MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 87 World god

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Near the Dragon Boat Festival, Liang Zhou took Yu Shulin to the old house of Zhou Family.

Zhou and half-dead were paralyzed on the sofa. When they saw each other coming in together, they made a long whistle and turned their backs. "You are all one-on-one. I'm alone, I'm sad, I'm sad, I don't agree!"

Zhou Qingren was passing by with his sister-in-law, slap his head directly on the back, smiled and said, "Noisy, go to the kitchen to help your mother with the dishes, and then lie on the sofa, what it looks like."

Zhou He played like a dying fish and blew it up, grabbed the pillow and covered himself.

Yu Shulin approached his hair with amusement and said, "How long haven't you cut your hair? Arise, my aunt just said that there is no white sugar in the house, accompany me to buy."

"I'm weak, I can't get up." Zhou He buried his face in the pillow more forcefully.

"I used the game machine that Ling Chun brought back from abroad. I wanted to send it ..."

"I'm going!" Zhou He immediately jumped up from the sofa, and the bear rushed forward and dragged his arm. "Shu Lin, you're the best, walk around, I'll accompany you to buy sugar! What game machine? Which company's game? Machine? How much? What model? Walk around, let's talk as we walk. "

Liang Zhou with a black face tore him off from Yu Shulin and knocked on his head. "When it comes to games, they are so active. They are all about to graduate. How will this nature go out to work?"

"I don't listen, I don't listen, I don't listen, you preaching adults are annoying!" Zhou He covered his ears with a headache and rushed out the door.

"This child ..." Zhou Qingren shook his head and sighed. "I thought he was noisy in high school. Now he is no longer in trouble. It is better to stay in front of the computer every day. This is better than continuing to be noisy as in high school. "

"Don't worry about him, he has a sense of size, I will talk about him." Yu Shulin persuaded a little, nodded towards Liang Zhou, turned and went out to chase the boat.

Liang Zhou looked back at Yu Shulin's eyes, patted Zhou Qingren's shoulder, and persuaded, "Let him toss, he's too big."

"It can only be so." Zhou Qingren sighed.

Yu Shulin found Zhou He squatting on the edge of the big rock around the corner, came forward and patted him, and smiled, "Not angry? Let's go, buy sugar."

Zhou He glanced at him, sighed, got up, and walked forward, with a confused and sad face, "Did my dad and cousin feel that I was crazy ... I don't want to do this, but they always say ... I just want to do something I like, but I want to do ... "

"I understand." Yu Shulin glanced at him calmly, took out a bank card from his pocket, and put it in his hand. "Hold it."

Zhou Heyu, "Shu Lin, why do you give me this, you ..."

"Zhou He." He smiled, raised his hand and patted his head, paused, and asked, "Do you want to make a game of your own?"

Zhou He's eyes widened.

"In that game world, you are the creation god. You split the heavens and the earth, establish the rules, the right and the evil are set by you, the order is set by your heart, everything in it is an extension of your thinking ... Such a game, you want Do n’t want? ”He looked at him with a smile, pointed to the card in his hand, and said softly,“ If you want, this card belongs to you. Zhou He, dare you gamble with me? Just bet you The world now looming in my head. "

Zhou He shook his hand holding the card, and began to talk, "Sparse forest ... how much money is in this card?"

"Not much, all my net worth."

That's a lot of money ... He drooled, looked down at the card in his hand, tightened, and let go, for a long time, suddenly tightened his hands, looked up to Yu Shulin, gritted his teeth and said, "Gamble, bet! Who is afraid of anyone! You are not afraid of losing money, what else am I afraid of! "Suddenly his eyes were red.

He really wanted to make a game of his own. The closer he graduated, the more confused he became. Now suddenly someone is willing to help him complete his dream. He is very moved, but ...

"Shu Lin, if I lost all your money, will my cousin kill me ..."

"Look at your success." Yu Shulin patted him funny, turned and walked forward, "Go, buy sugar. By the way, I tell you by the way, the studio I have already started to build, you need to make it as soon as possible Your small team of game production teams, or you really start to lose money. "

Zhou He was stupid, wiped his face, rushed forward and grabbed his neck, rubbing his hair hard, "You are a traitor!" They all came to the door after all the calculations had been made, but they did not give themselves a chance not to agree!

"No trespass is not business." Yu Shulin rubbed his embarrassment and scolded him while hiding, "I kindly invested in you, and you actually scolded me, ungrateful little white-eyed wolf. Since you are so insincere, then invest in It's gone. You can sponsor yourself. "

"No! You are the vice president of my future company and must invest!"

"Return to the vice president, I don't want to be the vice president of the bare commander. No, I built the studio. Shouldn't I be a director?"

"No, I am!"

"Then you pay?"

"... don't be afraid, Grandpa is rich!"

"Careful at all."

"No!" Zhou He stopped, staring at him with bright eyes and eyes full of longing for the future and dreams, "Shu Lin, I will divide my dream into half of you ... my game will Successful, do you believe it? "

Yu Shulin looked at him and smiled, "I also have my own dream ... But I believe you, come on."



Years later, Zhou He made the game fire. As a representative of the young generation's entrepreneurial success, he was invited by the TV station to do an exclusive interview.

The intellectually beautiful hostess looked around the various games around the table and asked with a smile, "A lot of players call us on the radio and want me to ask you a question for them."

Zhou He, who has grown up and matured a lot, said with a smile, "You ask, I must know everything."

"With the opening of the new level, the creation gods who have never appeared in the game have finally lifted their mysterious veil. Then, can you tell the majority of players, why are the creation gods in the game two men? The hostess asked quickly and added, "I know everything, but the players are watching you."

Zhou He didn't expect it to be this problem. He touched his head, and he felt a little embarrassed and said, "Why do you suddenly think of asking this, our Chinese descendants are descendants of Yanhuang, and Yanhuang is not also a man. "

"Know everything."

"Okay." Zhou He put down his hand and compromised. "At the beginning, all the creation gods were defined as men. It was actually just a small impulse idea. Well, this game can be made thanks to the support of two people. They One secretly helped me, the other has been working with me, in order to thank them, I ’m ... So, these are just my little selfishness, the players do n’t hit me, I know you have always been complaining about the creation gods It's a man ... "

The players who are watching this interview live broadcast slammed the keyboard and gritted their teeth.

nonsense! Can't you complain? The players in your plot are descendants of the creation god. Then what? A new level has been opened, and the veil of the creation **** is lifted. At a glance, it is all men!

So the gentle ghost who gave us all the way to the plot guide is a man? The beautiful back who taught us all the way to the game is also a man? I go to your sister! Give back my goddess!

The creator of such a good game has pits! Humph! I am not happy! Online killing monsters to vent their anger!

Liang Zhou turned off the TV, dragged Yu Shulin into his arms, and kissed his ears. "Sleep enough?"

"Brother, did you help us secretly?" Yu Shulin looked at him sideways, squinting, "I said that the dilemma I encountered was suddenly resolved ... Didn't you say that I wouldn't interfere in my business with Zhouhe?"

"I just helped a little bit." Liang Zhou bowed his head and kissed his neck. "Let's go on vacation, eh? You haven't taken a good rest for years."

"No, you tell me how much you secretly helped us."

Liang Zhou didn't answer and pressed him on the sofa. "Sparse forest, I miss you."

"Don't change the subject!"


"Hmm ... don't you ..."


Making a joke again, Yu Shulin fell asleep again.

Liang Zhou leaned on the bedside to look at him, touched the dark circles under his eyes, and kissed with distress. The lover is too busy to eat and can't sleep, how could he be able to hold back and help, but ... Good, this more and more excellent person was **** early by himself.

"Did you just play this game?"

"Ehhh, I heard that this game has a beautiful picture and a good plot. My classmates recommend me to play."

"Then do you know the story of the Creator?"

"do not know."

"Come, I'll take you to do the task, and tell you slowly."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

The God of Creation, creating the world, is immortal. Well, the feelings of the creator God are naturally immortal. This is a little selfishness, a little blessing from the game maker, and a little secret that will never be said. 2k novel reading network

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