MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 3

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Liu Ye's thoughts moved, only to hear the sound of a gashapon rolling, and a fireworks exploded in front of Liu Ye in an instant.

"Ding! Congratulations, you got the designated replacement card - Anilu!"

"Designated to replace Ka Anilu: After using this card, you will gain all the abilities of the character 'Anilu', but the character Anilu will also disappear from this world."

The system's cute voice rang in Liu Ye's ears.

Also displayed in front of Liu Ye is a card depicting a certain long-eared monster with thunder and lightning all over his body.

"Are you specifying a replacement card?" Seeing the familiar figure on this card.

In Liu Ye's heart, it was inevitable that he was a little tangled.

In this world, I am afraid that no one can refuse Enel's ability!

That was the one who was once designated as the strongest fruit with the ability of the Thunder Fruit! Possessing unparalleled speed and power as well as a variety of peculiar abilities related to thunder and lightning, the only ones in the world that can compare with them are Blackbeard's Dark Fruit and Whitebeard's Earthquake Fruit!

But if this card is used, Anilu will be erased directly because of the effect of the card..

To exchange a person's life for ability, this had to make Liu Ye hesitate.

But when Liu Ye turned her head and saw Bellmer who was still working hard in the orangery, she remembered Bellmer's tragic end in the plot.

I thought of my two younger sisters, Nami and Nokigao, who could only live in old clothes picked up from the garbage at home!

Liu Ye instantly made up his mind: "It's really funny, how can I now have the capital to talk about morality? It's not a good thing to be around Anilu! Since you are destined to withdraw from the stage of pirate history, it is better to give your ability to Me! I will carry forward the ability to sound thunder!"

"System, use the designated replacement card!"

Accompanied by Liu Ye's voice.

A terrifying roar exploded in Liu Ye's ear.

At the same time, a strange energy poured into Liu Ye's body instantly, and a large number of system prompts quickly sounded in Liu Ye's ears!

"Ding! You used the designated replacement card - Anilu, and you got all the abilities of Anilu!"

"Ding! You have acquired the ability: Thunder Fruit."

"Ding! You have acquired the ability: Black Tech Genius."

"Ding! You have acquired the ability: Heart Net."

"Ding! You have acquired the ability: Fruit Powerhouse."


Anilu's talent is not just as simple as a thundering fruit.

In the plot, in addition to the thundering fruit, Anilu also showed a network of hearts far beyond the scope of the common sense of domineering. Combined with the ability of the thundering fruit, he can even listen to the voices of people on an entire island, and Using this to launch an ultra-long-range attack, there is no difference between a strong one and a real god.

In addition, the motto of the Ark, which can break through the gravity of the world and reach the moon, and the thunder drum behind Enel, which can enhance the power of thunder and store lightning, are all designed by Enel. It can be seen that Enel is in the dark. Technologically quite savvy.

Liu Ye can understand the two abilities of Xinwang and black technology genius.

But what the **** is the ability of a fruit powerhouse? !

"Fruit strongman: The special body structure allows you to survive only by eating fruits, and gives you the special ability to absorb nutrients from fruits and strengthen your body."

In short, the core is that eating fruit can strengthen the body!

"This kind of ability." Thinking of Anilu who was eating apples all the time in the plot.

Liu Ye's face was very exciting: "It's... very unique."

But what's more exciting is yet to come.

"What did you say? All my abilities are the initial value?" Liu Ye was completely uneasy: "Isn't it Enel's replacement card? I replaced Enel, shouldn't I have all of Enel's power directly? ?!"

"Please note the host: the ability of this card is to obtain the ability of the designated object, not the power." The system corrected.


Forcibly hold back the curse that almost blurted out.

Liu Ye quickly calmed down her beating heart and forced her to calm down.

Let's start at the beginning, anyway, this kind of ability to prostitute is better than nothing!

What's more, no matter how it started, it was still thunder! Even Blackbeard, who just got the shaking fruit, can fight against the Warring States period. It can be seen that as long as the fruit has a strong ability, even the initial value can still exert great power!

Besides, your golden finger is a clone! It is not a personal force. At this stage, even the initial thundering ability is completely sufficient.

Thinking of this, Liu Ye quickly set his eyes on the system panel, the clone 1 to be summoned.

Chapter 4 God Axe and Penance!!

"Belmel, I'm a little sick to my stomach.

To Bermel, who works in the orange grove.

Liu Ye said so.

"Ah? It's going to be finished soon." Bellmer heard the words with a helpless expression: "There's no way, then you can go back first."

"Next time I'll help you pick oranges." Liu Ye said.

Then run away.

But Bellmer couldn't find the fact that he didn't even finish picking a basket of oranges while paddling, otherwise he would be severely criticized.

"This willow leaf..." Looking at the back of the willow leaf disappearing into the orange garden in an instant.

Belmer shook his head helplessly.

My adopted son is good everywhere, he is smart and considerate, he can often come up with some novel ideas, and he can always sell oranges at high prices.

It is to have some unrealistic dreams all day long, always thinking of getting ahead, and not willing to work honestly.

Today, it is estimated that I only picked a basket of oranges.


Willow Ye, who didn't know what image he was in Bellmer's heart, walked through the orange grove in the backyard, ignoring the calls of Nokigao and Nami, and trot all the way to the coast.

Then, I can't wait to open the clone system, and I am ready to summon my real golden finger!

"Ding! In order to facilitate the action of the clone, please set the appearance of the clone. Note: Humans only."