MTL - Great Voyage: the Strongest Clone System-Chapter 260

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Chamber of Commerce local infighting.

Battle of wits and courage with partner chambers of commerce.

There are also the pirate raids that are not open to the eyes, and even the hostility of the gangsters and townspeople in Gesa Town to the Chamber of Commerce.

Liu Ye tried his best not to use his strength to directly solve these problems, but forced himself to solve the problems in front of him by negotiating, taking advantage of the situation, and finding weaknesses.

The effect is very good.

Although these difficulties made Liu Ye jump in a hurry, wishing to summon Lei Ying to sink the entire Gesa town into the seabed, but in the end, Liu Ye successfully resisted it and benefited a lot from it!

Although Liu Ye has never shown his strength in front of others, compared to when he just became the treasurer of Gesa Town, he has already been recognized and respected from the bottom of his heart. Liu Ye's own temperament and vision have also made great progress. At least standing there now, even if he doesn't use his domineering arrogance, he will no longer be regarded as an 'unremarkable' boy.

And the avatar there.

The first thing I have to mention is the growth of the clones.

After nearly a year of adulthood.

Liu Ye has four more clones, who have reached the full level one after another.

They are Broly, Ximen Fuxue, Joan of Arc, and... Gil 3.2 Gamesh! !

So far, a total of eight avatars in Liu Ye have reached the full level, and the other avatars have almost reached level 15 or above, and they have not fallen behind in terms of level.

In addition, the refresh of the avatar store in eleven months also made up for the shortcomings of some of Liuye's avatars, and in the sixth month, Liuye used a cumulative card again, accumulating the third highest level. ability!

The name of the third most advanced ability is - the **** of the end!

The God of Doom: Gives the doppelganger Doomsday power. There are five layers of this divine power, and each time a layer of ultimate divine power is activated, the upper limit of the avatar's level is increased by 2! Open five layers of ultimate power and get ultimate skill point*1. (Final skill point: You can make the specified ability break through to the full level and reach the realm of God)

Chapter 270 The Terrible Phantom Pirates (1)


And it was Liu Ye's sixth avatar, Arturia, who obtained the most advanced ability of the God of Doom!

Although Artoria, who is lurking in the East Sea Kingdom, lacks the opportunity to gain experience in battle, she is also the one who has the most time to develop the ultimate divine power among all the clones under Liu Ye.

Since Arturia got the ability of 'God of Doom', Arturia's God of Doom has developed to the second level of divine power. In addition to raising Arturia's highest level cap to 24, it also All the energy output situations such as the domineering, slashing and even the release of the sword of the Noble Phantasm Vow of Victory, possessed by Artoria, have the characteristics of ultimate divine power.

The final divine power of the second floor, the strength of the blessing of domineering, has reached the domineering strength of Esdes after being blessed by the high-level armament color domineering ability. It is hard to imagine what level of energy intensity of Arturia will reach after the fifth-layer power of the end is fully unlocked. It is conservatively estimated that it can also compete with the 17 domineering quality brought by the domineering master!

Of course, this does not mean that the ultimate divine power is stronger than the domineering master who is also the most advanced ability. The strongest domineering master has never been how powerful it can bring to the clone, but it can give it to the clone. The almost endless potential for improvement in domineering! This is the terrible thing about the domineering master.

That is so far.

The three highest skills, the domineering master, the **** of time, and the **** of the end have already shown extraordinary strength against the sky, but it is a pity that Arturia, who is in the kingdom of Goya, has no chance to make a move. Let Liu Ye have been unable to truly see the power of the ultimate divine power.

However, the time when Arturia left the Goa Kingdom was already close at hand!

Just at the beginning of this year.

The famous four emperors with red hair finally arrived in the East China Sea after more than half a year of dawdling.

And as fate would have it, he stayed in the village called Windmill Village for more than a whole month. When the red hair returned from the East China Sea again, newspapers all over the world reported the big news that the red hair lost an arm in the East China Sea.

This also means that the redhead has completed his bet as in the plot, and passed everything on himself, together with hope and Captain Roger's will, to the real protagonist of the pirate world - Monkey D ·Luffy!

In this regard, Liu Ye held a cold-eyed attitude and did not make any response.

On the other hand, Luffy's grandfather, Garp, was furious, and regardless of the chaos caused by the new world, he resolutely ran back to the East China Sea and taught his grandson a lesson.

It's a pity that the turmoil in the new world made Garp stay in the windmill village even shorter than the plot. Garp didn't have time to correct Luffy's dream of becoming the pirate king after being poisoned by red hair. Next, Luffy can only be entrusted to the bandit Dadan as in the plot.

Now Luffy has become acquainted with Ace and Sabo, and has become the famous three brothers of Golboshan. Even Artoria has met the three brothers several times, and has also trained the three brothers to fight for a period of time. Skill.

And Sabo also seemed to have amnesia, and kept silent about the possibility that Artoria was the 'Red Dragon Knight'.

Of course, even if I mention it, it’s still a white mention. Both Luffy and Ace are extremely obstructed from receiving news from the outside world. Although the Red Dragon Knight is a well-known nightmare in the East China Sea, Ace and Luffy are two The high probability of a thick nerve does not care.

However, the formation of the three brothers also means that the time has come to a key turning point in the plot. It will not be long before the Goya Kingdom burns the indescribable terminal and the events of the Tianlong people visiting the Goya Kingdom will happen as scheduled! And when that is, it is almost the time when Arturia has achieved her mission and can leave Goa Kingdom!

In comparison, Arturia was finally about to be liberated.

The two avatars who are now making waves in the new world are the focus of Liu Ye's current attention.

These two avatars are not any avatars that already have a faction affiliation.

But during this year, Liu Ye upgraded the system and summoned two new clones! !

They are the fourteenth avatars, created by the head of the Phantom Troupe among the full-time hunters - Chrollo Rusilu! And the fifteen avatars created with the second hero in One Punch Man as a template - Tornado!

[Clone: ​​Chrollo Rusilu

Faction: Captain of the Phantom Pirates (with a bounty of 550 million Berries)

Level: 15

Experience: 460/60000

Strength: B+

Physique: B+

Agility: A

Will: A-

Training speed: B+

Ability: Rogue's Secret Skill (can steal the opponent's ability and seal it into the book for your own use, but you need to meet certain conditions to steal and use the opponent's ability), Berserk (temporarily increase the will by level 3, lasts 3 minutes, after the duration ends Reduce the will attribute of level 3, lasts 30 minutes), super intuition (with strong intuition, before taking action, there is a certain probability to be able to predict the good or bad of the action), small universe (from Saint Seiya, can explode its own potential, in short All attributes in time +1), monster 070 growth (add 1 additional random attribute for every 3 levels), ascended to the gods long rank (from the League of Legends Judgment Angel, when the clone is at level 6, level 11, and level 16, respectively, Gives the clone extra attributes and special energy properties), Taishu genius (adds an additional level 3 training speed attribute to the training of Taishu)]

[Clone: ​​Tornado

Faction: Deputy Captain of the Phantom Pirates (400 million bounty)

Level: Level 15

Experience: 3552/60000

Strength: C-

Physique: B

Agility :D

Will: A+