MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 301

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Training speed: D

Abilities: Demon blood (cannot be upgraded), Eye of the Emperor (advanced), Guardian (advanced), Blood Hunting, Weapon Master, Taijutsu, Housekeeping Expert.

[Clone: ​​Izayoi Sakuya

Level: 15

Experience: 0/100

Strength: A

Physique: A

Agility: B

Will: B

Training speed: D

Abilities: God of Time (cannot be improved), Titan blood (advanced: every 1 attribute point used can increase 2-level attribute, 80% immunity to elemental damage, 40% immunity to physical damage), divinity (cannot be improved)]

[Clone: ​​Gilgamesh

Level: 20

Experience: 0/?

Normal Skill Points: 2

Strength: D+........,

Physique: C

Agility: A-

Will: A

Training speed: S-

Abilities: Son of the Wind (perfect), Treasure of the King (cannot be upgraded), Blossom of the Brave (All the body except the heels bear the blessing of immortality given by the goddess Thetis, nullifying all attacks. But once attacked If you hit the bare feet, you will be killed immediately no matter what the injury is, and this ability is invalid when facing an opponent whose highest attribute is higher than your own), roar! The Sword of Heaven and Earth Breaking (Summons the sword that breaks the world and sends out a large-scale slashing attack with its highest attribute +3 power (maximum S+)! This attack causes 10 times the destructive power to buildings and inanimate objects. This sword can only be used 3 times.)】

[Clone: ​​Chrollo Rusilu

Faction: Captain of the Phantom Pirates (with a bounty of 550 million Berries)

Level: 15

Experience: 460/60000

Strength: B+

Physique: B+

Agility: A

Will: A-

Training speed: B+

Abilities: Rogue's Secret Skill, Magic Hand (primary), Berserk (temporarily increase the will of level 3 for 3 minutes, and reduce the will attribute of level 3 for 30 minutes after the duration expires), super intuition (has a strong intuition, when making Before the action, there is a certain probability of being able to predict the good or bad of the action), Small Universe (from Saint Seiya, can explode its own potential, all attributes +1 in a short period of time), monster growth (every 3 levels increase an additional random attribute by 1 point) ), Ascension to God Long Rank (from the League of Legends Judgment Angel, when the clone is at level 6, 11, and 16, respectively, the clone is given extra attributes and special energy properties), Taishu genius (In the practice of Taishu, an additional level 3 is granted Cultivation speed attribute)]

[Clone: ​​Tornado

Faction: Deputy Captain of Phantom 3.2 Shadow Pirates (400 million bounty)

Level: Level 15

Experience: 3552/60000

Strength: C-

Physique: B

Agility :D

Will: A+

Training speed: C+

Ability: Psychodynamic (you can use your thoughts to manipulate matter, launch attacks or defenses, the power is related to the level of psychic power and will), mental imbalance (when using attribute points to increase the will attribute, 1 attribute point can increase the will attribute by 2 points, Will attribute is invalid when it exceeds A+ level), super vision (giving the clone extraordinary vision, allowing the clone to see the scene within 100 kilometers without obstacles), delicate (strength attribute -1, training speed +3) , the third dimension (pulling the target whose willpower is lower than itself into the alien space, in the alien space, the tornado can turn the mental power into all energy)]

[Clone: ​​Elsa Shukaletto

Level: 0

Experience: 0/100

Power :D

Physique: D

Agility :D

Will :D

Training speed: D

Abilities: Dressing Magic (primary), Solar Calendar Stone (cannot be upgraded), Master of Raiders (cannot be upgraded)]

Chapter 314 The Phantom Pirates Disband!!

Although the status of bounty hunters on the sea is just a group of hyenas smelling rotten flesh, there is no style at all.

But when the hyenas come together and form a huge group! Even a lion must look at him under this power!

Not to mention, in this group of hyenas, there is a particularly terrifying red dragon!

Others may not know it, but the Five Old Stars in the World Government, as well as the senior navy officers who participated in the siege and suppression of the Red Dragon Knight, are very clear! The so-called 'Knight King' Arturia Pendragon, without a doubt, is the very evil person who escaped in the East China Sea more than two years ago and once caused the chaos of the Red Dragon Moon - Hong Dragon Knight!

This is a super monster that can't even match the carelessness of Kiaburu! Even if you exclude the bounty hunter guild that has reached tens of thousands of people, the Red Dragon Knight alone is already a decisive force!

Fortunately, this force is now standing in the 'justice' camp 17!

"This is the age of bounty hunters!"

On the scene where the Bounty Hunters Guild was established.

To the media and cameras around the world, Hammond made such a declaration to the world!

Read The Duke's Passion