MTL - Guardian-Chapter 6 Reincarnation 25

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"What happened to the corridor just now?" Daqing, who had a soft mouth, had to cough and turned away. "Why did your" Mingjian "suddenly warn you?"

"There is something to follow us." Zhao Yunlan said, "but I ran away as soon as I took a picture, probably not malicious."

"Not a murderer?"

"How can I not distinguish the new dead ghost from the big fierce thing?" Zhao Yunlan carried Guo Changcheng wandering up and down the corridor, "Moreover, you also saw the fingerprint next to the body, right?" "It's like a whip." I don't think it's good at all for the time being. I'm definitely not human anyway ... I'm still a real **** of this kind of thing, and I've got somewhere to throw him away. "

He said, Zhao Yunlan found a corner and threw Guo Great Wall away.

Zhao Chu looked at Guo Changcheng indifferently for a while, and it seemed that he was going to pull his leg and let this guy die for himself, but after a while, he still squatted down silently with his trousers and got out of his pocket. A small bottle was sprinkled around Guo Great Wall, then he bit his **** and wiped a drop of blood between Guo Great Wall's eyebrows.

Suddenly, the blood seemed to be sucked into the skin as soon as he encountered Guo Great Wall. He disappeared immediately. Immediately, the pale face of the trainee was followed for a few minutes.

After completing this series of things, Zhao Yunlan raised his hand and slapped Guo Changcheng's head fiercely, whispering: "Waste dessert, I've seen you upset for a long time."

别 "Stop it, Yun Lan, look at your watch."

Zhao Yunlan bowed his head, just to see that the dial of his watch called Ming Jian turned red again, and a little sharp meow came under his feet. He looked down Daqing's eyes, and saw a man in a dark shroud The old man did not know when he stood behind them.

Then the old man turned around and left, taking two steps to stop, as if to take them somewhere.

"New dead ghost?" Daqing scattered four short legs and chased after him, complaining meowingly, "Haunting in the daytime? Are you blind?"

"Get out of the way, can't you see her if she can't speak? Didn't you see her still popular? Didn't see her walking on two legs instead of floating in the air? Are you fat and fat?"

I turned a sharp bend, the old man was gone, and in front of them was a staircase leading to the top of the building.

Wu Daqing sneezed and sniffed: "A big grudge."

云 Zhao Yunlan bent over and hugged it: "It doesn't look like Professor Shen, it's she who brought us in, and follow up to see."

One person and one cat walked up carefully, and the steps were soft under the feet, not like cement, but more like some kind of living thing, countless only protruding from the dark shadows, catching the living things who dared to break into their realm. However, the moment he came into contact with Zhao Yunlan's trousers, he was slammed open.

"Every school has a suicide quota every year. As long as the number of deaths does not exceed this number, the problem is not serious." Zhao Yunlan said, "But I heard people say that Longcheng University has exceeded the standard for three consecutive years. The old campuses have It is an old building, most of which are not high. It can guarantee that you can die if you jump down. Only these new buildings are built. The others are fine. However, this building is in a cloudy place. The design of the big corners is out. There are so many pistol-shaped rooms and corridors where dirt can't be sucked in and they can't walk away. I'm stuck here for a long time. I must be very angry. "

After he finished speaking, the staircase just reached the end, the small door to the top floor didn't open, and a faint light leaked out of it. Zhao Yunlan pulled out a traffic card from his arms and reached into the lock for a moment. The little iron door, which was about to be scrapped, crunched open.

Zhao Yunlan held a lighter and slowly walked up to the top of the building.

The roof of the 18th-floor building has a wide view and can be overlooked from here. On the one hand, it is the greenery of Longcheng University like a virgin forest, and on the other hand it is crowded with traffic on the main road of the city.

A girl stood on the top of the building with her back to him.

云 Zhao Yunlan said carefully, "Hey, that classmate ..."

Who knew he had just spoken and hadn't had time to say a twenty-five, then the girl suddenly overturned the railing and jumped down so silently!

Out of instinct, Zhao Yunlan rushed up and reached out to pull her. He couldn't say it was unpleasant, but obviously he had grabbed the girl's back clothes, but her fingers passed straight through her, and then her figure suddenly disappeared. As if she were just a phantom of the void.

The black cat ran up and down like a moving ball: "What's wrong? Is it human?"

"No, she is moving too fast," Zhao Yunlan rubbed her finger involuntarily, "I have no time to tell if she is ..."

云 Zhao Yunlan is a born yin and yang eye. Since childhood, he has been used to the intersection of yin and yang in his eyes, so Jing Hong's glance makes it difficult for him to tell whether the other party is a person or something.

The black cat hadn't had time to talk, and suddenly there were sounds of rapid footsteps behind them. Zhao Yunlan turned around and found that the girl was still running, and slowly walked down to the top floor with her head down. .

This time, Zhao Yunlan didn't have time to say a word, she suddenly accelerated at her feet, and rushed out of the building at the same speed as going to the cafeteria to grab a meal.

云 Zhao Yunlan reached out and grabbed her shoulder, but the same thing happened. His hand passed through her shoulder again, and the girl's shadow dissipated in the air.

Next, jumping from the building seems to have become a brand-new fashion movement. The girls with vague faces one after another catch up, jumping in line from all directions.

云 Zhao Yunlan each stretched out her hand, but each of them was not an entity. It didn't take long for him to see sweat on his forehead.

Daqing jumped up and down with him from the beginning, but after the eighth one also jumped down, it began to squat aside with a look of expression, with a tail pendulum-like, shaking impatiently behind it: "Don't chase, I think this is either the earth-bound spirit or the remnants left by people who committed suicide by jumping off the building. "

Zhao Yunlan ignored it.

He has some explosive power, and can be considered to have practiced. He beat the hooligan, but it is clear that his physical fitness is very average, long-term life is irregular, and exercise is inadequate. .

The black cat sighed, "One, two, and no three, you've caught eight, don't you see she's not human?"

"Do you know these eight are one person? You have sufficient evidence that there is no second person other than me here? Do you know when the next person runs out, will we be in the same space as the last moment? She ran out In a split second, you can tell whether she is a dummy or a dummy? The third rule of the "Code", "Don't take it for granted", did you eat it with cat food? "Zhao Yunlan stared at the black cat severely.

The black cat with a stinky and cheap mouth immediately became weaker when it was strong. It flicked its tail and murmured, "Teach me ... the old cat has lived for thousands of years. You little cub Dare to put leadership lessons ... "

Zhao Yunlan: "Never shut up and buckle your cat food."

Daqing knew that the current affairs was a handsome cat, and immediately changed his mouth: "Meow-"

At this moment, the person who jumped off the building on the ninth came out, and Zhao Yunlan shouted, "Girl, wait!"

But the other side turned a deaf ear, still rushing towards the mother earth like an arrow off the string.

"Fuck." Zhao Yunlan caught the air again, and forgot his righteous preaching at the speed of light, and slap it violently on the cold railing.

"Hmm ..." Daqing came over, two front claws were on the guardrail on the top of the building, and Zai sniffed it carefully. "Actually, you make sense, although the earth-binding spirit sometimes makes Xiang Lin 嫂In the same way, they repeat their death process endlessly, but they usually die so quickly. "

"What's that?" Zhao Yunlan asked.

"It's a grudge." Daqing put on a difficult and serious expression with the cat face like that flat cake, "Suicide is actually an outright" death ". The possibility of such a soul not being reborn after death is very high. Larger, and even worse, when we cross the gap between life and death, yin and yang, the soul will become incomplete, so wandering the world, forgetting why he died, and death died completely.

云 Zhao Yunlan asked, "A place with heavy grievances makes people feel uncomfortable. Can it hurt people? I have never heard of precedent."

The black cat paused: "No, I haven't heard of it. But resentment arises from a broken soul, cannibalism, can be strong to a certain extent, can transform the entity. So I suspect that the girl, in fact, is "Resentment" formed by countless engulfed shards of injustice. "

"What about entities?"

"It's not good either. Resentment is different from radon. People who can be misled or hurt by it are generally ghosts, but they don't have the ability to directly touch the girl's body, let alone. "Tear her belly," said the black cat. "So I think we should go. There is nothing to check here."

云 Zhao Yunlan hesitated.

The black cat sighed: "You, there is no lower limit to where there should be restraint, but the place to be flexible is dead-hearted." Zhenhunling "has been circulating for tens of millions of years, and what rules have long been no different from empty paper Now, what are you so obsessed with? "

"No, I still feel ..." As he said this, Zhao Yunlan's words stopped abruptly, and he saw the tenth girl go up to the top of the building.

One person and one cat tightened their bodies at the same time, watching her blindly to her, and slowly walked to the side of the guardrail. Suddenly, as with the first nine phantoms, she supported her hands and jumped off the guardrail.

Zhao Yunlan felt something wrong when she came out. Before she could figure out what was going on, he had taken a strong action and rushed past, and hugged the girl's waist as soon as she jumped out.

Xu's hand sank suddenly, and the blue tendons on Zhao Yunlan's back were exposed. This time, he was hugging a heavy real person.

The black cat was taken aback, slammed on the railing, and opened its green eyes.

云 Zhao Yunlan's movements are awkward. This position makes him a little weak. With the strength of two arms alone, holding a bigger child still feels heavy, let alone a real adult.

His leg was stuck in the middle of the guardrail, and the entire upper body was explored out. The girl hung outside the guardrail, as if suddenly awakened, suddenly made a deafening scream, and instinctively struggled.

云 Zhao Yunlan had no choice but to shout into her ear: "Furthermore, it fell down and fell into a persimmon. You can be honest with me!"

At this time, the fence that Zhao Yunlan leaned on suddenly made a cracking sound. I wonder if it was in disrepair or was dropped by a person's weight alive, but it became loose.

云 Zhao Yunlan didn't seem to notice, and was still talking to the girl: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, just hold on ..."

Before he said this, he heard a "click", and the steel bars underneath were completely broken.

Zhao Yunlan heard strange laughter in his ears—just like the roof of the building was full of people, they stood aside indifferently, and looked at themselves who were about to fall, and gave out a gloating "桀桀" smile.

Daqing screamed as if someone had stepped on his tail: "Meow!"

At the start of the battle, the door on the top of the building was kicked open, and one rushed up at an unclear speed. At almost the same time, the iron guardrail fell completely.

Zhao Yunlan quickly shifted his focus to the heels of his back, leaned back, and quickly turned around with the girl he was holding, just shoving people into the arms that rushed over.

Then, he stepped on the air with one foot, and the free hand just grabbed the top of the building tightly, so he hung on the 18th floor in such a thrilling manner.

Wu Daqing just realized that the person who ran up was Shen Wei who should have gone.

Shen Wei immediately pushed the girl who failed to jump down behind her back, kneeling down and grabbed Zhao Yunlan's dangling arm: "That hand, that hand is also for me, hurry!"