai could only open his mouth and drank the soup she fed him.

"Does this soup taste good?" Jing Zhao just touched it and felt that it was not hot before feeding it to him. It looked okay but he didn't taste the taste. His wound hurts, and he must have no appetite to eat. If the food is not delicious, it will be even more sad.

"It's delicious, you should try it too." Lin Hai looked at her tenderly, how could it not taste good? The soup she hand fed.

Jing Zhao also took a sip, um, the taste is light, but not as light as boiled water, with the smell of big bones in it. It seems that the canteen of this hospital is okay, so there is no need to find another place to buy food.

Jing Zhao fed Lin Hai a few sips of soup, and was about to feed him again, taking care of him with all-round services, and letting him eat slowly while feeding, lest he choke.

Lin Hai's right hand was not injured, he could eat by himself, and he ate breakfast by himself, but now he couldn't bear to be taken care of so intimately, under her gentle words and careful care, he really felt that the wound didn't hurt so much.

He had no appetite at first, but under Jing Zhao's coaxing, Lin Hai ate a lot, and when he shook his head, Jing Zhao stopped feeding him. At this time, eat less and eat more, the patient's mood is the most important thing.

"I'm not going to eat, you go eat quickly." Even if Jing Zhao persuaded Lin Hai to slow down, he ate in a hurry, chewing the food twice before swallowing, afraid that Jing Zhao would be hungry.

"Okay, I'll go now, you wait obediently in the ward for me to come back!"

Jing Zhao cleaned up the dinner plate, intending to return it, and restored the bed to him so that he could lie down more comfortably.

Then she stood up and put on her small bag. She came in a hurry and didn't bring anything, but a handbag with two sets of clothes in it.

Put on the small bag, pick up the tableware and go outside, before leaving, the man looked at her pitifully, with a bandage on his head and dangling arms, he said to her anxiously, "Come back soon!" !"

Seeing his appearance, Jing Zhao didn't even want to leave, but she had to go out. She had to return the plates and buy things, and she came here. Even if he was in the ward, he had to live more comfortably.

So I promised him that he would come back soon, then made up my mind, turned around and left.

As soon as she left, Lin Hai looked at the empty ward, his face gradually darkened, he frowned, his thin lips were tightly pressed, and he looked strangely fierce, which scared the nurse who came in to see his condition and change his dressing Jump.

On the other side, Jing Zhao went out and went to the small cafeteria next to the ward building.

In fact, she received a call from Lin Hai not long after she woke up in the morning. Before she had time to eat breakfast, she hurried over by car. She was also a little hungry at the moment.

After arriving at the cafeteria, I returned the plate, and went to the window to see what other dishes were left. It was almost time now, and I had already eaten all the dishes that should be eaten. There was nothing good to eat, but there was only one sweet and sour pork tenderloin left. Fried celery, and tomato and egg soup.

Jing Zhao also ordered a little, and ate until he was full, then checked the dining time in the cafeteria, and left after remembering it.

Thanks to her fondness for fish, whenever she goes to a place, Jing Zhao will first take a look at the surrounding roads, shops, and what’s delicious and fun. Even very remote locations can be easily found.

The "sense of smell" is also very sensitive, as long as the store she wants to go to must have the good products she wants, or the store she is going to eat, the dishes must be good.

After leaving the hospital, Jing Zhao judged the direction, and went shopping in the surrounding streets. There are quite a lot of shops nearby, the most of which are various pharmacies.

Ignoring small shops, Jing Zhao went directly to a relatively large supermarket nearby, and bought washbasins, footbaths, towels, toothbrushes, and some hygiene products.

I went to the fresh fruit section to buy some fruit, because there were too many things, and she bought less because she was afraid that she would not be able to get them.

When he was about to check out the purchases, he remembered something, Jing Zhao went back again, and when he arrived at the household supplies, he picked out a pair of men's underwear, the ice silk kind, breathable and comfortable to wear.

Unable to figure out the man's size, Jing Zhao took the largest size, thinking that small is worse than big, and it is better to hold back than loose.

I have to stay in the hospital for many days. The clothes are easy to talk about, and I can change into the hospital gown, but the underwear is not good. I can’t wear it for so long, and it is unhygienic.

After paying the bill at the front desk, Jing Zhao went back. She even checked the time, and it happened that it took less than an hour, so it shouldn't be too long.

Thinking that Brother Hai might have fallen asleep when he went back, thinking this way, Jing Zhao didn't knock on the door, but just gently pushed open the door of the ward, and when he raised his head, he met the man's turned eyes.

She was gloomy and cold just now, but the ice and snow melted immediately, she looked at her eagerly, and raised her neck up, and propped her arms on the bed, as if she was about to get up.

Jing Zhao hurried in with his things, put the bag on the ground, and was held down by someone, "Don't move around, what if the wound is open again?"

Lin Hai looked at her, held her hand with his fingers, frowned, and pursed the corners of his mouth, "Why have you been here for so long?"

"There's a supermarket near this hospital. I'll go and buy you something." Jing Zhao sat down on the edge of the bed, with a slight smile on his brows and eyes, "I saw a hot pot fish near the supermarket. It smells delicious. Not bad, when you are well, let's go and taste it together, shall we?"

How could Lin Hai not speak well? This baby in his family doesn't have any big hobbies, except for eating fish.

"Okay, you can eat as much as you want." Lin Hai said, looking down at the two big bags on the floor, frowning again. A red strangle mark was seen on the palm.

"Why do you buy so many things? Your hands are red." Lin Hai rubbed his thumbs while talking, then moved them to his mouth and blew.

Jing Zhao saw him lying down blowing his hands to himself, and the veins on his neck burst out, so he quickly withdrew his hand, stroked his chest lightly and said, "Okay, I'm back now, I'll clean up later. , can you sleep for a while?"

Lin Hai directly covered her hand on his chest and said, "I'll wait for you, let's take a lunch break together."

Jing Zhao was confused by him, so he could only clean up the ward as quickly as possible. He put the paper towels and fruits he bought on the table, bought wet paper towels and put them in the drawer, and the basin and toothbrush. Just put it in the bathroom.

When he took out the underwear he bought, the man saw it with sharp eyes. He knew what she bought, and asked, "What is that?"

Jing Zhao held the underwear he bought for him, looked back at him with curious baby-like eyes, and said without coyness, "I bought you two pairs of underwear for washing."

"Oh." Lin Hai glanced again, the corners of his mouth curled up, but he pretended to be calm and said, "What size can I wear?"

Jing Zhao looked down and said, "The biggest size I bought, you should be able to fit it!"

Hearing this, Lin Hai said, "Yeah", stopped talking, and didn't show it on the face, but he was very satisfied in his heart, baby thinks he can wear the largest size, um, he has good eyesight.

After tidying up, Jing Zhao took the newly bought thermos and went out to fetch some boiling water and came back. It is more convenient to have a fixed water collection point.

After coming back, she tidied up and sat on the accompanying bed in the ward.

Both the hospital bed and the accompanying bed are for one person, which is fine for one person, but it is crowded for two people.

The white pillow and white quilt looked clean, so Jing Zhao got himself some water and wiped his body before lying down.

There is a distance between the two beds, and there is a curtain that can be opened in the middle. Jing Zhao is lying sideways on the bed, and he can see the figure of the man lying on the bed upright.

Lin Hai was dissatisfied again, so he couldn't even see her.

He wanted to struggle to sit up from the bed again, but was held down by Jing Zhao, trying to persuade him to sleep.

Lin Hai closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth were still upturned, and his lips were moist, because a certain person had been intimate with him for a long time just to coax others, and the kiss made him feel comfortable physically and mentally, and he felt that the restlessness in his body was smoothed away.

Jing Zhao’s lips were also ruddy and a little numb, his eyes seemed to be soaked in water, his face was flushed, and he felt a little lack of oxygen lying on the bed. When he noticed the man turning his head to look over, Jing Zhao immediately closed his eyes and said, “No more Look at me, go to sleep."

Lin Hai let out a "hmm", but his gaze was fixed for a long time.

Having been out for so many years, injuries are commonplace, and there were times that were so severe that he had to be hospitalized, but he was always alone.

There are no family members or friends around him, only himself, he is the one who buys medicine, and he is the one who buys food. Lin Hai doesn’t really feel that much. At that time, he just thought that it would be good to be able to live.

Whether it hurts or not, who cares, he doesn't even care.

It's the same now, but the difference is that someone cares about him.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-15 22:24:30~2022-07-16 22:01:50~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Guyun;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: Rouge Weier, Mingyue Yuhuai, 49532228, 10 bottles of Juli in July; 5 bottles of hdjdksjb; 3 bottles of Zhuye, The World Owes Me Zhang Wansen; 2 bottles of Yiguang; Xiaoxiao, Xiao Xiaomi, ppccyy, 1 bottle of watermelon water drops;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?

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