MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 64 Another new year

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As the year approaches, the glory is beaming.

Zhang Qian half-dead lying on the sofa, dropped his mobile phone, and laughed on the sofa: "Hahaha, Emperor Guan Da was plugged in a movie, went to the desert to film, deserve it! Let him leisurely dangle around the company every day ! "

Zhao Zhi got up and began to pack things: "My mother-in-law is going to New Year's Day in city B. Today's plane, I will pick her up, and take my family to dinner, by the way, I will leave you to finish the work, I will go first."


The office door was closed, Zhang Qian shook her lips and looked at the pile of documents on the desk, mourned, picked up her cell phone, and called.

"Zhouer ... save--"


The call was hung up relentlessly.

He stared dumbfounded at the phone, and then sulking the sofa angrily: "Animals! Bully single dogs! Not people! A group of scum!"

"What's wrong?" Yu Shulin looked at Liang Zhou and glanced over his cell phone. "Who's calling, looking for you urgently, has been ringing for a long time."

Liang Zhou calmly hung up the phone, shut down the phone, and said, "Nothing, insurance sales, how much do you have in your homework?"

"There are four test papers, two physics, two chemistry, one Chinese and one essay ... the rest is done." He turned over his big winter homework, calculated it in his heart, and said, "Probably It will be finished tomorrow. "

"No rush, you can write slowly, hard work." Liang Zhou touched his head and said, "Stick for another half a year, and it will be easy when the college entrance examination is completed."

"I know." He squinted and smiled, and continued to do his homework.

The atmosphere was just right, but unfortunately guests came.

Liang Zhou looked at Yan Kaiwen who came in behind He Bo, frowning, "What are you doing?"

"As a partner, I don't want to pay a year in advance?" Yan Kaiwen shrugged, glanced at Yu Shulin, who was lying on the coffee table and doing his homework. With his eyes brightened, he took two steps forward and shook the bag he was carrying: "Shu Lin, I heard that your favorite watch broke some time ago. This time, I went back to China to buy a new one for you. How about it, my new brother is not bad?"

"Don't mess with relatives." Liang Zhou's face turned black, and he stepped sideways, blocking his sight of Yu Shulin, saying coldly: "It's been a year of worship, please come back."

Yan Kaiwen saw his toothache a thousand miles away and felt a toothache, frustrated in his heart, put down his hand holding the gift, straightened his expression, and said earnestly: "Liang Zhou, I have already told your uncle to your previous request, he agreed."

"What requirements?" Liang Zhou frowned. Because of Christmas, Yan Kaiwen returned to China for a while, and the cooperation between the two companies was temporarily interrupted. He did not remember what he had requested before the other party left.

Yan Kaiwen put the gift down and solemnly said: "The request to let Uncle make an apology in front of your mother's grave. The plane he left at noon today is on his way to your mother's graveyard. If you want to see it, stop your car at the door. outer."

"No need." Liang Zhou kept silent, shook his head, and waved at He Bo: "Send off."

Yan Kaiwen frowned: "Why? Isn't this what you want?" He returned to China to talk to Uncle for so long before he got the result now. Why did Liang Zhou react so coldly?

… I should n’t rush to the cemetery, and then the father and son sacrifice their anger… Okay, this is not possible, but rushing to the cemetery to quarrel is OK, quarrel is also a way of communication, isn't it?

"Mr. Yan, please." He Bo opened the door, stretched out his hand, and delivered the guest directly.

"No, just a moment." He took two steps forward, grabbed Liang Zhou's arm, looked at his eyes and asked, "Why not? Don't you want to see our sincerity and apologies, why are you not going?"

"Because this is Mr. Yan Wei's apology to Ms. Zhou Qingya, and your sincerity to your brother, he doesn't need it." Yu Shulin suddenly interjected, walked to Liang Zhou, and said calmly to Yan Kaiwen: "Mr. Yan, if today brother Yes, then Mr. Yan Wei's apology, in my opinion, is just a false performance to soften my brother. This apology is due to Mrs. Zhou, you should not hope to use such an apology, go Let my brother do something. "

"I didn't ..." Yan Kaiwen shook his head intuitively, trying to deny his words.

"What if it doesn't?" Yu Shulin raised an eyebrow: "Your uncle is enough."

Uncle ... Remembering the attitude of the other party when persuading Uncle, Yan Kaiwen's eyes darkened, and he sighed, but said helplessly, "It's difficult for me to be too strong. Sorry, I'll leave."

Liang Zhou frowned.

"Wait a minute." Yu Shulin shouted at him, took out a small pendant from his pocket, and threw it to Yan Kaiwen: "Thank you for your birthday gift and New Year gift. This is a gift for you."

Yan Kaiwen caught the small crystal pendant, stunned, and smiled: "You're welcome, I'm my brother."

"I only have Liang Zhou and an elder brother." Yu Shulin shook her head and smiled when the other person's eyes darkened again: "But I welcome you to come and play with me as a friend. Of course, my brother will also welcome you."

Yan Kaiwen brushed his eyes and looked at Liang Zhou: "Friend? Really?"

Liang Zhou was still black, but did not refute this statement, and nodded: "Partners are also a kind of friend."

"Okay." Yan Kaiwen retracted the pendant into his pocket, grinning with a non-elite smile: "Let's make another appointment next time, Happy New Year, goodbye."

Yan Kaiwen left, and the two of them went back together.

Yu Shulin opened the gift from Yan Kaiwen, touched the exquisite luxury watch in the box, and looked at Liang Zhou: "Brother, you have a good impression of Yan Kaiwen."

"Others are not bad." Liang Zhou nodded, playing with the gift Yan Kaiwen gave himself, still frowning: "Unfortunately, his surname is Yan."

"Yeah, unfortunately his surname Yan ..." Yu Shulin sighed, silently waxing Yan Kaiwen in his heart.

My elder brother is not a hard-hearted person. Then Yan Kaiwen has been fighting for so long on the basis of cooperation. His elder brother's attitude should be softened. What's more, the person who made the mistake was Yan Wei and Yan Wei's wife, who had nothing to do with Yan Kaiwen, and he shouldn't have to bear Liang Zhou's cold treatment. No wonder, he came on behalf of Yan Wei.

Yan Wei's lobbyist, if his brother behaves a little softer, then Yan Wei will have an inch. So after thinking about it, I can only say one thing, the surnames are different, they don't work together ...

Liang Zhou can apologize without seeing Yan Wei's hoe, but two people must see it.

After receiving the notice from Liang Zhou, the boat mother and boat mother hurried to the cemetery with emotion.

When he saw the well-dressed middle-aged man standing in front of his daughter's tomb, the tears of the mother-in-law fell down, screaming and shouting: "Yan Wei, you have been hiding abroad for more than ten years, so many days and nights At night, can you sleep peacefully at night? But I saw my daughter ask a dream to ask for your life! "

The back of Yan Wei shuddered, turned to look at them, his eyes patrolled behind them, and said dumbly, "Where is Zhouzhou?"

"Ha, Zhouzhou?" The boat mother shook off Zhou Qinghe and held her hand, took the first two steps, raised her cane and smashed at him, sneer: "Why, unwilling to call my grandson's last name? I tell you His surname is Liang! This whole life is only surnamed Liang! My daughter is looking at you on the tombstone! What is your face to mention Zhouzhou ’s name! Do you have any heart! "

Yan Wei stood next to several bodyguards. When she saw her hands, the one who stood closest to her stepped forward, holding the crutches waved by her mother, and frowning in a little unskilled Chinese, "You have a little respect for your boss. "

"Stop it." Yan Wei blocked his movement, and said a few words in English. After hearing the bodyguards, they looked at each other for a few seconds, then turned around and quit ten steps away.

The crutch was loosened, and the mother of the boat took two steps to stand still. After standing, she rushed up again, grabbed Yan Wei's arm, pulled him right to the tombstone, pointed at Zhou Qingya's photo, and said fiercely: "Look at her, take a good look at her. Do you remember what she looked like in the past? Do you remember what she looked like when she was lying in a coffin! Show me a good look!"

Zhou Qingya is very beautiful and looks like a Wenxiu unique to the Zhou family. After so many years of wind and sun exposure, the photo has faded and blurred a lot, but the gentle smile in her eyes can still make people feel peaceful even through the tombstone.

Obviously a woman who is so detached, when she laughs, her eyes are full of reassuring power. Yan Weizhen looked at it, and could not help remembering the scene when the two met for the first time.

At that time, Qingya also smiled and said hello to him.

After years of going there, the beauty has gone, and in his heart, he never forgets this smile.

Those deliberately forgotten memories turned over again. The pictures they used to be together were too beautiful. He didn't dare to think, because he would never want to wake up again. Zhou Qingya was covered with blood after a sudden accident in her brain, her heart trembled, and she returned to reality.

He tilted his head slightly, unwilling to face those once beautiful and cruel.

The sun was setting, the clouds were piled up, and the sky was red.

The mother looked at her daughter's photo, and her eyes burst into tears: "Yan Wei, for so many years, I have been thinking about my daughter's grievances. Now that vicious woman has died, and those sins of that year are all for you to taste. Right. "

She raised her walking stick tremblingly, and in the dim light, knocked heavily on Yan Wei's knee socket, her voice was long and heavy: "Sin yesterday, pay today, kneel—"

Yan Weizheng was staring at Zhou Qingya's photo. Unprepared, he was struck by a cane, his knees were bent, and he knelt heavily against the tombstone.

With a muffled sound, he landed on both knees and, with the sudden pain, raised his palms, looking up at the smiling woman on the tombstone.

This is sin.

After escaping for so many years, it is finally time to repay.

The old lady reached out and touched the picture of her daughter on the tombstone. Her lips were trembling and she wanted to say something, but she only exhaled a choking call, "Qingya ... Qingya ..."

The father looked at his wife who was already in tears, quietly turned his head, wiped the corners of his eyes, looked at the tombstone, and repeatedly traced his daughter's name.

Daughter, father is useless and can't help you get justice. Fortunately, your son has the ability to help you out of this tone ...

Zhou Qinghe and Zhou Qingren stood behind his father, looking at all this, his eyes reddish.

After so many years of calling the wind and the rain, in the cry of the mother of the boat, Yan Wei finally let go of his higher self-esteem, and gave Zhou Qingya a solid slap.

The bodyguards who were not far away had terrible expressions, and looked at the mother of the boat as if trying to eat people.

Yan Wei glanced at the sad and relieved boat mother who was holding the tombstone, stood up against the floor, straightened her back, and said the regret that was too late, "Auntie, I am sorry ..."

"Will you confess your guilt at the police station?" Father Zhou looked at him blankly.

Yan Wei sorted her clothes and shook her head. "Sorry, no."

They will not confess guilt. The car accident that year was too long. What they could win for their daughter was only this "sorry", unwilling, dissatisfied, but helpless.

"Let's go." Father Zhou stepped forward, raised his wife, and stopped looking at him: "I know what you're back for, it's impossible, you'll give up."

"Uncle." Yan Wei wanted to take the first two steps, a pain in his knee, he frowned, stopped in place, and continued: "Zhou Zhou is my son after all, I am back this time, just want to see him."

"Zhou Zhou didn't want to see you." Zhou Qingren began, emphasizing Liang Zhou's last name deliberately: "Again, the last time, his surname is Liang."

Yan Wei's fault as a habitual superior started to scramble up again, frowning: "You can't fool me, Zhou Zhou looks like me, how could it not be my son? I checked and his birth date also followed That year's time is right. What surname is Liang, he should be surnamed Yan! "

"Unreasonable!" Zhou Qinghe frowned and waved to interrupt his brother's next words, Shen said: "To grab Liang Zhou, you must step on the corpse of my Zhou family first! If you don't die ... hum, Then I advise you to get out early! You are still as bullied as when I was a boat family? "After he said it, he took out his mobile phone and made a call. After a while, a group of people like bodyguards came from all over the graveyard Come out and surround yourself with several people.

Yan Wei drew his forehead and said with a stern face: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't do anything?" Zhou Qinghe sneered, and the superior was more polite than him: "In order to welcome guests like you who are on the stage, my Zhou family must be prepared not to."

After the group of bodyguards approached, they were directly in front of the four members of the Zhou family, staring at Yan Wei.

Yan Wei looked at this posture, jealous of her image and face, gritted her teeth, and waved her face calmly: "Let's go!"

The mother of Zhou eased her from grief, and saw her family surrounded by a group of big men, terrified, and hurried to Zhou Qinghe's sleeve and said, "Boss, I know you hate Yan Wei, but we can How can you hate him for trying to kill him, and you can't mix triads, Qingren is still an official now, which has a bad impact ... "

"Mom, don't worry." Zhou Qinghe coughed awkwardly, waved his hands to let the fierce "bodyguards" disperse, holding the mother of the boat and saying, "That's our company's security, I just let them change It ’s just that you ’re dressed in clothes and acting. It ’s not a triad, so rest assured. ”

"Ah ..." Mother Zhou was stupid. Look at the thick "guards" who gathered together to remove the evil mask. Then look at her son who is no longer young, shake his head, and smile: "Boss, you are really ... so My lord, I'm naughty. "

"Brother, you're too arrogant." Zhou Qingren cried and looked at the guys who were tall and tall, and said, "I thought you really ran to hire a bodyguard. It turns out ... I want to fight What should I do after getting up? "

"Okay, it's late, let's go home." Father Zhou glanced back at his daughter's tombstone and took the lead to go out: "Don't disturb Qingya's rest."

Hanging up the phone, Liang Zhou leaned on the sofa and did not speak for a long time.

Yu Shulin touched it lightly, holding his shoulders from behind, lowering his head and rubbing his face, asking, "How's it going?"

"Yan Wei is gone." Liang Zhou raised his hand and touched his face, his eyes were complicated. "Grandma was a little emotional today. She just took medicine and fell asleep ... Shu Lin, do you hate your father?"

"I hate him." Yu Shulin turned to look into his eyes, "Brother, do you hate Yan Wei?"

"No." Liang Zhou shook his head, pulled him and hugged, not letting him see his expression, "I hate him."

Yu Shulin hugged him back and patted him on the back, "I understand."

Time goes to the end of January, and the new year is coming.

New Year's Eve, Zhou's old house.

Zhou Shi had already been pregnant for five months at this time, and the whole person was fat. Li Zhong took care of him and was very attentive. The two did not have a wedding after they got engaged, and they went on a tourist marriage in a hurry. The whole world went crazy for several months, and they didn't return to China until Zhou Shi's belly became big, which scared the two parents.

Zhou Qi finally chased Wen Qi's younger daughter Wen Qi, and successfully abducted him to meet his parents. At this point, Wen Qi was pointing at Zhou Shi and Li Zhong, laughing. There was no lady image at all. "Look at Brother Li's careful look. I didn't know that Xiao Shi was nine months pregnant."

"Ahem, pay attention to the image." Zhou Qi bumped into her, gesturing her parents' direction with his eyes, and showed her a pleased expression.

Wenqi was busy converging and sitting satisfactorily. She smiled at the elders, reached out her hand secretly, and choked Zhou Qi, and lowered her voice, "Why, isn't it enough to be quiet?"

"No, no, no, you know what I mean." Zhou Qi whispered to Rao.

Zhou Qinghe and his wife had already seen Wen Qi's lively temperament. When they saw the two juniors frowning, their feelings were very good, and their hearts were sunk. When they didn't see Wen Qi's disorder, they continued to talk with the old lady and the old man.

After more than ten years of mental troubles, the two families of the Zhou family relaxed a lot. Seeing that their grandchildren and their families are happy, their sons are also filial and prosperous, and when they are in a good mood, the words are much more than usual.

The brothers Zhou Qinghe deliberately coaxed their parents. Whatever was good to say, just three or two words made the atmosphere in the main hall very lively.

Zhou He bitterly squatted in the yard, rubbing with a window window in his hand, looking angry.

Everyone just coaxed grandpa and grandma to be happy. After the Spring Festival couplet posted, they ran in and chatted together. It was not fair to leave the windowsill alone. Didn't you say that the youngest child is most favored? Why doesn't he hurt? What about New Year gifts and red envelopes? This is not the same as saying a good story!

"Why are you squatting alone in the yard, everyone?"

The familiar voice sounded at the gate of the courtyard. Zhou He brushed his head and saw Liang Zhou standing at the door with a frown, his mouth pursed, he lost his window flower, and fluttered: "Cousin, come and save me from fire and water, everyone. Abandoned me, so boring whine ... "

Liang Zhou ducked sideways, took out the red envelope and patted him on the face, said mercilessly: "Holding the red envelope while playing, what about grandma?"

"Zhou He, Happy New Year." Yu Shulin probed from behind Liang Zhou, took out a box and handed it over: "Give you a New Year gift. Why are you outside, everyone?"

"No brotherly love, cold-blooded!" Zhou He was very angry without receiving the care and attention she deserved.

Liang Zhou withdrew his hand decisively: "The red envelope is gone."

"Don't, don't—" Zhou He wailed, quickly grabbed the red envelope into his pocket, and then stretched out his devil's claw toward the gift in Yu Shulin's hand. My sister is pregnant, my cousin brought his girlfriend back, and everyone is talking in the main hall. "

"Pregnant?" Yu Shulin froze for a moment, then surprised with his eyes, and hurried Liang Zhou to walk inward: "Brother, let's go in and see, in a few months, you can be promoted, and not happy. ? "

Liang Zhou let him pull, with a smile in his eyes: "I think you are happier."

"I've always been happy. When have I been unhappy?"

The brothers went in warmly, and then there was a lively conversation in the main hall, and the conversation became louder.

Zhou He stood in the yard with a red envelope and a gift, her heart shivered.

"I really fell out of favor! God is not fair—"

"What are you talking about, have you finished the window coverings? Come in after you finish!" Zhou Qingren's sermon came across the door panel, and the boat and neck shrank. A grievance glanced at the window coverings rubbed by myself. mouth.

——This is what you asked me to post. Don't wish me if it doesn't look good.

"I'll go out and help with the boat and window-windowing. He's busy in the yard by himself. It's boring." Yu Shulin put the gifts for everyone on the coffee table and got up to go out.

"Let him post it alone, Xiaoyu, you sit down." Zhou Qingren smiled and stopped, but said helplessly: "The child has become more and more skinny lately. During the final exam, he had to sloppy the English answer card. I returned after failing the exam, but I was so upset with your little aunt, just leave him alone and let him whisper. "

"What to say in front of the child, who is furious, talk nonsense." Xiao aunt pushed a boat Qingren, blame said: "It is you that you usually like him too much."

"Good, I'm spoiled." Zhou Qingren said helplessly. 2k novel reading network