MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 313

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Just like with Akin, at Crick's prayer, Sanji also prepared food for Crick.

Just when Ah Jin was grateful to Sanji.

Klick, who was full of food and drink, instantly recovered his nature as a pirate!

He was a sneak attack first, knocking over the unsuspecting curly chef Sanji.

Then a shot wounded his subordinate, Akin, who was trying to stop him. Amidst the screams of Bharati, he slowly got up.

"Our ship is in dire straits, and we are in need of a new one, so after your work is done, please get off the ship." He looked at the burly cooks in front of him.

After eating and drinking, Klick, who had recovered his strength, said this as a matter of course.

"What.. what?" The pirate chefs who didn't expect Klick to turn his face so quickly.

"Leader Crick, this is different from what we said." Arkin, who was lying on the ground, immediately understood Crick's intention and said immediately.

However, Klick completely ignored Akin's meaning.

He just pointed to the pirate ship behind him and said calmly: "There are about 100 subordinates alive on my ship now, all of them are hungry and seriously injured. First, prepare me food and food for 100 people. Water, someone has starved to death, bring it here immediately!"

"Knowing that pirates will attack this ship, you still want us to help them? I refuse!" a chef said loudly.

"Rejection?" Klick smiled: "Don't make a mistake, I'm not ordering food, but ordering you, no one is allowed to rebel against this uncle!"

At the end of the sentence, Klick was already looking crazy, almost roaring! As the strongest pirate in the East China Sea, the aura of the pirate was fully opened, and the expressions of the employees of the entire sea restaurant Balati changed greatly.

Akin hugged the injured shoulder with a look of guilt, and said to the bleeding Sanji: "Yes... I'm sorry Mr. Sanji, I don't want this..."

"Bastard, look at what you've done!" A cook yelled at Sanji.

If he hadn't given Klick food, how could he be in such a dangerous situation?

But Sanji didn't regret it.

He just looked at Ah Jin, who was crying bitterly on the ground, suddenly got up from the ground, turned around and walked towards the kitchen.

"Hey Sanji, where are you going?" the cook who blamed Sanji just now asked quickly.

"Kitchen, we still have to prepare food for 100 people." He wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth.

Sanji 100 of course.

"What did you say?" Everyone in the restaurant exclaimed.

What a joke!

This guy Crick is going to rob their boat! Already the enemy! Why make food for the enemy?

Feed the enemy and come to grab your own ship?

However, Sanji's footsteps did not stop at all.

Even though the chefs have taken out 'weapons' to stop Sanji, after Sanji said "I'm a chef", the restaurant's boss, the legendary 'great pirate' who once entered the great route - Tetsu Pop, finally spoke up!

"Just do as Sanji said."

"Boss Zapp?"

"Don't forget, what we are!" Zapp shouted solemnly.

After a brief silence, a pirate chef took the lead in realizing something and joined the ranks of helping Sanji.

Seeing this, the rest of the cooks, although swearing, still joined the ranks of "this stupid thing" to provide food for their enemies!

"Really, it's crazy!"

Nami, who was watching all this, was speechless.

That guy is the great pirate Klick! It seems that we need to find a way to escape as soon as possible.

But before that, the voyage diary of the Great Route? Really good stuff! I really want to get it.

Chapter 324 Are all pirates so inflated now!!

Just when Bharati was in a mess.

In the waters outside the sea restaurant, a luxurious and comfortable huge ship hovered quietly on the sea. A group of soldiers who were strong and determined, more like an army than a sailor, guarded around the edge of the ship. A man in a decent suit and sunglasses was firmly guarding the center.

"Director, in front is the Sea Restaurant - Bharati."

Soldiers in sanitation.

The bearded man dressed as the captain said respectfully.

"Where's Hawkeye?" The man in the suit.

That is, Liu Ye, who was chasing after Eagle Eye, looked up at the dazzling sunlight above his head, and then asked.

"Looks like it's parked outside Bharati."

"Haha, worthy of being the strongest swordsman in the world, he turned a blind eye to our tracking." Liu Ye smiled: "But this also saves me a lot of trouble, um, don't make a big deal, arrange a boat for me, I Just go there alone."

"Ah? But your safety..." The captain was caught off guard.

"Don't worry, even if it's Qiwuhai, it's impossible to mess around in a place like the East China Sea." He comforted the captain with a casual smile.

Liu Ye's thoughts moved, and the full-level heart was swept out like a tide in an instant.


The farce between Crick and the Barati cooks, with the appearance of Hawkeye, soon fell into a dead silence..

Although the East China Sea is the most peaceful sea in the world.

Although the East China Sea is suppressed by transcendental forces such as the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce.

Although there are so many though..

However, the mighty big pirates such as the King's Qiwuhai and the Four Emperors still exist like thunder in this world!

What's more, the one who appeared in front of them was the most famous swordsman in the world among the Seven Martial Seas under the King!

The whole restaurant was shocked and numb.

And as the provocateur, Klick was even more shocked and angry! Because he was so embarrassed to return from the great route of failure, and it was no one else, but the mysterious swordsman in front of him, who was alone and alone!

At his peak, Klick was an Admiral of the East China Sea with fifty ships and five thousand younger brothers serving for him! It has not been defeated in the East China Sea for several years, and even the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce is not 'in the eyes'!