MTL - Guardian-Chapter 66 Merit pen

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In fact, when Shen Wei saw their director, he realized that someone had intentionally adjusted him away, and his face sank immediately. At the moment the director turned around, he patted his shoulder heavily from behind, coldly. Q: "Who asked you to find me?"

There was an indescribable pressure in his voice, and in a blink of an eye, he pressed the director's soul into his body and couldn't move. The director's eyes seemed to be emptied instantly, like a skinless skin, his eyes were confused, Staring blankly ahead.

Xu Shenwei suddenly put pressure on his hand, raised his hand and turned the director around, whispering, "Say!"

No one can conceal it deliberately in the face of the righteous, evil, and evil spirits. However, the expression on the director's face became more confused, and he could not say a word. Shen Wei's heart sank. He knew that this mortal's memory had been manipulated Already.

Shen Wei let go of him and turned away without looking back. The director was awake, and behind him he looked inexplicably at the back of Teacher Shen's hurried departure—fortunately, he didn't look at the other person ’s consciousness of electronic products, that thing. Shen Wei has never been used to it, and can't remember it at a critical moment ... Moreover, the fancy baubles of mortals, who dare to oppose him, don't care.

Alas ... Of course, with the gentleman-like thinking mode of Shen Wei, he must be imaginable. Someone was so painstakingly and sloppy to lead him away just to move a house and steal some underwear.

Xu Shenwei hurried back to his apartment, hurriedly pushed the door in, and found that there was no one in the living room, and his heart was half cold.

He stood at the door for a moment, and a sudden irresistible killing surged in his heart, as if the dragon that had been sleeping for many years was pulled by his hands, and the scales just woke up--Since the last time he didn't pay attention, he hurt Zhao Yunlan's eyes At the beginning, although Shen Wei was fine on the surface, there was always a dangerous string tight in his heart.

The empty living room almost broke his string ... Fortunately, at this time, he heard the voice of someone talking on the balcony, Shen Wei reluctantly regained himself, and flew into the balcony almost instantly.

He saw Zhao Yunlan lying on the window sill, laying a cigarette lazily, scolding and calling: "... not stone, I know ... white marble? What the hell! My **** man is not decorating the Forbidden City, Hu, you are not right, come with me this set of false ... No, no, you listen to me, you honestly do the work for me, I should give you the rebate as an extra bonus, one I ’ll give you a lot of points, okay? But I can tell you, dare to fool me and you will be dead ... "

Xu Shen Wei breathed a heavy sigh of relief, leaning sideways against the door, only to find out that she had a cold sweat, and even her palms were cold.

When Zhao Yunlan heard the movement, she tilted her head and saw Shen Wei coming back, and immediately smiled, and said to the person on the phone, "Okay, don't make a fuss about this asshole, all use environmentally friendly materials ..." What kind of Copenhagen do I have to live in that house? I asked you not to make me mess with the biological and chemical weapons that have just been ruined. It will not be a hundred years old-hey, my wife is back. Bye."

After he finished speaking, hung up the phone neatly, extinguished the cigarette butts, leaned on the balcony window sill with the window wide open and the wind blowing wildly, opened his hands, opened his arms in a crumpled shirt, and said slyly, " Come here and hug your husband. "

He has become a habit of teasing Shen Wei. I didn't expect that this time Shen Wei actually came over and hugged him, burying his face in his shoulder socket for a moment, and then clasped his waist with his hands. He lowered the window sill, brought the window back with his hands, and Shen Wei touched Zhao Yunlan's cold hand, and frowned: "Are you stupid boy sleeping cold? Don't you know it's cold?"

The silly boy Zhao Yunlan propped his hands on the window sill, trapped Shen Wei between his arms, stretched his shoulders and stretched his waist, and just doing this, he laid his chin lazily on Shen Wei's shoulder. Closing your eyes, the corners of your mouth faintly bring a smile of peace and tranquility, like a big cat who eats and drinks enough to bask in the sun.

Wu Shenwei thought he was strange, so he asked, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," these three words seemed to roll in his mouth for a long time before speaking, then Zhao Yunlan opened his eyes, staring at Shen Wei's side face close by, and said without changing his face, "There is a great beauty I'm flattered that I'm flattered — of course, if I let Fangze kiss me again, I wouldn't be able to find the North. "

Then, while Shen Wei wasn't paying attention, he quickly pecked his lips. When Shen Wei couldn't react, he fled swiftly and announced, "When I wash my face and wake up, go to Daqing. Then I will take you home. "

He said nothing about what he saw.

According to the plans of Zhao Yunlan and Daqing, the two of them wanted to go back empty-handed and take their mouths, but this shameless glutinous rice act was resolutely stopped by Shen Wei, and Zhao Yunlan, who was yawning, got out of the car and bought it halfway a lot of things.

The closer he was to his home, the more nervous Shen Wei became. If it wasn't for his modest gentleman to do anything out of the ordinary, he would have turned around and ran away.

云 The door of Zhao Yunlan's house is unlocked, and he doesn't seem to have the habit of knocking on the door. He pushes it with his hand, and opens it as soon as he knows that someone has left the door intentionally for him.

He lived in a large flat floor with a slightly larger area, so it seemed a bit deserted. After walking through the porch, he could hear the sound of a collision of pots and pans in the kitchen. Pair of brand new slippers.

Daqing jumped out of Zhao Yunlan, walked to the kitchen door lightly, and made a good voice: "Meow-"

云 Zhao Yunlan whispered while changing her shoes: "It's shameful to sell cute people, you're never dead."

Wu Daqing turned his head and glared at him, showing a fierce light.

"Yo, isn't this Daqing?" A woman's soft voice came out of the kitchen, and then she seemed to pat her hand on the face, and stretched out gently to hold the heavy black cat, which was almost pressed by the weight of the cat After flashing her wrists, she still couldn't help sighing, "Look at this shiny and slippery sample, why are you getting fatter?"

This sentence pierced Daqing's dead point mercilessly. It was speechless. Two fat paws clung to the hostess's hand and kept the expression of cuteness. The prolonged body was Like a long, fat and scarce black furry caterpillar.

Zhao Yunlan: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha."

Shen Weimian also touched the corner of his mouth in response, but he couldn't laugh.

Mother Zhao is very well-maintained. Her long hair is pulled behind her head and her long neck is exposed. It does n’t look like Zhao Yunlan, but she looks carefully. There are some shadows between her eyebrows, but her face lines must be gentle and beautiful. Many, do not laugh also with a three-point smile, with a pair of frameless glasses on the bridge of the nose.

At first glance, it looks like the gentle and beautiful ladylike ladies of the old days, who have an indescribable charm ... Probably sometimes, there is some similarity between father and son in the aesthetics of a spouse.

Who knew that "everybody lady" heard a glance at the door, and when she saw Zhao Yunlan, she immediately changed her face, her eyebrows were raised, and she turned into a yaksha for a second: "Smile and laugh, don't be afraid to laugh at you, roll in ! "

云 Zhao Yunlan rolled in, and Zhao's mother saw Shen Wei, who had been blocked by him.

She froze a little, then washed her hands with some flour and washed her glasses, and helped her glasses. Then she looked like a gentle and hospitable man, "Ah, is this Xiao Shen?"

Zhao Yunlan gave Shen Wei's shoulder a big grin, and pushed him hard in front of Mother Zhao: "I'll give you a daughter-in-law, look good?"

Shen Wei was speechless for a moment, so embarrassed that he didn't know what to say, he had never hated Zhao Yunlan so much.

Fortunately, Mother Zhao didn't seem to take his words seriously, glared at Zhao Yunlan, and looked down at Shen Wei's hands: "Hey you child, what else do you take to come to your aunt's house for dinner? ? "

云 Zhao Yunlan pointed to his nose and said, "I, I, I bought that."

Mother Zhao picked up a rolling pin and patted Zhao Yunlan with ease: "I see you have so much nonsense, you buy? If you have this consciousness, I've been staring at you for a long time-go and pour water for the guests and finish Water your skin! "

云 Zhao Yunlan was carrying a rolling pin on his back with traces of white flour, and dared to say, "... obey."

Shen Wei sat tightly on the corner of the sofa and asked him to eat fruit. He picked up a small piece of apple unwillingly and asked him to drink water, and he sat uprightly holding the cup and took a small sip. Knowing that Shen Wei was teaching Chinese at the university, Mother Zhao immediately felt as if she had chicken blood. Jiu Feng confided a thousand cups and said, "Oh, great, you said that it would be nice for me to have a son like you. We The two grandfathers ... hey, I don't want to say anything about them. Then you sit down. Auntie will make dumplings for you. Come back and talk to us. "

Shen Wei smiled unnaturally, his back was stretched straight, just like a full bow.

Five minutes later, Zhao Yunlan was unable to work because he was rolling small and large, uneven, and suffered a rolling pin. Zhao Yunlan loosened his shoulders and hid half-truly, but not Really dodging, while letting her fight, she whispered, "You also give me some face in front of people."

母 Mother Zhao said, "If you do n’t eat at all, you wo n’t be at home all year round. What do you do to support you? For your face, do you have that thing?"

Zhao Yunlan smiled to make room for her, but did not leave the kitchen. He propped his hand on the wall, watching her busy back in the kitchen, his eyes turned, and he suddenly said falsely: "Auntie What about my dad? Why are we big beauties alone? "

"Aunt returned to his hometown to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Your dad is entertained at night and will not return."

"That's good," Zhao Yunlan said in a relieved tone. He stared at the **** back and lowered his voice tentatively. "This must let my dad know ... he must kill me."

母 Mother Zhao suddenly glanced back at him: "What the **** are you doing?"

"In fact, there isn't ..." Zhao Yunlan's eyes drifted to the side of the chopstick rest, his vision was not completely restored, so he squinted his eyes unconsciously, and then he squinted his **** face and mentioned, "Just ... hey Mom, what do you think of homosexuality? "

母 Mother Zhao's mother is unknown: "Not so much, normal social phenomena, even in animals, will sooner or later be accepted by society-what do you ask for this? This will explain your reactionary question."

"This is my reactionary problem." Zhao Yunlan reached out and pinched his nose. "You don't have to be so academic, I just want to ask, what if one day, you hear your son come out with you?"

母 Mother Zhao: "Don't diverge from me, I ..."

"Mom," Zhao Yunlan suddenly interrupted her, and her eyes kept drifting. Her expression changed from "being a guilty conscience" to "persistence." He looked at her with a very serious look, "I said Really, I'm not kidding you. "

母 As soon as Zhao's mother loosened her hand, the rolling pin fell to the ground with a bang.

Zhao Yunlan sighed, bent down and picked up the rolling pin, the muscles on the waist were tightened, and the clothes pulled down with sturdy lines: "I was afraid that my dad could not accept it, so I told you first. I think about this. After thinking, I ca n’t drag or hide, I ’m just such a mom ... ”

母 Mother Zhao still seems to be wrong. When she took the rolling pin, her expression was shocked. After a long time, she said intermittently, "Yes ... the one you brought back ..."

Zhao Yunlan nodded, supported the door with both hands, and stood there, as if he had blocked the door with his body, and said with some reassurance, "But I have to confess it in front of you, I'm trying my best. In the past six months, even the scams and deceptions, which encircled the cities in the countryside and mobilized the masses extensively, have used 36 methods of mess. It is more difficult than rebellion in the past, and it was difficult to get people to work. I ’m here, do n’t go out and break my hard work, I have to die. ”

Mother Zhao was chopped by thunder, stayed there for a long time, and then, like a robot that was suddenly touched, kept an expressionless face, turned to grab the dumpling skin, and wrapped her brain in a blank space. filling.

Zhao Yunlan suddenly suspected that his own way of dealing with the problem was too straightforward and scared his mother stupidly, so he asked uneasily, "Mom?"

母 Mother Zhao didn't hear it at first. For a minute or two, she was in a muddy state. She didn't seem to know what she was doing or what she heard. She just continued her work according to inertia.

Until Zhao Yunlan called her several times in a row, she seemed to be suddenly awakened, and had no time to respond, and then she blurted out: "What about your work? Then ... Will others say you? Your future is What if it affects it? Yes, I ... I seem to have heard your dad say you bought a house two days ago, do you still have money? "

Zhao Yunlan froze, wondering how the topic of coming out came to "no money". He felt that she seemed to be in a chaotic logic for a while, and only hurriedly grabbed a few keywords from it, and then formed a mess. Rushed out without a drop.

His mother was a high-level intellectual who didn't put chai oil and salt in his heart. He was spoiled by his dad for a lifetime. He didn't know what it was to get angry, and his heart was wide. Zhao Yunlan's strategy was simple and straightforward—getting his mother is like getting his dad, His mother happens to be a very easy-to-talk person. A person with a broad vision, a long-term good mood, and a quick speed of receiving information will have a relatively mild temper, a person will not be easy to be stubborn, and will usually communicate rationally when encountering things. Too self-righteous.

He had anticipated a lot of her reactions. For example, she might not be able to accept it for a while, and sent a fire at him first. She might calmly propose to take a few hours to talk with him. Maybe she would be like everyone else. Like his mother, he turned into a hukou police officer and questioned the eight generations of Shen Wei's ancestors ... but he didn't expect such an almost panic-like and worrying reaction.

I was probably because he had never been a father.

云 Zhao Yunlan opened her mouth and suddenly became dumb. For a while, I didn't know what to say.

母 Mother Zhao blurted out a word, and then seemed to calm down. She paused with a chopsticks hand for a moment, and asked, "Are you kidding or thinking?"

Zhao Yunlan: "How can such a thing be fun? In case you get angry, my dad can stew me in a pot."

Mother Zhao slowly leaned aside for a long time before taking a deep breath and whispering, "First ... don't let your dad know, you let me think again-who is he? He, he What does it do? "

She did not wait for Zhao Yunlan to answer, and she frowned hard at her eyebrows: "Oh, yes, I'm confused. You just said that, it was a teacher at Longcheng University."

Zhao Muqiang cheered up and asked a series of questions: "Where is his family? Does the family agree? What is the character? How is your character? What about you? I, I remember you had a girlfriend before, why suddenly ... "

Zhao Yunlan said skillfully: "As long as you agree, there will be no objection in the world, and my dad has to look at you, isn't it? As for people ..."

He smiled: "In my heart, it's like" ruzhururumo, unparalleled in the world. "You can understand by talking with him a lot. This statement is not afraid of you hitting me. I did have a girlfriend before and also A little boy or two had been together, but because of him, I was willing to bend completely. "

Mother Zhao took a look at his expression, and her heart suddenly felt a little heavy—it wasn't selfish, but she was a parent. When she looked at someone with deep affection for her child, she always liked to see it when she was groaning, Come here, it may be very unpleasant.

She was a little bit angry and said, "I don't believe it."

Zhao Yunlan's face remained calm, but her heart raised.

As a result, his mother said, "As good as you say, why would he look at you? Isn't the glasses enough?"

云 Zhao Yunlan gave a shiver, almost kneeling to her.

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