MTL - Great Voyage: Invincible From the Era of Rocks-Chapter 416

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His heart is also complicated. These people were the backbone of the revolutionary army, and now they are gathered on the same stage again to fight side by side.

"Also, it can somewhat increase the possibility of saving Lu Fei!"

However, soon, Long was relieved, he wanted to rescue Luffy the most now, with these people, I am afraid that he would have a better chance of winning sooner.

In the blink of an eye, the situation in front of the headquarters fortress changed several times, which horrified everyone in the world.

"All the navy obeyed the order, and they couldn't bring this group of vicious criminals close to the execution platform!"

"Do your best to completely annihilate them here, for the sake of the world, for justice, and cut off these cancerous tumors!"

On the execution platform, Zhan Guo raised his arms and shouted loudly.


There were echoes one after another, and the solemn expression of the navy side revealed the determination and passion.

On Ace's side, Ace also shouted in a deep voice: "Little ones, save my brother Luffy and let the navy know how strong we are!"

He raised his right hand vigorously, and his voice echoed in the ears of every pirate.

The pirates were also excited immediately. They brandished their weapons and roared in response to Ace.

But those criminals were a little dissatisfied with Ace's words, curled their mouths, and rushed towards the execution platform instead of listening to Ace's words, but scattered towards the waiting navy, their faces full of killing intent.

[486] Unexpected reinforcements, members of the Whitebeard Pirates who came voluntarily

Ace and Sabo, as the emperor's lieutenants, are quasi-general-level powerhouses, and their strength should not be underestimated.

They are quite proficient in the application of domineering, and when the two join forces, it is as if they have entered the land of no one.



Ace knocked out more than a dozen marine soldiers with one punch, and ordinary people couldn't stop the attacks of Ace and Sabo.

However, a steady stream of marines rushed over, and once the two attacked, they would be quickly focused on fire.

Ace and Sabo are too dazzling on this battlefield, no matter how many naval soldiers they repel, it is still useless!



The navy soldiers waved their knives and surrounded them again, trying to stop their progress.

But without the strength of a lieutenant general to start, they are completely vulnerable in front of them.

Soon, strong men like them were targeted by the lieutenant generals in the navy.

Lieutenant generals came to them one after another, but Ace and Sabo were not the only two.

There are many lieutenant generals, but Ace and his partners, as well as the criminals they brought, are also numerous.

Their partners and criminals also stepped up, and a frenzied battle broke out between the two sides.

Although the criminals did not come here to help Ace and the two save Luffy, if the two really succeeded in saving Luffy, the navy would undoubtedly lose face.

And this is what the criminals who are bent on revenge want to see most. They don't want to lose the Navy's face all the time, and now is just a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Without the hindrance of the vice admiral, the other miscellaneous soldiers could not stop the two of Ace at all, and the two of them approached the execution platform like a bamboo.

Seeing that they were about to climb up to the execution platform, Zhan Guo's face darkened when he saw this scene, and his fists were slightly clenched, as if they might explode at any time.

The red dog and the yellow ape below couldn't sit still for a while. Although the yellow ape still wanted to continue fishing, the form no longer allowed it.

And Akainu was excited in his heart, mixed with a strong killing intent. It was a good time. He was staring at Ace at this time. Obviously, Akainu had already known Ace's true identity.

Like a flash of lightning, the two rushed towards the two Ace brothers respectively.

Seeing the general make a move, the morale of the sailors burst into cheers.

They waved their amalgamating weapons high, and rushed towards these rebellious pirates and criminals even more desperately.

On the other hand, Ace's side and the last side's expressions changed, their brows were slightly wrinkled, and their faces were solemn.

And the audience who watched the execution after the TV was also refreshed.

The people who supported the navy became even more excited, and the two generals took action, and believed that the riots of these pirates would be suppressed soon.

And those powerhouses also raised a little interest. In their view, without the emperor-level powerhouse participating in the battle, everything is just a small fight.

Ace and Ace will naturally be extremely wary of a real general, because they both know how powerful a general is. If they are not careful, they will probably be left here. After the two of them looked at each other, they could see that The seriousness in the opponent's eyes.

And the dragon on the other side was also blocked by the green pheasant at this time, unable to approach the execution platform. The terrifying aura on both sides confronted countless times in the air.

The situation seemed to have reached a stalemate for a while.

At this time, Shi Wuhai on the battlefield also made a move, but they only found a criminal to fight each other. The several battlefields opened up were back and forth.

Just when the situation seemed to be at a stalemate, someone suddenly noticed that dozens of pirate ships appeared on the sea at the same time.

This scene made the navy turn pale with fright, and even Sengoku's expression darkened. He knew that the worst was coming.


When they saw it clearly, they immediately exclaimed. They looked at the dozens of pirate ships that suddenly appeared in disbelief.

"What's going on!? Are the Whitebeard Pirates here?"

"Damn it, why did the Whitebeard Pirates join the battle?"

"Wait, why didn't I see Whitebeard's car Moby Dick? Didn't Whitebeard come?"

"When you put it that way, it seems to be true. It seems that they are all vassal pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates and the captains of several teams!"

Hearing the words of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace glanced at the gap in the battle with some surprise.

At a glance, I saw dozens of pirates under the jurisdiction of the Whitebeard Pirates and several cadres.



After Ace blocked the blow, he took two or three steps back, and cast his gaze over again, only to see familiar figures appearing in front of his eyes.

"Marco, Jozy, Vista..."

Ace muttered to himself, deeply moved.

Although he didn't see Lao Die, he knew everything about Lao Die's personality immediately.

I'm afraid, everything is arranged by the old man. After all, the old man has always been a person with a strict appearance and a soft heart!

Sure enough, when the pirate groups under the Whitebeard Pirates arrived at the bay, as the captain of the first team, Marco, the dog-headed military officer of the Whitebeard Pirates and the ship doctor, shouted at the direction where the battle broke out in Ace.

"Ace, you bastard!"

"Why did you come to save your younger brother and run away without telling us?"

"Aren't we family members? Dad is very angry!"

Marco's words spread throughout Marin Vandor immediately, which also meant that the subordinate pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates had completely joined the battle circle.

"Whitebeard Pirates, do you also want to intervene?"

Sengoku looked at Marco and said with a gloomy face.

If the Whitebeard Pirates choose to join the battle, even without Whitebeard, they will still be a very strong force. By then, Marin Fando will be in complete chaos.

This meeting has completely disrupted his plan, which is very detrimental to the Navy.

"No, no, although Dad said, Ace is our family, so is his brother!"

"But he also said that Ace's younger brother is an outsider after all, and did not join our Whitebeard Pirates!"

However, Marco directly denied Sengoku's statement, implying that the Whitebeard Pirates were not involved.

In any case, Luffy is just an outsider, and outsiders can't protect them.

Zhan Guo listened to his words with a gloomy face, without saying a word.

"'‖And since he chose to go to sea, he will naturally be responsible for his own life!"

"So we are not here to save Luffy, but to protect our family Ace!"

"Of course, in order not to misunderstand the navy, Dad didn't intend to come. Even if it was us, we chose to come!"

As he said that, a blue flame ignited on Marco's body, turned into a fire bird made of flames, and flew towards the red dog pressing Ace.

Marco flicked the fire feathers, turned around in mid-air, and slapped Akainu. Seeing this, Akainu looked gloomy. After snorting coldly, he raised a human-sized lava fist and hit Marco.



Two terrifying forces collided in the midair, and the air waved to the surroundings, as if the entire space was filled with ripples.

And Vista, who is a great swordsman, also found the yellow monkey who is also a great swordsman.

"Ace, leave Akainu to me, you do what you have to do!"

Marco and Akainu fought crazily, and the two sides fought back and forth. After the firebird turned into mid-air blocked Akainu's offensive, he said something to Ace, and then fought Akainu again. .

"Thank you, Marco!"

After finishing speaking, Ace rushed to the execution platform again, and only Luffy was in his eyes.

(Wang Lihao) On the other side, after the yellow ape, who was already eager to fish for fish, faced Vista, he couldn't take care of Sabo immediately.

Vista gave Sabo a look, Sabo thanked him, took this opportunity to leave the battlefield, caught up with Ace, and sprinted side by side.

The two of them felt as if they had entered the land of no one, and before the Warring States could react, they heard a series of footsteps.

After hearing footsteps for decades, he knew who it was without even turning his head.

"Karp, what do you want to do privately?"

Warring States turned his head, he couldn't help being nervous, he was really afraid that Garp would rather not be safe at the end of the day, but also give up the justice in his heart to save Luffy.

After all, no matter what Luffy says, he is Garp's grandson, blood is thicker than water!

Garp lowered his head, his eyes seemed to be shrouded in shadows, he glanced at Sengoku, but did not speak.

Silence, dead silence!

Although Garp's eyes were full of sadness and gloom, Sengoku was relieved.

From his eyes, he knew that Garp had no such plan.

I saw Garp passing by Luffy, looked down, jumped down, and sat where Akainu was originally sitting.

"Karp, I didn't ask you to make a move!"

Zhan Guo frowned and said, but got a silence.

【487】Shocked! Caesar arrives, the navies face the enemy

The two of Ace who were sprinting all the way, especially Ace, saw Garp suddenly sitting on the seat in front of the execution platform, and they couldn't help but fell silent while running.

Garp, that annoying old man, was also the old man who had accompanied them for a whole childhood, so how could Ace have no feelings at all.

However, when Luffy appeared in his eyes, his gaze became firm. For Luffy, no one can stand in front of him.

But under his gaze, when the two Ace brothers were getting closer and closer to the execution platform, the complexion of the Warring States period who had looked at the overall situation suddenly changed, and he looked towards the sky in shock.

His eyes cast on Zhan Guo's face, although it was almost reflective, but there was a feeling of overcast clouds.


someone is coming!

At the same time, some strong men with a wide range of knowledge and knowledge changed their faces and looked at the sky in unison.

Seeing the four black dots in the sky gradually enlarged, the naturally sensitive battlefield photographers quickly noticed the strangeness in every move of the strong men, and couldn't help but raise their cameras to aim at them.

With the rapid expansion of the black spot, the strong fighters on the battlefield also involuntarily stopped fighting, and looked at the sky with different expressions.