MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 41 Confession after Parent Meeting

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The two brothers had a good meal outside at noon ... without He Long.

He Long, who went home for dinner, choked his rice silently, frowned, thought deeply ... so the boss was really hostile to himself? Because of the signature? Want to be so naive ...

He Bo passed by, greeted his back of the head with one palm, and urged, "Hurry up, just like a girl. After eating, go to Master Shulin for a parent meeting, don't let the two masters wait for you! Right Take the snacks that Aunt Liu packed away. The master forgot to take them. "


When he saw the familiar bag handed over by He Long, Yu Shulin looked silently.

He deliberately didn't take these snacks when he went out in the morning.

The sub-intent intention sheet has been handed in. Wang Zhi curiously reached up to Yu Shulin, looking at He Long who was sitting upright without expression, and whispered: "Shu Lin, who is this person from your family? It looks like So fierce. "

"It's my cousin. No one else in the family is free. Let him come." Yu Shulin opened the snack bag and started thinking about what to do with the pile of things.

Is it going to be sent back and forth again and again? So stupid ...

He Long, of course, heard their "whispering", moved uncomfortably, and glanced at Wang Zhi.

Wang Zhi was shocked when he saw the tiger's body, stiffly: "Sparse forest, the brother you came to last year is much more kind. If there is a parent meeting next year, welcome him."

"... I will tell you." He grabbed a handful of fruit candy, and Sai Wang Zhi said, "I remember my aunt like fruit candy, give it."

Wang Zhi looked down at Tang, and then thought about his mother ’s love for Yu Shulin, and was indignant: "When my mother comes back from the toilet, you are not allowed to speak to her!"

Ok? It seems that the master was rejected by his classmates ... He Long frowned, stretched out his hand and put it on Wang Zhi's shoulder, and said seriously: "Why not ... you shouldn't allow Shulin to talk to your mother. Shulin is very good. Your mother will like him."

Just love it so much! The sadness in Wang Zhi's heart turned into a river, but He Long was too angry when he spoke flatly. He moved his lips, and finally turned back in depression, eating sugar in silence.

Shulin's cousin is a bit fierce ... please that elder brother last year!

Yu Shulin was helpless, glanced at serious He Long, flipped through the bag, grabbed a colored lollipop, plugged his hand, and said, "Hold it, use candy to neutralize your terrible aura."

He Long looked at the lollipop and raised his hand in doubt: "Am I scary?" He was such a kind person.

"... eat sugar."

The parents' meeting is still familiar with the recipe, the familiar taste, but an extra meal snack-branch.

After the intent of the whole class was basically set, Mr. Gao took a few parents with students who did not agree very much to the office, and the rest were free to move.

The classroom suddenly became a mess, and parents and students talked to each other, and they were very active.

Yu Shulin grabbed a handful of candy, hesitated for a while, got up and patted Li Tao's shoulder, stretched out his hand, and asked softly, "Do you have sugar? Compared with last year, there are more chocolates and not too sweet."

...... As last year, the parent position next to Li Tao is still empty.

The lying body moved, Li Tao sat up, turned back to Shang Yulin's gentle and expectant look, dropped his eyes, and took the sugar in his hand: "Thank you."

I actually received thanks ... Yu Shulin narrowed her eyes with a smile, and said gently: "You're welcome, we all chose science, and maybe we can still be classmates after the division."

"Um." Li Tao nodded, and went back down again.

Wang Zhi almost smashed the seeds from his mouth into his nose, and coughed while giving thumbs to Yu Shulin. When he was at the same table for a year, his relationship with Li Tao was still very bad. I did not expect that Yu Shulin could talk to Li Tao.

Mother Wang was busy reaching out to help him pat his back, and said silently: "Eat a melon seed, you can see what else you can do, learn how to sparse forests, and have a parent meeting without forgetting to bring us sweets, what a good child . "

Yang Sesser's mother also nodded, boasting: "My family's Seser was a bit partial, but thanks to Shu Lin's usual care, this has become more and more stable. Xiaolong, how does your family teach children, so sensible intimate."

The sturdy fighting mothers were obviously not affected by He Long's cold temperament and enthusiastically discussed the "Education Classic".

"I didn't teach it very much, and Shulin was very conscious of what she learned." He Long said dryly, nervous in his heart, afraid that if he didn't answer well, he would destroy Master Shulin's goodwill.

"Sure enough, a good boy, you can learn a lot from Xiaozhi." Mother Wang sighed.

The people chatted happily. Yu Shulin hung in his heart waiting for Liang Zhou outside the school gate. After sharing the sweets, he used the excuse to go to the toilet and went out to call the other party.

The phone was picked up immediately, Liang Zhou's voice was still so nice.

"The parent meeting is over?"

"No." Yu Shulin whispered, and said, "Brother, wouldn't it be so boring if you waited like that? Otherwise, you might do something else first, I have to wait for a while."

Putting away the documents in his hand, Liang Zhou looked through the window to the school across the street and replied, "It's okay, I'll wait for you to come out." The film promotion period has begun. He will go abroad in a few days. After going abroad, I haven't seen anyone for nearly a month, so he naturally wanted to spend more time with his brother.

"Well, I'll go to you as soon as the parent meeting is over."

"Hmm." Hanging up the phone, he collected Piaoyuan's thoughts and looked down at the files. Although he went back to work again without psychological pressure, some urgent work must be handled as soon as possible.

After Yu Shulin hung up the phone and turned around, he saw Li Tao standing behind him in his pocket, saw him turn back, and hummed, and went back to the classroom.

... awkward temperament.

As soon as the parents' meeting ended, Yu Shulin rushed away, leaving He Long to bear his mother's reluctance. He passed through the crowd, ran out of the school gate, found his car's location, and ran excitedly.

Liang Zhou lowered the window halfway, stared at Yu Shulin who bent over and looked down, looked behind him, and asked, "He Long? Why didn't he follow you?"

"Ah, I came out in a hurry, not paying attention to him ..." He scratched his face embarrassedly, still breathing a little sharply when speaking, showing that it was anxious.

Liang Zhou saw a tenderness under his heart, pointed to the co-pilot, and signaled: "Get in the car, let's wait for him. Aunt Liu just called over and said you made the ribs you love."

"Really?" He narrowed his eyes with a smile and got up to get around the car.

"Sparse forest! Yu Shulin!"

The girl's crisp and sweet voice suddenly sounded, and Liang Zhou and Yu Shulin stopped moving.

"Liu Fen?" Yu Shulin turned back and saw the people a little confused. Thinking of Liang Zhou, he got up again and blocked the half-open window, and lowered his voice: "Brother, please close the window, my classmate is here, don't be She recognizes you. "

Liang Zhou nodded, raised the window, but left a slit, ready to listen to the chat between the two-always thought that the girl called Shu Lin's tone a bit ... I wish I had thought more.

The beautiful girls ran, just like a beautiful landscape painting moving, attracting countless eyes along the way.

Yu Shulin looked at her, thinking about Liang Zhou in the car, and then thinking about Liu Fen's faint feelings for himself, only feeling very bad in her heart.

He swears that he really has no early love!

After hurriedly approaching, Liu Fen braced her knees to breathe, while complaining intimately: "Shu Lin, what are you doing so urgently, it hurts and hurts me to struggle ..."

"Do you have anything to do with me?" He asked politely.

"I just want to ask, why don't you add my penguin friend." Liu Fen stood up and pouted, looking very cute and cute: "I thought you would like to talk to me more." She said, she His face turned red, and his eyes looking at Yu Shulin were full of joy.

Why didn't she find out before? This sparse forest looks good, her grades are good, her temperament is good, and the main thing is ... it looks like her family conditions are very good. If he can show a gentle expression to himself, how good it is ... other girls will certainly be envious of themselves!

Thinking of the other party ’s first homework assignment, she was a bit shy again ... the other party definitely liked her, so she could barely like him.

"Is this the case?" Yu Shulin watched her response, and the alarm sounded in her heart, pretending to be stupid: "I don't remember, I don't usually use the Penguin." I said, keeping my eyes on the car behind me. Nervousness, and after looking at the school, He Long, come out and solve the perimeter!

Seeing his eyes flickering, Liu Fen thought he was shy, and his heart was sweet, and his face became more and more shy. Going forward, he wanted to hold his hand, and said coyly in his mouth: "Sparse forest The pendant on your backpack is so cute, it ’s the limited edition of the cartoon movie that was very popular in the first half of the year. I originally wanted my uncle to help me bring one back from abroad, but he did n’t grab it. "

Yu Shulin busyly put the backpack back on his back, and firmly clasped his hands on the backpack strap, and killed him without letting go: "Probably, all my things were prepared by my brother for me. This pendant is the same. "After coming to Liang's house, he was as big as computer clothes, shoes and socks, as small as pencil sketch paper, all prepared by Liang Zhou.

In this way, he is really very good to himself ... He touched the cute round pendant, his mouth twitched. It doesn't matter, he will be nice to his brother.

In the car window, the intimate Brother Liang held the documents in his hands, his face sinking like water.

Liu Fen didn't touch anyone, and there was some dissatisfaction in her heart, but when she saw the smile on Yu Shulin's face, her heart jumped uncontrollably. She turned around and took a deep breath, and continued to talk: "Then you My brother treats you very well, and I really want a brother who hurts me so much. "As she glanced at Yu Shulin's brand name, she looked at the expensive car behind him. His eyes were full of expectations.

How happy is an excellent boyfriend like Yu Shulin.

Yu Shulin was stunned by her goosebumps, and her back was sweating coldly. He pulled the corners of his mouth, anxious in heart, and asked dryly, "What the **** did you do to me?"

"You, why don't you understand!" Liu Fen stomped and saw that he kept asking, he just didn't open his mouth and begged to be his girlfriend, anxious.

"What the **** do I understand ..."

"That's, that's ... oops!" Liu Fen gave him a strange look, and as soon as he was about to say something, the phone in his pocket rang.

"Oops, it's my mother!" She glanced at the phone, changed her face, and hurriedly took out a beautifully packed gift box from her backpack and stuffed him in her arms. She said as she stepped back, a smile on her face: "You see I understand, my mother is looking for me, and we will see you tomorrow, bye. "

Yu Shulin was stiff with the fragrant box.

Isn't he caught by his brother at the confession scene ...

The window lowered, revealing Liang Zhou's tight side.

"Get in the car and go home."

He turned, lowered his head and scratched his face, and said, "He Long ..."

Liang Zhou took a deep breath and tried to calm down, "He will go back!" Well, he didn't calm down.

Yu Shulin swelled his hair behind his back, busy bypassing the front of the car, opened the door to the co-driver's seat to do a good job, fastened his seat belt, and looked at the front.

The next second, the car rushed out like an arrow off the string.

He tightened his seatbelt, his eyes widened and held his breath.

After that, my brother is very angry! 2k novel reading network

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