MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 318

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But even that Luffy and the curly-browed cook, Sanji, couldn't even make a move in the hands of this man who claimed to be Nami's older brother!

"Do you still want to be the Pirate King? Don't be ridiculous, a weakling like you is not even qualified to enter the great route."

Of course, Liu Ye, who could hear Zoro and Usopp's thoughts, but didn't care, kicked Luffy one after another.

This is no ordinary kick. The seemingly useless leather shoes are filled with the domineering armament of Luffy who can hit every time he attacks! From the first kick, Luffy has lost the ability to resist, and every subsequent kick, Luffy's head is bleeding and screaming! No one will doubt the possibility that the future One Piece will die in this fight.

Sauron, who finally couldn't stand it any longer, endured the pain and roared towards Liu Ye.

Usopp, who was just about to stop Zoro's impulse, suddenly widened his eyes.

Because at the moment Zoro rushed out! The figure of Liu Ye, who was beating Luffy violently in front of Luffy just a moment ago, unexpectedly appeared behind Zoro! With the golden stick in his hand raised high, Sauron, who had no time to turn around, could only stare at the golden stick in Liu Ye's hand! Then, only hearing a muffled sound of 'bang~', Zoro's entire head was immediately stained red with blood.

Not a level of existence at all.

Although Liu Ye's strongest thundering ability was completely defeated by Luffy, whether it is physical skills or domineering, Liu Ye is still crushed in all aspects. At this moment, he is just a fledgling Luffy! Even if Luffy has Sanji and Zoro to assist him, under Liu Ye's strong heart, he can't pose any threat to Liu Ye at all.

But beating Luffy violently doesn't make any sense at all.

Because no matter how badly he was beaten by Liu Ye, even if his consciousness was about to be dissipated by Liu Ye, Luffy still did not let go in the slightest, and he was determined to take Nami away.

And at this moment, Liu Ye's heart net also sensed the closeness of Nami and Bellmer's voices.

No way, Liu Ye had no choice but to put down Luffy who had been beaten by him and lost half of his life, snorted coldly, his body turned into lightning, and instantly disappeared from the murder scene.

That guy Nami was smart, knowing that Liu Ye wouldn't necessarily give face to her sister, he actually chose to pull Belmer to stop him.

Otherwise, Liu Ye 100 would be able to give Luffy a few more ruthless attempts, so that Luffy could weigh the consequences of abducting Nami!


East China Sea.

"Master Liu Ye."

Look at the thunder and lightning that suddenly rushes out in front of you.

The crew members, who had already seen nothing strange, saluted to Thunderbolt one after another.

And that is, the moment they saluted, the thunder and lightning that appeared quickly solidified into the appearance of willow leaves.

"Let's go." He nodded slightly, signaling all the crew members to raise their heads.

There was no fluctuation in Liu Ye's tone: "It's time to set off after procrastinating for so long."

"To the Great Airway!"


That's right.

As early as the beginning of the year, Liu Ye, who realized that the time had come, had already made a decision with Sebastian and a group of avatars to officially connect all the avatars in the world with the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce as the main body!

Although Liu Ye has been delayed in the East China Sea because of Luffy and Nami's affairs.

But in fact, on the great route at this moment, the tentacles belonging to the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce have already begun to extend on all the routes of the great route! So far, I've made contact with Gilgamesh's Uruk kingdom and Broly in the first half of the Great Route!

Chapter 329 Golden Phone Bug and Silver Phone Bug!!

Great route! Uruk Kingdom! !

This is an eight hundred years since the establishment of the world government! The whole great route, and even the super kingdom that the whole world has never been born with!

The land area is 8.6 million square kilometers!

The national population exceeds 300 million! The number of troops maintained on the bright side alone is as large as two million! The battleship, culture, and financial resources are all extremely powerful, which can be called the best in the world! Even compared to the Kingdom of Giants, it is not much less.

And among the member states of the World Government, the Uruk Kingdom is undoubtedly the strongest! Even the world government would not dare to act rashly in the face of this behemoth.

Especially the pirates! Even if the world is in such a chaotic state, no pirate dares to enter the waters of the Uruk Kingdom without authorization. They are as arrogant as the four emperors, and they will show a solemn expression when they hear the three names of Uruk! Uruk Kingdom, also known as the tomb of pirates!

Thanks to this, the glorious city of world entertainment, the golden capital of Tezolo, is located within the confines of the kingdom of Uruk! !

And as this man who is not so much a kingdom, but an emperor of a super empire! The blond man known as the 'demi-god' Gilgamesh just lay half-heartedly on the golden throne, squinting at the smiling tuxedo man below, his mouth slightly raised: "Finally, Are you going to start?!"

"Hahahaha, this king can't wait! Sebastian, your army of 500,000 people should be ready already, right?"

"You know, even that loner Broly has made some ten warriors. Don't let the fighting clones look down on a management guy like you."


East China Sea.

The union of the world's strongest kingdom, the world's strongest chamber of commerce, and the world's strongest Shichibukai is bound to be earth-shattering! It will also inevitably require a long contact and running-in.

Not to mention, the union of Uruk, the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce and Broly is just the beginning. In the follow-up, the clones of Willow Ye distributed all over the world will continue to lead their subordinates to join this huge and extremely large group. In the power! In addition to the pirates, the navy, and the advance city, even the revolutionary army and CP will have a considerable part in it.

Estimated from the forces reported by the many clones, after the gathering of the clones, the conservative force can reach three million! and! All are the elite among the elite, and the kind that drags them to the top of the war alone is not false.

To tell the truth, in the eyes of Liu Ye today, even a pirate group with a size of tens of thousands of people like the Four Emperors is no different from playing a family. Not to mention a mere 5,000-year-old Crick, who dares to jump in front of Liu Ye is simply tired of living.

"So, that's why you came to be my guest 々¨?"

There were two cigars in the corners of his mouth.

Colonel of the Navy Headquarters! Even in the New World, the famous 'White Hunter' Smog squinted at the harmless-looking man in a suit in front of him, but he couldn't bring up the slightest joking interest in his heart!

no way!

The name of the other party is really too famous!

The third-in-command of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce! In terms of actual rights, in the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, the person with absolute power second only to President Sebastian - Liu Ye, Director of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce!

Actually, because he killed a pirate with a mere 20 million bounty, he went to himself to ask for credit?

What a joke! !

Smoker is not the kind of frog in the well that is immersed in false power like Klick!

Smog, who was dispatched from the G5 to the locality, who wanted to make a big event that did not fall into the G5's prestige, came to the East China Sea with great ambitions at first!

But it was not until he took root in the East China Sea that Smog knew that he was still too naive!

On the surface, the East China Sea is worthy of the name of the Sea of ​​Peace. The pirates with the highest bounty in the entire sea are not more than 20 million bery, and those who pass through Rogge Town are even more interested in doing things. Trash fish that can't even rise.

Unfortunately, this is just an appearance!

Under an accidental opportunity, Smaller discovered that hidden under the surface of everything was fine, a behemoth that was extremely terrifying, so terrifying that even a character like Smaller felt powerless!