MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 421

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Warring States shouted angrily at the figure pretending to be dead in the ruins.

Now that the Navy Headquarters is in a mess, they have to take action against Gu.

For a while, the four generals with the strength of the emperor attacked Kaido almost at the same time.


Kaido was defeated, and I don't know how many times he fell into the hands of the navy.

the next day!

Regarding the news of the execution of Luffy, the world government turned a blind eye and did not report it at all. Instead, it chose to report the news that the four emperors Kaido was arrested by the navy.

Then after a period of time, it was reported that on the way to **** Kaido, the warship was destroyed by the Kaido pirates from the bottom and sank, Kaido sank into the sea, and was finally rescued from the bottom of the sea by the Kaido pirates Walk.

In short, the meaning of trying to hide the truth, the whole world has seen it clearly, but no one really mentions it without opening their eyes.

And the three brothers Luffy and others have found a deserted island and started repairing it! .

[492] The first real meeting between father and son, Shanks' request.


The revolutionary army who escaped from the prison, the dragon who came to save his son, the three brothers Luffy and Nami, and the pirates of Ace and Sabo are all here.

They fled into the windless belt, and the navy had no way of chasing them.

At this time, the three of Luffy had time to meet the dragon.

This was the first time Luffy met his biological father, although he had learned about it not long ago.

But although I saw it, Lu Fei, a guy who often looks like an idiot, didn't feel anything.

It can even be said that he might not have recognized that the fierce-looking uncle in front of him was actually his biological father.

In his thoughts, he only felt that the dragon was a good person who came to help him.

"Hey, hey, uncle, you are such a good person!"

Lu Fei scratched his head, and thanked the dragon in front of him carelessly.

He didn't regard him as his biological father at all, he just thought of him as a rather fierce looking uncle.

As for Long, he glanced at Lu Fei with a calm expression on his face, nodded his head, and turned his head away slightly.

Although he is calm on the surface, his heart is also full of ups and downs.

After all, it was his biological son, and it was the first time he met face to face, and his heart was throbbing a little.

It's just that he was thinking deeply and didn't show it.


But Lu Fei thanked him with a bright smile on his face, which almost made him fail.

He was a little puzzled in his heart, why his son was not like himself, but more like his grandfather, most of the time he was out of tune.

Thinking about it, the appearance of the short-haired old man who could fall asleep standing up appeared in Long's mind, and he couldn't help shaking his head slightly.

Long looked at his son Lu Fei again, with a lot of thoughts in his mind, and he didn't know where to start. In the end, he just told him: "In the future, be careful!"

After hearing this, Luffy scratched his head, as if he didn't understand the meaning of the dragon's words.

But since it was said by the good man, he could only smile and nod.

"thank you all!"

Then he looked at Ace and Sabo, and also expressed their gratitude.

Although he is not his father, nor is he as close as the old man.

But after all, it was the father of his sworn brother, that is, their uncle, and the two of them immediately became serious.

"Uncle, Luffy is our younger brother. Isn't it natural for the elder brother to save the younger brother?"

After the two of them glanced at Lu Fei, they replied with a light smile. As juniors, their posture was relatively low.

After hearing this, Long just showed a slightly shady smile and waved his hands.

"Okay, I still have a lot of things to deal with, let's go first!"

After Long spoke calmly, he and Ivankov left slowly in the boat.

On the boat, Ivankov and Long stood side by side, looking at the deserted island that was getting smaller and smaller in sight.

"As a comrade in arms of the revolution, you didn't even tell us about having a son. We only found out through TV!"

Ivankov complained that he felt that the dragon just regarded them as outsiders. If Luffy was not about to be executed, they would probably have been kept in the dark for the rest of their lives.

Of course, he only complained a few words, and didn't really blame the dragon.

"That's because I want my child to choose his own life, and I don't want to affect him because of my identity, let alone the revolutionary army!"

Long was silent for a while before slowly opening his mouth and speaking, his gaze was getting farther and farther away.

His identity, as well as his career, are destined to get together with Luffy. Perhaps, let Luffy be independent early and choose his own path, which belongs to Luffy's own life.

"But... alas!"

Ivankov listened to Long's words, and wanted to say something, but in the end, he could only sigh. What Long said was indeed reasonable. As the leader of the Revolutionary Army, he was in a high position, so it was really difficult for him to say something. Complete.

Afterwards, the two gradually walked away while talking.

At the same time, Chambord Island, after experiencing Luffy's attack on the Tianlong people, Chambord Island suddenly became depressed during this period.

Of course, all kinds of criminal activities have dropped to freezing point!

Rip off inside the bar!

Xia Qi smiled and looked at Lei Li and the visitor beside Lei Li.

"Why do you think of me, an old man again, Shanks!"

Rayleigh looked at Shanks, glanced at the missing arm inadvertently, but just glanced at it indistinctly, then looked away without asking any more questions.

"Vice-captain, I have something to ask you this time!"

Shanks smiled and said after finishing a glass of wine in one gulp.


Rayleigh's eyes flashed, "Qian Xun's first start" seemed to know what Shanks asked, and I am afraid that Shanks' visit this time is related to that child.

"That bastard, Luffy, have you seen it this time?"

"I can feel that he has the same qualities as the captain!"

Shanks recalled the character shown on Luffy, and suddenly the two figures in his mind began to overlap slowly.

Obviously Luffy is a little guy, but he was in a trance for a moment.

Shanks' words made Rayleigh's eyes flash, and he picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp.

He also watched the live broadcast of the execution, and the other party's bright smile when facing death really reminded him a lot.

At that moment, he seemed to really see the captain he had followed for half his life, that hearty smile, like, so similar!

But Rayleigh didn't speak, instead he smiled and looked at Shanks.

He knew that Shanks definitely didn't come to him just to say these things.

"Although I didn't expect him to learn the knowledge-colored domineering and armed-colored domineering early on, but the use of it is very ordinary!"

Shanks put down his wine glass, and said slowly, Luffy's talent is better than he imagined, but...

"Also, Luffy has the aptitude of a king, but he hasn't guided it yet!"

"Vice-captain, I hope you can become her master and teach him three-color arrogance!"

"The current him is not strong enough to sail in the new world!"

After he pushed the wine glass to Xia Qi, he went on to say that Lei Li's use of the three-color arrogance can be said to be the pinnacle. If he assists Luffy, Luffy's strength will definitely increase rapidly.

It's just that Shanks wasn't sure if Rayleigh would teach Luffy for his sake.

"You bastard, you will really find work for me, an old man!"

"Now I am just a useless coater."

Raleigh said with some dissatisfaction, but he didn't seem to reject Shanks.

"Then I'm counting on you, deputy captain!"

Shanks didn't care about Rayleigh's words and expression, and said seriously.

"You bastard!"

Reilly shook his head helplessly, picked up his wine glass and took a sip.

"The things here are over, and it's time for me to go."

Shanks' serious expression disappeared, and he laughed and said.

"Although I don't know where Lu Fei is now, I believe that you will be able to find him, the deputy captain, hahahaha."

He laughed, put the hood back on, covered his face, and turned away.

Shanks didn't even know where Luffy was now, but he felt that with Rayleigh's means, it should be easy to find a young man.

"This guy... will embarrass the old man."

Lei Li didn't get up to see them off, but shook his head and said, with a look of anticipation in his eyes.

That is the son of the dragon, and there is also the figure of the old captain, presumably...

On the deserted island, Luffy, who survived the catastrophe, still didn't know about it.

At this time, he, who was seriously injured, and Ace, who was weak in body, were eating and drinking, wrapped in bandages.

As long as there is plenty of food, they can recover quickly.

Especially Luffy, in fact, he had already quietly mastered skills like life return during Garp's devil training when he was a child, so he was able to recover quickly by eating crazy.

Several people slept for a few days and ate for a few days before their bodies recovered well, but Luffy was caught by Akainu after all, and the injury was more serious, so it will take a while to recuperate.

[493] Rayleigh who came to the door

A few days later, Luffy has fully recovered by relying on his abnormal resilience, and he is alive and well again.

If, like in the original book, he broke into the large submarine prison all the way, was seriously injured or even on the verge of death, and then was overdrawn many times to fight, in less than a week, the damage caused by Akainu's arrest before may not be able to recover.

On the deserted island, people have almost left at this time, only Luffy and his group, Ace, Sabo~ two pirate groups are left.

The members of the Whitebeard Pirates who helped Ace scattered back to the New World as early as when they evacuated the Navy Headquarters.

At this time, Ace and Sabo are also preparing to return to the new world.

But when they saw the four of Luffy, their brows were all frowned, and they all had difficulties in how to deal with the four of Luffy.

"Sabo, you usually have a lot of ideas, what can you do?"

Ace felt a headache, looked at Sabo, and asked her opinion. After all, Luffy is his younger brother, and it is impossible for him to ignore it.

If he is captured by the navy again at that time, the problem will be even bigger.

"Do you want to take it to the new world?"

Sabo pursed his lips and asked slowly, he has nothing to do, now the only way to bring Luffy and the others into the new world is feasible.

With Ace and him at that time, Luffy's safety will definitely be guaranteed, and the three of them will also be able to take care of each other.

However, when they looked at Luffy, Luffy shook his head like a rattle.

Read The Duke's Passion