MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 262

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This is also the reason why Gilgamesh's level has risen so quickly. In the frequent wars, the soldiers who died under the rain of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasm can be used by hundreds of thousands! A lot of slaughter and endless battles made Gilgamesh's level speed far surpass all other clones, and he became one of the full-level clones in one fell swoop.

After making such a feat, Gilgamesh suddenly announced last month that he would join the World Government again and become a member of the World Government.

The inner reason is only known to Gilgamesh, Izayoi Sakuya, and Liu Ye. It is nothing more than that Uruk's crazy expansion and aggression have greatly damaged the interests of the countries that joined the World Government. The World Government has already responded to this. In order to avoid direct hostilities with the World Government, Jill. Gamesh decided decisively to put on the vest of the allied countries again.

And this time is different from before.

After a series of wars, Uruk, whose territory has expanded tenfold, needs enough time to settle down and digest these territories, and the 'high' franchise fee for Uruk in the past is now harvested through war. It is no longer a heavy burden to the Kingdom of Uruk, which has benefited greatly.

After the so-called comparison of interests, becoming a member of the world government once again will not only not bring economic pressure to the current Uruk, but will allow Uruk to better digest the results! Even borrowing the platform of the world government to establish trade relations with hundreds of member countries of the world government to ease hostility...

These are the reasons why Gilgamesh is willing to pay the franchise fee, not just succumb to the threat of force from the world government!

Chapter 273 Avatar Strength Ranking!!

On the other hand, Yifang Tongtong in the West Sea is also constantly strengthening its dominance as the hegemon of the underground world of the West Sea.

A year ago, although Accelerator relied on Broly to defeat Capone Becky, the former Mafia overlord in the West Sea - and the Capone family behind Capone Becky, but for Accelerator's 'freshness' hair Whether the kid has the strength to rule the Xihai underground world, the entire Xihai underground world is actually full of suspicion and contempt.

What people are afraid of is not Accelerator, the nominal king of the West Sea, but behind Accelerator, who can kill the BIGMOM Pirates single-handedly, and even force BIGMOM to bow his head and admit defeat, known as the **** of Qiwuhai's 'inhibition'. Furious Broly! !

However, with the gradual improvement of Accelerator's ability, Accelerator continued to prove its strength in the West Sea with victory and strength, rumors and rumors in the West Sea, Accelerator's status and prestige were also rapidly established, until the resurrection of Ulquiorra last year. In essence, Accelerator has become the real master of the West Sea Mafia.

But this is insignificant compared to the current Accelerator!

After nearly a year of accumulation and building.

Accelerator's underground empire in the West Sea has expanded dozens of times from the previous mere mafia! The famous underground world boss of Xihai, and the overlord of the dark world from all walks of life, almost nine out of ten have to bow their heads and shout from the heart when they see Accelerator, who seems to be only about sixteen years old. The last sentence 'The Godfather'.

And the tribute that the West Sea operated by Accelerator can bring to Liu Ye has also increased from a few hundred million bellies in the first month to more than 1.5 billion bellies a month today! Almost all the dark industries in the West Sea must share a certain profit and hand it over to the Mafia family now created by Accelerator as a protection fee, otherwise it will not be able to gain a foothold in the West Sea.

All of this stemmed from an underground battle that Yitong Xing launched in December 1508 of the Haiyuan Calendar! Although it is not known to the existence on the bright side, in the underground world, the sensation has not subsided for several months!

It is said that Accelerator has blood-washed several important figures in the underground world, forcing the entire underground world... not only the West Sea, but also the famous king-level existences of the South China Sea, the North Sea, the Great Airway and the New World, and they are not allowed to exist. Don't admit it, just Accelerator and the family behind him already have the strength to be on an equal footing with them.

That is, since then, the identity of Accelerator has made a substantial leap! Now Accelerator not only has a pivotal influence in the West Sea, but even in the world, the name of "Accelerator of the West Sea" is very popular! Even Liu Ye, who is the shopkeeper of the Deep Blue Chamber of Commerce in the East China Sea where the sky is covered by the Dark Blue Chamber of Commerce, has heard Accelerator's name several times while conducting business!

In fact, the current Accelerator has also undergone earth-shaking changes in terms of strength.

[Clone: ​​Accelerator

Level: 19

Faction: Xihai Underground World/Godfather

Experience: 309/100000

Strength: C

Physique: C+

Agility: C-

Will: A+

Training speed: C+

Abilities: Vector Manipulation (Advanced), Stealth (Advanced), Bloodbath (Intermediate), Quantum Storm (Cannot be upgraded), Quantum Computing (Cannot be upgraded), Soul Self-Healing (Cannot be upgraded)

Skill: Fighting (Level 7)]

in the past year.

Accelerator has acquired three new abilities in total, one is called Bloodbath, which has the ability to greatly increase his willpower attribute when he is contaminated with fresh blood, even exceeding the limit of his physique and strength attribute.

The side effect is that the improvement of the will attribute cannot be controlled by humans. Even if the growth of the will has far exceeded the limit that Accelerator can bear, the will attribute brought by the bloodbath will not stop there. Therefore, there is a great possibility for Accelerator. Bring permanent damage or even directly cause Accelerator to die.

Quantum Storm is a state skill. After it is turned on, it can make the huge mind of one's brain collide in the mind to burst into greater power, further enabling the vector manipulation that can only be covered around one's skin in theory, with the ability to distort far At any target or even the power of a large-scale ability riot!

Of course, the price is also extremely terrifying. After the quantum storm ends, Accelerator's thinking will become a mess due to mental collision, and it will become a killing machine that lasts only instinctively.

As a result, the third supporting ability, soul self-healing, came into being.

The function of the soul's self-healing is to speed up the recovery of the avatar's mental power loss, and to allow the avatar to quickly return to normal when the mind is injured, which can greatly improve the side effects of quantum storm and bloodbath, and thus make Accelerator's strength , standing stably enough to rank among the first-class powerhouses! And truly get the recognition of the top overlord of the underground world!

Accelerator's power is extremely terrifying.

But Liu Ye's strongest clone is still standing behind Accelerator, like a mysterious king who exists at the top of the world and cannot be shaken - Broly! !

・・・・ Asking for flowers・・・

[Clone: ​​Broly

Faction: Shichibukai

Level: 20

Experience: 0/?

Common Skill Points: 1

Strength: A

Constitution: S-

Agility: B+

Will: A-

Training speed: A-

Abilities: Domineering Grandmaster (the most advanced ability/cannot be improved), Iron Wall and Iron Wall (top), Iron Dragon Slayer Magic (top), Sin of Pride (Advanced), Durability (Advanced), Physical Strength (Cannot be improved), Madness (cannot be promoted), knights do not die with unarmed (cannot be promoted), hardened skin (cannot be promoted), giant in armor (cannot be promoted)

Skills: Domineering (Level 14), Armed (Level 13), Domineering (Level 12)]

Top-notch iron walls and dragon slaying magic! Let Broly's destructive power and defensive power in the normal state have reached the ranks of the real top powerhouse.


But when Broly entered the state of battle, with the addition of various abilities and the increase of the domineering master, it was called endless domineering with an average level of 13! Let Broly have a terrifying power comparable to that of the One Piece!

But that's still not Broly's limit.

Once again absorbed the sin of jealousy, one of the seven deadly sins, so that the sin of arrogance has been upgraded to a high-level Broly, which not only has the terrifying attribute bonus in the state of the whole day, but also has depression (when fighting, let yourself be full of demons. The restraint ability of fruit ability users, the ability effects and attributes of all devil fruit ability users are reduced by 20%!) Special effects! The further increase in defense and terrifying resilience after incarnating as a giant of armor has made Broly completely surpass the limit of the king level!

This is not just a guess by Liu Ye through the data.

But three months ago, Broly was in a mysterious place, a rare battle that he participated in in response to the call of the world government!