MTL - Guide To the HE of the Former Female Supporting Role-Chapter 149

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University A occupies a vast area. There are more than a dozen teaching buildings in the school, not to mention the dormitory and cafeteria. Sometimes the dormitory is far away from the class place, and students have to take the campus bus to go to the teaching building.

The gate of the school is also extremely splendid, students can come in and out freely, but they must swipe their student cards.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Xin and her two roommates got on the bus to the city, and Jing Zhao sat down on the wicker chair next to the bus stop.

There were quite a few people at the bus stop, most of them were students from University A. When they saw Jing Zhao, they all followed her subconsciously, because she was so beautiful, like a little fairy, and everyone else wore umbrellas or He was wearing a sun hat to cover himself tightly, but he was still sweating profusely, and he was a little embarrassed by the heat.

But she has nothing to cover her, she is so white and glowing, she is still very refreshing, the black hair that hangs down to her waist is smooth and soft, and when the wind blows, her hair is light, and you can smell her body from a distance Nice scent.

There were several tall little brothers standing next to the bus station. When they saw Jing Zhao, they were all pushing each other there. Soon a tall and thin boy with a backpack came over.

"Hello, classmate."

Jing Zhao raised his head and looked over, the boy blushed subconsciously, he didn't expect her to be more beautiful at close range, the pores on her face were really invisible.

Although the boy was a little excited, he still boldly stretched out his mobile phone, "I, my name is Li Zhibin, a freshman in the Finance Department of University A, can I add a WeChat?"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see what the purpose of adding WeChat in this situation is, and Jing Zhao is no exception. If she had agreed to it before, there is nothing wrong with having multiple spare tires. Now...

"I'm sorry, classmate, my boyfriend doesn't let me add other boys' WeChat. He will be jealous if he finds out."

She spoke softly, with a smile on her lips, and embarrassment written in her eyes when looking at people. With such an appearance, even being rejected doesn't seem too uncomfortable.

The boy felt a little regretful, but he still left politely, "Oh, then I'm sorry to bother you."

The boy went back, and soon there was a sound of playfulness from the crowd over there, Jing Zhao didn't care much about what they said.

She looked down at the bag she was carrying, which contained a mobile phone, lipstick and a small pack of tissues.

Jing Zhao took out her mobile phone, which Lin Hai took her to the mobile phone counter after she graduated from high school, but she bought the most expensive and latest models, different from the big screen in the future, the white one is small and delicate in her hand.

Jing Zhao opened WeChat. Video chat is not available on WeChat at this time. The top chat partner is Lin Hai, and the note she gave him is Brother Hai.

Lin Hai's WeChat avatar is also very middle-aged and elderly, taking pictures like a straight man, using his own big head as the avatar, and even the last bit of beauty is gone.

The chat records of the two stayed three days ago, and Lin Hai sent her a lot of messages, but Jing Zhao didn't reply because they were having a fight.

What happened this time was not without reason. Jing Zhao knew that if he got angry and ignored others, Lin Hai would definitely come to City A to look for her, and she just wanted to lure him here so as to completely end their relationship.

Lin Hai is rich, not ugly, and treats her very well. Jing Zhao actually likes him a little in his heart. But the arrogance in her heart still made her decide to give up on him. She wanted to find a better partner, at least to match her education and culture, instead of talking too much like Lin Hai. Every time he said something, she felt vulgar. , He couldn't understand what she said, and he chased her every time to ask, looking like he was easy to learn.

Jing Zhao thinks that Lin Hai is just pretending, but Lin Hai is really eager to learn, he is not stupid, otherwise he would not have eaten so much outside these years, but after Grandma Lin passed away, no one paid for him to go to school, so he was forced to leave school to make a living.

What Jing Zhao said to him, he wanted to ask even if he didn't understand, and he would secretly check it by himself, just wanting to talk to her next time Jing Zhao said something and not be disgusted by her.

But Jing Zhao went to college and met better people. Naturally, she wanted to get rid of Lin Hai and get rich. She originally wanted to talk about breaking up with Lin Hai slowly, but she didn't expect that the picture of her and Lu Wenjie together would be photographed by Lin Xin. Then it was sent to Lin Hai.

Lu Wenjie was originally Jing Zhao's fancy fish, and she kept hooking it up, just wanting to develop a good relationship with others after breaking up with Lin Hai. She knew that Lu Wenjie's family was not only rich but also very connected, and he was also a native of City A, so let him be her own. A boyfriend is obviously more face-saving than being with Lin Hai.

It's just a pity that the fact that she was hooking up with someone came out. When Lin Hai came to look for her, he happened to see her with his own eyes. He didn't embarrass her face to face, but asked her why angrily.

Jing Zhao told the truth, saying that from the bottom of her heart she looked down on him and would never marry him in the future, as long as she thought of being with him, she would feel uncomfortable, and even hated his touch.

Lin Hai clenched his fists tightly at what she said, and looked at her with red eyes a little bit hard, but he still didn't do anything to her, and left in a muffled voice.

After getting rid of Lin Hai, Jing Zhao naturally began to hook up with Lu Wenjie wholeheartedly. What she didn't expect was that Lu Wenjie had a fiancée, and the fiancée came back from studying abroad.

He casually used means to clean her up, ruining her reputation in school. Everyone knew that she was a green tea **** who seduced other people's fiances, or a fake Bai Fumei.

Jing Zhao began to regret it, and wanted to go back and find Lin Hai again, but Lin Hai didn't answer her calls at all and ignored her.

In addition, without Lin Hai's financial support, and no new people to give her money to spend, it is rare for Jing Zhao to spend money from extravagance to frugality. When she has no money, she starts to borrow money, online loans, interest loans, borrowing and repaying. No, it didn't take long for Li Gunli to have his address book blown up, and people came to collect debts.

Everyone in the village knew about her incident. Lin's father and Lin's mother grew older than the other, and she was expelled from University A because of the bad influence. She stayed at home and didn't know what to do.

In the end, the debt collection call came to Lin Hai, and he helped her pay off all the debts.

Jing Zhao wanted to bring him back, but he said that there would be no possibility of being with her in the future, and advised her to keep her own place, not to be depraved, and to live a good life.

Later, Lin Hai never went back to Lin Family Village. Outside, Lin Hai's business grew bigger and bigger, and he even became the president of a multinational company. Later, he would naturally meet a good wife who would become his good wife.

Obviously, this good wife will not be Jing Zhao. Her supporting female role should be one day when she sees her ex-lover in a suit and leather shoes, looking handsome in front of her, and then hugs her wife with loving eyes. In his later years, unfortunately, he lived on the street, watching the back of their departure with tears streaming down his face, a glorious ending.

However, the plot system did not capture this scene. According to the feedback from Small World, Lin Hai was never married, and even died of overworked disease at an early age because he was always busy with work and ignored his own health.

That's why Jing Zhao came back again. Fortunately, the matter hasn't reached the point of no return. It's just a photo, which doesn't explain anything.

Jing Zhao quit WeChat and glanced at the time, thinking that Lin Hai should be arriving soon, a taxi stopped in front of her, the door of the back seat opened, and a tall man with tough features and a large bag got out of the car. When he got down, his eyes lit up when he saw her, his facial muscles moved, he opened his mouth and called her, "Baby, I'm here."

Jing Zhao was really taken aback by the role of the male protagonist. It’s no wonder that she couldn’t bear the role she played, even her own cognition was a bit unacceptable. It’s really that Lin Hai’s clothes are too spicy for the eyes.

It's okay to wear a black tight top with a suit and wide-leg pants, but I also wear a pair of sneakers on my feet. Although the clothes are not cheap, they just don't match anywhere.

It’s not because Lin Hai doesn’t have aesthetics, it’s because he’s been dressed in such a mix and match since he was a child. He has no father or mother and only one grandma Lin raised him up. The family’s money depends on grandma Lin to farm and sell. Earning waste, he has no money to buy clothes for him, so he can only pick up clothes that others don’t want to wear, and often mix and match them inexplicably, but Lin Hai doesn’t care, it’s pretty good to be able to eat and wear warm.

Later, when he went out to hang out alone, he was not very old. He went out at the age of sixteen. He had no money at the beginning, and his life was worse than when he was in the village. Let alone mix and match, it was often a work uniform. wear to the end.

When he had some money in his hands and wanted to tidy himself up, his aesthetic cognition was basically formed. Although his clothes were incompatible with the people around him, he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, and he didn't think about changing it. For myself, I will just wear it.

He thinks it's okay, but Jing Zhao can't take it anymore, she still wants to take him to her school for a stroll, but if they enter the school like this, they will definitely be watched like monkeys, and maybe they will be photographed Make a picture and send it to the campus forum.

Jing Zhao would not let herself fall into such an embarrassing situation, she got up and took the things in Lin Hai's hand, and said, "Why do you buy so many things?"

Lin Hai tucked his bag under his arm, opened a shopping bag in his hand and said to Jing Zhao, "Didn't you say you wanted this watch last time but the mall didn't have it? I happened to see it at the counter when I was in the mall, so I bought it for you."

Jing Zhao raised his eyes and looked over, and saw a pair of exquisite and small watches with diamonds stuck in the gift box, shining brightly.

She remembered that she did tell him that she wanted this pair of watches before, but the reason was not that she said that the mall was out of stock, but that this pair of watches cost 100,000 yuan less, and the money Lin Hai gave her was not enough to buy this pair of watches. , and it's not easy to ask him for money directly, that's why she thought about it.

Unexpectedly, he still remembered and bought it for her himself.

Naturally, I like it. Jing Zhao took out the watch, handed it to Lin Hai, and said happily, "Then help me put it on."

Lin Hai immediately put all the things in his hands on the ground, and wiped the sweat from his hands on his clothes before taking the watch from Jing Zhao's hand and putting it on her wrist.

The exquisite watch strap fits her wrist very well. Jing Zhao looked at it several times and couldn't put it down. He stared at Lin Hai in front of him with sparkling eyes, and said softly, "Thank you Brother Hai, I like it very much."

"As long as you like it." Lin Hai stared at Jing Zhao with burning eyes, only feeling that his baby has become more beautiful after not seeing him for more than a month.

He really wanted to reach out and hug her, but he was afraid that he would drive a car all the way, and the smell on his body would make her disgusted, so his hands were hanging by his sides in a little cramped way, and he didn't dare to stretch them out.

Tongue licked dry lips, Lin Hai looked at her and said cautiously: "Baby, are you still angry with me?"

Jing Zhao looked up at him, hooked his big palm with a small tender hand and shook it, and snorted amiably, "You're all here, why am I so angry?"

The sharp contrast between black and white made Lin Hai's heart tremble. He held the small hand in the back of his big palm, like soft tofu, which made people love it.

Lin Hai held her hand, pressed it against his waist, and showed his white teeth with a smile, "It's fine if you don't get angry, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Brother will take you to eat."

Jing Zhao turned his head and glanced at the suitcase next to him. He was afraid that he came here in a hurry and hadn't found a place to put his things away, so he rushed to find her in a hurry.

"It's not even noon yet, have you booked a hotel yet? You haven't put your luggage yet!"

Lin Hai did not have time to book a hotel, he got off the car and went straight to the mall, thinking he could see her sooner.

But at this moment, he also realized that it was not appropriate to just walk down the street with his luggage, so he immediately took out his mobile phone and said, "Then I'll book a hotel first."

Jing Zhao stopped his movement, and said with a smile, "Don't book online, there is one nearby, and the environment is not bad, Brother Hai, you should live there! It's closer to my school."

She wants to be closer to me. Lin Hai's mind buzzed, and he put down his mobile phone along with her hand.

Just when a taxi came over, Jing Zhao waved, and the car stopped in front of them. She sat in the back seat with a shopping bag, and Lin Hai put the suitcase in the trunk.

After putting it away, he went around to the front and got into the car, and sat down in the back seat. Jing Zhao felt that the car seat shook when he sat down.

"Master, go to the Blue Sky Hotel." After reporting the address to the driver, Jing Zhao turned to look at Lin Hai, and asked him, "How long is Brother Hai going to stay this time?"

Lin Hai turned his head away. When he came, he had no intention of it. The project in his hand was still in progress, and he needed to go back and watch, but now he didn't want to go back, he just wanted to stay with her.

"Are you busy? Will I delay your studies if I come to look for you?" Lin Hai asked nervously. He still remembered that he wanted to come here several times before but was rejected by her because of the heavy learning tasks at the beginning of school. Lin Hai It wasn't intentional, he was really afraid that he would delay her.

"Well, it's not busy now, how about you?"

Lin Hai's throat tightened, and he said in a low voice, "I'm not busy either. I don't have much work recently."

Hearing this, Jing Zhao leaned over and hugged his arm. His arm was bulging, hard, and full of muscles. Jing Zhao felt like she was holding a piece of iron. She leaned her head on his shoulder and said, "Then Brother Hai Stay here with me for a few days, okay? We haven't seen each other for a long time."

Well, why not, Lin Hai simply couldn't wish for it.

The place she was leaning on was very soft, like cotton candy, and there was a faint scent from the tip of her nose, which was really nice. Lin Hai's jaw moved slightly, and he felt that his right hand was not his own anymore.

The two haven't been dating for a long time, and it's only been three months since they were fully engaged. They usually have no other intimate behaviors except holding hands and hugging.

"Well, then I will stay in City A for a few more days, and I will accompany you wherever you want to go." Lin Hai lowered his head slightly, his eyebrows were affectionate, and the words he said were extremely inconsistent with him. The tone is so soft, as if mixed with water.

They spoke their native dialect with some accents. The driver in front was probably curious, so he glanced at them several times through the rearview mirror. His gaze was lingering on Jing Zhao, but he caught Lin Hai's gaze unexpectedly.

The man has short, slightly long hair, shiny bronze skin, a pair of eagle-like eyes that make people feel chills when staring at him, and his exposed muscles, making him look very unfriendly.

The driver glanced back and looked away, not daring to look any further.

The car arrived at the Blue Sky Hotel. The quality of this hotel is not low, it is a four-star hotel.

Because Lin Hai lived alone, he opened a room with a double bed, and the two of them took the elevator upstairs with their room cards.

The door opened, and Jing Zhao went in to take a look. The room was large, with an independent bathroom. The toilet and bathroom were separate, and there was a bathtub in the bathroom for soaking.

The bed is also very big, covered with white sheets and quilt covers, and there is a sofa near the window with two pillows on it, the curtains can be opened, and the outermost view is the park and woods. Generally speaking, the environment is good.

Putting bags and shopping bags on the cabinet at the door, Jing Zhao changed into the slippers in the hotel, entered the room, sat down on the bed, and said, "This bed is so soft."

Lin Hai followed behind her and closed the door.

Although they didn't live together, it was the first time for the two of them to come to the hotel together. Seeing Jing Zhao sitting on his bed unprepared, Lin Hai felt a little excited and complicated in his heart. He knew that his baby was not the kind of big-hearted person. Just because of trusting him.

Besides, he won't really do anything to her. The little girl is still young and is still in her first year of freshman year. If he wants to do something, he has to wait until she is older, so as not to delay her studies.

Besides, he doesn't date people just for that kind of thing, he simply likes them, wants to hold them up and hurts, seeing people jumping around him, seeing her relying on him, he is happy and happy.

After rectifying his precarious thoughts, Lin Hai gradually settled down. After entering the room, he picked up a menu in the clip on the table in the room. The hotel will provide some meals. If there is a phone in the room, you can call the front desk directly to make an order. After that, the service staff will send it directly to the room.

"Is it hot? Have something to drink, and I'll order you a milkshake." Lin Hai remembered Jing Zhao's taste, and picked out a fresh fruit milkshake and two hotel specialty snacks for her.

Jing Zhao got up and leaned next to him to see what he ordered for her to drink. Seeing that she liked it, she didn't say anything about changing it. She put her hands on the table and watched him call the front desk, "No snacks, I can't eat. "

"The hotel features, try it, I don't like to wait until I eat it." The phone was being connected, Lin Hai's hand went around behind Jing Zhao and wrapped her around her waist, letting her lean on him, and when the call was connected, he talked to the front desk staff. The person ordered the meal and hung up the phone quickly.

After facing the person face to face, Lin Hai wanted to hug her, but then remembered that he had given up on this plan before taking a shower, and was just about to tell someone that he was going to take a shower first, when a hand grabbed the belt buckle.

Lin Hai's stomach shrank, and he quickly stretched out his hand to hold the troubled little hand, his eyes changed a little, he let out a "hiss", and his deep voice was a little drunk, "Don't touch here."

The belt buckle is a silver iron ring, hollowed out, and a bit big. Jing Zhao hooked it with his fingers, and said indifferently, "What's wrong? Can't you touch it?"

"Be careful of hurting your hands." Lin Hai, who didn't dare to speak nasty words, found an excuse casually. He didn't know why the baby was suddenly interested in his belt buckle. He held Jing Zhao's hand with one hand, and pressed his own belt buckle opening with the other. There was a hint of begging for mercy, "Hey baby, don't make trouble with me?"

Jing Zhao didn't want to make trouble with him at first, so he let go of his hand and said with some disgust, "Your belt is so ugly, who picked it for you."

Who else can pick it for him, he picked it himself, Lin Hai looked down, "I forgot where I bought it, is it ugly?"

Jing Zhao nodded, but Lin Hai didn't care, he put his arms around her waist and coaxed her, "Then baby, can you pick one for me next time?"

This was Jing Zhao's goal in the first place, she really couldn't look directly at what he was wearing, a good looking handsome guy was a bit of a mess.

"Then go later!"

Lin Hai smiled and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

After Lin Hai finished speaking, he packed his clothes and went to take a shower. While he was taking a shower, Jing Zhao lay on the bed and played with his mobile phone. He opened the door once, and it was the hotel staff who came to deliver drinks and snacks.

Jing Zhao took a few sips of the milkshake, and Lin Hai came out. His short hair, which he hadn't taken care of for a long time, was wet on his forehead. He was wearing shorts on his lower body, and his upper body was naked. His bronze skin was glowing. He actually has eight-pack abs, with distinct blocks and obvious lines.

Well, you look better without clothes than with clothes on.

There was a white towel hanging around Lin Hai's neck, and he took it off to wipe his hair, then he noticed the sight of his little girl, staring at him without blinking.

Lin Hai looked down subconsciously, wondering if he should put on his clothes, because he had no experience of being alone in a room with a girl, and he was surrounded by a bunch of older men before, and he was used to being casual and not wearing clothes, so I didn't feel anything wrong when I came out.

But now being stared straight at by the person he likes, Lin Hai felt shy for the first time.

After the towel was put down, he turned around and went to look for clothes in his suitcase. When he bent over, he showed his thin back and looming blue veins, which were full of male hormones.

Lin Hai casually pulled a black short-sleeve from the box and changed it on, because the lower body was wearing shorts, which were not as rustic as before.

Lin Hai is twenty-three this year, which is the age of a normal college graduate, but he looks a year or two older than his actual age. The mix and match made him look a little older than his actual age.

But if you look closely, Lin Hai's face is actually quite tender, apart from being a little dark, you can still see a little shadow of a big boy, especially now that his hair is a little tame, making him look less fierce.

And he wasn't aggressive at all, Jing Zhao didn't know how he was in front of those workers, but at least he was never aggressive in front of her.

Lin Hai put on some clothes and felt more at ease. He turned around and saw Jing Zhaohai staring at him. With a thought, he walked over and sat down beside the bed. This time, he didn't hold back anymore, and directly stretched out his arms to hug him. He put his hands around her waist, buried his face in her hair, and hugged her enough.

After dating for three months, I haven't seen anyone for almost two months. I really think about Lin Hai enough, now I clean myself up, and I don't want to let go when I hold someone.

"Baby, I miss you so much." Lin Hai wouldn't say nice words of love, what he said was sincere, and he called her baby because he really had to treat her as his own.

The man's breath was hot and hot, and he wrapped Jing Zhao tightly. The scent of shower gel on his body also carried his original masculinity, not unpleasant but a little intoxicating.

"Miss me, it's been so long since school started!" Jing Zhao rubbed his arms against his neck, raised his head and gave him a resentful look.

She was like a piece of dough, and her whole body was soft. Lin Hai's heart was warmed by her rubbing, and his heart was tightened by her words. He lowered his head and explained anxiously, "I've wanted to come to you for a long time, but You said you are busy with your studies, and I don't have time..."

"If I don't let you come, you won't come." Jing Zhao glared at him again, but the eyes were soft, like winking eyes, and had no deterrent effect. Instead, they tickled people's hearts, "Then I said we don't You're here, aren't you there?"

"No!" Lin Hai was categorical this time, holding Jing Zhao's hand tightly, his expression became serious, "You can only have **** with me."

Jing Zhao's temperament is to be soft and not hard, Lin Hai's tone suddenly became brutal, and she also began to lose her temper and pushed him away, "Why can I only be with you? Then I can't break up!"

The word "break up" pierced Lin Hai's heart, and he subconsciously remembered the picture that Lin Xin sent him before.

The color of his eyes changed, and Lin Hai's expression was a little sad for a moment, "You want to break up with me? Are you interested in someone else?"

"Others?" Jing Zhao pursed his pink lips, and poked his heart with his fingertips in dissatisfaction, "My mother didn't let me fall in love until I graduated from high school, and I followed you as soon as I graduated. Tell me, where did you come from?" other people!"

Hearing what she said, Lin Hai's eyes softened instantly. He was indeed her first man, and she was also his first love, the only person he liked.

The mood is like a roller coaster ride, Lin Hai pulls people into his arms, showing a rare fragility on his resolute face, "Baby, don't break up with me, I will give you whatever you want, let's be together, okay? ?”

When Lin Hai coaxed people, his voice was deep and drunk, and the arms he held her were firm and powerful, and he held her in his arms like a child and coaxed her, giving her everything, even a girl couldn't bear it, let alone someone who loved her in the first place. He kind of likes Jing Zhao.

"I didn't say I wanted to break up with you." Jing Zhao buried himself in his chest and muffled. After speaking, he straightened up and held the man's face in both hands. He pressed his pink lips to the bridge of his nose and kissed him lightly. His eyes were full of tears. It's affection, "Brother Hai, since I chose to be with you, I won't give up easily, don't think so much, okay?"

Lin Hai's heart almost melted into a puddle of water by his tender and soothing actions, his Adam's apple rolled, his eyes were fixed on the seductive pink lips glowing in front of him, and when he wanted to go further, the mobile phone placed beside the bed Suddenly it rang.

A glint of depression flashed in the man's eyes, and he reached for his phone to connect.

Jing Zhao leaned on his shoulder, playing with his fingertips around his hair, while listening to him talk, it should be a matter on the construction site, and the people under him couldn't make up their minds about what materials to use, Lin Hai quickly gave a pertinent suggestion , the person on the other end of the phone agreed again and again.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Hai looked at his phone and suddenly remembered something, and asked Jing Zhao solemnly, "Has your sister visited you in the past two months since school started?"

Jing Zhao raised his head, "You mean Lin Xin? Why did she come to see me? I don't have a good relationship with her."

"You have a bad relationship with her?" Lin Hai's tone was obviously a little surprised.

"Why are you so surprised?" Jing Zhao was also a little surprised, and then explained: "She can't understand that my parents like me more. We never get along with each other since we were young. It's not a big deal, and we're not real sisters anyway. Why did you suddenly ask she?"

Hearing this, Lin Hai frowned, looked at Jing Zhao with guilt, lowered his head and kissed her on the forehead, and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you had a bad relationship with her. You didn't let me see you before." , I will let you... Lin Xin help me take care of you and transfer a sum of money to her."

"Did you pay her back?" Jing Zhao looked at him in surprise, then pouted and stretched out his hands to tug on his collar, "How much did you give her?"

Lin Hai coughed lightly, and concealed his guilty conscience: "It's not much, just a few thousand dollars..."

Jing Zhao looked at Lin Hai suspiciously. Lin Hai's several thousand dollars would start at five thousand, which was a huge sum of money for Lin Xin. Unexpectedly, Lin Xin would accept so much money in a silent manner.

"Forget it this time, you are not allowed to transfer money to her anymore." Jing Zhao thought of Lin Xin taking the money and stabbing himself in the back like this, and felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Okay, okay, don't give it to her, just give it to my baby, okay?" Lin Hai coaxed him into a hug, and the two of them rubbed their noses together in an intimate gesture.

Lin Hai also didn't know, if he knew, he would definitely not transfer money to others, and his baby is so good, Lin Xin sent him that photo, she obviously meant to separate herself from the baby.

Lin Hai's eyes darkened as he thought about it, and he planned to block and delete Lin Xin from his address book later.

The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022-07-1021:43:07~2022-07-1121:23:28~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 40 bottles of Little Rabbit Wanting to Become a Big Bad Wolf; 10 bottles of Chouju, Nancheng Yuluo, and Xiaoyuan Xixi; 9 bottles of Crispy Biscuit; 6 bottles of Shiyi; 5 bottles of Ting; 44759740, 426987883 bottles ; 1 bottle of Xiao Xiaomi, Xiao Xiao, En Yun, Yang Zi, Yi Guang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard! ?