MTL - Guardian (Bu Hui Xia Qi)-Chapter 17 buying clothes

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The next day was a cool breeze ... on a cloudy day.

Yu Shulin got up and washed up early, put some papers and exercise books made during this time into the backpack, thought about it, and put the passbook in it.

Liang Zhou was already sitting and reading the newspaper in the living room. He glanced at Yu Shulin walking downstairs, frowning, and said, "It's changed, the temperature may drop, and you can change your long sleeves upstairs."

Aunt Liu came out and called them for breakfast, and she smiled when she heard the words: "The young master will also care about people, that's good."

Liang Zhou stood up and paused. He quietly retracted his hand ready to reach Yu Shulin's backpack and walked towards the restaurant: "Aunt Liu, pack up your umbrella, it will probably be used later."

Aunt Liu went away with a smile.

Yu Shulin put his backpack on the sofa and followed Liang Zhou toward the restaurant, explaining: "There are short sleeves in the closet, no long sleeves were found."

Liang Zhou frowned even more, somewhat annoyed at his carelessness, and after sitting down at the table, he said, "I'll go and buy clothes first."

Yu Shulin nodded smartly.

After having breakfast, Liang Zhou went back to the room for a while, and when he came out again, the style changed suddenly.

Cluttered hair, casual and lively T-shirts, camouflage-style overalls, color-blocked sneakers ... and exaggerated black-frame glasses.

...... It feels like the whole person is ten years younger.

"Brother?" Yu Shulin was stupid, just out of the house, what was this?

"Pretend to avoid trouble." Liang Zhou dragged the decorative skull necklace on his neck, put on his wristband and broadband watch, and finally satisfied, said, "Let's go."

Liang Zhou dressed like this is really ... very dazzling, Yu Shulin looked dumbfounded. It usually looks just a cold expression. Against the background of that messy hair, with a more arrogant taste in white, and frowning again, the breath of "mastery mastery is not easy to mess with" can hardly be covered. .

"What's wrong?" Liang Zhou threw a piece of clothes in his hand into Yu Shulin's arms, and stretched his fingers to flick his mind: "What's the matter?"

The effect is even more amazing when viewed from a close distance. Yu Shulin opened his mouth and boasted, "You are so handsome ..."

Liang Zhou's eyes fluttered strangely, and he reached out and rubbed his hair, and took the lead in going out: "Follow me."

"These clothes ..."

"For you."


"It's been a long time since I saw the young master dressed up ..." Aunt Liu watched the two men drive out of the villa area with emotion.

He Bo watched the car drive away, Wen Yan nodded, and turned towards the house. To be precise, since the old master was seriously ill, the young master has never worn such a lively color.

Liang Zhou drove directly to the mall, looked at the floor guide, and entered the elevator and pressed the third floor.

When he got out of the elevator, he took out the glasses in his pocket and put on them. After thinking about it, he took Yu Shulin's hand and whispered: "If someone will talk to you, ignore it, you know?"

Yu Shulin nodded, focusing on his right hand. Liang Zhou's hands are very large, and his palms are dry and warm, so that he can hold almost all the palms of his hands in such a casual grip.

It feels strange.

The mall they came to was considered to be relatively high-end. At this time, it was also morning. The entire third floor was empty. At a glance, there were more shopping guides than customers. Liang Zhou's appearance is too eye-catching, walking all the way, harvesting countless waves of shopping guide ladies. Yu Shulin was not used to being the center of attention of the crowd, and her walking posture was a little stiff.

The feeling of being filled with palms was very fresh and comfortable. Liang Zhou was in a good mood. His eyes roughly swept through the clothing styles in each store, and he led Yu Shulin into a warmly decorated store on the right.

"Welcome." The shopping guide lady stepped forward with a smile, and her eyes looking at Liang Zhou were almost green. "There are a few new autumn models in the store today, which is very suitable for this customer around you, you ..."

"On this one and this one, give him a try." Liang Zhou interrupted her introduction, pointed directly to the two clothes hanging in the middle of the shop, and said.

The shopping guide paused, and nodded and smiled: "Okay, wait a minute."

Yu Shulin took the clothes into the locker room, Liang Zhou walked around the store at will, and pointed out a few clothes for the shopping guide lady to send to the locker room. After a lap of shopping, he ignored the other people in the shop, and sat down on the sofa to provide guests with a rest, looking down at his palms-no, it is still too thin, Brother Liang, who has not been in office for a long time, thinks that his brother Raise a high fat point.

"That, sir."

He turned back, looking up expressionlessly, looking at the blushing shopping guide standing in front of himself, raising an eyebrow, "Is something wrong?"

"It's okay, no, it's okay. I just want to ask, are you ... Mr. Liang Zhou ...?" The shopping guide was more nervous with his cold eyes, stuttering.

"No." He denied it decisively, raised his hand and flicked his hair, his lips slightly hooked, and his expression suddenly turned wicked: "A lot of people say that he looks like me, is it really like it?"

The shopping guide was looked at by him with squinting eyes. His face, which was just reddish, turned red instantly, his mouth slightly opened, and he shook his head vigorously: "No, nothing at all." After covering the small heart that was beating, he floated back. At the counter, talked to other excited shopping guides.

Liang Zhou watched her leave, her head bowed, the evil smile on her face disappeared, her face paralyzed, and she continued to look at her palm.

After changing clothes, Yu Shulin immediately noticed the strange atmosphere inside the shop. She looked at Liang Zhou who was approaching with some confusion, and asked silently: Was it found?

Liang Zhou shook his head, looked him up and down, and said with satisfaction: "Yes, this suit is needed, just dress like this."

Yu Shulin turned to look in the mirror, and also thought it was a good one, so he nodded, took out his backpack from the locker room, and was ready to pay at the counter.

"What are you doing?" Liang Zhou frowned at the wallet he took out.

"Pay, pay the bill ..." He replied with a guilty constriction, silently tightening his wallet. He knew Liang Zhou was good to him, but it was precisely because Liang Zhou was good to him that he didn't want Liang Zhou to spend money on him anymore.

Liang Zhou became black, grabbed his wallet and threw it back into his backpack, and dragged him towards the counter: "Don't spend the money your mother left you, I will support you later."


"My brother has a younger brother.

The gripped hands were warm, Yu Shulin looked up at his side, blinked, pulled his backpack tightly, and smiled: "Huh."

The two bought clothes quickly and left before long.

The shopping guide lady watched them walk into the elevator with a cheeky face, holding a big face: "Although not Liang Zhou, but ... so handsome! His brother is so handsome!"

Her companion was puzzled, "Isn't it really Liang Zhou? It looks like ..."

"Ah, definitely not, Liang Zhou is the kind of indifferent gentleman. This guest is handsome and handsome. What does it look like?" The shopping guide retorted, completely forgetting who was the first to doubt.

The companion rolled his eyes: "Another cancer is not saved."

It was half past ten when leaving the mall, Liang Zhou drove to buy some gifts, and when they drove to their destination, it was just lunch time. Liang Zhou didn't care if he came home at lunch time, and led Yu Shulin into the unit building.

The boy with a round face opened the door and was very cute.

"You look for—" The smile on his face was replaced by shock when he saw Liang Zhou, and his eyes were round and he saw his feet from his head, and then his head from his feet. Finally, he was angry with Dan Tian and yelled: "Duan, Fly, Don! "

"Rabbit, what did you do at noon, who's here?" A full-bodied voice came from the room, getting closer.

Liang Zhou looked at the person blankly, took off his glasses, and nodded: "Mr. Gao, it's been a long time."

"Liang, Liang Zhou?" The gray-haired man, about sixty years old, stared, his face was very similar to that of the young man. He also looked up and down Liang Zhou, and finally drank and said, "Thanks for your return Remember me, old man, don't roll in yet! "2k novel reading network

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