MTL - Guardian-Chapter 95 Soul Light

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As soon as it dawned, the little ghost at No. 4 Guangming Road just left work, and Daqing swayed his fat body to Zhao Yunlan's house with anxiety. It jumped to the window sill in the corridor first, then a fierce cat ate, and flew from the air. Accurately shot the door of Zhao Yunlan's house, pressing his front paw on the doorbell.

Then it turned into a flat cat picture, slipping down from the doorbell.

The doorbell rang.

Because Zhao Yunlan sometimes wears headphones to play games while staying at home, in order to prevent others from calling the door, he can't hear him. The doorbell of his house is extremely earth-shattering, and he can hear the most dazzling ethnic style like the soul from the door. , Click, the entire song can be released in a full version.

But for a while, nobody answered.

Wu Daqing didn't keep calling Zhao Yunlan like Chu Shuzhi, at that time he thought Zhao Yunlan was not at home.

The black cat walked around the door anxiously, chasing its own tail unconsciously, and quickly turned into a turbulent black wind in place.

It didn't give up, and decided to do it again, just when it was standing still, using two front claws to hit the corridor window sill, and struggling with its hind legs hanging up, the door softly clicked from inside When it was opened, the black cat was startled, his claws were loose, and his **** fell to the ground, flat sand and wild goose.

It rolled in place, stared at round eyes, and just stood firmly on the paved ground in the corridor, and the thick jaw shook three times.

Then Daqing retracted her paws very cautiously, sat upright and sat up, and meowed her chest slightly and said, "Master."

Shen Wei flicked, Zhao Yunlan's endless doorbell was dumb, Daqing couldn't help but stubbornly strangled his neck and made a swallowing movement. At the same time, his eyes fell on Shen Wei's clothes unconsciously -The shirt Daqing must be Zhao Yunlan's! Zhao Yunlan, a freak, likes to fold up his sleeves, and every time he strangely asks the person in the laundry to roll his shirt with the sleeves and iron it, so that he folds neatly.

There was a series of things in Wu Daqing's mind, such as they all took off their clothes, and then, then ...

Daqing lowered his slick head and felt that he needed to adjust his mental state.

"What is it?" Shen Wei asked.

"Oh ... I just want to see if Zhao is back. He jumped into Huang Quan that day, and we were all worried."

"I'm back, but now I'm resting. I can leave a message if something happens, and I can tell when he wakes up." Shen Wei said softly.

Daqing immediately recognized the current affairs officer as Junjie, and ran out with his short legs tightly: "Ah ... ah, then I do n’t bother, there is nothing important. Remind our leaders not to forget to write the New Year work arrangements and this department in the past two days. Addressing the New Year, it's all right, you're busy, and I'll leave. "

"Ah, wait a minute." Shen Wei smiled embarrassedly, and said politely, "something may bother you ..."

Daqing immediately fled and ran back again, looking up: "You said."

Ten minutes later, an outrageous cat opened the door of the breakfast shop downstairs with his head. The cat's face was too round and his eyes were almost crowded with fat. It looked a bit fierce ... of course, stupid human I don't know, that's the expression of the black cat's true mood.

The waiter almost accidentally caused it to stumble and yelled: "Hey, how come this cat! Get out, get out!"

The **** cat raised his head, glanced at her with scornful eyes, then jumped straight to the desk, knocked the front paw on the table, and stunned the cashier behind the desk, spit out a piece of paper in his mouth. The cashier opened it tremblingly, and saw that the handwriting above neatly read: "One pound of soybean milk, one drawer of buns, three sticks of dough sticks. Could you please put them in a stronger bag, and the money will be on the cat's neck. Some change, please put it back. Thank you. "

The cashier raised his head and tried to identify where the cat's neck was. The black cat rolled his eyes and raised his head to reveal a collar under his double chin. In the thick cat's hair, the cashier found thirty dollars in his face.

Cashier Shen Dantian: "Ouch! Come on, everyone, God! Cats can buy things!"

Daqing, who was miserably watched by everyone, was ashamed to death-you stupid humans!

云 Zhao Yunlan was startled by the sound of opening and closing, and opened his eyes: "Who?"

"Your cat," Shen Wei closed the door, "come over and see you, I asked him to buy breakfast, and you sleep for a while."

He said, gently pressing Zhao Yunlan back into the quilt, and stuffing his hand back, then bent down and kissed Zhao Yunlan's forehead, stretched his fingers to push away and wrinkled because he was suddenly awakened Brow up.

After Zhao Yunlan's breathing calmed down again, Shen Wei walked to the window and looked down at the plant that had almost died of carelessness on the window sill. He reached out his hand and held it in a flower pot. The milky light radiated from his palm. The dead plant is like the land of Jiufengfengganlin, and quickly regained its spirits, and the branches straightened up, but for a moment, they stood there slimly.

Shen Wei cleaned the water spray lightly, then carefully sprayed water on the leaves.

Most people have already started to work. In the early rush hours, Shen Wei glanced out through the gaps in the curtains. At the end of the busy world, farther away, there was a trace of black gas evaporating from the ground, all the way to the sky. Fly away.

However, Shen Wei only glanced at him, and then, as if he had turned a blind eye, dropped his eyes to continue the work in his hands. There was a strange peace and tranquility in his heart, and his whole body was lazy.

Zhao Yunlan was awakened by the scent of a cup of hot soybean milk on the bedside table by Shen Wei at noon.

He stared at the milky soy milk for a while, then suddenly turned over and sat up: "What did you say in the morning? What did Daqing do?"

Shen Wei is wearing glasses and reading a handwritten lesson plan, calmly saying, "Buy breakfast."

Zhao Yunlan sat for a moment with an indescribable expression, wondering if his brain made up a "fat cat stray", then he shook his head vigorously, propped his elbow on his knee, and pressed his forehead. Suddenly laughed.

Shen Wei: "What's wrong?"

"I just want me to be a love lover of my half-life. At the end I was held down by your Wuzhishan. Comrade Shen Wei, you are really good at it."

Zhao Yunlan's tone is actually ridiculous, and I don't know who he is teasing, anyway, Shen Wei pretends he didn't hear it, but smiles at him with a virtuous smile.

"Oh baby, I beg you, do n’t pretend, do n’t pretend like this, my mental capacity is relatively poor." Zhao Yunlan looked at his virtuous and good morale, and the old cow pressed the old car like a broken car. I went to the bathroom to wash, and threw the door to the mountain.

When Zhao Yunlan was about to vent a depressed mood on the food, he received a call from Zhu Hong.

喂 "Hello, Zhao? Daqing said you are back, are you okay?"

"Well," Zhao Yunlan asked, biting a stick of fritters, "what's the matter?"

"I have to tell you something. Lin Jing booked a train ticket back to Longcheng last night. In the early morning, I wanted to call him to confirm, but he was not in the service area. I thought at first that there were many caves on the road. I came over and gave the signal, but he hasn't come back till now. I just called and it was still "not in the service area."

Zhao Yunlan's chewing speed slowed down: "Did Lin Jing contact the office?"


"唔 ..." Zhao Yunlan frowned.

The Special Investigation Office has stipulated that no matter whether it is to identify the type of case or when the case is actually started, there must be no less than two people on duty. Of course, Daqing can be counted as sufficient.

Occasionally, if there is a special situation, if the case handler needs to act alone, he must contact the No. 4 Guangming Road office no less than twice a day to keep others informed of his position, progress and whether there is any danger in the surroundings.

Lin Jing's trivial matters are not reliable, and major events rarely lie to Lou Zi, and he will not ignore this rule and play missing for no reason.

Zhao Yunlan hung Zhu Hong's phone number and tried to dial Lin Jing's number again. Sure enough, he was out of the service area. He pulled out a soul-warming order from his pocket, soaked the soybean milk juice with the tip of chopsticks, and wrote Lin Static name.

The soul-stabilizing order is like a compass. First, it shakes left and right, and then slightly turns in a direction. A thin red line sticks out from Lin Jing's name and slowly stretches out. Dimmed, the rope was nearly gray when it extended under the table.

Then broke.

Read The Duke's Passion