MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 5

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The indescribable Esdes.


That's it.

Although Esdes's intelligent system told Esdes that this axe has extremely limited improvement in combat effectiveness, the words Liu Ye said were completely difficult for a strong clone.

But fortunately, the clone did not have human emotions such as complaining. Since Liu Ye, the master, ordered it, Esdes just needs to obey.

So, the cold Esdes, carrying the axe of willow leaves, went to the sea.

Of course, Willow Ye will not let Esdes set off a 'bloody storm' in Cocoa West Village.

According to the strengthening method of the clone, if the clone wants to quickly upgrade and become stronger, it must fight, and the location of the battle must not be placed in the peaceful village of Coco Yaxi Village.

In any case, the clone will not really die, even if it is a dangerous sea, there is no need to worry about it.

"Ding! The host has achieved an achievement: don't treat the clone as a human being."

"What? Can you still get achievements?" Liu Ye asked in surprise, "Is there any achievement rewards?"

"not at all!"

"Did you remind a chicken?" Liu Ye said in dissatisfaction.

Then, with a dejected expression, he turned to experiment with the thundering ability that usurped Yu Anilu.

Although it is only the initial thundering ability.

However, Liu Ye has seen the use of thunder and lightning countless times in the plot, and even with the help of the convenience of the Internet in the 21st century, through the brain holes of netizens, I know more about the use of thunder and lightning.

For example, if lightning is combined with negative oxygen ions in the air, it can form a powerful thunderstorm cloud, which can bring down thunderstorms that destroy the sky and the earth. Compared with manipulating the magnetic field and changing directions, it has the ability to control the magnetic force and gravity.

It's one thing to know how to do it, but another to use it.

Just as everyone on earth knows that eating less and exercising more can help you lose weight, and you can master English proficiently by reciting twenty English words every day for a year, but very few people can really lose weight and master English proficiently.

It's all said and done.

In order to really use the ability of the Thunder Fruit to that extent, in addition to the amount of lightning that exceeds 100 million volts, it also requires precise control over the lightning, both of which are indispensable.

As for the current willow leaves.


Under the raging thunder and lightning.

There are several black marks on the sandy beach along the coast.

Feeling the extremely rude characteristics of Xianglei, Liu Ye couldn't help showing a wry smile.

It was still too simple to think.

Not to mention that Liu Ye estimates that his current discharge capacity is at best one million volts. Just controlling the output of lightning will almost kill Liu Ye.

Lei is the most powerful and unruly force in the world!

Its power surpasses flames, surpasses all natural elements that people can understand, and nature is also the most difficult to tame.

Liu Ye didn't know how Anilu used the Thunder Fruit to that extent, but for now, Liu Ye couldn't control the power of the thunder, let alone the shape of the thunder, and could only do simple discharge and Elementalized.

As for the God's Judgment and Thunderbird Thunder Beast Thunder Dragon teleportation performed by Anilu in the plot, none of them can be done, not to mention the Thunder God as a nirvana.

"There are two ways to enhance the power of the thunder. One is to absorb the natural thunder and increase the maximum output volts of the thunder! The second is to continuously use the thunder to increase the power of the thunder."

"It's just a more detailed control of the thunder, but there is no shortcut, and I can only rely on myself to practice hard."

Chapter 6 The Adventures of Esdes!!

Turn on the system to create the joy of Esdes, and with the discovery of these two facts, it instantly disappeared without a trace.

I thought that I, who had acquired the ability of Anilu, would at least have the strength to travel the great route, but I never imagined that reality would give me such a cruel blow.

With this kind of strength, let alone the great sea route, even in the East China Sea, I am afraid there is a possibility of overturning!

You must know that Zoro in the plot is still able to stand up against the ten million volt discharge of Anilu. With a mere one million volt discharge, I am afraid that he can only give the other party an electrotherapy.

Sure enough, it is still necessary to develop in a low-key manner, and low-key development is the kingly way.

Before truly mastering the thunder ability and gaining strength comparable to Anilu...

Do not! To be on the safe side, it should be before gaining a strength comparable to that of a general! Liu Ye decided that she must stay by Bermel's side and be a dutiful son!

As for going out and taking risks, it's enough to have a clone. Anyway, the clone is not afraid of death.

"Besides, I am the owner of the clone system! As long as my brain is not ill, why should I fight others head-on in person?"

"What's more, according to the rules of the system, my strength is basically impossible to be much stronger than my body. In this case, it doesn't make much sense for me to do it myself. It's enough to have a clone. In case of any unexpected situation, I'm not going to face danger.

"That's right! Personal force shouldn't be my specialty, but avatar is my most important strength! As for myself, as long as I stay in Cocoa West Village, no one can move me~!"

Liu Ye, who quickly found a reason for herself, immediately became confident.

Then, a day of thunder was placed on the calm beach. Until night fell, the light of the thunder and lightning was a little too conspicuous, and Liu Ye returned home with no end in sight.


Then, it was blocked by Bellmer who was holding a frying pan!

"Liu Ye! Where have you been all day?!"

"It's too much, do you know how worried Nami and Nokigao are about you?"

Bellmer shouted loudly at Liu Ye, who looked 'dusty and plain'.

In the face of Belmer's reprimand.

Liu Ye, without hesitation, buried his head in his neckline and started the 'pretend to be an ostrich' method.

But today's Bellmaier is clearly angry.

In the past, the reprimands that would have ended after a few words of training turned out to be unexpectedly long-lasting today, and Bellmer was particularly puzzled until Nami and Nuoqigao showed their two little heads from the door.

At the critical moment, the good sister Nuo Qigao stood up and helped Liu Ye weakly.

"Belmel, don't blame Brother Liuye anymore, he must know he is wrong, and he will not run out for so long next time without saying a word." He said.

Nuoqi looked at the ostrich-shaped Liuye and asked, "Is that right? Brother Liuye?"