MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 73 揍人

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Yu Shulin was awoken by pain, his head hurt, his back hurt, his arm hurt, and his waist hurt. In short, there is no place in the whole body that is soothing. He stumbled to turn over, only to find that he couldn't move, was shocked, and opened his eyes with a brush.

"Wake up? Come drink some water."

A straw came to his mouth, and he took a conditioned reflex, took warm water into his throat, and his head was slightly awake. The last picture he saw before fainting rushed into his mind. His hand trembled and he wanted to get up: "Brother ... "

"I'm here."

The familiar voice was in his ear. He turned his head and saw Liang Zhou sitting on the bed, calm down, and wanted to turn around, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"Don't move." Liang Zhou was busy pressing his shoulders to keep him from touching, touching his hair, and kissing him on the forehead in a cherished manner, and said warmly, "I'm fine, you hurt your lumbar spine, and your waist was tied Fixed strap, can't move. "After that, he rang the call bell at the bedside.

Hurt the lumbar spine? Yu Shulin frowned, panicked, grabbed Liang Zhou's hand, and wondered, "But it hurts elsewhere ... Does it hurt my lumbar spine, does it mean that I can only lie in bed in the future?" After so many words, his throat started to hurt, he closed his eyes and coughed, trying to move, but he was weak.

Liang Zhou was stunned by his fragile appearance, held his hand tightly, took a deep breath, bent over and kissed his eyes, his voice was low and a little dumb: "Not so serious, the doctor said No nerves are hurt, it's okay, just raise bones ... Sparse forest, sorry. "

Yu Shulin felt relieved when she heard this answer, and finally hung up. The pinch was a little painful. He moved it, scratching Liang Zhou's palm, and pulling a corner of his mouth to show a smile: "Brother, I'm sorry ... this time I saved you, right?" The smell of disinfection water It was so bad, it was so bad that he was finally sober. The impression of Liang Zhou has always been neat and well-dressed, and now this beard has bloodshot eyes, and it really is ... uncomfortable to look at.

Liang Zhou raised his eyes, traced his face carefully, touched the corner of his mouth with his fingers, and nodded: "Yes."

"Then I saved you ..." He worked hard to widen the smile on his face, trying to make himself look more energetic, and his voice worked harder. "I saved you, so you can be physically fit, right?"

"Yes." Liang Zhou felt that the heart was sour, and he subconsciously shook his hand and repeatedly rubbed his head, leaning against his forehead. "Sparse forest, as long as you live, I will give you whatever you want, no matter what. "

"Then I want beauties." He replied very sharply, twisting his wrists and freeing his hands, and frowned. "I like beauties, but you look so bad now, since you want to make your own appearance, you are My person, go back and clean up and come and see me, otherwise I won't need you. "

Liang Zhou's condition looks even worse. His hair is messy and his clothes are messy. His dark circles are terrible. The whole person is in a bad state. He looks like a refugee who escapes.

"You look like this, fans will not recognize it."

"Then don't let them recognize it." Liang Zhou got up, helped him to slap the quilt, barely smiled, "I'm yours, what are you talking about, okay?"

Yu Shulin smiled and nodded, "OK."

The two stared at each other with warmth and silence.

The sound of regular footsteps approached, Liang Zhou turned back, and saw that the doctor was here. He got up and asked for the position beside the bed. He looked at Yu Shulin and said, "Where is the pain? Tell the doctor, I will go back and clean up after the doctor has checked. rest assured."

Yu Shulin nodded curtly, "Yes."

After the routine inspection, the doctor who had been stretched his face looked a lot better, and Liang Zhou, who was on the side, said, "The situation is good, the fracture can only be raised slowly, and the wound on the back of the head still needs a little attention. Do n’t be pressed. By the way, the lumbar spine injury must be bedridden, do n’t get up, lie down for a month first, you can turn around a little after half a month, eat lighter in the past two days, do n’t worry about supplementing your body, just like that, Questions come to me again. "

Liang Zhou nodded, preparing to take the doctor out.

"Wait." After listening to the long string, Yu Shulin was anxious, hurriedly called the doctor, and hurriedly asked, "I will take the college entrance examination one month later. Will I be able to move?"

"Sparse forest." Liang Zhou frowned.

The doctor also frowned: "It's a bit troublesome. Look at the recovery. If you recover well, you can take the test for two days. The fracture of your right arm is not much affected. There is no problem writing in one month. Write slowly. After the exam, you should try to rest as much as possible. The bones are a big thing. If you are not old enough, you will suffer. "

Yu Shulin stared, "I have a broken right arm?" He wanted to look down, couldn't move, wanted to raise his hand, couldn't lift it, and finally looked at Liang Zhou pitifully: "Brother, let's make up for it , I don't want to miss the college entrance examination. "I missed it in my last life, this life ... In this life, he will climb even if he climbs!

Liang Zhou had a headache. "Sparse forest, physical health is more important. I can help you find a good school, you ..."

"I want to take a test." Yu Shulin stubbornly looked at him.

Liang Zhou frowned at him for a long time, rubbing his forehead, and compromised: "Okay, I'll ask Aunt Liu to make up for you." This child is now like this, how can he bear to refuse his request again.

"Brother, you're the best." Yu Shulin quickly stuffed sugar.

Liang Zhou laughed, went to the bed and sat down again, looked at him for a long time, raised his hand to hang his nose, and sighed indulged, "You ... Shu Lin, I'm sorry, I said I should take good care of you. This time it's you ... "Then talking, the look in his eyes faded again. He can't sleep at all these days, and closing his eyes is the picture of Shu Lin being hit by a car, which is too agonizing.

Why wasn't it that you were hit ... If you pay more attention at that time, sparse forests don't have to ...

"Brother ..." Yu Shulin took his hand, shook it, pursed his lips, and said earnestly, "Brother, don't blame yourself, I can save you, I am very happy, you want to protect me, I want to protect You. "


After talking for a while, Yu Shulin began to urge Liang Zhou to go home, "Go back, take a bath and clean up, or sleep, otherwise I really don't want you."

Liang Zhou bowed his head and kissed him, still reluctant to leave. "I'll find someone to replace me. When someone comes, I will go home and rest. If you are tired, you will sleep. I will guard you."


"I promise."

Yu Shulin said something so long, she was a bit tired, nodded when she heard the words, and ordered a few words to support her spirit. She fell asleep in an awkward posture-hurting her waist and hurting her head.

After leaving the hospital, Liang Zhou went home and took a bath to clean himself, then went to the nursing home with a calm face.

Zhao Zhi waited for him at the door, saw him get out of the car, and passed a stack of documents: "The perpetrator was caught, is a fugitive, and has been sent to the bureau. The ambassador is Liang Jian. The evidence is very good. He ran No more. "

He took the file and turned it over, patted Zhao Zhi's shoulder, and strode inward.

Liang Jian had no knowledge of their arrival. He was now immersed in the dream of regaining glory, turning the newspaper in a good mood. In fact, he was not going to kill, but who made Liang Zhou so unforgiving? He actually took away his only son ... Besides, the manpower on his hands was enough for him to act this last time. Not cruel, wouldn't he have to cut the grass?

He turned on the social edition and wanted to find the news about the car accident, but he could find it but he couldn't find it. Is it the entertainment version? He wondered. Yes, Liang Zhou is a film emperor after all ... He quickly turned the newspaper over a few pages, checked the entertainment edition up and down, but still didn't.

No, the man clearly sent news that the plan was successful. He frowned, dropped the newspaper, and pressed the ringing bell at the bedside—there was no such newspaper, and it must be in other newspapers. He could n’t believe it!

The sound of a push came, and he looked at it, roaring anxiously, "Why so slow, find me some other newspapers quickly--"

The words stopped abruptly, and he stared at Liang Zhou standing at the door, his eyes widened, "You, you are not already ..."

"Think I'm dead?" Liang Zhou stood at the door and looked at him coldly. "There was no car accident. The person you arranged has already entered the bureau. Yesterday I told him the news. You hid it outside. My hands have been taken over by me. Liang Jian, the dream should wake up. "

"Liang, Liang Zhou ... you, why didn't you die!" Liang Jian was shocked and resentful, grasping the quilt's hand to tighten, "Why didn't you die! No! How could you escape my arrangement! You cheated I!"

"Liang Jian." Liang Zhou approached with a grim face, grabbed his collar, pulled him over, and said with a low voice, "I think you are my dad's brother, Shu Lin's uncle, It can be said that you can bear it again and again, but I didn't expect that you were so embarrassed! Even Liang Zixiu's death could not be exchanged for your peace! If it were not for you to manually open the forest, I might let you I'm comfortable here, but now ... "He threw people to bed, fixed his sleeves, and dropped a document on him." Go to jail and spend the rest of your life! "

Liang Jian did have a good time in the nursing home. After a careful recuperation, he even got better from the stroke sequelae. He became very eloquent and disappeared intermittently. At this point he had red eyes, shortness of breath, and said dumbly, "No, I didn't do anything, I'm your elder, you can't do this! What prison, I didn't do it, why should I go!"

"Did not do it? Elder?" Liang Zhou hooked his lips. "You did not become a police officer better than you! As for the elder, did you forget Liang Jian, I have nothing to do with you! Don't worry, after you go to prison, I will find someone to take good care of you. "

Liang Jian's eyes widened, his face slowly reddening.

"That's right." He threw a few documents in front of Liang Jian, and said lightly: "I have made all the donations of your hidden property, and your illegitimate child who seems to be uneasy and obedient, I will also send someone Go abroad and take good care of it. You should stay still. The police should come in a while. "After that, he reached down and pressed the call bell on the bedside, approached Liang Jian, and whispered," Liang Jian, you lost again , Your life, I took it. "

Liang Zhou left without turning back. The door was closed. Liang Jian clutched the clothes on his chest, breathing fast, his face was purplish, and his eyes were resentful: "Liang Zhou ... you get me back! Get back ..."

Zhao Zhi waited outside and saw Liang Zhou coming out, frowning: "You go back to rest, I'll solve the rest with He Long."

"No." He waved his hand, took out his cell phone and called: "I'll go to the police station."

Zhao Zhi looked at the back of his striding away and shook his head and sighed.

After arriving at the police station, Liang Zhou asked He Long to "chat with tea" with the director, and went straight to the room where the fugitive was interrogated. Xu was accounted for in advance. When the police in the interrogation room saw him in, he said nothing, neatly packed up and went out, and thoughtfully closed the door.

The fugitive was interrogated for a day and night. He was already debilitated and his face was so dark that he didn't even know he had changed in the interrogation room.

"Alive?" Liang Zhou walked up to him, grabbed his hair, and raised it sharply, sinking: "Scum, Liang Jian's money is good, huh?"

The fugitive was sober with the painful stimulus from his scalp, staring at Liang Zhou with eyes wide, struggling fiercely: "Who are you? Violent interrogation is illegal, I want to sue you!"

Liang Zhou narrowed his eyes, punched him in the face with a punch, stretched his feet, knocked him to the ground, and stepped on his face with force: "I ca n’t even recognize the target, it seems that you haven't done your homework well enough. And, don't look at me with your dirty eyes, disgusting! "

The fugitive was trampled, and then found that his handcuffs had been released, and he wanted to lift Liang Zhou's legs when he turned around, and said viciously, "The son of a bitch, dare to bully your uncle me, I Kill you!"

Liang Zhou didn't give him a chance to turn around, and gave him a hard kick against his back. His eyes were calm and his shot was fierce: "Your father died of lung cancer the year before last. His mother has diabetes and has no money to treat. He is now waiting at home. He died, his wife ran away, and the child was two years old. You did n’t want to raise your child to honor your parents, but you ran out to kill others.

The fugitive was stabbed to the bones on his back, and his sweat was sore that he turned his head and looked angrily at him, yelling: "How do you know the misery of the poor, rich people! I am a hypocrite! Why didn't I hit you before? "

The word "killed" greatly stimulated Liang Zhou's nerves. He started harder and sneered. "Taking the money pitted by Kengmeng to support the lover's pain outside, eh?" He stepped on his chest and looked down His eyes, "You hurt my brother, I'm very unhappy, how do you say I should deal with you?"

The fugitive was frightened by the coldness in his eyes, and his hot head finally calmed down and said in a hurry: "I, I, I, I was wrong, I know you, you are the boss of glory, I just use money to do things, you There are a lot of adults ... I have done what you want me to do, and I have also said what I want to say, forgive me, I promise not to do bad things again! "

"Oh." Liang Zhou sneered, got up, and took his foot off him, "No more bad things?"

"Yes, I definitely don't do it." The fugitive nodded violently. The man could hit himself like this at the police station. The backstage must be very hard. He is better at knowing current affairs.

Liang Zhou touched the chair on one side, raised it expressionlessly, looked at the fugitive's eyes, and lip-tipped: "Go to the prison and talk to your fellow inmates." After that, raise the chair and move towards He slammed his back fiercely.

After the muffled sound and miserable sound, Liang Zhou dropped his chair and left the interrogation room.

The police officer waiting outside looked at him with horror, and a brave man came out a little boldly and whispered: "Mr. Liang, will you learn too much ..."

"It's okay, I can't die." Liang Zhou glanced at him and continued to move forward: "Compared to the injury on my brother, he is suffering much less now."

Police officers watched him go far and secretly wipe his sweat.

So what, my brother is so terrible ...

Although the news of the accident had made Zhang Qian push down as much as possible, some piecemeal information was leaked out.

One after another, passersby began to send photos of the scene of the accident to the Internet. Most of the photos were confusing, but some of them actually took Liang Zhou's face clearly.

Liang Zhou's fans were shocked.

——Wu Chu, the person in this picture is really the idol in my family that almost disappeared into the sight of the masses! What's wrong with this bad image? What happened to this terrible expression? Well, why are you kneeling on the ground? Why are your eyes red? Did n’t you go behind the scenes and become the boss? Say, why are you so embarrassed!

Someone broke the news.

——Saying that day was the first day of the beautiful May Day holiday. The film prince and friends went to the restaurant where I worked ... Then they finished eating. The film maker took his brother and friends to say goodbye, went to drive, and then The car ran into the two like crazy. At the critical moment, the younger brother of the movie king pushed away the movie king, but fell down tragically.

——Your younger brothers were hit by flying, okay, it ’s too scary!

-Liang Yingdi is going crazy! Although the news was blocked, it was absolutely true! You see, so many photos came out, but Rong Guang didn't respond at all. Liang Yingdi was absolutely busy taking care of his younger brother!

The fans are shocked again!

Car accident!

My brother rescued the film king!

Moved the heavenly brother!

When they were shocked, they were angry-wouldn't it make my idol a brother to control? Who is so brave, dare to touch my brother's younger brother? No, who is so daring and dares to touch my idol!

My brother must be safe.

The details of the accident have gradually surfaced with the deep dive of netizens. Everyone understands that this accident was not an accident, but someone committed it intentionally!

Who is so sad?

The next day, the news of Liang Jian's arrest spread, and then the fans hehe.

What's so special about you, the old and immortal, Keng Rongguang Keng Liang Zhoukeng got his son dead, how can you still toss? What, a second stroke? Deserve it! Who wants you to do your work!

Liang Jian went to jail, and he couldn't jump around at all. The masses expressed great support.

The bug is finally gone, our idol can finally raise his brother quietly.

——What, come on college entrance exam, brother.

A few days later, Yu Shulin's physical condition gradually stabilized. The life of nourishing is very painful. Apart from eating every day, I sleep.

"So boring, I would rather go to school to make papers." He swallowed the fruit that Liang Zhou had fed, he said vaguely.

"Isn't I tired of making papers every day?" Liang Zhou wiped his mouth and said warmly, took the insulated bucket on the bedside table and scooped out the soup: "I'm not tired, drink some soup."

He was frightened, and hurriedly stopped: "No, no, I'm tired, tired, and drank soup eight times a day. Other people get thinner when they get sick, so I'm fat."

"Fat is better." Liang Zhou was unmoved, took a spoonful of soup and brought it to his mouth, and continued to persuade: "Drink, don't you want to raise your bones early and get up?"

Think of the fixing belt on the waist, and think of the college entrance examination getting closer and closer. He gritted his teeth, opened his mouth and drank the soup. . "

"The tongue is good." Liang Zhou put a smile on his eyes: "Drink more, red dates and blood."

What hurt was the bone, what blood was added ... He was deflated, and then he opened his mouth and drank a small bowl of soup fed by Liang Zhou.

"Brother, you stay in the hospital every day, Qingchi won't be bankrupt." He smashed his mouth, ate the fruit fed to his mouth, and said intentionally.

"Zhao knows they're watching, it's okay." Liang Zhou began to clean up the bowl and fruit peels, and did not answer his hint at all.

Yu Shulin's eyes rolled around, and he continued to imply: "Brother, glory is my private house money, you can't let it go bankrupt."

"I can afford you." Liang Zhou lifted the quilt on his leg and started rubbing his leg: "Does your back hurt? Your legs are sour?"

This is completely unprepared to go back to work ... He sighed, and simply said: "Brother, I recovered very well, there is no problem with Aunt Liu and they take care of me. There are no problems with Zhang's project. The cooperation between Chi and the Yan family requires you to get an idea, so you can go to the company to see, eh? "For this matter, Zhang Qian and Yan Kaiwen both knocked open the door of his ward, and ... he looked at Liang carefully Zhou's expression, sighing under his heart, after the car accident, his brother kept in the ward unstoppable, his spirit was too tense.

Liang Zhou frowned: "Isn't Zhang Qian that they are here to make a noise for you? I won't let them in next time."

"Brother." Yu Shulin stretched out his voice and looked at him helplessly: "Brother, go back to rest for two days, and then go to the company to handle business, eh?"

Liang Zhou was dark-faced and did not speak.

"So, how about you take a break in the morning, go to the company in the afternoon, and come to accompany me in the evening? Li Tao said that he can take time every afternoon to review with me. You go to work, I review, OK?" He compromised.

Liang Zhou's face turned darker: "That Li Tao, come every day?"

He nodded: "He has a solid foundation and it's a good time for me to review."

Thinking of the silent boy who always came to see Shu Lin, Liang Zhou narrowed his eyes and frowned.

Li Tao ... Really? 2k novel reading network

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