MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 19 Experiment 2

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On September 1st, Yu Shulin was carrying a schoolbag and riding a newly bought bicycle. He waved his hand at Liang Zhou at the entrance of the villa, and stepped out of the villa area.

He Long stood behind Liang Zhou holding his mobile phone and kindly reminded: "Boss, you have been resting too long, Mu Qiu is going crazy."

Liang Zhou frowned.

Yu Shulin was assigned to the first and second class of high school, which is the second class of experiment. The class teacher was ... Mr. Gao.

... It's a pleasant surprise.

After the class is divided, the opening ceremony is held. After the opening ceremony is finished, the morning will pass.

In the afternoon, textbooks were issued, seats were arranged, and the second class meeting was held. The off-duty cadres were initially selected, and the piecemeal matters were dealt with, and the school time was up.

Yu Shulin rode his bike home in a good mood, lowered his bag, touched the kitchen to help Aunt Liu serve dishes, and asked with a smile: "My brother? Did you go out, when will you come back?"

Aunt Liu brought Tang Sheng out to the table and sighed, "The young man is on a business trip again. He said he went to a neighboring province to record a show, and he will come back the day after tomorrow."

"... That's it." He answered lowly, then shook his head, suppressing the inexplicable frustration. No, I'm not really only 15 years old and I can't rely on my parents so much.

On the second day of school, the class was down.

Although the experimental class is composed of mixed admissions and supplementary admissions students, for the sake of convenience, the ranking is still based on the results of the entrance examination.

Speaking of the test results, Yu Shulin said that he was very talkative.

But no matter what he wanted to say, the penultimate ranking of the class was still firmly attached to his head. Actually, it is not only the last in the class, but also the last in the grade ... it is also him.

The students are boiling, but such a low score has entered the experimental class. What is this? It is the shady of Chiguo! The school tyrants held the ranking table and glanced around the classroom in an attempt to find the wonderful work that went so arrogantly through the back door. You said that your grades are so bad, even if you enter the second middle school through the back door, it is so arrogant. If the grades are poor, you will go to the ordinary class and stay honest. It ’s not a rush to run the experimental class. Do you want to drop out of school?

Yu Shulin looked at the ranking table and sighed silently in his heart. How long do you have to follow this black history of high school entrance examination results.

"That ..." A thin, weak female voice came from the side. He turned his head and looked at his own table. "What's wrong?"

I saw him at the same table with a mild attitude, his face relaxed a bit, and continued to talk: "Who is this Yu Shulin, the test score is so low, how to run the experimental class." Everyone met for the first time, nothing common On the topic, she saw that everyone at the table was talking about it, so she courageously used the topic to talk to herself at the same table.

The previous classmate heard her and turned around holding the ranking table, excitedly joining the topic: "Yeah, yeah, who is this guy, walking through the back door so arrogantly, presumably not a good person."

Yu Shulin twitched his lips. Although he did walk through the back door, he was not arrogant at all, really.

Seeing both eyes shining brightly at himself, he sighed and confessed, "Yu Shulin in your mouth is me."

"Eh ?!" The boy at the front table stared at him, staring at him for a long time, and reached out and patted his shoulder, dryly: "Brother, how did you get into the experimental class ..."

The girl at the same table had been frightened for a long time. She didn't expect that the person she was discussing was in front of her, flushed, and hurriedly apologized: "Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say you."

He waved his hand with a smile, not very concerned: "Nothing, you are right, I did go through the back door, but I got through the supplementary exam in the experimental class."

"Supplement exam?" The two were surprised.

He nodded, scratching his face, a little embarrassed: "My grades in the middle school entrance exam are too poor. In order to take the supplementary exam, I can only go through the back door."

The boy at the front desk saw him calmly, and felt better about him, with a more enthusiastic attitude: "You can pass the supplementary exam to the experimental class, and you must have a good grade. Why is the middle exam so bad?"

The girls at the same table also stared curiously, apparently interested.

"There was an accident, so ..." He spread his hands, looking helpless.

The boy at the front table looked like "I understand" and reached out to him: "Isn't it nervous before the exam, I understand, everyone will be classmates later, my name is Wang Zhi, hello."

This is known? Yu Shulin smiled and shook his hand: "Hello."

The girl at the same table laughed when she saw this, and said shyly, "My name is Yang Seser. I'm glad to meet you."

"I am also very happy." Yu Shulin smiled mildly.

The boy who had been lying next to Wang Zhi turned around and looked around, coldly scanning the three of them, his eyes fell on Yu Shulin, and he said lightly: "Take the garbage behind the back door, what is it good for?" He raised his chin and got out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry, what's wrong." Wang Zhi rolled his eyes and said to Yu Shulin: "The guy is the first in the class, called Li Tao, has a very arrogant temperament, and hasn't treated people very much. It's suspicious. "

Yang Sesui also dissatisfied with his attitude, wrinkled his nose, and whispered, "I'm not polite."

"Just that, Shu Lin, don't go into your heart for that guy, let's hit his face with the results in the future!" Wang Zhi said fiercely, and his confidence in Yu Shu Lin burst into flames for no reason.

Seeing them like this, Yu Shulin smiled deeper.

In the subsequent class roll call, the whole class knew that he was the last to come in through the back door. Although he felt a little helpless about his classmates' contempt, he also accepted it frankly.

— Nothing to be angry about, he did walk through the back door.

He was so calm, but anxious Wang Zhi, who had great confidence in him, said that he was too soft and bullied.

Is it too bullying? He turned the pen in his hand and just smiled. He did bully very well in his last life, no matter whether he was in the family or in school, including later in prison, he has not been a tough character, but after being reborn, he was never bullied by anyone.

A summer break made the boys and girls who had just entered high school a little too relaxed and excited.

The first lesson of the new semester is mathematics. Teacher Gao walked into the classroom on the ringing bell and was very dissatisfied with the noisy state of the students. He patted the lecture table with a lesson plan and said in a loud voice: "Noisy, noisy, quiet ! "

The school tyrants are still very good. Seeing the teacher look like he is going to lose his temper, he sits quietly and finds the textbook to open it.

Teacher Gao nodded in satisfaction, and turned straight to write down two questions on the blackboard, turned around and scanned the young faces of the students, slowly said, "In the first lesson, let's find out first. This blackboard's The two questions were on the monthly exam papers of the first month of high school last year. The main test is the knowledge of junior high school. Only one or two of the high school knowledge points are used. You can enter the experimental class to prove that you are learning very well. Hard work and flexible mind. Who wants to try these two questions first? "2k novel reading network

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