MTL - Guardian-Chapter 26 Mountain river cone

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There was a smell of breakfast in the office on Monday morning, and Zhu Hong bought three pounds of buns from the cafeteria. Each of them had a thin skin filling with eighteen percent off, seven miles of fragrance, ten steps to kill, and got hungry late. All the toasted bread and soda biscuits were made up, all following the scent, and even in the office opposite them, Zhao, who was blind to the dragon, seduced him.

Zhao Yunlan had forgotten what Shen Wei told him to ban smoking, drinking, and oiling in the heels. He stuffed a bun and stuck out his greasy claws. He knocked on Guo's head and said, "Child, go Turn on the TV. "

Guo Great Wall went far and far, Zhu Hong glanced at his back, and said proudly: "Xiao Guo is a good person, diligent and sensible, just because he is too courageous, and dare to eat what I give now."

Zhao Yunlan: "Normal, he has phobia."

Zhu Zhuhong just nodded, and suddenly found something seemed wrong.

云 Zhao Yunlan looked down at her and kindly added: "He is not afraid of you, it means he didn't treat you as a person."

Zhu Zhuhong: "..."

At this time, she saw that Daqing was stuck on her desk when she didn't know when. Daqing probed for a moment with a probe, and then when Zhao Yunlan took the bun and sent it to her mouth, her eyes and claws quickly turned her claws, and she filled the buns accurately. It was filmed. At that time, the accuracy and robustness of the movement made people forget that it was such a fat cat.

Then, Daqing plunged from the table bravely, grabbed the meatballs in the volley, quickly backflipped 360 degrees, landed, and a series of actions such as flowing clouds, then he twisted his butt, stepped on the catwalk, and walked away with his tail. .

He left only a drop of oil on the stunned leader.

Zhao Yunlan: "Fuck, dead cat!"

Zhu Zhuhong: "Yes, retribution."

At this time, the morning news on TV was broadcasting the earthquake the night before. It seemed that there were many places with a quake feeling, but the impact was not great. The epicenter was in a remote and sparsely populated mountain area, and basically did not cause damage to personal property.

云 Zhao Yunlan muttered, "Why isn't it bigger? I'm still holding my arms open and waiting to be shocked."

Lin Jing, who "knows the inside story," smiled mysteriously.

Tong Zhuhong looked at him and asked Zhao Yunlan, "Who are you hooking up with again?"

"Don't say it's so bad, the world is going to blossom, and the fragrance of love can't be less love. Don't you insult others' pure feelings."

Lin Linjing: "I am compassionate ..."

Zhu Zhuhong: "Help."

Zhao Yunlan grabbed her hair with an oily hand, Zhu Hong screamed and dodged, Chu Shuzhi stepped back to give up the venue. He inadvertently looked up and said, "Wang Zheng? Why did you come out during the day? ? "

All the people in the squatter room froze for a moment, and then Zhu Hong jumped up: "Draw the curtains, quickly close the curtains!"

Guo Changcheng and Lin Jing quickly pulled up the curtains hand in hand. There was a layer of UV-resistant material outside the cotton curtains in the office. Two layers were pulled up one by one. The room was immediately dark and dim, day and night. After Daqing finished filling the buns, he fluttered on the wall, and the fat claws kicked in a series and turned the lights on.

At this time, Wang Zheng's face was almost white and transparent, and when there was no sunlight in the room, she dared to float in, slumped on a chair softly, curled up into a ball, and seemed weak enough to dissipate.

Lin Linjing pulled out a piece of incense from her drawer and lit it under Wang Zheng's nose. "Hurry up, smoke a little incense."

After burning a piece of incense for half a bit, Wang Zheng slowed down. She exhaled softly, her body looked a little more real, not like a ghost.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhao Yunlan took a slap on her head without mercy, and he could touch the other side. Wang Zheng gave the camera a straight back, "I don't want to live, do I? After turning back, I will give you a sunbathing to make you beautiful and dark! "

Guo Great Wall was frightened when he saw the leader lose his temper for the first time.

Xun Wang Zheng took a deep look at Zhao Yunlan and raised his finger toward the TV.

In the news, the rescue team and reporters happened to report the situation of the loss scene near the village near the epicenter.

The epicenter was in the northwest, the road conditions were very poor, and there were few residents. I wanted to go deeper. I could only walk a long way. Looking down the camera, I could see a few small houses on the mountain. People lived, and half of the roof was knocked down.

A shabby stone stele at the village entrance says "Qingxi Village".

Wang Zheng ’s eyes are particularly large, even for girls, so her eyes always look a little scattered. She stared blankly at the sign for a while, and turned the camera gently before turning gently. Say, "That's me ..."

Guo Changcheng thought she would say words like "home" or "hometown", but Wang Zheng paused for a while, then turned to Zhao Yunlan, staring straight at him with big eyes and saying, "That is Where I bury my bones. "

This sentence successfully brought a small overcast to the office.

"Zhao, I want to take a vacation." Wang Zheng said in her peculiar, ethereal but flat voice, "I want to get in the soil."

云 Zhao Yunlan frowned and felt the cigarette: "You ..."

He Wangzheng said the same, and said blankly, "Don't let me smoke second-hand smoke."

Zhao Yunlan: "... you are just a ghost, okay Ms. Wang Zheng, you won't get pneumonia."

Yan Wang Zheng said seriously, "Ghosts can smell the fireworks. If you continue this way, sooner or later, you will become a human-shaped mosquito coil."

云 Zhao Yunlan stuffed the lighter back into his pockets dumbly: "You have entered the town soul order, you can never be born, and you can't be settled in the soil, why not? Besides, aren't you unburial?

Wang Zheng said nothing, but just bowed his head. After a while, he repeated: "I want to go home."

云 Zhao Yunlan sighed, "Even if you want to go home, what are you going to do?"

Wu Wangzheng: "I haven't figured it out yet."

"Are you going to think under the blue sky?" Zhao Yunlan asked angrily.

Wang Zheng stopped talking.

云 Zhao Yunlan just wanted to talk. Suddenly the phone rang. He went out to answer the phone. When he came back, he had a smirk on his face.

He coughed, raised his watch, and said to Wang Zheng: "In this way, you can hide in advance, I will let you out at night, I think of a way ... I will go with you when the time comes."

Sui Wang was too late to make nonsense, immediately turned into a plume of white smoke, and in the blink of an eye, he got into his dial.

The others were all shocked.

Wu Chushu asked: "Zhao, what are you too lazy to do? You always send someone on business trips. What can you do to move to Northwest China?"

Zhao Yunlan: "Get out of here, I'm a soldier."

He Linjing said, "Amitabha, I don't think you can't afford to be too early."

Zhao Yunlan looked like he was going to say something, but he really managed everything. After a while, the phone rang again. He frowned and touched his cell phone. He glared at these sublime subordinates, turned around and walked away. The moment the call was connected, a bright smile instinctively appeared on his face: "Hey, hey, brother-in-law ... hey, what do you say? Don't be kind to me, is there any brother-in-law who is kind to his own sister-in-law? "

Zhu Zhuhong held the bun in a dull manner, watching his swaggering back, and asked strangely, "Where's" brother-in-law "? When did he have a brother-in-law again?"

"That's Minister Song." Daqing jumped on the table and smelled the meat.

Zhu Zhuhong: "Which Minister Song?"

"Isn't Guangming Road planned to be a commercial street? We may have to move in the last year or two. He looked at a small, single-family courtyard in the middle of the city, right next to the university town. I'm looking for a relationship. "Daqing licked her paw and gave her popular science with a gossip heart that transcended ordinary cats.

Xi Zhuhong asked shamelessly, "How did Minister Song become his brother-in-law? He didn't even have a sister."

Wu Daqing squirted from his nose: "Who knows, anyway, over a dozen drinks, even if he has no sister, he has a lot of brother-in-law."

Shen Wei finished his morning class and the students started to go out one after another. He stood on the podium and packed up the lesson plans on the table.

The sunlight outside the classroom came in and shook his eyes. Shen Wei's hand motioned, and he lowered his head, and saw a gold thread "hook" in from somewhere outside the window, and kept tangling his neck. Pendant.

Shen Wei reached out and wanted to pull the line down, but his fingers passed straight through. The gold thread seemed to have life, slowly divided into many strands, and wrapped around his fingers, body, and neck.

Shen Wei closed her eyes, opened them again, and there was nothing in front of her.

He couldn't help but reach out and hold the radiant ball, knowing in his heart that after seeing that person, I'm afraid he won't be able to avoid the other party.

Zhao Yunlan's warm hands almost disturbed him. One day passed, and the temperature at that time seemed to remain on the back of his hands, so hot and so hot.

I still ... hide from him for a while.

Zhao Yunlan ran out in the morning, and there were no people all day long. It wasn't until the end of the night that a phone call was made to the office. At this time, Lin Jing and Zhu Hong had already taken the lead in the absence of the leader. Daqing was lying on his back. Behind the heat sink of a computer's mainframe, people fell asleep without knowing it. Chu Shuzhi was still holding the face of the coffin, and there was no one to ping-pong mine.

Guo Great Wall had to answer the phone himself: "Hey?"

"Little Guo?" Zhao Yunlan asked, "Are you busy, don't you help me do things?"

Guo Great Wall: "Okay, you said."

"Ming Jian—Oh, my watch. It ’s too bad. Wang Zheng ca n’t wait long. In two days, I have to find a way to take her away. I have to find something as a carrier. You buy me a humanoid on the Internet. Dolls, it ’s better to be bigger. It's more appropriate to be able to stand up and move. Find a shop in the same city and tell them to use it urgently so that they can deliver it tomorrow. "

长 Guo Great Wall nodded while searching on the Internet with a phone in his head: "Zhao, I found one, a real person is waiting, with keen joints and can stand ..."

Zhao Yunlan seemed to have something over there, and was a little anxious. When he heard this, he interrupted him: "Xing Xing Xing, this is good, just buy this and let them ship quickly."

Guo Great Wall responded with a sigh before he wanted to click on the purchase. He accidentally glanced at the name of the store, and was suddenly born as a result of Lei Yifo and Erfo ascension—he found it to be a **** shop.

Chunqing's face turned red after "Teng", and he said to the phone indifferently: "Zhao, Zhao ... this ... this is a bit ..."

云 Zhao Yunlan: "What? Oh, it doesn't matter if it's more expensive, you remember to ask for an invoice, and you will be reimbursed in full-I won't tell you, it's a little bit, you give me time!

I finished talking and hung up the phone indiscriminately.

Guo Great Wall stared at the computer screen, silently ... the egg hurt.