MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 264

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Although the third echelon is the third echelon, they are still not to be underestimated with the combat power of the Qiwuhai class. Some pirates with a billion-level bounty may not be their opponents.

In the end, Aizen and Sebastian. Sebastian himself has no strong ability, and Liu Ye's positioning of Sebastian is a management clone, and he rarely shoots in the East China Sea. At that time, neither his level nor his ability had increased. Even so, Sebastian definitely had the strength to kill the lieutenant admiral of the naval headquarters, even stronger than the lieutenant admiral of the slayer level.

But Aizen made Liu Ye completely unable to understand.

For his own think tank, a senior spy who is in the CP who is most trusted by the world's largest force - the world government, Aizen's role is more important than any clone! Liu Ye's avatars were able to develop so smoothly, and almost all depended on Aizen's operation.

Therefore, Liu Ye has never been stingy with Aizen's ability allocation. All the abilities that can be used by Aizen have been bought by Liuye and put on Aizen's body, even including the second piece of collapsing jade!

But Aizen just doesn't improve his strength.

Not only has he rarely participated in battles, he has never even practiced daily, and has always maintained an extremely weak level.

After Liu Ye asked a few questions, he simply gave up the idea of ​​urging Aizen to improve his strength. Maybe Aizen had his own reasons for doing so.

After all, I am in the sensitive department of CP, and it may not be a good thing to be too bright.

At this point, Liu Ye has basically completed the development of all the clones in the past year!


"Mr. Liu Ye."

A respectful greeting made Liu Ye break free from his thoughts about the past year.

The palm of the sun is slowly lowered.

Liu Ye turned her head to look behind her with a determined face, a boy with white hair even though he was a teenager.

He couldn't help but raise his mouth: "Oh, it's Saka!"


In the plot, after Guina's death, he was supposed to go to the Yixin Dojo in Frost Moon Village to learn swordsmanship, and became brothers with Sauron, and then lost an arm because of the adventure with Sauron, and then used the cursed Sage. A kendo genius who fell with the sword of the Seven Stars Sword.

The only difference from the plot is that before Saka entered the Yixin Dojo, Liu Ye, the shopkeeper of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce in Gesa Town, met Saka first, and after a series of exchanges, he returned Saka, who did not have the mentality of learning the sword of justice, decided to become a member of 073 of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce and work under Liu Ye.

But even though he wanted to work under Liu Ye's hands, Liu Ye wasn't so mad that he went to work with an eight-year-old child.

Therefore, although Saka works under Liu Ye in name, he is more often just running errands with Liu Ye.

"I have already explained what you ordered." Saka looked serious.

Although Liu Ye has always regarded Saka as a child.

But Casa doesn't think so. In the face of what Liu Ye explained, he always maintained a very serious sense of mission, which is in stark contrast to the optimistic and active man in the plot: "The Lebra Association of the Xiluobu Chamber of Commerce The president has confirmed that he has reached a cooperation intention with us, and will carry out a series of in-depth cooperation with our branch in the future to build a new trade channel, which is the relevant contract."


Saka handed the document in his hand to Liu Ye's hand.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Liu Ye took the document with a smile.

But he didn't mean to read the document, but put the document directly on the back table and said to Saka: "By the way, Saka, do you remember when I said that I wanted to find a swordsmanship teacher for you? ?"

Chapter 276 Artoria!!

Saka has an extraordinary talent for swordsmanship.

In the plot, he and Sauron are brothers from the same sect, and they went to sea with Sauron to experience. It was not until after an accident that an arm was broken, the two lost contact.

Of course, Saka's talent is valuable, but for Liu Ye, who has a number of unbelievably powerful clones, a Saka is really optional for him. The reason why he kept Saka by his side It's not that I value Saka's talent, but that he appreciates Saka's character and perseverance.

Although Saka in the theatrical version appears as a villain, the power of the cursed holy sword cannot be resisted by human will, and all those who come into contact with the holy sword become extremely evil, even if there is no direct Sauron, who possessed the holy sword, was shaken by this power.

What's more, Saka broke free from the control of the holy sword at the last moment, which is enough to prove that Saka's heart is by no means evil.

Now, Saka is relying on Liu Ye's men. Although Liu Ye doesn't value Saka's power, she doesn't want to waste Saka's own talent.

Therefore, not long after Saka joined Liu Ye, Liu Ye began to look for a good teacher for Saka, and even had the idea of ​​letting Saka learn swordsmanship with Ximen Chuixue.

However, this bold idea was dismissed by Liu Ye because of Ximen Chuixue's special status as a CP. After all, CP is a tool of the world government, and things like recruiting apprentices with strong personal will should not happen to CP, Liu Ye doesn't want to make extra troubles.

As for the master Koushiro in Saka's plot, I have to say that Koushiro is indeed a great swordsman with extraordinary strength in the category of the East China Sea, but in Liu Ye's eyes, Koushiro is not enough to watch.

What he is looking for for Saka should be a truly powerful person who can bring Saka a broader end of kendo!

After months of searching.

And the attention of the clones.

Finally, Liu Ye really let Liu Ye find a big fish!


He looked at the middle-aged blind man who was leaning on crutches and sitting on the sofa in front of him in amazement.

Rao Yisaka was mature and steady, but at this moment he couldn't help revealing his true form: "He... his eyes?"

"As you can see, there is a blind man below."

Waiting for Liu Ye to speak.

The middle-aged man named Yisheng was the first to speak: "Although he is blind, his mind is clearer than the naked eye. Now he is sincerely invited by the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce to teach swordsmanship, and he will spare no effort."

"..." Saka looked blank.

Liu Ye smiled and said, "Treasure Saka, Mr. Yisheng, but I entrusted the president to spend a lot of effort and finally invited the swordsman teacher for you. You must study hard with Mr. Yisheng."


It can also be transliterated as a smile.

Ten years later, the code name is - Admiral "Fujitora"!


To be honest, Willow Ye was also surprised to be able to invite Fujitora, who was a hermit at the moment.

After all, this is the future general, and even now, he has the power to be called a monster.

It can only be said that the energy of today's Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce is too terrifying. After a year of development, the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, which has absorbed almost all the essence of the East China Sea Business Alliance, absorbed, digested and further extended, has now become an annual profit of more than 100 billion shells. The behemoth in it!

This is not the black profit created by Desolona's cheating entertainment city, but a real business empire built up through a large number of industries such as needle and thread, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, daily food and even arms and equipment! According to Clow's statistics, today's Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has as many as 60,000 ordinary employees alone! In the East China Sea alone, there are more than 800 branches and 620 super factories, covering almost every corner of the East China Sea.

And with the development of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce, the trade of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce has begun to spread to the rest of the world! There are branches of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce in the North Sea, South China Sea, and West China Sea! There are also more than 300 branches at the bottom, and the power of such a behemoth is unimaginable.

Read The Duke's Passion